Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 339

Heavenly Abode World, Death Realm:

After ending the conversation with w.a.n.g Wei, Li Jun decided to deal with the issue of the Death G.o.d, so he contacted w.a.n.g Ju to get answers from her. However, she did not reveal anything immediately, but took him and Yan Liling to the Heavenly Abode of the Death G.o.d.

The Heavenly Abode of the Death G.o.d was the size of a small world. It had forests, mountains, rivers, oceans, cities, and so on. Civilization existed and was prosperous.

All the people living inside wors.h.i.+pped the Death G.o.d and only the Death G.o.d.

After investigation, the group discovered that this abode was divided into two continents. In one of them, the Death G.o.d placed his believers from the outside world.

As long as they are his believers–G.o.ds or mortals–they would be placed there. To be exact, the mortal"s soul existed in this continent. After their death, based on their level of faith, their soul can achieve some form of eternal life in this continent.

Meanwhile, on the other one, the Death G.o.d only allowed living mortals. What was special about these mortals was the fact that they believed that the Death G.o.d was not only their creators but also the creator of their worlds.

Every single one of them– from children to women, from animals to insects–the moment that they are born to their natural deaths, they only learned about the powers and benevolence of the Death G.o.d. And to them, he is the only G.o.d in existence.

Because of this, the amount of faith that these people provided to the Death G.o.d is tremendous. All the 100 billion mortals in this continent can be considered Fanatic Believers, and would not betray the Death G.o.d for anything

As the group of three floating in the sky, looking at this continent, they all had a deep look on their faces.

"What do you think?" asked w.a.n.g Ju.

"With the level of faith these people have on the Death G.o.d, they would never change their beliefs to us. In fact, if they knew the truth, they might even commit suicide."

"And it"s most likely to be all of them," added Yan Liling. She imagined more than a billion mortals committing suicide at the same time and she s.h.i.+vered slightly.

"So, what do we do? We can"t eliminate all of them as that would cause too much Karma Backlash. However, it seemed to be a shame to leave it alone."

"There might be another way," said w.a.n.g Ju.

"The people wors.h.i.+p the Death G.o.d, as such, we can slowly replace his face with the young master. These mortals have a short lifespan, with the pa.s.sage of time, we can slowly replace their memories of the Death G.o.d"s face."

"That"s indeed a good method," nodded Li Jun. "We can begin by replacing the face of the Death G.o.d in all the temples with a blank one, then tell these mortals that the Death G.o.d is in the process of transcendence, hence the reason that his face cannot be seen,

"After a short few hundred years, we can replace his face with big brother."

"Not just this. We can also slowly change his Divinity to Fate and Death to perfectly fit big brother," added Yan Liling.

Li Jun paused for a moment, then said: "The plan is good, if only it could be faster. Although a few hundred years is nothing to us, it would be much better if we could finish things faster."

"Don"t be too greedy," reprimanded Yan Liling.


"There might be a way," suddenly said w.a.n.g Ju, after seeing the gaze of the other two, she explained.

"The Death G.o.d has the ability to speed up the Time Flow of this world after paying a certain price. We could use this to our advantage."

"What price?"

"Mostly the incense he has gathered. However, if those run-out, he has to burn his soul and Law as a price."

"In that case, let"s make last use of his value," said Li Jun. "We can also use this time acceleration to increase our cultivation level." He then looked at Yan Liling and said:

"Before you say anything, I also know that overusing Time Acceleration will cause great damage to the body and soul, so, we will be careful."

Many powerful Emperor Lineages have Time Acceleration Secret Realm; they used it mainly when they need one of their newly discovered Heaven Chosen to quickly catch up to the current generation.

An example of that would be Lou Cheng"s sixth and seventh senior brothers. If the Origin Pill Dao Sect decided that these two were talented enough to represent the sect in the Heaven Will Battle, they would need to rapidly cultivate them to catch up to the current Heaven Chosen"s cultivation realm like Su Ya and Jian Wushuang.

This kind of problem would be even more severe if a Heaven Chosen was discovered while the current generation was in the Saint Realm or even Supreme Realm.

In that case, these Emperor Lineages would use the secret realm to accelerate the progress of their chosen individuals. Otherwise, by the time the Heaven Will Battle arrived, if these chosen individuals are not up to par in cultivation realms, then they will miss the chance to partic.i.p.ate.

Whether it is Su Yan, Lin Fan, Ji Song, or w.a.n.g Wei, they are all born at the perfect time, right at the beginning of this new generation. So, Heavenly Dao will follow their growth and decide based on their cultivation realm when to begin the battle of the throne.

When it comes to people born before them, based on the exact time, they might be considered part of the older generation, thus affected by karma and unable to fight for the Heaven Will.

If they are born right the cutting line for the older generation, then even if they reach the Supreme Realm before people like w.a.n.g Wei, they still have to wait for these guys to grow up before they can partic.i.p.ate in the fight.

Although unfair, this is the law and regulation of Heavenly Dao.

Although the Emperor Lineages have Time Acceleration to deal with this issue, over the years, it has been discovered many side-effects of over-using this method.

These side-effects include instant rapid aging, soul and body not synchronized, losing the ability to distinguish the pa.s.sage of time, and many others.

Because of this, the Emperor Lineages rarely use this method to provide their Heaven Chosens a time advantage. Unless really necessary or needed, most geniuses like w.a.n.g Wei will not mess with time lightly.

Yan Liling nodded her head in response, then asked w.a.n.g Ju: "Is this the reason you brought us? For this strange continent?"

"No, this is a small stop in our way."

After saying, she led the group to a small island a few hundred thousand kilometers from the continent. When the group landed, they did not see much on the island except for a small wooden cottage that looked ordinary.

However, the group would not think that w.a.n.g Ju will bring them to an ordinary cottage, so they used their Divine Sense to scan it. Immediately, Yan Liling said in surprise:

"Enlightening Place?"

"No, the Emperor Dao Rhymes are too weak; it should be just a place a Great Emperor stayed for a while," commented Li Jun.

Great Emperors are extraordinary ent.i.ties, so the place that they cultivate for a long time will be bathed by their Dao and leaves rhymes that are referred to as [Emperor Dao Rhyme]--which allowed cultivators to rapidly enter a state of enlightenment and understand the law.

These places are called Enlightening Place, which referred to the place a Great Emperor attains enlightenment. They are usually most easily formed after a Great Emperor absorbs the Heaven Will and began to comprehend their Grand Dao Source.

These Enlightening Places are left to their descendants to factions as a foundation for their prosperity.

After seeing the cottage with Emperor Dao Rhymes, Li Jun said:

"We always suspected that this world was related to a Great Emperor since the crystal wall can easily block the attack of Quasi-Emperors, but now we have iron-clad proof of this."

"The real question is who was this Emperor and what was their motives for coming to this small Middle Thousand World?" added Yan Liling.

Then, w.a.n.g Ju explained some information she gathered from the Death G.o.d"s soul.

"There is a legend that the first G.o.d to appear in this world came from the stars. The G.o.ds referred to him as [G.o.d King] and he is credited for spreading the current cultivation system."

"If that"s true, then there is a high chance that this Emperor is not from the Myriad Emperor World," nodded Li Jun. "If I remember correctly, the closest World Community to us mainly cultivate a Martial Art System.

"If this Great Emperor spread the cultivation system of his homeworld to this world, he might be from a faraway World Community."