Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 307

The majority of Heavenly Abodes of the G.o.ds in this world are usually the same. There is a golden temple in the middle, countless believers and G.o.ds below the Void G.o.d Realm reside inside and serve the G.o.ds said abode belongs to.

Since gold symbolized divinity, n.o.bleness, and extraordinary, the majority of G.o.ds have buildings or designs inside their abodes made of gold; they usually have statues made in their appearance made like that.

In one of the abodes, the character for wisdom was written at the center of the temple, along with the phrase: "Wisdom is the driven force of all intelligent lifeforms."

In one of the main rooms of the temple, an old man with long white hair and beard sitting on a throne with his eyes closed. He had a white robe on his body, and his temperament was sage-like.

As he closed his eyes, countless invisible energy threads were connected to his head, and he seemed to be absorbing them. Suddenly, the old man opened his eyes, and a look of confusion and shock flashed across his eyes.

He frowned for a moment as his fingers tapped on the throne, pondering deeply. He just received news that his leader, the Destiny G.o.ddess, called him to attend a Supreme G.o.d Conference.

As knowledgeable as he is, he knew that only when a real emergency occurred would all the G.o.ds place aside their differences and open the conference.

However, he was confused as to why a little t.i.tle G.o.d like himself was called to attend the conference. Due to his divinity involving wisdom, he did not have many fighting abilities.

"The Destiny G.o.ddess should be aware of my capabilities, so, most likely, she needed my expertise for something."

The mind of the Wisdom G.o.d rapidly moved and calculated.

"This might be my chance to become a Supreme G.o.d." However, he quickly shook his head.

"The other Supreme G.o.ds would never allow another one of them to be born--even if it was someone like me who did not have much fighting ability. However, if everything goes well, I should be allowed to gather more incense and reach the peak of the Divine Incense Realm."

After making a preliminary plan, the Wisdom G.o.d changed his clothes into a more presentable one, then waited. Soon after that, a golden light enveloped him forcing him to close his eyes.

Once they were opened again, he found himself in the middle of a room with 36 chairs floating on top of his head forming a circular pattern. His heart skipped a beat, then he immediately bowed:

"Zhihui has seen all the Supreme G.o.ds."

"There is no need to be nervous," comforted the Destiny G.o.ddess. "We call you here to use your expertise to help us deal with something. Afterward, you will be greatly rewarded."

"It is my honor to serve all of you."

After going through some pleasantries, the Destiny G.o.ddess told him all the information that they knew so far--even about the Dusk of the G.o.ds. Although they did not want this information to spread, they also agreed that it would be better to provide the Wisdom G.o.d with all the necessary information so that he can better a.n.a.lyze the situation.

After hearing all the information, the Wisdom G.o.d took a deep breath to calm down his nerves, then asked two questions: "Destiny G.o.ddess, can I know how you were able to know the information of the outsider? And why can you do the same now?"

"When the outsiders first appeared, I used the power of Mother G.o.d to increase my ability, so I could barely divine the appearance of the Outsiders along with their most recent movement. However, after that, this method no longer worked."

The Wisdom G.o.d nodded, then looked at the Fire G.o.d, "Your majesty Fire G.o.d, could you show me the battle of the outsider with your follower?"

The Fire G.o.d frowned briefly after hearing this; he was wondering whether this guy was trying to embarra.s.s him. However, after thinking about the situation, it was unlikely. So, he waved his wand to display his memory of the battle.

After reviewing everything, he closed his eyes and reviewed all the information he gathered. He connected to his Wisdom Divinity, and instantly, his mind elevated.

He became more intelligent, his calculating power reached beyond a super-computer, his mind became more flexible as he could use the smallest of detail to extrapolate further information.

An hour later, the Wisdom G.o.d finally opened his eyes, and his complexion was a little pale.

"Did you come up with something?" asked the Destiny G.o.ddess.

"Yes, a few things."

"Please elaborate."

"First, the opponent is obviously adept at anti-divination, hence the reason that they could not be tracked.

"Second, they are very cautious. Previously, most of the Outsiders that came to our world are usually disdainful of the fact that this was a Middle Thousand World. So, they usually acted recklessly.

"Third, according to the information previously gathered, there were four people that came to this world: two men and two women. However, the one who fought against the Fire G.o.d"s subordinate was not part of the original four. That can only mean that they have a way to carry people with them--most likely a s.p.a.ce ring."

"s.p.a.ce ring? I thought this thing could only carry non-living things," commented the Death G.o.d.

"Let him continue," said the Life G.o.ddess.

The Wisdom G.o.d nodded his head, then continued:

"Fourth, if these Outsiders have a s.p.a.ce ring that can hold people, there is a possibility of them carrying an army with them.

"Fifth, the man who fought Void G.o.d Liu was extremely powerful. From the battle, it is obvious that he was highly trained and has plenty of battle experience. Based on his aura and energy level, he should be equivalent to a Void G.o.d, but his strength is probably on par with any elite t.i.tle G.o.d. So, we can summarize that their cultivation system is very advanced and powerful.

"Sixth, during that battle, the Outsider used abilities related to fate, shadow, and sealing."

The reason that the Wisdom G.o.d brought this point up was because of the cultivation system of the G.o.ds. In the early stage of cultivation, using their divine energy, the G.o.ds can use spells or abilities of different categories.

However, as they become more powerful, they become more restricted--especially after entering the Divine Incense Realm and becoming a t.i.tle G.o.d.

In that realm, the G.o.ds have to choose a divinity--which is essentially a law as their main focus--and receive incense based on that divinity or law. As a result of this, they are often very restricted by the law that they choose.

For example, the Death G.o.d cannot use fire spells or abilities. He can use things like Death Flame or Death Thunder, even then, these abilities would drastically decrease in power when facing the Fire G.o.d or the Thunder G.o.d.

Additionally, he cannot use pure elemental abilities or abilities that are connected to other Supreme G.o.ds. This is the limitation of the Incense G.o.d System.

After talking about his sixth point, the Wisdom G.o.d looked at the Fire G.o.d.

"Your majesty, can you check to see if something happened around the area where the Outside appeared. Preferably, around the surroundings."

The illusory figure of the Fire G.o.d nodded before closing his eyes. A few minutes later, his face became twisted and he opened his eyes.

"What is it?" asked the Destiny G.o.ddess.

"One of my descendants momentarily lost his faith to me...Additionally, there are signs that his soul was searched."

"In that case, the seventh point is that the Outsiders have a way to cut off the connection of believers to their G.o.ds.

"The eighth point is that thing that the Outsider used to teleport himself away. If I remember correctly, this should be what they called Talisman. And given the fact that it could be used to escape from the attack of a Supreme G.o.d, it should be quite advanced."

He paused for a moment, then sighed out loud.

"Based on all this information, we can conclude that these Outsiders are from a very advanced civilization. They might even be from a Heaven Will World."

Gasps could be heard inside the conference room. The majority of them have lived a very long life. As G.o.ds, they are nearly immortal as long as they stay inside this world, so many of them have experienced a few invasions from Outsiders.

So, they knew the cla.s.sification of different worlds and they have heard of the legend of the Heaven Will World.

G.o.ds like the Death G.o.d, the Life G.o.ddess, the G.o.d of Destruction, and the Destiny G.o.ddess are the oldest among the bunch and knew more secrets. So, they also know that their world also involves a secret that is related to Heaven Will World.

So, after hearing the Wisdom G.o.d conclusion, they secretly looked at one another. Just their eyes displayed the seriousness and solemnity of the situation.

"So, what do we do now?" asked one of the Supreme G.o.ds.

"We must find these Outsiders as soon as possible and no matter the cost," replied the Death G.o.d, then his eyes looked directly at one particular G.o.d.