Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 185

As a matter of fact, Han Li"s original plan was to tell what w.a.n.g Wei and the sect did to him in order to ruin his reputation. Then he and his master could use the advantage of public opinion to ama.s.s power.

Unfortunately, not only did w.a.n.g Wei not care about being exposed, he even called him a whining little b.i.t.c.h. So, in a burst of anger, he ignored his master"s previous plan and decided to prove himself.

So, he mobilized all his powers. The clouds in the sky suddenly gathered, turning the whole arena into a dark and somber mood. Many of the disciples marveled at Han Li"s power.

Meanwhile, Great Elder Long Bo"s face was very ugly. He could easily see that w.a.n.g Wei provoked his disciples in order to prevent him from saying anything, and the stupid kid fell for it.

And had he followed the original plan, they could still have ruined his reputation. After all, no disciples would like to know that their sects can sacrifice them for the benefit of others--without their consents.

And even if the Clan Factions managed to control the situation and reverse w.a.n.g Wei"s image problem, he could still plant a seed of doubt, of resistance inside the disciples" hearts.

But now, everything is over.

Meanwhile, w.a.n.g Wei looked at the angered Han Li, "I thought you would say something stupid like sealing your cultivation on the same level as me."

Han Li snorted coldly, "I have learned the hard way that when a lion hunts a rabbit, it still has to use all his strength."

"Well, it has not yet been decided who is the lion and who is the rabbit," replied w.a.n.g Wei calmly.

Then, he took a punch stand, before clutching his hand, then a crack sound followed w.a.n.g Wei"s action. The sounds could be heard throughout the entire arena, making all the disciples wonder how powerful the young sect master"s fleshly body was.

Without hesitation, w.a.n.g Wei threw a powerful punch.


The air exploded following the trajectory of his fist. Then, a powerful force travels into the air rus.h.i.+ng straight towards Han Li.

Suddenly, yellow thunder manifested around Han Li and he also threw a powerful punch. Boom! An explosion occurred after the two attacks met, then Han Li was pushed backward by a few steps.

w.a.n.g Wei was a little surprised by Han Li"s fleshly body, but he quickly figured out the reason for it.

So, he rushed straight towards his opponent and faced him head on. However, Han Li was smart and refused to clash head on with w.a.n.g Wei knowing that his fleshly body was nowhere as powerful as him.

So. he threw a powerful punch, then a giant thunder fist appeared before rus.h.i.+ng straight towards w.a.n.g Wei.

However, w.a.n.g Wei just extended his Innate Field to block the attack, before rus.h.i.+ng towards Han Li instantly and throwing a powerful punch.


Another explosion occurred in the arena, unfortunately w.a.n.g Wei did not hit anything as his opponent managed to easily evade his attack. Without hesitation, w.a.n.g Wei threw another punch while roaring, "[Wing Calamity]"

Countless black wind blades enveloped the entire arena, wis.h.i.+ng to cult everything and everyone into countless tiny pieces.

Han Li"s face became ugly after seeing this, so waves his hand to manifest a thunder sphere to protect himself, and he succeeded in preventing the wind blades from cutting him.

However, before he could react, he heard his opponent said, "[Flame Calamity]", then a terrifying black flames covered the arena, wis.h.i.+ng to destroy anything in its path.

As for Han Li, his lightning s.h.i.+eld was instantly destroyed, giving the black flame the opportunity to reach him.

In a last act of desperation, Han Li raised his hand in the air, then a powerful thunder fell from the sky and turned into a giant thunder being that protected him.

Unfortunately, the black flame still reached him and burned many parts of his arms and torso. However, the lightning seemed to have healing abilities, so his injuries were only superficial.

As for w.a.n.g Wei, he took a brief moment to check the power of his new move. After tempering his bones to Great Perfection, he can now use the [Flame Calamity] in the [Ancient Desolate Body Refining Scripture].

While this terrifying battle took place, all the disciples in the audience had a shocked look on their faces. If it was not the powerful formations that prevented the spread of these attacks, all of them would probably be killed by any of these attacks.

As for Han Li, he looked at w.a.n.g Wei inside his Thunder Giant Armor with an ungly looked on his face. He knew that if he did not use all his hidden cards as soon as possible, then not only would he lose this fight, he would not be able to even injure his opponent.

Then, the thunder armor around Han Li shrunk until he entered his body, then thunder around his body turned from yellow to blue. Not only the thunder around Han Li that turned blue, but his entire body; he essentially turned into a thunder man.

As a matter of fact, Han Li wanted to use his Supernatural Realm"s Innate Talent that allows him to borrow the Heavenly Tribulation of Heaven and Earth to punish his enemy,

However, before the fight, his master warned him that if he used this method, w.a.n.g Wei would most likely used the Heavenly Tribulation to temper his fleshly body.

And according to w.a.n.g Wei"s past behaviors, Han Li knew that his master was probably correct, so he had to use his advantage: speed.

After turning into a Thunder Man, Han Li rushed straight towards w.a.n.g Wei and punched him straight into the location of his heart.

w.a.n.g Wei--who failed to respond in time--was pushed a few meters sliding in the arena. However, there was not even a scratch on his clothes, let alone him.

Afterwards, w.a.n.g Wei frowned for a brief moment before turning into a rainbow and rushed towards Han Li, leaving fifteen booming sounds in his wake.

Unfortunately, it was of no use. No matter how he attacked, he could not even touch the corner of his opponent"s clothes. Despite having the speed of Mach 15, w.a.n.g Wei" speed was still outcla.s.sed by Han Li"s.

Moreover, while his attacks kept missing his opponent, the same cannot be said for Han Li"s attacks. Every time he evades an attack, he would counter with one of his own.

Unfortunately, Han Li"s attacks were ineffective.

As a result of this, the two fighters became vexed at the situation of the battle. Meanwhile, w.a.n.g Wei suddenly stopped attacking, then closed his eyes.

w.a.n.g Wei predicted this possible outcome, as he knew that although he had the strength, defense, and stamina of a Peak Primordial Spirit cultivator, his speed was the problem. So he rushed to cultivate the [Rainbow Escape Art] before fighting with Han Li in order to make up for his defect.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Han Li"s true speed. However w.a.n.g Wei also had a back-up plan for this situation: his intuition.

As a matter of fact, w.a.n.g Wei can perfectly see every one of Han Li"s attacks, but he cannot react in time to do something about it. He could not even capture him. So, he came up with a plan to deal with this situation.

Back when he was on Earth, w.a.n.g Wei"s Intuition ability was actually an active one. He could use it to make decisions in his career, to decide which people to trust in his life, and even to know when someone lied to him.

However, after his reincarnation, his Intuition Ability became a pa.s.sive one instead. It only served as a warning of danger to him or a way to remind to pay attention to certain things that he might have overlooked.

So, w.a.n.g Wei decided to use this battle to turn his intuition into a battle instinct that allows him to react as fast as his subconscious.

w.a.n.g Wei knew how fast his subconscious was just by the fact that he could slow down the movement of everything around him when he was just a mortal back in the Spirit Road Trial. This was further proven by the fact that his Divine Sense could still see Han Li"s every movement.

Meanwhile, Han Li was puzzled by w.a.n.g Wei"s behavior, but he did show any mercy because his opponent closed his eyes. On the contrary, he believed that this was probably some kind of tactic that was being prepared to deal with him.

So, Han Li increased the rate of his attack against the seemingly defenseless w.a.n.g Wei. Unfortunately, it was no use.

This time, his attacks did not even move w.a.n.g Wei a single step, a feat which greatly bewildered Han Li, thus making him frown.

After close observation, he saw that w.a.n.g Wei"s Innate Field was connected to the ground, rooting him to the arena.

As such, Han Li pondered using his most powerful attacks to prevent his opponent from accomplis.h.i.+ng his purpose.