Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 1019 Message

Chapter 1019 Message

1019 Message

The clone waved his hand to manifest a cauldron composed of flame that swallowed these two Immortal Sovereigns. He was not burning or torturing them. Instead, he used the Good Fortune Flame to refine them into resources.

He purified their soul and Immortal Qi into its purest form, thus leaving enough pure energy for the Dao Opening Sect to cultivate one Immortal Sovereign.

Two white and blue orbs floated in the cauldron a few minutes later. The white orb contained pure soul energy, and the second orb contained pure Immortal Qi.

"Still not completely finished," commented the clone.

"The second can finish the rest. Remind them to leave this thing as a foundation instead of using it."

It was unwise for the Dao Opening Sect to have another Eternal Powerhouse in the current situation, so these two things will be left for an emergency.

The clone waved his hand, and the orbs disappeared. Then, he asked: "What are you going to do?"

"I meant what I said," replied w.a.n.g Wei. "What?

Are you feeling empathy?"

The reason he teased the clone was that the latter was slightly different from him personality-wise; he had to do so to prevent his injury, which was the result of damage to his [Existence], affecting the clone.

"I just want to ensure we use them in the best way possible."

w.a.n.g Wei did not immediately explain and looked in the distance.

"The people of the world considered me a Sage because of how I deal with things. I flaunt my power but do not use it unless necessary.

However, I need to show them I can be a tyrant - that I can be cruel."

"So, the Sea is a message - a warning."


The clone snapped his finger, and the entire world changed. All the members of the Panlong and Sea Lion Race disappeared one by one, sending a chill s.h.i.+ver down the members of the Sea Race who watched the event.

The Immortals and Insurgents of those two races were the last to disappear, so they tried to prevent their fate; they activated their race"s formations and artifacts, but it was useless. Their fate was annihilated by a higher power, which rendered their attempt absolutely futile.

As such, the two most powerful races from the Sea disappeared from the world, becoming history.

The worst part is the foundation/resources of these two Emperor Lineages also disappeared with them, and people could guess where they went. The sea race was not the only group of people affected by that snap. All the devil cultivators who were used as p.a.w.ns to spread the news also disappeared.

However, w.a.n.g Wei did not annihilate any factions. The devil cultivators were already drastically weakened, so kicking a sick beast was unnecessary.

A collective, silent, and invisible sigh echoed worldwide as people watched what happened to the Panlong and Sea Lion Race. They understood the message behind this cruel ma.s.sacre. They understand the easy-going Heavenly Emperor who prefers to use diplomatic means for solutions can be cruel when needed.

They understood the honor, glory, and praise that comes with the t.i.tle of [Sage] or [Wise Ruler] could not bind the Heavenly Emperor morally. Of course, the people who truly knew w.a.n.g Wei had long understood this idea was only the wish of certain people. How could morality bind a man who pursues absolute freedom?

"It"s done," said the clone, and w.a.n.g Wei nodded.

"Let"s go wait for our visitors outside."

As he walked outside, he saw the incense of the court had drastically increased.

"It seems that fear and the desire for protection is the best way to gather incense."

As the people felt danger coming from the outside, they prayed to w.a.n.g Wei and the other Conferred G.o.ds more piously.

"I hope you"re not getting any ideas," said the clone.

"I know it"s not a cost-effective or lasting business model to use fear to gather incense," he replied nonchalantly. "Well, at least not in my own backyard."

He continued walking as he visited some sites in the court; every time he looked at the design, he praised his creativity and vision. He did not wait long as his first visitor arrived.

"Your majesty, please leave a way out for the sea race."

w.a.n.g Wei slowly turned around to see a man kneeling on the ground, face deep on the floor; he was from the Teng She clan.

"I"m not bloodthirsty, hence why I only targeted the two people involved in this matter," said w.a.n.g Wei calmly. However, this representative did not get up.

"Please, give us a chance."

"I believe in balance, so I did not remove your G.o.d Positions," continued w.a.n.g Wei. "However, you should understand the danger of not having an Eternal Powerhouse while possessing all these resources."


"Good. In that case, you may leave," replied w.a.n.g Wei before continuing his affairs.

The representative stood up and bowed politely before disappearing. After returning, he immediately gathered a meeting of the highest order in the sea race. For this meeting, they had one purpose-cultivate an Immortal Sovereign as soon as possible and at all costs.

Star Beast World:

Tong Ruobing was in seclusion before receiving a talisman. She frowned but knew her people would not contact her unless there were a great emergency. She used her Divine Sense to read it: "d.a.m.n it," she cursed before immediately activating a talisman that teleported her to the Myriad Emperor World. She appeared in the City Lord Room, where most of the sect"s Immortals, Insurgents, and Great Elders were already waiting.

Tong Ruobing released a terrifying aura that made everyone kneel on the ground.

"Are you people stupid?"

Her roar shook the Heavens. Luckily, the room was sealed to prevent anything from leaving, including sound.

"City Lord, we apologize. It was already too late when we realized what had happened."

Tong Ruobing clutched her hand so tight that it began to bleed; she could not help but lose control of her emotions after the stupid things these people had done. Even worse, her clone did not notice in time and stopped it.

"It"s my fault. I should have left a better clone," she thought after calming down. She focused so much on the Star Beast World that she neglected her home.

"Who was responsible?"

The room was quiet after she asked the question.

Luckily, someone saw Tong Ruobing was about to throw another tantrum and revealed the truth.

Five individuals were summoned, and Tong Ruobing looked at them without hiding her hatred and disdain.

"Even my own lineage," she commented, not hiding the sneer and disappointment in her voice.

The Talisman Ancestor did not like clans, so he discouraged future Emperors from leaving their families. Instead, the city was composed of lineages, unique schools of thought, or Talisman Making Methods.

Of the five culprits, the weakest was an Immortal Sovereign, and the most powerful one was a First Cla.s.s Insurgent???albeit not the top of First Cla.s.s but first-cla.s.s nonetheless.

Tong Ruobing looked at these people before waving her hand. A white light flashed, and these five people"s souls and bodies dissipated, leaving only five heads suspended in the hair.

"I will clean up this mess," she said coldly before disappearing.

Heavenly Court:

w.a.n.g Wei was fis.h.i.+ng; the small fis.h.i.+ng pond near the garden has become his favorite spot.

"I"ve been expecting you," he said without stopping his action.

"I apologize for what happened. I did not know,"

said Tong Ruobing as she bowed ninety degrees, showing her sincerity.

"I"m aware, hence why I left you to deal with it."

"This is my explanation."

w.a.n.g Wei still did not move and used his Divine Sense to see behind him. Tong Ruobing presented him with five heads and a small amount of golden merit.

"Decisive as always. However, this is not enough."

Tong Ruobing gritted her teeth; she was poor and could only use such a thing as a gift because she had recreated the Talisman Weapon in the Star Beast World. However, she had already absorbed the majority for her retreat, so she did not have much left. Additionally, she had already loaned the city"s greatest treasure to w.a.n.g Wei.

As for other resources she could use, they were not nearly as valuable. She wanted to craft a potent Emperor Artifact, as such, she has already used many of the city"s reserve Emperor Tier Ores and even disa.s.sembled foreign Emperor Artifacts for their materials.

She was not stupid enough to use resources from the Star Monarch Mountain. She had an unspoken agreement with Mu Lei that their resources were separate in certain aspects.

Tong Ruobing"s mind flashed numerous ideas, thinking about how to deal with this situation.

Finally, she thought of something.

"I will owe you a favor."

In this world, nothing is more worthless and valuable than a promise. So she will use it. w.a.n.g Wei finally paused and turned around to look at her:

"Do you know what it means to owe me a favor?"

"I do, and I still chose this way." Tong Ruobing knew it was one thing to get w.a.n.g Wei"s

forgiveness for the stupid actions of her people, but more importantly, she needed to re-establish the trust they previously formed after a turbulent relations.h.i.+p.

"Good," nodded w.a.n.g Wei. "I know what I want for my favor."