Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 202

After Su Ya finished performing her masterpiece, she gave a quick and deep glance at Xi s.h.i.+, before averting her gaze. Then, the other Heaven Chosen showered her with lavish praises. Even w.a.n.g Wei was no exception as he acknowledges her talent with the zither.

Afterwards, it was the turn of the other Heaven Chosens to perform their talents and skills.

The first person to go was actually the number 1 physique, Lin Fan. He recited a poem celebrating Xi s.h.i.+"s otherworldly and immortal-like beauty. He eulogized her existence by saying that her beauty was a gift from Heaven itself to all life in the world, as her mere presence elicited happiness and joy from anyone who sees her.

w.a.n.g Wei had to acknowledge that this Lin Fan had a golden tongue as he managed to make Xi s.h.i.+ blushed red like the brightest of rouge. He finally understood how this Lin Fan managed to create a harem so big; his words could probably charm a succubus from his past life.

After Lin Fan"s turn, it was Ji Song who went next. Like Lin Fan, he also recited a poem personally created for this occasion. His poem was not as sweet and complementary as Lin Fan.

But in it, he implied that if Xi s.h.i.+ was his, he would be loyal to her for all eternity. That he would treat her as the greatest and most beloved princess that ever existed in the Myriad Emperor World. Overall, he was very serious and pa.s.sionate.

"I can"t believe that this brute is so romantic," muttered w.a.n.g Wei to himself. However, Wu Hong overhead him and she replied:

"Well, it is not an unexpected thing. Ji Song--as the crown prince of an Imperial Dynasty--had to study poetry, calligraphy, go, and military tactics at a young age--just like any other aristocratic clan. Although he does not look like or act like it, he is actually a very refined individual."

"I know all of this; it"s just that I am having trouble getting rid of the first impression I form of him. Not to mention all the other times we interacted together, I always labeled him as an idiot in my mind."

"This is probably due to the fact he has his brother next to him. At a very young age, he probably formed the mentality that he does not need to think properly as he had his big brother to do so for him," replied Wu Hong with deep and calm eyes.

w.a.n.g Wei nodded before continuing to observe the performance of the other people.

The next person to go on stage was actually Jian Wushuang. However, unlike the other two, he did not recite any poem, but used calligraphy instead.

So. with a wave of his hand, a large rice paper floated in the air in the middle of the room where everyone could easily see it. Then, Jian Wushuang also flew in the air with a brush on his hand.

As soon the brush appeared in his hand, Jian Wushuang"s temperament changed; he became a supreme swordsman with infinite momentum. He waved the brush like a sword and wrote the character for "pa.s.sion".

Then, a powerful intent emanated from his character; this intent displayed Jian Wushuang"s pa.s.sion for love or maybe even for Xi s.h.i.+. A pa.s.sion that was almost as equal as his love for his sword. As a pure swordsman, this was indeed a bold declaration as most swordsmen placed their love for the sword above most things.

The majority of them are actually single either because they dedicate their entire lives to the sword, or practice the Indifferent Dao in order to reach the peak of swordsmans.h.i.+p.

However, Jian Wushuang was different; he learned from his senior predecessor that he does not have to give up everything to reach the Extreme Ways of the Sword; A lesson that their villa"s predecessors had to learn the hard way.

As such, he too was enthralled by Xi s.h.i.+"s beauty; he hoped that he would be chosen and accompanied her throughout his entire life, along with his own trusted sword.

After him, it was Sun Jiaolong"s turn to perform. And like Jian Wushuang, he also used calligraphy to display his ability. The character he wrote was "dedication".

Sun Jiaolong also revealed a sword-like intent when writing his character; however, his was not that of a pure swordsman, but of the Sword of the Ruler. His sword intent indicated that he was a Supreme Monarch that used his sword to destroy his enemy"s kingdom, to bring peace and stability to his people. The sword reveals the might and reverence of a kind.

As for the character he wrote, it showed how he would make Xi s.h.i.+ his Empress and dedicate his life protecting and loving her. Not to mention that he would not be the only one dedicating himself to her, but all the people of his dynasty. As such, she would not only receive his love, but the love of an entire nation.

Meanwhile, although Xi s.h.i.+ looked calm on the surface with her beautiful face, she was secretly happy inside. Although she did not like to admit it, she enjoyed all the attention she received; it made feel important, special or unique.

Although she is considered the most beautiful woman in the world, Xi s.h.i.+ knew that this t.i.tle was given to someone in each generation. As such, she did not feel the same joy and happiness by this t.i.tle compared to having some of the most talented people in the world fawning over her.

She knew that everyone in this room had the ability to become the top powerhouse of the Myriad Emperor World. And one of them might even become a Great Emperor. Of course that is under the a.s.sumption that none of them actually dies midway through her rise.

Xi s.h.i.+ then looked at Wu Hong as this was her turn to perform. However, she just shook her head, excusing herself of this task. Although many people were disappointed not to see her perform, she just ignored them.

"I have a feeling that your performance would have been truly extraordinary," suddenly said w.a.n.g Wei.

So, Wu Hong looked at him, gave him a mesmerizing smile before answering, "You have no idea how right you are."

"Now, you just increase my desire to see it."

"Well, young master w.a.n.g Wei, if you play your cards right, you might have a chance to see a personal, one to one... show," replied Wu Hong, whispering slowly in w.a.n.g Wei"s ears by the end of the sentence.

To which w.a.n.g Wei involuntarily gulped his own saliva. "I will look forward to such an occasion."

After that, he removed his gaze from her with great difficulty, ignoring the slight smirk at the corner of her mouth.

Then, he saw many people looking at him with a speechless look on their faces.

It is true that these people were quite speechless. While everyone was waiting for them to start performing, they were actually flirting with one another. And in public at that.

Nevertheless, w.a.n.g Wei had thick skin, so he ignored these people"s gaze.

"So it"s my turn," he said nonchalantly, then proceeding to think for a moment what to do for his performance. Then, he thought about a poem by the famous poet Li Bai from his past life.

He coughed out loud before reciting it:

"All water is forgettable when you"ve seen the vast blue sea

No clouds so wondrous as those at Mt. Wushan

Idly, I pa.s.s by some flowers without looking back

Partly to study Tao, partly to think of you."

As w.a.n.g Wei recited his poem, all the people in the room were infected by the beautiful and sad mood of the poem; the pain and suffering of thinking about someone that you missed so dear enveloped them. A person you know is somewhere out there, but cannot reach.

Of course the person who most appreciated this poem was actually Su Ya. As a person who controls emotions, she is the one who can most easily enter the right mood to truly appreciate the beauty and complexity of this poem.

As such, she was quite surprised with w.a.n.g Wei"s poetry talent and wondered who this young master of the Dao Opening Sect was thinking about so deeply that he would write such a poem.

The room then became quiet for a few seconds as the people were momentarily lost in the mood of the poem.

After calming down, Xi s.h.i.+ asked: "Young master w.a.n.g Wei, this is a beautiful poem. Did you think about it on the spot?"

w.a.n.g Wei was slightly surprised by this question, so he answered:

"Of course not. This poem was written by a person named Li Bai who was born in a long destroyed mortal dynasty called Great Tang. I happen to come by it during one of my adventures and I like it very much. I thought this talented poet should not remain unknown, thus the reason that I recited this poem during this meeting."