It Became a Serious Thing

Chapter 3

Very Much 2 - Oh no! Oh yes. Oh no! Oooh yes…(NSFW)


e deepened their kiss, and histongue entwined with hers.

He finally released her lips to getsome air, Colette was panting in an erotic manner. Lionel looked at her like aravenous beast.

Colette took his hand quickly,‘Please listen to me, I didn’t really want to do this but I was coerced. Myseniors; they made me dress like this.’

Perhaps with this he would changehis mind about bedding her, but his softly spoken reply made her realise her fate was sealed,

‘I’m wondering whether to take thisoff or leave it on…’

‘Such…ahhh…’ he had begun to caressColette’s full b.r.e.a.s.t.s through the sheer silk, her dusky nipples puckered andhe took a nipple into his mouth through the cloth.

She would be in trouble keeping iton, Rose may ask her to show the babydoll tomorrow.

‘No stop. Don’t get it dirty.’

‘Okay, let’s get it off you.’

He pulled the ribbon that held thelingerie together and slipped the top and matching bottoms off quickly and thenher shoes.

Without much time to blink, Colettewas naked on a man’s bed. Why was this happening? She could not understand.(Zuben: You inflamed his pa.s.sions)

She stared dumbfounded as Lioneltook off his clothes; he stripped off his jacket and shirt, his long boots werethrown off and his trousers and underpants were taken off in one stroke.

Colette came face to face with aman’s naked desire for the first time and she wanted to run. She sat up andshuffled back on the bed, but he grabbed her ankle and pulled her back down.

He lay down on top of her, skin toskin. What to do? Colette was apprehensive,

‘Please stop, I’m still a virgin,’she hastily cried out. He would stop now, wouldn’t he? (Zuben: Would he...?)

He stopped his ministrations on herbody. She felt relieved.

‘You’re a virgin?’


‘Would you like to remain so untilmarriage?’

‘Yes,’ she nodded nervously hopinghe would stop, but Lionel said almost stoically,

‘Let’s protect your purity. Don’t worry;there are many things to do besides the actual deed.’ (Zuben: There certainly are)

Colette wanted to cry, she didn’tknow she what she should react to this development.

He trailed kisses around her faceand down her neck, giving her little licks and nibbles which sent thrills downher body. He stroked her soft skin with his large hands, Colette sighed at thesensation. He sucked on her clavicle as he ma.s.saged her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Although, hishands were big and strong, he fondled her b.r.e.a.s.t.s gently like he cared about not hurtingher.

Colette’s large b.r.e.a.s.t.s, which shehad a complex about, filled his large hands as he softly rubbed them. Hepinched her nipples and she cried out,

‘Ahn~’ her moan was sweet but Colettebit her lips to keep from crying out more. Lionel looked at her with a heatedexpression,

‘Colette is so cute…’

His face was foreboding and helooked angry, he seemed to be a liar. But Colette drank in air as he kissed andcaressed her down her luscious body, leaving the skin ignited with desire.

‘Colette is so lovely, I like you…’

This man was a bad man who loved1women with sweet words.

She was surprised. She didn’tunderstand why he was so into having her. (Zuben: Cut the cake

Give me a little piece, let me lick up the cream♫)

Lionel and Colette did not move inthe same circles. They’d never spoken a word to each other until she ran intohim. There was nothing to indicate why he would favour her. His rank in societywas very close to royalty. For generations, his family have protected the royalfamily as their knights.

Because Colette’s family was rich,there have been people who have thought to deceive Colette by being kind andfriendly, so they would gain some of her family’s wealth, but she did not thinkLionel was that kind of person.

To appeal to a man like him felt nice. Though, she liked it when he called her cute, she didn"t actually believeit. Lair. Yet her heart enjoyed his sweet whispers for she had noresistance to it, all she could do was breathe and savour these new feelings for this moment.

He stroked the folds betweenher legs that were now slick with her nectar,

‘Ah! Ahn~…’

‘You’re already wet here, how lovely.’ He said as his fingers stroked her.

‘Ah! Stop! Ah ah~’

‘You’re so wet, how lewd Colette.’


His fingers rubbed her sensitiveand engorged nubbin as he sucked on her nipples. Colette had never touchedherself there like that, it felt so good. Lionel’s fingers were soon drenchedin her honey as he stroked her drenched petals and her c.l.i.toris. She raised andtwisted her waist following the movements of his hand. The pleasurable heatbetween her legs built up till it was almost unbearable.

‘Your reactions are so cute, Colette,so responsive.’

‘Ah~Oh~ Oh~…’

His slimy finger made one more pa.s.sat her around her wet petals, and the heat between her legs expanded, sendingwaves of pleasure around her body. She raised her hips, twisting her waistrubbing Lionel’s fingers harder against herself. She screamed, and her bodygave out.

‘You came. Did you feel good?’ heasked her.

Colette looked at Lionel; it lookedlike there was a fever in his eyes. He eyes met hers and she could see thedesire in them, it excited her.

Lionel saw her as a woman he wantedand he was blatant with his need. She’d never been wanted before, and it madeher desire for him awaken. She was someone who had the power to turn this manon, it made her feel confidence that she’d never felt before.

Being his woman, he had thepower to make a woman put on airs. His desire for made her self-confidence grow. Thelittle she had had been obliterated by Rose and her buddies. For sad woman likeher, his desire for her was a kind of charm and pride.

Colette looked at Lionel full ofexpectation. Lionel kissed Colette and resumed his caressing, focusing on herc.l.i.toris.

‘Ah, it’s too much…stop.’

‘Colette, touch me too.’ He raspedas he grabbed her hand and placed it on his hot manhood. It was thick and hardas steel, and soft like velvet. It felt nice to the touch. She face was evenredder as she began to stroke softly.

‘Colette, hold it tighter.’ He heldher hand and showed her how to stroke the shaft.

‘Is this okay?’ she asked as shebegan to touch him like he asked.

‘Yes,’ he groaned.

They played with each other as hewhispered lewd nothings in her ear,

‘That’s it Colette, harder.’

‘Your skin is so soft,’

Their kisses were deep and long,and left them panting. Colette tried not to think of how weird and intimate itwas to be rubbing a man’s p.e.n.i.s (Zuben: Girl, that ship has sailed and is nowin the middle of a storm)

Lionel did not let up on hisministrations on her nipples and her c.l.i.toris. Soon, her head was going blankand she cried out,

‘Ahn…Ahn…I’m gonna come again.’

‘Yes, come. Come for me.’

Her head went white as she screamedout.

She held on to Lionel tightly asshe regained her senses. She got accustomed to caressing Lionel’s thing. Sherubbed her thigh against his erection. He kissed her hard again barely givingher room to breathe, but she returned the kisses with equal ferocity as hebegan to rub himself against her skin. Soon they were sweaty and, gliding andgrinding against each other. Even though, she had no experience, just by notinghis reactions, she knew how to make him feel good. Lionel panted harder, as thestrokes got more fervent, soon he spilled his white stuff between them. Theirbodies became sticky. (Zuben: Icing on the Cake)

Colette’s self confidence grew athis release. I have a charm that can make this man like this, she thought toherself; a man of a n.o.ble family.

‘Lionel…’ she called, but he kissedher. The flames of his desire did not seem to have dissipated yet,

‘More, Colette,’


Lionel came a few more times, butthey kept at each other without concern.

Colette returned to her senses whenLionel slid his finger into her untouched love hole,


‘You’re tight, but you’ll get usedto it little by little.’

She knew that but she had told himno.

‘I don’t want to…’

‘Colette let me love youcompletely.’

‘Please forgive me, but no.’

Colette pushed him away and cameoff the bed. The heat from their joined bodies disappeared rapidly, and Colettetook it as a sign: It was simply a one night stand, Colette decided.

‘I need to go, can I clean myselfplease?’

‘I understand. Come this way.’ Hesaid, not pressing her any further.

He took her to his washroom; it wasa simple room with a shower, a toilet and washbasin. He took towel, wet it andbegan to clean her skin.

‘It’s alright; I can’t allowLionel-sama to do such a thing…’

‘It doesn’t matter,’

‘No, no matter, I will have toclean Lionel-sama…’ she lost her train of thought as she watched Lionel becomehard again.

He’d already finished three or fourtimes…thinking about how she had held it, and caressed it earlier with wantonabandon, Colette became awkward.

Lionel simply said, ‘I understand,’

He gave her the towel and wentunder the fixed shower head, and turned on the tap. The water was cold eventhough it was midsummer, but it seemed like Lionel was accustomed to it.

Lionel dried himself with anothertowel.

‘Aren’t you cold?’ she askedunconsciously.

‘I am used to it.’

‘I’m not good with cold; I can’tuse the shower so easily even in the summer.’

She was just chatting innocently,but Lionel’s eyes showed banked fires even with his expressionless face.

‘Colette is soft and lovelyeverywhere, it’s better if you’re warm.’

‘Ah…how can you say such a…’

She would never have thoughtsomeone stoical such as Lionel could say such sweet unnecessary things. Lionelrubbed his body against Colette,

‘It’s true; everything about you issoft and sweet,’

‘Don’t say such things…it’sembarra.s.sing.’

‘Your embarra.s.sed face is cute too.’

Being praised like this, she mightstart to believe that he was in love with her. Colette strongly felt that thisman was dangerous to her heart.

Once they dried off, they returnedto the room. Colette wore the discarded panties, but the baby doll hadn’t beencast far enough away and was now stained with fluids. It wasn’t wearable soLionel gave her a clean shirt from his wardrobe,

‘It would be large but you can wearthis.’

‘Thank you very much, I will borrowit.’

Colette wore the shirt gratefully,and she put on the cloak over it. Colette wanted to take the stained baby dollwith her but there was nowhere to keep it. She was confused as to what to do,when Lionel said,

‘Leave it, I will get it washed.’

‘I really would like to get rid ofit…’

‘Then leave it here.’

‘But if someone finds it here,wouldn"t that be bad for you?’

There might be a penalty forbringing women into the barracks for s.e.x. She didn’t want her folly to causeproblems,

‘It won’t be a problem. We are usedto dealing with secrets in our line of work.’

‘I see. Thank you, I will leave itto you then.’

Although, he seemed to like s.e.x alot, she had never caught wind of any rumours concerning Lionel and otherladies. It may be because the members of his squad were tight-lipped.

‘I will walk you to yourresidence,’ he announced.

‘Ah, there’s no need to.’

‘I want to, so I will either way.’

Her heart skipped a beat. It wouldtruly be bad if she got carried away with his words. If she got taken in, andthen he left her, she would be devastated. As they walked through the quitebarracks, Colette tried to harden her heart.

‘When I came here earlier, no oneseemed to question me, is that okay?’

‘There’s nothing wrong with someoneasking about a knight’s room, you won’t be stopped even if the person is amaid. Such things are tolerated.’

‘Ah, is that so…’

The remainder of their journey wasin silence, Lionel said nothing and Colette did not know what to say to him,but she wondered what was this person thinking?

There was no doubt that wanting toknow what he was thinking was something out of her strata. Their position andway of life were vastly different. However, she wanted to know what he thoughtabout tonight. Colette saw the maids’ dormitory in the near distance, sheturned to him,

‘Here is fine, my dormitory is justover there. Thank you. Please excuse me.’ She curtsied and turned to go, whenshe her wrist was caught and she was pulled back. Colette looked up in surpriseat Lionel, he’d caught her with such a minimum of movement, (Zuben: Forshizzle…?)

But his words were even more of ashocker,

‘When can we meet again?’ he asked

You want to meet again? Shethought, incredulous.

His expression remained neutralwhile Colette’s eyes were wide with surprise. Colette shook her head; she didnot want to be a kept woman,

‘I’m sorry but no,’ she said firmlyand he let her go. He was accustomed to playing and didn’t chase after thosewho left. Colette quickly curtsied and ran off.

It was good only for a few hours,to fall for him from only his caresses and kisses would be silly. He was goodat lovemaking. And he seemed like a kind person. Despite his playboy nature,she decided he was a silent and serious person. (Zuben: Why are you going onabout things you know nothing about?)

He was man who could whisper sweetnothings into a woman ear in the dark of night. Colette, being a dreamer and abit ignorant of the world, could not tell if he liked her truly. Unfortunately,Rose had mentioned that the n.o.bles were adept at using people’s feelings, andthrowing the partner away the moment they got bored.

They only did it once. As for thesecond encounter, he didn’t really mean it. It was just a coincidence that Colettegot the chance to perform Rose’s request. Love can’t grow just from that.

It is best not to see each otheragain, she thought firmly as the returned to her room.

The next morning, Rose and hergaggle of girls surrounded Colette,

‘So, how was it? There was no wayyou went.’

‘Did you go to Lionel’s rooms withthat vulgar underwear on?’

Colette kept her head lowered andsaid,

‘Yes, I did.’

‘Lie, you wouldn’t dare!’

‘I did go. No one gets stopped ifyou go to the barracks; I was led to his rooms by a knight called Ethan.’

‘Lies!’ Rose said in disbelief.

‘Lionel-sama gave me permission toenter his rooms.’

‘And you showed the underwear?’


‘And said, give me yourcompa.s.sion?’


"You must be joking."

"She"s lying,"

 There weremurmurs of disbelief among the group. But they asked,

‘What did Lionel do?’

‘He walked me back here,’ she said.She did not want them to know the middle part.

Rose paled a bit and cautiouslyasked,

‘You did not say unnecessarythings, did you?’

‘What unnecessary thing?’

‘About us, sending you there...?’

Colette gave a small smile,

‘I did not tell him your name,’

Rose’s complexion changedcompletely, though Colette did not say the name, she did mention that she wasinstructed.

‘You b.i.t.c.h!’ Rose screamed, andraised her hand to slap Colette. But another maid stopped her.

‘Rose, stop it. Don’t you thinkthis is a little excessive?’

Rose relaxed, but Colette knew shewould not let go that easily, so she kept her gaze down.

‘You, going to a man’s room atnight. Did you know he has a fiancée?’

‘I only did as instructed.’

‘And speaking of fiancés, didn’t Ihear that you also have one?’

Yes. Colette was planning to marryher childhood friend. He was the son of a merchant who were business partnerswith their family.

‘He is an understanding person; hewill be okay, once he knows why I went there.’

The reply was filled with hiddenmeaning which Rose seemed to understand (Zuben: eh, and that would stop her?)Throwing an annoyed glance at Colette, she walked away saying

‘I will say nothing more.’

With this, Colette was able to doher work quietly for a time.

After that incident, it seemed asthough they had gotten bored and the hara.s.sment ceased. They did not talk toher anymore. She was given more work than others, but with the peace and quiet,Colette was able to perform her duties with ease.

A few days later, someone came upto her,

‘Are you Colette?’


Colette looked up at the visitor;it was a knight of the Black Dragon order; a female knight. She wore the darkuniform of the order.

‘What can I do for you?’

The knight handed Colette a letter,‘Please read this,’



Colette accepted the missive andquickly opened it to read: I want you to return the shirt you borrowed. If youcan’t come, I will come and collect it from you.

Though no name was signed, she knewit was from Lionel. Colette wondered if this is what “playing with fire” meant.The knight looked at Colette and said,

‘I was to get a reply.’

‘Um, yeah…I will tell you.’

‘Date and time please…’

It seemed she was a competentknight so Colette told her she would come that night at the same time as last.

She watched dumbfounded at thedevelopment as the knight walked away.

It has become a serious thing…(Zuben: Well…)