It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute

Chapter 30: Abandoned Railway Line – Get Off the Train at the Abandoned Station (End)

Chapter 30: Abandoned Railway Line – Get Off the Train at the Abandoned Station (End)


After getting the address of monkey’s father, Xu Shenxing quickly left the university.

Afterwards, he met with the G.o.d of Land on the road, who had a on her head and a band-aid on her nose.

“What do you want?” Xu Shenxing looked at the girl and said with vigilance, “I have no money.”

“…Why must the first thing you say whenever seeing me have a connection with borrowing money?” The G.o.d of Land twitched her eyes, then said, “I just came to inform you that your train girl has gone back to Jiangyue Railway Line.”

Xu Shenxing was surprised for a moment. “But I haven’t yet brought her to the person she wants to see!”

The G.o.d of Land sighed, then told Xu Shenxing about the conversation she had with Jiangyue. She looked a little guilty, but she obviously wasn’t regretting anything.

“However, I didn’t expect that she would be so decisive… At first, I thought even if she was going to return, she would wait till tomorrow.”

Xu Shenxing suddenly fell silent. Looking at his clenched fist, it was clear that his mood was pretty bad.

Although his fist could kill G.o.ds and demons with great ease, now, he couldn’t even find an object to wave his punch at.

Should he blame the investment company? However, if they hadn’t stopped the running of Jiangyue train, it would not only accelerate the deterioration of the Spirit Qi Stream of Jiangjin City, but Jiangyue herself was also likely to change into something strange due to the infection of the mutated Spirit Qi.

Should he stop Jiangyue from returning to the train? If so, Jiangyue train would become a potential safety hazard, and once the train was abandoned, it would still affect the existence of Jiangyue. She would still disappear after losing her meaning of life.

After being quite for a quite long time, Xu Shenxing started to run again.

“Hey, hey! Where are you going?” The G.o.d of Land waved her hands and shouted behind him.

“To do the right thing!”

————split line————

Wu Xingbang was once the best train conductor in Jiangjin City. The first train of Jiangjin City, Jianghua, was the place he planned to work hard for all his lifetime.

Until the accident happened.

It seemed that he was the luckiest guy in the accident, because he was miraculously uninjured. However, maybe he was also the most unfortunate guy. Due to this, he was under a lot of unnecessary attention. There were lots of people who slandered him; they thought he should mainly take responsibility for the accident.

As a punishment, he was removed from his position as a train conductor. After being demoted to a common staff level position at the Railway Ministry, he disconsolately stayed in the bureaucracy system for more than 20 years. Finally, not only was he not promoted, but the Railway Ministry also expelled him.

After being laid off, he became even more depressed. He drank all day, and often brutally hit his wife and son. Everyone looked down on him. Even he, himself also gave up looking for a new job, staying at home all day. He barely kept his decadent life by accepting his wife’s help sometimes and doing some part-time work.

It was no wonder that “monkey” was so disgusted to talk about his father.

But today, Wu Xingbang’s quiet and decadent life was broken.

A young populace faced man kicked open his door, then grabbed his collar, running outside without any explanation.

Of course, he tried to resist, but even he was still in a daze.

However, it was useless. Undoubtedly, the young man wasn’t taller and stronger than him, but after being caught in the young man’s hands, he felt that trying to escape was futile, as if he was in a monster’s mouth.

As Wu Xingbang was wondering how and when he had annoyed this man, he found the man was carrying him to the railway.

“Did I owe this person a lot of money, does he intend to use the train to crush me?!” His mind was filled with wicked thoughts.

As he thought of it, he continued to struggle.

Then the young populace faced man knocked him to the ground by only using a single finger.

Could this be the legendary kungfu?!

Wu Xingbang finally calmed down after realizing the strength gap between the young man and him.

However, the young man discontentedly whispered, “Tut. The train has already departed.”

Afterward, he grasped Wu Xingbang again and started running along the railway.

Though it was a little unbelievable, Wu Xingbang felt that the man’s speed was faster than the train.

Because after a while, he saw that the tourist train was getting closer and closer to them.

The young man stopped running on the railway, instead quickly jumped onto the top of a building on the roadside – this was old city zone, so the houses were only two or three floors high.

Even so, it scared Wu Xingbang to death. After that he fainted -> woke up -> fainted for several times, When finally the young man stopped, he felt as if almost all the stomach acid inside his stomach was about to come out of his mouth.

A moment later, Wu Xingbang realized that he didn’t know when they had already overtaken the train. The tourist train was getting closer to them while blowing the steam whistle.

The next moment, the young populace faced man jumped down from the third floor – with clutching Wu Xingbang.

Seeing the oncoming train, Wu Xingbang could do nothing except scream the loudest he could.

In the end, Although they landed safely on top of the train, Wu Xingbang was terribly shocked by the jump…

He didn’t know if it was an illusion or something else, but he thought he heard the young man gently whisper, “Fortunately, I have done what I promised.”

In a moment, an unthinkable thing happened.

Countless white lights gathered together, then formed a visional girl – the girl Wu Xingbang dreamed about for thirty years.

“… It is you.” He trembled as he looked at the girl, said incoherently, “I-I have always wanted to see you again!”

At this moment, Wu Xingbang couldn’t feel the wind on the roof of the train. He couldn’t even feel the movement of the train. The only thing in his mind was the girl in front of him.

“I’m sorry that, you suffered so much because of me… It was all my fault.” The translucency girl had an apologetic look.

“No, I know! It was you who saved me! I should have died there! You saved my life!” Wu Xingbang said in a hurry.

“It’s already been thirty years. You must have lived a miserable life.” The girl touched his hair, (his head was almost bald)… However, her hand was composed of lights and had no physical feeling. “I owed you an apology. Now, this desire of mine has been full filled.”

Wu Xingbang excitedly cried out, as if he wanted to vent out all the pains he suffered in the past thirty years.

“Even so, I still want you to take good care of your life… After all, that is what I’ve done… one of the few proofs that Jianghua once existed in this world.”

Just like that, the girl named Jiangyue comforted the crying middle-aged man as if she was comforting a child.

“No matter how long I have been running on the railway, I would never get tired to see the surrounding scenery… because there will always be some differences between today and yesterday. I always see different people every day, and every day has its own special beauty…” She smiled sweetly. “It’s such a wonderful world. I really, really love it!”

———— split line ————

In the end, Jiangyue train got abandoned.

However, the local government didn’t let the foreign-funded enterprise occupy the Jiangyue Railway Station, but instead built a museum there, where they placed every significant thing from the establishment of Jiangjin City to its prosperity in it.

At the weekend, outside the Jiangjin Museum, a mobile wonton stall would sell high quality and cheap price wonton to tourists.

“We have trouble, dad. The city management officers are coming!” An emaciated young man warned the middle-aged stall holder.

Under the surprised eyes of customers, within a few moments, the middle-aged stall owner had packed up the stall and put all his stuff on his tricycle and ran away with his son.

Just as he left, the stall holder had a feeling that he saw a familiar populace faced man in the crowd…


Xu Shenxing made a sneeze, which scared Song Yu a little.

“Caught a cold?” The girl asked with concern. She took out a tissue and handed it over to Xu Shenxing.

“No, probably someone is talking about me.” Xu Shenxing answered with a m.u.f.fled voice as he rubbed his nose.

There was an exquisite old locomotive placed outside the Jiangjin Museum as a signboard. Several children were happily playing in the locomotive, regardless of their parents’ call.

In a hazy way, Xu Shenxing saw a girl in a uniform was sitting on the driver’s seat, looking at these children with a smile on her face. Then she turned around and waved her hand toward himself…

“What’s wrong?” Song Yu’s voice made Xu Shenxing come back to senses.

The girl in the train disappeared as if she had never been there.

“Nothing.” Xu Shenxing took a breath, then said with a smile, “I just think this world is still not that bad.”

“By the way, Moli told me that you had a date with an unknown girl?”


“So, Mr. Playboy, when will you introduce the girl to me?”


Oh no, give me a break. It was easier to save the world compared to this.