It's An Open House

Chapter 4

"That"s okay, darling, that was your time!" I reply.

You begin to ride my rigid c.o.c.k as it begins to swell to its fullness. You pump furiously and I know I can"t take much more of your movements without coming! Then the sensations build to a peak. I can"t believe I"m reaching my climax, then I"m soon coming! For at least a minute my convulsions feed white ropes out of my swollen p.e.n.i.s into your soaked, satisfied p.u.s.s.y.

Nothing I can think of at this moment is more pleasing to the flesh than the feeling of your body against mine! You settle down on top of me once again, our bodies pressed together. I want to hold on to you forever!

"You fill me with your sperm like you fill me with love every moment we"re together. I wish I could clone you."

"Clone me?" I ask, incredulous.

"Sure! So I could give one of you to every girl in America who"s never had a climax! You could sure fill her bill!"

I smile and wisecrack, "It"s just a natural talent, I guess, so most of my girlfriends tell me!" You throw a bed pillow at me and kiss me, then I chase you around the room, catching you just before you reach the safety of the bathroom where you could lock the door. I tickle you and we begin to play wrestle, finally falling backwards onto the bed. I straddle you as you lie face-up on the mattress. I bend down and try to kiss you but you turn your face away, giggling with the humor of the moment. I miss your lips but catch an earlobe as you try to get away. You turn your head back forcing me to let go of your ear. Then my lips are upon yours and we suddenly both stop for a second.

Our lips and tongues collide with great beauty and all you can hear is our frantic breathing as we kiss pa.s.sionately. When we come up for air, you stare into my eyes and murmur, "Oh G.o.d, I want you again! Can we do it once more? Please? Can we?"

I smile down as you slowly open your legs and make room for me to mount you again. I move my knees over your legs and now I"m kneeling between them. We feast our eyes on both of our naked bodies and begin to merge them. I slide down to where my forearms lie on your upper thighs and my lips nearly touch your c.l.i.t. I flick my tongue over your c.l.i.t, then begin to suck it and lick it as softly as I can. You ask me to increase the pressure ever so slightly and I suck and lick your body for an incredible amount of time.

Soon you begin to gasp with the onset of another o.r.g.a.s.m. I maintain a steady rhythm but increase the intensity with which I suck on your swollen, gorgeous love b.u.t.ton. You stop writhing and settle down to enjoy the warm flood that is beginning to fill your p.u.s.s.y. I can feel my own climax rising slowly within my loins, then as yours fades out, I slip my sword to and fro in your sopping c.u.n.t and then come what seems to be a bucket of sperm.

We finish this tryst by lying side by side and sleeping until our wake-up call from the front desk. We then shower and get dressed quickly. You leave for home as though you were returning from a day of sales calls for your company. I kiss you a fond but reluctant farewell and we promise to call each other the next day.

I check out of the hotel and head home shortly after you have left, hoping that I don"t look too clean for having been on a job site as an engineer for a contractor all day, and thus raising the suspicions of my wife.

"Well, how did it go today, dear?" your husband asks innocently as you meet him coming into your apartment building.

"Just great! In fact it reminds me of the great day I had last Wednesday!" you reply.

I reach for the doork.n.o.b just as my wife pulls it open. "Well, how did it go today, dear?" she asks smiling at me.

"Perfect! Just like last Wednesday. Not a piece of our equipment failed to perform, so I had no repairs to do!"

It was an honest answer! I can hardly wait until our rendezvous next Wednesday.-H.T., Santa Fe, New Mexico A DISSATISFIED WOMAN FINDS PLEASURE IN SECRET LIFE AS A s.l.u.t.

For the past six months, I"ve been leading a double life. To my family and friends I"m merely a wife, mother and part-time interior decorator. I have two children in high school and a husband who has been my faithful companion for more than twenty years. I have a nice house in the Southern California suburbs and am lucky enough to have a close circle of friends and neighbors. We belong to a mainstream church, and I partic.i.p.ate in various charitable activities for a number of causes. That"s been my life until last summer, when I began to feel very restless. Things were too normal and content.

Through exercise and some modest dieting, I had taken off ten pounds. One day when I looked at myself naked in the mirror, I realized that I still had a good body. My husband told me as much over the past few months, but as is often the case when someone close gives you a compliment, it didn"t sink in. As I was checking out my body, I began to feel my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and was soon masturbating. After I had finished coming, it occurred to me that I really could use a few more summer outfits that might better show off my new figure. Because I was feeling so jazzed about myself, I wound up buying a number of very revealing outfits-a couple of skimpy sundresses, some halter tops, a few short skirts, and a low-cut, white party dress. I also got some s.e.xy underwear. The salesperson at the store had been very helpful and confirmed that I really had toned my body. She measured me at 36C-25-35, which is almost the same as when I got married. I wasn"t sure how my husband would like my new wardrobe, though, so I decided not to show it to him.

The next day I found myself masturbating again after my shower-not just once, but twice-but I still felt h.o.r.n.y afterwards. It was then that I decided to call in to one of those casual s.e.x lines that advertise in the free weekly newspapers. Before I knew it, I was talking to a man arranging to meet him at his hotel bar in Burbank a few hours later. Since it was a warm summer day, I wore one of my new sundresses, thong undies, sandals and no bra.

When I arrived at the hotel bar, the man on the telephone was already there, sitting at a table with a single red rose he told me he"d be carrying so I could identify him. As I walked toward him, he got a big smile on his face. He was certainly good-looking, appeared to be fairly trim, was dressed well but casually and appeared to be in his thirties, a few years younger than me.

He said he was in town on business but his meetings had fallen through. He had a good sense of humor. After two of wine, I was feeling pretty relaxed. He then suggested that we go up to his room. I nodded and took his arm, rubbing my breast against it as we left the bar.

I couldn"t believe how incredibly excited I was feeling. I was so h.o.r.n.y that I initiated our first kiss the second we got inside his room. Acting as though I was an experienced hooker, I began to undress him by unb.u.t.toning his shirt. He didn"t resist my advances. His c.o.c.k was already erect, and it was a real beauty: thick, circ.u.mcised and about seven inches long. Although I rarely give my husband head, I couldn"t resist with this guy. I immediately began to lick his c.o.c.k up and down. I was able to get it in my mouth and relax my throat enough to take him all the way. He was moaning with delight, and I surprised myself by how good I felt blowing him.

Before he came, I stopped and told him it was my turn to be eaten. He smiled at me and began kissing me all over, tonguing my c.l.i.toris while he slid his finger into my c.u.n.t. I was really getting wet. We moved to the bed, where I draped my legs over his shoulders so he could stick his c.o.c.k as deep inside me as possible. I wanted him to penetrate me to the fullest. At first he moved slowly in and out. I began to twitch my muscles, grasping his c.o.c.k hoping he would f.u.c.k me faster. We must have done this for about twenty minutes before he shot his load. I came almost immediately thereafter. I spent another hour with him, and we f.u.c.ked and sucked each other until we both had come again.

That was the start of my new other life. Each week I arrange to meet a different lover whom I usually contact through some s.e.x chat line. A few times I"ve just dressed in a s.e.xy way and have gone to a hotel bar where there is likely to be a h.o.r.n.y tourist or businessman. The s.e.x has been unbelievable. Although I am feeling a bit guilty about my liaisons, I have said nothing to my husband about them, nor do my children have any reason to suspect that their mother has become a total s.l.u.t.-P.M., Los Angeles, California INFIDELITY PROVIDES THE PERFECT ESCAPE FROM AN IMPERFECT MARRIAGE.

We rendezvous at the motel on the agreed upon date and time. I have already gotten the room and wait for you there. You slip in unnoticed, as usual. We are at least twenty miles from your home and sixty from mine. Meeting someone we know on the short walk from the car to the motel room door would be such a remote chance we don"t even consider it. Then you are in my arms.

I push the door closed and it locks securely with the "Do Not Disturb" sign hanging on the outside k.n.o.b. After several lingering kisses and the usual banter about heavy traffic or road construction, I begin by helping you out of your coat. Then we both shed our clothing and underwear. Soon enough we are both naked. More lingering kisses and soft, light caresses follow and we press our naked bodies together. Foreplay starts here-or maybe it actually started the moment you entered the motel room door.

I kiss and nibble up and down your gorgeous body as you lie on your back across the king-size bed. Your nipples stand at attention even before I begin to kiss them. The areolae stretch and pucker at my touch, the soft brown skin crinkling and contracting the way I love it. You moan and reach out to run your fingers through my hair and gently bring my face down and press it to your moist mound. I shudder in ecstasy as I feel your loins tighten in antic.i.p.ation, as the quivers of your first of many c.l.i.toral climaxes begin. My tongue finds the tip of your newly released c.l.i.toris.

Since we rekindled an old affair several weeks ago, you and I have found intimacy and coital ecstasies, to say nothing of wondrous foreplay, that abounds only in the throes of one percent of all the s.e.xual relationships in this world.

Your husband has given you two beautiful children but has never brought you to climax (or even close to one). He is a boorish, self-involved lover who thinks only of his own satisfaction. I am quite a bit older than you are and my wife has used the excuse that I"m "too big" for her v.a.g.i.n.a and that intercourse hurts. All of a sudden our lovemaking leaves her in pain? Come on! Spare me, please!

This is sometimes a common complaint among some older women, but a lot of them fake it to avoid the unwanted marital encounters and embrace the extramarital ones they yearned for but mistakenly abstained from in their wilder, younger days.

Needless to say there are remedies from their OB/GYN for those women with a genuine problem. But in reality there is nothing short of a miracle that will return the woman who fakes interest in s.e.x to the arms of a loving husband.

You tell me again that the usual s.e.xual episode with your husband lasts a lot less than ten minutes and is similar to the intercourse of rabbits. "Wham, bam, thank you ma"am!" is the way you describe your s.e.x with him. Soon it"s all over and you are left woefully unfulfilled, aching inside for some sort of release!

s.e.x is non-existent for me with my wife, but it is unbelievably, wondrously exciting with you.

We continue our foreplay often taking turns giving each other pleasure. After climaxing together you tell me that I am an artist at foreplay, often taking as much as two hours to complete our s.e.xual union. When you have reached enough climaxes to nearly pa.s.s out from ecstasy, I join you in one of your spasms and we come down joyously together. We rouse some time later and do it all over again.

I could describe all this in much more vivid detail, but I"d lose sight of my point, which is that not all marriages are made in heaven. Far too many of us suffer through relationships that are plain h.e.l.l for us, s.e.xually! On the other hand, of course, there are an infinite number of reasons for maintaining a non-s.e.xual, marital relationship such as I have with my wife and you have with your husband, while at the same time enjoying "forbidden fruit"!

Should it be called forbidden or just the natural release of emotion that often-if not released-destroys the best of otherwise "nice" people? I call it required love. It is a welcome release for both of us.

My wife is the belle of the ball! At a party we attended recently at our country club, she kissed more men, briefly but pa.s.sionately on the lips, than she has kissed me in the last three months! This woman falls clearly in the "faking it" category! By the time the party was over, her little c.l.i.t needed a life preserver to swim in the spring-fed atmosphere of her quim! I know her and I know she was soaking wet in her nether regions! She"s one step away from a rip-roaring extramarital affair of her own, and guess what? I couldn"t be more pleased for her! I hope she"s involved in one such affair right now!

Then we will truly have an open marriage and both of us will be a lot happier! It sure isn"t working for either of us as it is now! Sadly, though, this need not be the case! s.e.x therapy counseling could do wonders for her and for your husband, my dearest love! I would hate to lose you but we both know the only way we could part is if your husband could define and employ foreplay into his s.e.xual vocabulary with you, and my wife could rebuild the great love we once shared.

Also, sadly, I know your relationship with your husband is more likely to return to a satisfactory state than is mine. Your husband is trainable! My wife, on the other hand, must play out the hand life has dealt her and grow tired of the "Wham, bam, thank you, ma"am!" style of lovemaking and find our kind of mutual pleasure, before she can ever be truly satisfied.

Foreplay is a key ingredient in a happy s.e.xual union. Alas, I learned this too late to make a difference in my marriage, but now I"m making up for it!

I"ve found you, with the great needs that I can satisfy and you have found me with the great needs that you"ve wondrously fulfilled! All this may change one day, but in the meantime we must enjoy things the way they are! We must make the most of a great opportunity to give and receive satisfaction and true love to each other in the absence of such satisfaction from others! I will cherish you always!

You pause in our lovemaking to say, "I implore you to make love to me in all the wondrous ways I see written in your eyes." If our spouses did this, we probably wouldn"t be here, and this letter wouldn"t find its way to your great publication.

Thank you, Penthouse Letters! You"ve provided an outlet for our very special confessions! We hope other people find solace in the understanding we impart to all of you out there who live and love secretly, as we do!-R.S., Canton, Ohio

Swinging & Swapping.


When I was looking for a job as a junior in college, I answered an ad for a position as a photographer"s a.s.sistant. It indicated a good salary for what sounded like pretty simple part-time work and free room and board on the premises. I was impressed when I met Colin, the photographer. He was obviously a bodybuilder, he was six feet tall, handsome and had dark eyes and dark wavy hair. He was impressed during my interview that I had some amount of experience behind the camera and wanted to know if I had any experience in front of it. He said he needed to photograph me because he could use my image or parts of it sometimes. He took a few shots then asked if I wouldn"t mind stripping down to my shorts.

After a few more pictures, he asked me to drop the shorts. I hesitated at first but finally did so. Next he asked me to get an erection. I said I wasn"t sure I could, so he said he"d help and started to stroke my p.e.n.i.s, b.a.l.l.s and nipples. My p.e.n.i.s got hard, he got the shots he wanted and I got the job. He was pleased with my c.o.c.k and the fact that I was a true redhead and that I kept myself in good shape.

Soon after I got the position, we were sharing our first a.s.signment together. Colin had agreed to take pictures of a lady for her husband, who would be present at the session. After taking a couple of test shots, he asked the model-a pretty, well-built woman in her thirties named Petra-to put on lingerie. He then suggested that since the lighting in the studio was so soft, that her husband, himself and I strip to our briefs to make her comfortable. We all did.

The pictures Colin was taking got more and more provocative. He went up to Petra, reached around her back and unclasped her bra. Her nipples were hard, but he said that they weren"t hard enough, so he asked her husband to suck one while he sucked the other. She started moaning and was obviously very aroused. I was snapping away, and he had a videotape camera running on a tripod. He removed her panties and, after some more shots, invited her husband to f.u.c.k her, which he did in the missionary position. The husband had a thin, five-inch c.o.c.k. Colin took off his briefs and asked that I take mine off as well. Colin"s p.e.n.i.s was a little bit longer than mine but also a little bit thinner. The husband came quickly and Colin asked Petra and her husband if they wanted the two of us to f.u.c.k her. The wife said yes and the husband said yes, but only if he could suck us also. Colin said that was fine with him if it was fine with me. And it was.

They each sucked us and kept switching back and forth between us. Petra then said she wanted us to f.u.c.k her. Colin went first. Petra sucked my c.o.c.k while Colin bent her over and f.u.c.ked her doggie-style. Petra"s husband was alternately licking my b.a.l.l.s and Colin"s b.a.l.l.s and a.s.shole. With the stimulation he was getting from both sides, Colin came quickly. The wife said since my c.o.c.k was so thick, she wanted to be on top so she could control how deep I penetrated her. She rode me hard and when I got ready to blow my load, I flipped her over and drilled her till I came. Her husband then sucked both Colin"s and my sperm out her c.u.n.t. All in all, it was a wonderful two hours.

At the time I was dating a freshman girl. I wanted to make love to her, but she wasn"t ready. Considering everything we did together at work, of course I confided this in Colin. One night when I got to work he said I looked like I had blue b.a.l.l.s again, and I admitted that Joanne left me high and dry. He seemed genuinely concerned about my lack of a love life and said he would teach me how to seduce a woman, but only if I would role-play the female part.

He slowly undressed himself and then turned his attentions to me, stripping me down, whispering in my ear and nibbling and nuzzling everywhere on my body. I was so incredibly excited that I opened myself to him completely. A hot bout of 69 ended with him blasting his come down my throat just before I came in his mouth.

Colin"s lesson worked like a charm. I made it with Joanne on the next date, and we became more and more sophisticated lovers. I shouldn"t have been too surprised, though, because Colin had on several occasions proved himself to be quite the experienced libertine. His own girlfriend was a married woman whose husband was rich, important and socially connected. The husband knew about Colin and his wife and sometimes partic.i.p.ated in their trysts. But Colin was free a lot of the time.

As Joanne hung around the studio more and more, she and Colin got better acquainted. I could tell he wanted her (she"s a five-foot-ten blonde with a 35-24-34 figure). One Sunday afternoon after Colin had opened up his swimming pool, he suggested that the three of us go for a swim. Joanne didn"t have a bathing suit, so Colin suggested that we all swim in our underwear. He told Joanne he knew that she wasn"t wearing a bra, but it was okay because he saw b.r.e.a.s.t.s all the time at work. She looked at me and I nodded approvingly. I said I had to run upstairs and get some briefs since I wasn"t wearing any. Colin said not to worry about it since Joanne and he had both seen me naked.

We started swimming with me nude, Joanne in her panties and Colin in a pair of Speedos. I got an erection. Colin told Joanne she should help me with that. When she didn"t respond right away, he started sucking my c.o.c.k. Joanne surprised me by pulling off his G-string and sucking him. We both came then started sucking her gorgeous b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I kissed her t.w.a.t while Colin made love to her mouth. She had two or three that way. Then I f.u.c.ked her c.u.n.t while Colin f.u.c.ked her mouth. He and I wound up trading back and forth till we both came in her p.u.s.s.y. Colin took pictures of the three of us later on.

Joanne and I eventually married, moved to the suburbs and had three children. We always let Colin in on our s.e.xual action whenever we visit him and he"s kept up to date on his other threesomes. He"s the G.o.dfather of our children, and all three of us believe he is the biological father of our dark-haired daughter. But he deserves it after everything he taught us.-F.H., Seattle, Washington HIS NEW YOUNG BRIDE WINDS UP HAVING HER CAKE AND EATING IT TOO.

I met Kathleen shortly after my first wife died of cancer. Our marriage had been a good one. We were deeply devoted to each other and very much in love, but our s.e.x life was rather pedestrian. My wife was smart, nice and personable, but over the years her interest in s.e.x had waned. We remained married and in love for thirty years, though, and I was in a deep depression over my loss.

Things picked up after I met Kathleen. I was fifty-five years old at the time and Kathleen was thirty-two. I was just casually talking to her in a restaurant at lunchtime, not looking for anything special, when she asked if I wanted to have a drink after work. I said I"d be delighted.

For the first time in months, I started to feel good about things, and my spirits really began to lift. She was dressed attractively in a skirt, white blouse and suit jacket. I was a little taken aback, and more than a little distracted, when I first met her because her skirt was a bit on the short side and rode fairly high up. When she sat down I got a good look at her long legs and especially her nicely toned thighs.

When we met for drinks later that night, she was wearing the same outfit as at lunchtime, but she had unb.u.t.toned several b.u.t.tons on her blouse, leaving her deep cleavage exposed in quite a seductive way. When I asked Kathleen why she"d asked me out for drinks, she said it was because I looked so sad. I told her my story, and she very sympathetically put her hand on my arm. We then decided to have dinner together that Friday night.

After supper she invited me back to her apartment to have an after-dinner drink. She served me some sherry and sat down next to me on the couch with a snifter of brandy. Her skirt had hiked way up, and I could see that she was wearing stockings with a garter. Her perfume was enticing. I put my arm around her and before I knew it, we were in a deep, pa.s.sionate kiss. She began rubbing her hand on my crotch. Soon she stood up to put some music on and began to do a slow striptease for me. My c.o.c.k was rock-hard.

When she was completely nude, she took me by the hand, led me into her bedroom and proceeded to undress me. She went down and started licking my c.o.c.k, then turned her c.u.n.t to me. I moved my face close to her hole, taking in her wonderful scents, and proceeded to lick her. Before we could come off, she got on top of me and began to ride me. She had tremendous muscle control-I could feel her intentionally contracting her p.u.s.s.y on my c.o.c.k as she bounced up and down. After a while we both exploded in o.r.g.a.s.m. We spent the rest of that night and much of the weekend together. At my age, I wasn"t able to f.u.c.k her as often as she wanted, but she taught me how to please her with the various vibrators and d.i.l.d.os she kept around the house.

I soon discovered that Kathleen was a smart, kind and outgoing woman. Her parents had been relatively poor, and she put herself through college and business school before landing her current position, a very responsible job at a well-known public relations firm. When I asked her during that first weekend why she wasn"t married and didn"t have a steady boyfriend, she laughed and said that it all had to do with her libido. She loved s.e.x and needed constant variety. She didn"t want to be tied down s.e.xually to one man but wanted everything else that goes with a happy marriage.

Kathleen confessed that she had long been s.e.xually active. She also said she was a bit of an exhibitionist. She became tremendously turned on when other people watched her in s.e.xual situations. Since she liked to have men watch her, it was a natural decision for her to earn the money she needed by performing in strip clubs. She explained to me that the lap dancers at these strip clubs had different senses of the limits. A girl could make the real big money if she was willing to go all the way in some of the discrete private booths. Since she liked s.e.x so much, she quickly (and deservedly) got the reputation of doing whatever a man wanted, as long as it didn"t involve pain. While she was careful to dress and act very professionally at her day job, she liked picking up a succession of men in her free time. She said she even had a separate closet full of what she called her "s.l.u.t clothes." She went out to clubs dressed to kill on the weekends and spent most of her vacations in places where she was likely to find multiple, good-looking male partners to play around with. I went with her on one of those trips. It was so comfortable and s.e.xually gratifying that we agreed to spend even more time together. Our understanding, though, was that Kathleen was free to have s.e.x whenever and with whomever she wanted, and I wouldn"t ask any questions or try to change her.

I soon discovered the fact that Kathleen"s intense s.e.xuality was a real turn-on for me. In fact, on several occasions during our courtship, she let me hide in her closet and watch her having s.e.x with other guys she"d picked up. I"d get incredibly h.o.r.n.y, and we"d have great s.e.x. After about six months, we decided to get married.

That was five years ago. My friends have come to accept Kathleen into our group, and Kathleen"s close friends have done the same with me. But none of them are aware of Kathleen"s and my s.e.xual understanding. Even at age thirty-seven, she still keeps in terrific shape. With her pretty face, auburn hair and 36-25-35 body, she has little trouble getting whomever she wants. She dresses attractively but not overly revealing when she"s with them. Her s.l.u.tty side only comes out when we make special arrangements or when she goes on vacations alone. On those occasions, I"ve watched Kathleen have s.e.x with up to five men at once, most of whom are fairly young and all of whom are quite well-hung.

Since we"re so comfortable with our arrangement, Kathleen has started performing at one of her old strip clubs again. Although most of the other girls are younger, she still manages to hold her own. I usually go with her, although we don"t reveal to the customers (or the management) that I"m her husband. I watch her go off with other men. On a good evening, she makes close to a thousand dollars in cash. We don"t need the money since we both have good-paying jobs, but it"s nice to have some extra cash for our special vacations.

Those vacations have turned into absolute orgies for her. We often rent a large house at the end of an isolated road near a beach or on some island community. Kathleen brings only her most revealing clothes, like string bikinis, a few short, low-cut sundresses, tight skirts and skimpy haltertops and blouses. I get incredibly turned-on watching her and knowing that others watch her as well. While we spend most of the time entertaining Kathleen"s men friends, we"ve also met a number of couples who like to swing. I"m always the gracious host. It always surprises me that no matter how many times Kathleen gets screwed in a day, she"s always ready to f.u.c.k when I am. She seems to have gotten everything she"s wanted: a secure, happy marriage and the freedom to do whatever she pleases s.e.xually.-P.B., Los Angeles, California AN AD IN A SWINGER"S MAGAZINE GETS A COUPLE MORE THAN THEY HOPED FOR The word "voluptuous" fits my wife Lynda to a tee. She"s five foot six with natural 38DD t.i.ts and very s.e.xy legs. I stand six foot four, weight two hundred fifteen pounds and am a well-endowed nine inches. We"ve been swinging in our local scene for a few years and decided to place an ad in a swinger"s magazine to meet new people. We received lots of interesting responses but the one that really caught our eyes came from a couple who lived about an hour and a half from us. We wrote back and exchanged photos, and after corresponding for a while met at a quaint restaurant about midway between our houses.

Kim was very pet.i.te-only five foot two-but she was very s.e.xy, with full b.r.e.a.s.t.s, long hair and a great personality. Her husband Ross was also very personable, and we all had a good time getting to know one another the first time we met. We got tickets to go see a professional baseball team and were planning on making a whole weekend out of it, obviously including some hot sensual fun.

The drive to Ross and Kim"s hotel turned out to be an exercise in self-restraint, but unfortunately, the only self-restraint being practiced was mine! Lynda was dressed in a very tight pair of shorts and a halter top, it was obvious she wasn"t wearing a bra. Her large-nippled 38DD"s were sticking through the material, testing the limits of my restraint and my jeans! When we stopped at a rest area, Lynda got in the back seat with Ross and Kim came up front to sit with me. That just made things hotter as I had this short, very voluptuous and sensual woman sitting beside me.

While Lynda was sitting in the back, she started showing off a very nice pair of 38DD"s to almost every trucker we pa.s.sed and Kim started doing the same up front. I almost ran off the road a couple of times looking over my shoulder at my wife or watching the show that Kim was putting on! I wanted to skip the ball game right there and do something about my aching, hard c.o.c.k. Matters weren"t helped much by all the flirting and touching Kim and I were doing in the front seat!

After we checked in at the hotel, we had a quick bite to eat and headed for the stadium. The game was exciting but not as exciting as the continuous eye contact between Kim and myself. Lynda noticed what was going on and did her best to give me a severe case of blue b.a.l.l.s, too! At one point we decided that if it wasn"t too late we should go for a swim back to the hotel. The game was good but not great, so we agreed to split and take a dip. Once we were all in our rooms, we changed into our suits, but Ross didn"t feel like swimming so it was just Lynda, Kim and me.

The three of us swam around for a while, with Lynda lounging at one end and Kim at the other. I was having the time of my life. I"d swim to one end and kiss and flirt with my wife then do the same with Kim. I even swam underwater to give Kim a momentary touch of my mouth on her p.u.s.s.y. A light rain started falling, making the whole evening even more erotic. After a while Lynda got out of the pool but Kim and I continued to fool around until we both looked up and saw a crowd of people on a second-floor balcony who were watching our erotic scene play out. Kim and myself were both quite embarra.s.sed at that point and got out of the pool. We kissed goodnight and went back to our respective spouses. I was so h.o.r.n.y that night I could hardly sleep. And it didn"t help matters any that my c.o.c.k was as hard as a two by four when I got back to my room, but I didn"t feel like waking Lynda up.

Ross called from his room the next morning and talked to Lynda. My wife got a sly smile on her face after she hung up the phone I was wondering what was going on. Suddenly she pulled my c.o.c.k out and started giving me a great b.l.o.w.j.o.b. Finally, some relief! I thought. But just when I was going to explode down her throat she stopped abruptly, jumped off the bed and got dressed. Then she told me that she and Ross were going out to get some breakfast and that Kim was waiting upstairs in their room. We kissed pa.s.sionately, I told Lynda I loved her and as fast as I could stuffed my hard c.o.c.k in my jeans, ran upstairs, knocked on Kim"s motel room door and heard her sultry voice welcome me in.

I entered the room to find her laying on the bed wearing some really s.e.xy lingerie. I was out of my clothes in a flash and practically tripped as I went to Kim and took her in my arms. I peeled off Kim"s s.e.xy outfit and I saw her beautiful nipples come to life. I just had to suck them and kiss them. I thought she"d come right then. Maybe she did come, because after quickly working my way down her body, I found her p.u.s.s.y very, very wet. As soon as my mouth and tongue touched her she was coming again, all over my face! I continued to eat her out until she couldn"t take anymore and begged to feel my p.r.i.c.k inside her.

She took my c.o.c.k in her mouth just to tease me a little more, looking up into my eyes as my c.o.c.k disappeared down her throat again and again! I couldn"t take any more and finally made her stop so I didn"t cream all over her face. I put my c.o.c.k at the slippery entrance of her c.u.n.t. I tried to start out f.u.c.king her slowly, but Kim grabbed my a.s.s and shoved her hips up so forcefully that I was in her completely with just a couple of small strokes. As I worked myself in and out of her hole I reached underneath and grabbed her a.s.s so I could f.u.c.k her as deeply as possible. With all the noise, I thought for sure we"d get a call from the manager any minute!

It seemed like Kim was having one o.r.g.a.s.m right after another. She sounded so exciting that it wasn"t long until I lost control, jammed my c.o.c.k in her to the hilt and just exploded. She was still coming, and we held on for dear life during the sensual explosion we were experiencing. Finally after the room stopped spinning we fell apart and lay beside each other, catching our breath. We had just finished f.u.c.king for the second time when we heard Lynda and Ross pull back into the parking lot from breakfast. We kissed and cuddled and exchanged a most heartfelt thank you for the incredible experience we"d just shared!

When the time came for us all to check out the next day, Ross walked with me to the main office to return our room keys. After some small talk he asked if I"d had as good a time with Kim as she"d said she had with me. All I could do was thank him for sharing his wife with me and give him a big smile. Nothing else had to be said!-M.K., St. Louis, Missouri BEFORE THEY GOT HITCHED, THEY SOWED THEIR WILD OATS TOGETHER.

My fiancee"s friend Antoinette came down to visit us at our apartment in Minneapolis. Antoinette is a tiny, sweet-looking twenty-year-old with a nice round a.s.s and full t.i.ts. My fiancee Diana is hot, s.e.xy and cute all rolled into one. She"s a bit taller than Antoinette and sports a full, round a.s.s, big, beautiful t.i.ts and a tight p.u.s.s.y.

Antoinette arrived on a Friday night wearing a pair of skintight jeans and a skimpy T-shirt, and she had her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. She gave Diana a hug, then turned to me. As we hugged I playfully patted her a.s.s. I felt my c.o.c.k grow with l.u.s.t.

The three of us spent that night lounging around talking, then we all got dressed for bed. Antoinette put on a pair of little pink shorts and a pink tank top. Diana had on gray shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt. I was wearing sweat pants and a shirt. We sat around in the spare bedroom, reminiscing about the old days, like school and such.

When Antoinette sat up to grab a photo alb.u.m from her suitcase, her shorts slid open, exposing the slightest outline of her pink p.u.s.s.y. Needless to say, my c.o.c.k started getting hard again. Diana noticed and, to my surprise, gave me a quick little smile.

Diana and I have talked about f.u.c.king other people before, and we were hoping this would be the weekend we"d finally get around to actually doing it. Antoinette was the object of my desire this weekend. For Diana it was Frank, whom I work with at an FM radio station. Frank"s a pretty cool guy, about five foot nine, one hundred fifty pounds, and very good-looking. Nothing happened that Friday night, but was when it all went down.

I gave Frank a call and asked him to go with us to our local dance club. The place we went to is a real meat market for young h.o.r.n.y people, and a great place to get cheap beer. We were all going for the dancing and drinking and flirting and who-knew-what-else.

By the time we arrived, the club was hopping, the drinks were flowing and the music was pounding. Diana and Antoinette grabbed a table near the dance floor and Frank and I went to the bar to grab us some drinks. After a bit we all hit the dance floor.

Diana and I started grinding up against each other and Antoinette and Frank danced together, just like we had planned. Frank doesn"t dance much, but when it comes to b.u.mping and grinding with a beautiful woman, he can more than hold his own. I noticed that Antoinette and Frank were getting hot for each other, and so could anyone who saw them. My c.o.c.k was already hard from Diana grinding her sweet tight a.s.s up against it. Little did I know that wouldn"t be the only time that I"d be getting hard that night.

When the music changed we all decided to change partners. Antoinette immediately started rubbing up against me. My c.o.c.k was rock-hard again. Antoinette rubbed her hand on my chest then moved it down, brushing against my manhood. A broad grin came over her face as she felt the hardness that had formed in my pants.

I looked across the way and saw that Frank was dancing close to Diana, and he had his hands on her a.s.s. I saw him give her a.s.s a squeeze, and Diana"s face lit up with excitement. Then she turned around and began grinding her a.s.s into Frank"s crotch. I could only imagine how hard his c.o.c.k was getting. We spent the rest of the night dancing, having some good s.e.xy fun and occasionally switching partners.

After the club closed we took the party back to our apartment. On the way home things started getting better. Antoinette and Frank were getting hot and heavy in the back seat, kissing, and petting, and pretty soon Frank had his hands in Antoinette"s tight pants fingering her while Antoinette unzipped his shorts. She pulled out his hard, thick c.o.c.k and began stroking it between her palms. I adjusted the rearview mirror so I could watch them go at it.

Diana looked at me and thought the same thing I did. "Why should those two have all the fun?"

With that Diana unzipped my pants and began sucking me off while I tried to concentrate on my driving. What with all the excitement, I started to push down on the accelerator every once in a while and before I knew it we were doing eighty-five in a forty-five-mile-per-hour zone. I stepped on the brakes to get down to the speed limit. I wasn"t looking forward to getting a speeding ticket. I was just looking forward to Diana sucking my c.o.c.k.

I looked into the mirror to see that Antoinette was on her back. Frank had pushed her pants down to reveal her pink p.u.s.s.y and was giving her face. She was in ecstasy.

Right when I was about to come we pulled into our apartment parking lot.

"We"re home!" I exclaimed.

The festivities had stopped for the time being, until we returned to the apartment. We sat on the couch talking, listening to music while enjoying some more drinks.

"We should play a game," Antoinette said.