It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute

Chapter 9: The Call From h.e.l.l (9)

Chapter 9: The Call From h.e.l.l (9)


After that, the G.o.d of Land let everyone out. However, except for Qin Xingyan – who had to pay for Xu Shenxing’s promise – everyone else didn’t remember what happened in the abandoned dormitory. They returned to their room like some walking corpses, and according to the G.o.d of Land’s words, they would forget the whole thing that happened tonight after having a good night sleep.

Incidentally, when Qin Xingyan saw the G.o.d of Land, her expression was as if she saw the whole world collapsed in front of her eyes.

At any rate, the G.o.d of Land looked just like an ordinary otaku girl. It was a heavy blow to Qin Xingyan, who always dreamed she would be able to practice and temper herself to become an immortal.

“Sen-pai, is this your house? It looks pretty ordinary.” Because she needed to get the doc.u.ment from Xu Shenxing, she went to the Sakura apartment with Xu Shenxing after she paid the money to the G.o.d of Land.

Incidentally, a few minutes ago, she still muttered some words to hypnotize herself, “My dream is to become an immortal, not a G.o.d. I’m different fromher. I’m different from her.” Now, it seemed to have worked well.

She pushed up her on her nose and tried to find out if there was anything special in the Sakura apartment. However, it seemed she could only be disappointed for she gained no harvest in doing so.

Whether it was the outside appearance or the internal structure, Sakura apartment seemed just like an ordinary apartment. If there had to be an answer, that was its incredible defense. After Xu Shenxing cast some spells onto it, ordinary missiles already couldn’t damage any part of it. Apart from that, the apartment had nothing special.

Even Xiao Zhengyi had also complained about this. He said that this place was really too common, without style, and completely unworthy of Xu Shenxing’s ident.i.ty. At least, he should have planted a grove of peach trees outside the apartment… Xu Shenxing considered for three seconds, then rejected his proposal. Because not only would it be a giant project to plow up the cement road outside of his apartment, but also because this would make the advertis.e.m.e.nt for the rent of his apartment become more un.o.btrusive.

“If you don’t mind, come in and sit down for a while. The inside of the apartment is also very common though.” Xu Shenxing opened the door of the apartment with a key.

“My pleasure.” Qin Xingyan said nervously, following Xu Shenxing into the apartment.

Moli took off her shoes, then immediately tried to run towards Xu Shenxing’s room. Seemed that she wanted to continue playing with the computer.

However, Xu Shenxing grabbed her collar.

“Go take a shower first, then change your clothes!”

Because Moli went into the G.o.d of Land’s underground room and came out from the underground, her body was already covered with mud. Her original bright gold hair was also dimmed because of the grime.

“You are too dirty now, don’t go into the room!”

“Landlord, do you know?” The little girl turned back, staring at Xu Shenxing with her bright eyes. She said seriously, “If I go have a shower, happiness will flow away with water.”

“If you don’t get into the shower, you will meet with misfortune, immediately.” Xu Shenxing said with a cold smile.

After watching the little girl go into the bathroom, Xu Shenxing drew out a pair of slippers from the cupboard and let Qin Xingyan put them on.

They went into the living room. Xu Shenxing took up the doc.u.ment from the table and handed it over to Qin Xingyan, who was still a little nervous.

The girl took the doc.u.ments over and drew out the papers. She read them carefully.

After a while, when Xu Shenxing felt bored and was ready to wash Moli’s clothes, Qin Xingyan suddenly raised her head.

“I might have known what the suspect was trying to do.”

“Really?!” Xu Shenxing felt surprised.

He read the papers for so long and found nothing, but she found clues so soon. Was it because she was a professional?

At the same time, he also made up his mind to study the basic knowledge of the  Chinese supernatural system once he had a chance.

“The birthday of the victims are all Yin year, Yin month and Yin day. The doc.u.ment doesn’t record their birth time, but if I’m not wrong, then they should also be born at Yin hour.” Qin Xingyan said seriously. Apparently, this wasn’t good news. “This kind of person is like a polymeride of Yin. It would not only make them have health problems and personality defects, but would also make them able to see ghosts easily. Besides, they are also some perfect ‘raw materials’ in the eyes of ghost masters. Many evil spells need this kind of people as sacrifices.”

Xu Shenxing knew the suspect enslaved some spirit ghosts, so he didn’t feel surprised when he heard Qin Xingyan’s words.

“The problem is: most of the evil spells only need one or two people as sacrifices. But now, there are so many missing people. This means that he has already ignored the principle of ‘can’t be seen by ordinary people’, which also means that there must be a big deal he’s ready to do.” Qin Xingyan a.n.a.lysed.

“A big deal?” Xu Shenxing was puzzled and blinked his eyes. Because of Moli, once someone mentioned to him ‘big deal’, he will subconsciously a.s.sociate it to the destruction of the world…

“I once heard it from my master. The story starts from a hundred years ago,” Qin Xingyan paused for a while to form her words, then said slowly, “At that time, there was a talented ghost master. He found that Jiangjin City is very close to the netherworld. So, he killed a large number of ordinary people, using their souls and corpses to attack the barrier of the netherworld. He successfully forced open a gap, which went straight to the netherworld! It is said that at that time, almost all of the wandering ghosts of the netherworld rushed out from the gap and caused a terrible disaster. Fortunately, at that time, the pre-master of our White-Hart Taoist Temple was just pa.s.sing by this place and found out about this event. He immediately came to the gap of the netherworld, brandished his sword, killed tens of thousands of ghosts and defeated that genius.”

She said excitedly. To compare with a professional storyteller, she might just lack a microphone.

“After that, that talented ghost master entreated piteously and said that he would never do bad things, so our pre-master didn’t kill him. He just sealed him in the gap of the netherworld and wanted him to repent for his mistake.”

Speaking of which, the girl took a sip of the Lipton Black Tea.

Xu Shenxing waited for a moment, then found that she had no intention of continuing her story.

“Is it over?”

“Yes, that’s all.” Qin Xingyan nodded.

“One more! One more!” Moli, who came out of the bathroom when no one noticed was wearing Xu Shenxing’s old white shirt, lying on the back of the sofa. She ignored the fact that her white skin was showing, which was exposed in the air because she didn’t b.u.t.ton up her shirt. She shouted and waved her long sleeves like two coloured ribbons.

Qin Xingyan looked at the little girl. Her face looked pretty red and said shyly, “Sen-pai, I know I have no rights to blame your hobbies… but she is still a child… it’s unacceptable…”

“I just don’t have enough money to buy nightclothes for her.” Xu Shenxing was pretty unflappable. Compared with Xiao Zhengyi, who took out handcuffs and shouted “You’re being arrested for the Rape of a Child!” when he saw Moli dressing like that, Qin Xingyan’s response was too mild.

“In a word, you mean, the suspect wants to open the gap of the netherworld again, just like his predecessor, right?”

“No, it’s impossible. 100 years ago, because our nation was at war, its fate was down to h.e.l.l. There were too many people who died every day, so he could break the barrier between earth and the netherworld easily. However, the world is in a period of peace now, so it’s impossible to open the gap of the netherworld by sacrificing only several girls’ souls – unless he kills all the people in Jiangjin City.” Qin Xingyan looked serious and said, “If I’m not wrong, his aim is to save that ghost master from the gap of the netherworld!”