Isekai Futanari Monster Girls

Chapter 45

Day 8

4:48 PM

Dining Hall

There a grand party at the Dining hall and everyone that attended. You are swarm by so many elves; they come to discuss what happened at the grand event. For example, they ask you about the Mana stones and other your inventions, like how to operate the Holo bracelet which all the n.o.bles had received from you. Some elves were confused on how to use. So you teach them and when they understand how to use it. They happy jumping with excitement. Even one of the elves kisses you on your cheek for thanking you. And they all went to enjoy the party and exchange contact with other n.o.bles. Which make Ava"s eyes go lifeless. Seeing Ava like that, you quickly come to comfort her. And eventually, Ava managed to calm down and then she went get something to eat.

The Grand meeting ended with a satisfying conclusion. Especially they were going to build a Magic Academy. At first, they discuss how a new division would be or what must be. It was a complete mess all, and all ideas fell apart. Most people in the kingdom don"t know how to use magic.

Back in your world, you remember reading a particularly popular book involving a magic school. Then you suggest to everyone: "Why don"t we start a magic school first since there a 20 experience mage they could teach for the newcomers." They fell in silence; you were afraid that you were overstepping your place. But they all shout at you. "THAT"S IT!!" and so everyone agrees on founding a Magic Academy. After the grand meeting ended, you also gave the current mages a Mid-grade Mana gem in the form of a ring (Rare rarity) with infinity skills. If there will be more mages coming up, the old mages might lose their position. So you gave them the Gems. And they were delighted about it, it like they were raised from low tier mages to mild tier mages.

As you about to where Ava is two figure walk toward you. "Good evening, Stank-sama." (Ca.s.sandra) she bows to you. while Margaret hides behind her.

"Please call me Tony. How Holo-B? Did you both have any problem with it?"

"Oh, This Holo bracelet is fantastic! It can record image, sound, and movement and we can call each other from great distances and still more things it can do! It indeed a fantastic device! Tony-sama, how did you come with such an amazing invention?" (Ca.s.sandra) she comes to you with sparkling eyes.

"The base of the tech is from my world, so I just improve a bit that all."

"I see. Then when will you be holding a technology lesson?" (Ca.s.sandra)

"When I compete finish with the tower then I will make an announcement. Which is very soon."

"Really? I can"t wait!" (Ca.s.sandra)

"What about Magaret-san? Are you interest as well?" you look over shoulder.

"HISSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!" (Margaret) she is hissing you like a cat, and her drills hairs are pointing upward.

"Margaret! You are being rude to Tony-sama!" (Ca.s.sandra) she scolds Margaret, who is still hissing at you.

"Hmph! Since when did you side with him? You traitor." (Margaret) she pouts her cheek at Ca.s.sra.s.srda.

"sigh….it something Mchan doesn"t understand. With Tony-sama, I might be able to achieve my dream. (Ca.s.sandra)

"....Hmph! I know!.....I already know….." (Margaret) she looks away while mumbles.

"mmm, So Margaret-san also interest-."

"HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!" (Margaret) she pull Ca.s.sra.s.srda back to cover her.

"Sigh…what am I going to do with you." (Ca.s.sandra) she faces palm herself.

"It ok, It ok, here, I"ll give you my contact number ." you activate your Holo-B and send your contact to Ca.s.sandra. Ca.s.sandra heard a beeping sound from her Holo-B, and she saw your Contact on her list. "When the lesson start I will telling you before anyone else."

"Thank you very much! I look forward to it!" (Ca.s.sandra) she bows at you. "Mchan, say thank to Tony-sama for giving you the Holo-B." (Ca.s.sandra) she turns and grabs Margaret.

"Never!" (Margaret) she is sticking her tongue out at you.

"I"m so sorry. Mchan has never been this hostel to anyone before." (Ca.s.sandra) She smacks Margaret"s head. Magaret squat down and rub her head.

"It fine, I think she very charming." you genuinely think that.

"Just you wait! Tony Stank! In the end, I"m the one who will have the last laugh!" OOOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOH" (Margaret) she instantly stood back up then she uses back of her hand put next to her mouth and laugh like a rich anime girl dose.

"Well then, we"ll going, good day to you and I hope to see Tony-sama again soon." (Ca.s.sandra) She grabs the laughing Margaret back collar and drags her away. And Margret still laughing while being dargs.

"Tony-san!~" (Ava) she suddenly hugs you from behind. You could her huge soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s press your back. "Tony-san~" (Ava) she rubs her cheek against yours.

"Avchan?" you smell alcohol from her breath. "Avchan? Are you drunk, or are you faking drunk?" like her mother who fakes drunk. She didn"t answer back and continue rubbing her cheek against yours.

"DDDDDDDDDDDDDDarling! My body feels so hot right now...…..Ahhhh I can"t hold back anymore." (Ava) You feel something hard poking your b.u.t.t. And then She starts rubbing her hard rod against your a.s.s and Her breathing start to become heavier. "Ahhh, darling, I want to be inside you so bad." (Ava)

"That would be enough." (Linda) she appears out of nowhere and chops Ava"s neck, making her fall unconscious.

"Lindsan?" you turned around and saw Linda taking fainted Ava in her arms.

"Avsama is the opposite of her mother. She lacks tolerance against alcohol..... Now then, Tony-sama, I apologize, but you can not have any s.e.xual contact with Avsama, not yet at least." (Ava)

"hm? Why is that?"

"As a member of the royal family. Avsama must perform a sacred ritual for two days at the west holy city. And it seems to be the right time to take her highness to the Holy city." (Linda)

"I see…. Take care of her." you rub Ava"s rosy cheek.

"Then, please excuse me." (Linda) She carries Ava out of the room and disappears. You sigh and look at the door where Linda and Ava disappear. You then start to feel a bit lonely.

("Don"t worry she back in two days. Let"s get something to eat! I"m starving") You turn around and walk toward the buffet. As you picking some food on your plate, tears begin to drop on from your eyes. You don"t know why tears flow down, but at the same time, you felt very sad and there was one-word pop up in your mind.
