It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute

Chapter 34: Friendship Is Magic (4)

Chapter 34: Friendship Is Magic (4)


In fact, after two days of getting along, Cui Yingying could feel herself understanding Xu Moli in a sense.


She didn’t know why, but it was apparently the other students that were alienating Xu Moli on purpose.


Before she came to the school, there wasn’t anyone Moli could talk to. So, that was why she was lying wearily on the table when she first saw her… This could be considered as a kind of escaping from reality kind of thing.


And after that, because of the teacher’s request, Moli had an opportunity to talk to her, and she didn’t explicitly refuse Moli, that was why Moli was so clingy to her.


Considering from this angle, Xu Moli was simply a little girl who turned into little weird because of being chronically lonely. (And she was also half a head shorter than other students)


Wonderful reasoning, but unfortunately, it was completely wrong.


If Xu Shenxing knew the girl’s thinking, he would have definitely said like that.


“Even so…” Cui Yingying turned back and watched the girl who was following after her quickly hid behind the roadside telephone pole. “I think it’s wrong to be a stalker.”


“I’m just walking behind my friend… while keeping a certain distance.”


“Normally, people call this behavior as ‘tracking’.” Cui Yingying sighed. “Don’t you have to go home?”


“I’m fed up with Shaxian Snacks!” Moli vehemently said.


“Shaxian Snacks?” Cui Yingying tilted her head, not understanding what she meant, but she understood that Moli was complaining about her dinner. “If you don’t mind, do you want to come to my home to eat dinner?”


Cui Yingying was a single-parent child. Her mother died in an accident, and her father didn’t want to marry any other woman. He brought Cui Yingying up alone.


Although most of the time, her father was in the company or the laboratory, but every once and then, over a period of time, he would find some free time to stay with Cui Yingying.


Today was such a special day.


That was the reason why Cui Yingying was so anxious to go back her home and cook a meal for her father.


“Well, Dad likes to eat Fish-Flavored Shredded Pork… but considering from the nutritional balance…”


In the fresh food area of the supermarket, Cui Yingying was carrying a plastic basket and handpicked the food ingredients of tonight’s dinner like a little housewife.


At this moment, Moli pulled her sleeve.


The girl turned around and saw Moli holding a large green pepper.


“I promised. Give you.”


“I don’t want to eat that!”


At the end of the shopping, Cui Yingying went back to her home with Moli.


Incidentally, Moli volunteered to carry most of the food ingredients. Cui Yingying found that the girl’s strength was unexpectedly strong.


“Is there anything you don’t like to eat?” Cui Yingying was putting on a cute cat faced ap.r.o.n and asked Moli.




“Ok, understand. That means it doesn’t matter what I treat you, right? Well, I’ll put a lot of coriander, carrots and green peppers in your bowl.”


“…” Moli wrinkled her delicate face.


The world was on the edge of destruction.


“t.i.tter. Don’t look like that… I’m kidding. I’ll give you lots of meat.”


The world has been saved.


“I’m gonna cook.” The girl didn’t realize what a magnificent feat she did. She went into the kitchen, then leaned out and said to Moli, “Go give your parents a call. They will worry about you.”


Moli drew out her phone and called the G.o.d of Land.


“Ask for a leave to landlord for me.”


“Why me…”


Before the G.o.d of Land could finish her words, Moli quickly hung up the phone and skillfully pulled out the battery.


After having done all this, Moli walked around in Cui Yingying’s home.


Cui Yingying’s family lived on the sixth floor of a high-end apartment, but the decor of her home was obviously built according to the standard style.


Its material was good, but it was too rigid, not like a home.


After walking into Cui Yingying’s room, this strange feeling was a little eased. Apparently, the girl took really good care of her room. On the whole, the color of the room was pink. There was a string of beautiful small bells on the windowsill. Besides textbooks, there was also a cartoon lamp on the desk. A cute doll was placed on the bookshelf, and a big teddy bear was on her princess style bed.


All of these made Moli’s young girl’s heart have a shock.


So, as Xu Shenxing once told her, she started to search for “H” manga in the room.


This time, a man wearing a brown robe suddenly appeared at the window. One of his hands was clutching a spider silk, just like spider man. He looked at Moli with a gross smile. His gray robe was fluttering in the wind, making a rustling sound.


“You are Doctor Cui’s daughter, right?”


Moli didn’t answer him but ran her brain fast.


Went in from window -> Didn’t go in from door -> He was a bad man -> Beat him down.


So, as the man was climbing in the window and waiting for Moli’s reply, the little evil overlord rushed to the man with an incredible speed. Her small fist heavily punched on the man’s belly.




Before the man screamed out, the girl’s next attack had arrived. She lifted his legs, kicking at the man’s crotch.


If there were other men, probably they would subconsciously close their legs and heard the sound of eggs broken…


Anyway, the villain style man had been unable to scream out due to the extreme pain.


Moli clutched his leg and threw him out of the window as if he was a trash.


Just then, Cui Yingying went in. She was calling Moli to dinner.


“Eh? What did you just throw away?” The girl wondered and asked.




Moli patted her hands and answered with great aplomb.


Cui Yingying suspiciously put her head out of the window but found nothing. So she stopped paying attention to it and went to the dining room with Moli. They prepared the table and waited for her father’s back.


Half an hour later, the food was cold, but Cui Yingying’s father didn’t come home.


Before Moli’s patience was running out, the home telephone rang.


Cui Yingying looked at Moli with an apologetic expression, then walked to the phone.


Took advantage of this opportunity, Moli secretly ate the food.


When Cui Yingying went back, Moli sat up straight, pretending that she didn’t do anything.


“I’m sorry, my dad’s research work is reaching a critical point. He won’t be back today.” The girl said with a lonely expression, “Let’s start to eat.”


Moli looked at Cui Yingying, who was lowering her head. She suddenly asked, “Are you free now?”


Cui Yingying didn’t know why Moli asked, but she still nodded.


“In that case, let’s go to my home!” The evil overlord happily raised up her hands and announced.