Isekai Futanari Monster Girls

Chapter 59

Day 10

9:24 PM

South-west of the middle continent.

No man"s land. The wasteland in the middle of 2 Grand kingdom, The Eilven Kingdom and The Beast Kingdom. A place where a great war between the Elf and the beastkin take place. But there was no longer a beast kingdom. The cause was a horde of undead abomination; they slaughter any living being without mercy and that not only the reason for The Beast kingdom"s Demise. Ten years ago, the whole nation faced a civil war against their mighty warlords, and the fight still continues to this day. But now there is no kingdom, no country, no king and warlords, just fleeing refugees.

In the middle of the wasteland that is cover clouds of dust, rock and sand. There are at least over 700 beastkin refugees resident temporally living here.

In one of a tent, a catgirl with a female ninja outfit writing on her scroll with her brush. Then suddenly one of the guard rush in her tent.

"Ku-samaaaaa!" (Guard) a dog ear guard on her keen.

"What"s wrong!? Are we being attack!?" (Ku) she quick stands up and picks up her weapon.

"No, it Kaguysama! She is here with more of our people!" (Guard)

"What!? I will be right there!" (Ku) she rushes out of her tent, and she saw a crowd gather and look at the same direction. With group blocking her, Ku uses her ninja skill to slip past them easily. Then she saw a beautiful nine tail fox woman. She has golden blonde long hairs with her front bang at the same length next to her eyebrow, and her front side hair length reaches her waist. She wears a black yukata with a bit of shoulder, and her huge cleavage expose. Behind her, soldiers and refugees are looking very tired and hungry.

"Quickly get a healer for the injured and food for the hunger!!" (Ku) she turns toward her guard.

"Right away ma"am!" ( rabbit girl Guard) she and other rushes in a different direction. Some of the guards rush in to help carry the injured.

"Ku! thou art Ku, right!? (Kaguya) she speaks in a surprised tone.

(Author note: Kaguya is speaking in Archaic words in j.a.panese. So I try to write Archaic word every time she speaks, but it will take too much time, so I"ll just write normally but remember Kaguya is always talking in Archaic dialogue. If you want an example, try to look up Boa Hanc.o.c.k from one piece. She speaks the same dialogue as Kaguya.)

"Kaguysama, I"m glad you"re safe!" (Ku) she knees on one knee and bows down.

"As am I ...…where"s n.o.buna?" (Kaguya) she looks around eagerly.

"....n.o.bunsama.... n.o.bunsama still hasn"t returned." (Ku) she looks down with sadness on her face.

"What?....tell me what happen?" (Kaguya) Ku escorts Kaguya to her camp. Then she told Kaguya what happens to n.o.buna and how she told Ku to take the survivors and keep going without looking back and she eventually catches up with Ku later. But she never returns.

"It all my fault! If I was a bit stronger. Then n.o.bunsama wouldn"t-." (Ku) she keens on the ground and frustratingly slamming her fist.

"No, it"s not your fault we end up like this. If wasn"t for those ambitious warlords and the false king we might stand a chance against those demons!" (Kaguya) she covers her mouth with her folding fan. Then Kaguya looks around her hut size tent; she remembers that when the horde attacks them most, people could not carry with many things with them and now they have a tent with a strange fabric, not only that, when she arrives here she notices that refugees were eating well. They look more hopeful than the refugee that came with her.

"Ku, Where did you find this strange tent, food and water?" (Kaguya)

"Oh, it"s hard to explain, but everyone here called G.o.d"s gift." (Ku)

"G.o.d"s gift?" (Kaguya) she gave Ku a confused look.

"Yes, it was a cart that fell from the sky, and on the wagons, there was food and water, there even weapons and thing we could use. Not only that the wagon fell to us every day as if someone purposely helping us." (Ku)

"I see...…, but who would help us? Our nation doesn"t have any allies, and I"m sure that the Elf doesn"t have the ability to pull this stunt." (Kaguya) she is pondering while fanning herself.

"Kaguysama, If I may. Aren"t you and Kaoru-dono were heading east to the centaur tribe?" (Ku)

"Yes, as you already knew, n.o.buna decide that Kaoru and I will head east to request help from the centaur tribe while you and n.o.buna would head west to the Elf. In the middle of the journey, someone stops us." (Kaguya)

"Is it an enemy?" (Ku)

"I"m not sure, but one thing is certain. That person is powerful, very powerful. My guess is that she is a dragon. She told us that heading toward the centaur tribe is meaningless because right now they struggle in a civil war as well and we should head to the Elf kingdom instead. Of course, I don"t trust her, but, we had many people behind us, and fighting with her is not an option. So we have no choice but to turn around and head west."

"I see, but where Kaoru-dono?" (Ku) she looks outside of her tent.

"Ah, she just 10 miles behind to make sure to cover our trail and protect anyone that is far behind." (Kaguya)

"But is she going to be alright on her own? (Ku)

"Don"t worry Ku; she had at least 800 strong warriors and soldier with her." she folds her and starts walking toward the exit. "Come now, Ku. I need you to show me how you manage the food and the other supply." (Kaguya)

"Right away!" (Ku) she got up and followed Kaguya.

Ten minutes later, after Kaguya and Ku were making a list of everything from G.o.d"s gift and checking on the injured. Kaguya was studying the metal wagons that fell from the sky.

"Such a high-quality metal and to think they would give this away to a stranger. But the only thing to be shocked. All the carts are enchanted with a Lightweight enchantment. If this were in our civil wartime, these wagons would hold a high impact on the battlefield." (Kaguya) she presses her hand on the wagon.

"How do these things affect the war, if I may ask." (Ku) she looks at wagons with curiosity eye.

"The Lightweight enchantment allows the puller to pull the wagons without breaking a sweat while still weighting the same as before. This way, these wagons are much easier to transport supply to the battlefield. And with a thick metal body which could provide some protection and could stop the supply destruction." (Kaguya) she flips her folding open and faps her herself.

"Such insight! As expect it from our clan"s mystic." (Ku) she respectful bow to Kaguya. Kaguya adjusts her fan to cover her blus.h.i.+ng cheeks while avoiding Ku"s sparkling eyes. Then at a far distance, Kaguya saw a familiar silhouette.

"Speaking of Kaoru looks like she made it." (Kaguya) she folds her fan and starts walking toward, but then she realises that Kaoru and her army of 800 soldiers are running toward the camp.

"Ku, alert everyone and call soldiers and guard over to me!" (Kaguya)

"At once!" (Ku) she quickly disappears.

Kaoru, a bear beastkin. Her appearance is a woman in her late 20s. She had a s.e.xy curve but with a bit of muscle., F cup b.r.e.a.s.t.s and a wide hips. She has curry long brown hair with a small round bear ears on both sides. She is wearing samurai armour and carrying two katana. And finally, she and her army reach the camp, Kaoru stop in front of Kaguya; she bends down and panting her breath out.

"Kaoru! How long and how many!?"(Kaguya) Kaoru gave Kaguya a one-sec gesture with her right hand.

"Kaoru-dono! here drink this." (Ku) she hands her a leather bag of water. Kaoru s.n.a.t.c.hes the bag and gulps the water down as if she hasn"t drink in days.

"AAAAAHHHHHAHHHH! Thanks, Ku I needed that" (Kaoru) she hand the empty water bag back to Ku.

"Well?" (Kaguya)

"Oh, right. At least 10000 in 1 hour!" (Kaoru) she made a grim face.

"14 days until we reach the Elf"s territory…. we won"t make it at this rate! We have no choice but to fight! Ku, get the recent soldier with water and food and prepare the others for battle. And get all children, elderly and injured to move out immediately." (Kaguya)

"Yes, right away!" (Ku) she disappears again.

"Oh, where is n.o.bunsama?" (Kaoru) Kaguya"s face begin to sadden, and she then told the same story as Ku told her,

"No! There"s no way! n.o.bunsama!!.....I"ll go and find her right now!" (Kaoru)

"Stop!" (Kaguya) she grabs Kaoru"s shoulder.

"Let me go! n.o.bunsama is our race only hope! How could you standing and let her di- SLAP*." (Kaoru) Kaguya"s slap across her face stops her.

"Did you really think that?..... Did you really think I wouldn"t care about n.o.bunsama"s well being!?" (Kaguya) there tears drip from her eyes.

"Kaguya, I..." (Kaoru) see Kaguya"s tears, Kaoru felt guilty of her words.

"n.o.bunsama gave her life for her people, and I"m doing the same to honour her wishes and so should you!" (Kaguya)

""re right, Kaguydono. sorry for losing my mind." (Kaoru)

"It ok, I know how you feel, when we get our people to the Elf, then we"ll send a search party to look for our n.o.bunsama." (Kaguya)

"Yea, for now, let"s focus on protecting our people." (Kaoru)

"Mm, come, let get ready, there a lot of things in this camp you don"t know." (Kaguya) she turns a walk toward the crowd where the soldiers and refugees are preparing, and Kaoru follows her.


1 Hour later

The Beastkin has formed a defence formation. At the front, the soldiers were given a rectangle, heavy thick s.h.i.+eld that came from G.o.d"s gift. The s.h.i.+elds were also enchanted by lightweight magic and were made by Vibranium. The second uint and the third uint is the arrow/melee if the vanguard break or anyone slips through, it is their job to stop it.

n.o.body speaks a word to each other, whether it"s because of fear, focus, or something else is uncertain, but there"s no noise in this wasteland. All they hear is wind and insect clicking. The entire army is as one as if they all share a single mind with a sole purpose, which is to crush their enemies.

"They"re here!" one of the soldiers shout. There was a cloud of sand dust Behind the hill in front of them. One of the four legs undead stop when it saw its prey, it gave a loud roar, then it made it move by run down the hill, and a thousand of it kind follows. Some of the four legs undead slip and fall due to the slope and a rush from behind but in a second later they got back up and started running at full speed as if it was nothing.

Every soldier gulps their saliva for seeing this many undead are coming toward them. Some of the soldiers start to felt fear of this rapid undead.

"Don"t be afraid!!! If these demons manage to pa.s.s us, it will be the end of our race!! Steel yourself for we fight for the future of our children!!" (Kaguya) the soldier"s minds were clear after they heard Kaguya"s voice. They are now preparing to fight for their lives so that their young might live.

"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAARRRRRRR!!!" the undead is now at least 50 metres away from the front line.

"Ready your arrow!!" (Kaoru) she raises her arm up. 40 meter until the crash. The second and third units pull strings as hard as they can and aim at the sky, waiting for the firing command.

Finally, the undead was in a range of attack. "FFFIIIIIIRRRRR- !!!!???" (Kaoru) she was about to execute her order but stop. Then everyone was shocked at what they see as well.

They saw the undead that was charging toward them is falling one by one with incredible speed. Some of the undead"s head been slice off or their body is cut in half.

"W wwhat going on? why are they dying left and right?" (Kaoru) she turns toward Kaguya beside her.

"I I don"t know...….this is not my doing!" (Kaguya) she was confused as well.

"A green light?" (Ku) she til her head.

"What is it? Ku, what do you see?" (Kaoru)

"I don"t know, but they"re a small eight green light that is killing the demons and it really fast.

The all undead stop and looking around confusingly but the killing still going and now half of them are dead.

"Oi, oi, oi just what the h.e.l.l is going on!?" (Kaoru) she begins to tremble in fear. Not form the undead but things that are killing them.

"To kill the demons so easily...….what kind of sorcery is this!?" (Kaguya) she looks at the last 100 undead who kill in less than 5 sec.

"Look!!" (Ku) she points at the glowing green blade floating over the ma.s.s corpses of the undead. Then the blades turn toward the beastkin.

".....oh no." (Kaguya) then blades launch itself toward them. "IT COMINGGGGGGG!!" (Kaguya) everyone saw the coming green blur, the front brace for impact. But the eight blade stop right in front of them.

"W wwww wwwwwhat it doing?" (Kaoru) she and everyone look at the blades with fear. The blade then pointed upward and went forward at a regular pace. The eyes of the beastkin follow it until they saw a red and neon green figure hoving in the sky.

The Blades went behind the red armour figure, and then it attaches the wings where it belongs. The beastkin look at the red armour figure with a shock in their eyes; they now realise that one person just kills an army without even moving her body. What kind of being would cable with this kind of power? Is this red armour a G.o.d?

The red armour turns her head toward them. With green glowing intimidating eyes, the beastkin can"t help but flinch when she looks at them. Some of the beastkin even feel on her b.u.t.t from fear, and some even prepare to fight.

The red armour spread her wings wide and launch herself toward the north with a green neon trail behind her.

"Sighhhhhhhhhh!!, she left!" (Kaoru) she drops on her b.u.t.t. "What the h.e.l.l is that!? Is that the Dragon?" (Kaoru)

"No, she wasn"t a dragon." (Kaguya) she sake her head.

"Then what is it? If she is not a dragon...…maybe a very powerful sorcerer!" (Kaoru)

"Not, that person is not a sorcerer as well. I can"t detect any mana from her anywhere." (Kaguya)

"Could it be that she the one helping us with the supply cart?" (Ku)

"That...….might be possible....mmmmmm" (Kaguya)

"Whoever she is, she safe us in the end and I"m very thankful for that." (Kaoru) she stands up and dusts off the sand on her cloth.

"You"re right; it doesn"t matter who she is, right now we have to think of our own survival. Let go and catch up with the others." (Kaguya)

"ALL UNIT!! WE MIGHT SURVIVE, BUT DON"T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN! NOW WE ARE GOING AS PLAN! MOVE OUT!!" (Kaoru) the army turns around and heads toward the direction, where the Eilven kingdom and where other refugee went.

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