Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 1134 The Situation

Chapter 1134 The Situation

1134 The Situation

"A new destiny, huh?" w.a.n.g Wei thought as he watched these two lovebirds leave the throne room. He did not know what fate awaited these two in the upper dimension, but as someone from the same place, he did his duty by warning them of the current political landscape and chaos.

He used his divine sense to check the Dao Proving Pill formula. As expected, with his current realm or skill, this pill was nothing to him, and if he were to refine it, he would not receive a Heaven Will. Instead, he would create a decent pill that concentrated the [Essence, Qi, and Spirit] of the body to accelerate cultivation speed by a small margin.

However, if any mortals were to refine this pill, then it would be as if they had successfully created an Emperor Tier Pill, just like Yan Liling created a Dao Pill.

"He truly underestimated himself," w.a.n.g Wei thought. The fact that Lou Cheng successfully refined this pill is a testament to his alchemy talent. Besides Yan Liling, no one in the Myriad Emperor World could refine this pill. And if w.a.n.g Wei expanded the pool of talents, less than five people in the lower dimension had the talent to pull it off.

The pill formula was not too important for w.a.n.g Wei, so he focused on the idea behind it. "Could the Path of Skill apply to any Dao?" His divination would be useless for such a question, so he had to deduce with the information he has; in other words, the answer would fall under the [undetermined] category.

"If this method works for all Dao, then once my Force Control Skill reaches the same level as True Heavenly Dao, I should enter Half-Step Transcendence, but I doubt that would work. So, maybe it does not apply to all Daos, but some of them - like martial arts or swordsmans.h.i.+p."

Those two Dao are the ones that most directly fall under the [skill] category, like the profession Daos.

"In other words, this idea might apply to my Liling, my father, Cai Song, and maybe Jin Mengyao."

w.a.n.g Wei was not too excited by this fact since the so-called [Path of Skills] is just an idea - just like the Human Emperor"s [Three Position Path] or Feng Heng"s [True Spiritual Practice Path]. The genuine struggle to achieve transcendence is how to turn these ideas into reality.

"I also need to find a path best suited for me." He waved his hand to send the formula to Yan Liling. Despite the fact her current self can easily refine the pill, there were many skills she could learn from it if used correctly.

w.a.n.g Wei checked on the world. Over 5000 years had pa.s.sed during his second attempt at using the Science and Technology World to achieve taboo. The court"s expansion ended in that short period as they conquered all 953 world communities of the former Commerce Hub.

Due to his absence, the Dream World experienced a small update under the initiative of the Internal Affairs Head and Dong Lifen. They had started testing traveling between world communities. The War Room and the other Eternals were preparing for a counter-attack against the former president and were only waiting for w.a.n.g Wei"s retreat. So, w.a.n.g Wei sent the order without organizing a court meeting; there was no need for such a small-scale war.

Tian Wenyan had tried to gather more allies to resist, but he was in a sinking s.h.i.+p. Honestly, w.a.n.g Wei expected him to betray his people in an attempt to save his life; he did not know why the latter hadn"t contacted him yet.

"Maybe out of a sense of pride and hope?" thought w.a.n.g Wei. Hope is a powerful emotion, but it can also be very deceptive. "I thought he was a much more pragmatic man." He shook his head before focusing on something else.

His p.a.w.n, the Golden G.o.d, had already conquered a hundred world communities, so his actions had been detected by a few concerned individuals who had already set out from their world to find allies and warn of this upcoming threat.

"The board has been set. Now, I only need to acquire the power to eliminate those uncontrollable variables, and my mission will be set."

He looked in the sky. Once he"s done here, he will move to another battlefield - one far grander and crueler than anything he had ever experienced in his life. However, he will be ready, and like most things he"s done in his life, he will be the final one standing.

w.a.n.g Wei summoned w.a.n.g Qi. Before his first retreat, he tasked the latter to send these Heaven Chosens on a trip, and he should have returned long ago.

"Sect master."

"Get up!"

"Thank you."

"How was the trip?"

"Here you are."

w.a.n.g Wei took the s.p.a.ce ring. "Hmm, way better than expected." He sent people from a third of the lower dimension, so he expected the reward to be large due to the sheer number, but it still exceeded his expectations.

"There were four Eternals and 5 Pseudo Eternals in this group."

"That explains it. What about Gao Buqin?"

"True Eternal."

"Di Tian did have a good eye for talent," nodded w.a.n.g Wei. "Anything else?"

"A few of our Tier 10 Human FienG.o.ds ascended with me, and the sect already received and settled them."

w.a.n.g Wei nodded. As much as he did not like to weaken the sect, it was the best choice in the current situation. "Were there any issues?"

"No. The upper sects seemed to have already known of our existence and even expected our arrival."

w.a.n.g Wei was not surprised.

"They also seemed extremely excited for your arrival, but that"s to be expected." w.a.n.g Qi did not forget to sneak in a little praise so he could look good in front of the boss. w.a.n.g Wei smiled, "Is that it?"

"No. I was supposed to bring the mistress the Disruptor Rune, but Supreme Elder Yan was still using it, so it had to be postponed."

"That"s fine," w.a.n.g Wei rea.s.sured him. "Any new developments in the war?"

"The Revolutionary Leader seemed to have disappeared for a while now. However, it did not affect their mobilization. On the contrary, they"ve become more aggressive - especially since it"s been a while since any of the moons have shown up."

"He disappeared?"

"Yes. Rumors have it that something terrible happened to him, or he"s secretly breaking into the Paragon Realm."

"It"s probably the latter." w.a.n.g Wei felt Empyrean Jimin was the kind of cunning guy that was not easy to plot against because he was so used to living in the shadows that even he himself did not know how to live in the light. He trusted no one, and no one knew who he was, probably including himself.

"That"s the general census among the revolution, but I"m guessing some people are spreading the other rumors to use this opportunity to take power."

"That only proves a common threat temporarily binds these people. Once that threat is removed, they will scatter into different directions," w.a.n.g Wei commented. "Of course, there is nothing wrong with that - unless you have ulterior motives or ambitions." His eyes squinted. He has not completely decided how he will use the revolution after ascending.

At some point, he must decide whether they are reliable partners or p.a.w.ns that can be discarded when needed.

"What about the others? Did you hear any news?"

"Not much. I know they are active, but Revolution kept all information about them a secret."

"That"s not a bad decision," w.a.n.g Wei praised. "Well, thank you for all your hard work."

"No, it"s my pleasure, sect master." w.a.n.g Qi was more than satisfied with this arrangement for multiple reasons, the main of which is he got to a.s.sociate with the sect master. Such a simple act has dramatically elevated his status amongst the other ancestors, which then increases the resources he receives (not counting the ones he"s being paid for the trips).

After w.a.n.g Qi"s departure, w.a.n.g Wei spent a few minutes organizing his thoughts. Then, he started his work. He had to leave but had a few things to do before then. Firstly, he created the Will Tempering Method and the Will Orb for his parents.

The secret realm he created was based on his experience in Primordial Chaos. The test"s central idea was loneliness, which could be described as an upgraded version of the Second PaG.o.da Trial. Anyone in the sect could use this trial, but the orb was reserved for a select few.

Once that was done, w.a.n.g Wei had to help Miscellaneous One install the formation from the Central Commerce World as part of the sect"s second and hidden security major while also putting some of the finis.h.i.+ng touches on the Fate Formation.

His next stop was to see his family, mainly his mother, and father, since his grandfather was still in the retreat. w.a.n.g Tian had completed his Nine Extremity Foundation and was attempting to become a Mortal Emperor. With the new Willpower Method, w.a.n.g Wei liked his odds. However, it remained to be seen whether he could become the second Immeasurable Emperor; his odds were not looking good.

Once he settled everything, he headed toward the Extremity Sea.