Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 388: Primordial Spirit Realm II

Chapter 388: Primordial Spirit Realm II

Based on his current skill, w.a.n.g Wei discovered that he only reached the Master Control in this skill. Nevertheless, he was still satisfied. After a check, he realized that at this level, he could control every muscle, bone, organ, and blood inside his body to exert the power of his fleshly body.

According to his estimation, the Grandmaster level will allow him to use every cell in his body to exert force, and the Pinnacle Level will allow him to use every atom and subatomic particle in his body to exert force.

As for the Heavenly Dao? He did not know. Maybe he will step into the Quantum Realm by then, or maybe there is another change at that level.

Despite reaching the master level when it came to using physical force, he was still in the Full Control Level when it came to controlling his soul; it was then that he realized that he was not using his soul to its full potential.

So, once he was done, w.a.n.g Wei felt some sort of liberation, as if he was complete. He knew that with this level of control, his chances of refining his Primordial Spirit had increased by 20%, making his total chance of success 90%.

Next, w.a.n.g Wei began his breakthrough. He first notified Li Jun and the others, who then organized a ma.s.sive prayer session for him. All the mortals and G.o.ds of this world began to kneel at the churches and prayed to w.a.n.g Wei"s status.

An immense amount of Incense in the shape of golden light flew from these people"s bodies and entered the status, then the Incense is sent to w.a.n.g Wei through them.

Over the years, Li Jun"s group have done many studies and experiment to better understand the power of Incense. Then, they gave w.a.n.g Wei the result of their research.

According to their findings, when people pray or wors.h.i.+p a G.o.d, a small part of their spiritual energy that is mixed with their emotion is removed from their bodies, then such spiritual power is further mixed with spiritual energy and turned into incense.

The more intense the emotion, the more spiritual power is removed, the more intense the incense. Furthermore, the removal of this small amount of spiritual power is not harmful to the body.

The essence of all mortals slowly leaked out of their bodies, and this essence includes blood energy and spiritual energy. The leaking of blood energy lead to the deterioration of their bodies, while spiritual energy led to the deterioration of their souls.

So, when the mortals pray, the leaked spiritual power from their bodies is used to create incense. Another advantage from when they pray is that is they can briefly come into contact with spiritual qi.

Said Qi will nourish their bodies thus strengthen their blood qi, which will in turn slightly strengthen their spiritual energy. This cycle allowed most G.o.d believers to live until the end of their natural mortal lives without being drained of their spiritual energies.

In his breakthrough, w.a.n.g Wei first turned his Chaos Flame into the Origin Pill Flame and began to treat his soul as a pill to refine. He could instantly feel like it was working better than the Good Fortunate Flame.

Immediately, w.a.n.g Wei controlled the Good Fortune Flame to further power up the Origin Pill Flame, which instantly accelerated the rate at which his Paragon Soul was refined.

But it was still not nearly enough. At this rate, it would probably take him a few million years before this thing was finally melted. So, he swallowed the Incense Refining Pills that Yan Liling gave to him.

The moment that the power in that pill reached his soul, he could feel a slight change; it became more malleable thus further decreasing the difficulty

w.a.n.g Wei"s eyes lit up as he knew that he found the right direction. He immediately began to control the vast Incense coming from all over the world.

According to his previous research, Buddhist monks in the old era used a method to turn incensed into something called [Sentient Being Flame]. w.a.n.g Wei does not have the method of this flame, however, he created his own version of it.

Based on the knowledge on turning emotions into flames he blackmailed from Su Ya, adding on the book about Sin Flames he received from Wu Hong, plus his understanding of the Flame" Emperor used of Chaos Flame, he created his version of the Sentient Being Flame.

Essentially, he burned off all the emotions in the Incense leaving only the pure spiritual power to absorb by him. A golden flame appeared in his Sea of Consciousness.

This flame was the manifestation of the purest spiritual power. Furthermore, more incense was constantly added to it, then have the emotions removed from them and increase the power of the flame.

Immediately, w.a.n.g Wei fused the Golden Flame with his Origin Pill Flame to serve as an energy source. Then, the Origin Pill Flame looked as if gasoline was added to it to intensified the heat.

The process of refining the Paragon-Quality Soul drastically increased. So, with renewed vigor, w.a.n.g Wei took this opportunity to completely melt his soul. He did not know how long it took but he finally succeeded.

Using an entire world as an energy source, he finally melted his soul. Although the process was truly terrible, he had a high enough pain threshold to ignore it. Plus, his Pain Innate Talent was further developed in the process.

Nevertheless, this was only the first step in the breakthrough.

Normally, after this process, cultivators would gather the power of Good fortune in their flame to shape their soul into a human form that resembled them. They will gather all their memories, emotions, ideas, philosophies, and spirit and combines them with the soul and the power of Good fortune to sublimate it into something new, something better: the Primordial Spirit. And this is not a simple process–especially when it comes to emotion.

A cultivator has to be very in touch with their emotions, completely a.n.a.lyzed and understand them for the process to be successful. And this requires a very bright and pure spirit–which was tempered in the Divine Body Realm.

Plus, there are other ways to finish this process. Taoist cultivators detached themselves from their emotions. They recognized them, distinguished their purposes but still looked at them from a calm, indifferent, and logical point of view.

Their purpose is to reach a state of mind that is unaffected by worldly desires while not removing these desires; this state of mind is perfectly suited for understanding the laws of Heaven and Earth.

Because of this difference, they have their own way of entering the Primordial Spirit Realm.

Then there are the devil cultivators. Because their soul is plagued by sins and negative karma, their main emotions are usually violent ones like killing and destruction.

In the process of forging their Primordial Spirit, it is very difficult for them to control their emotions which often lead to their failures. So, their answer to this problem is to abandon a lot of their emotions turning them into ruthless beings that have no remorse for their actions.

After w.a.n.g Wei finally melted his soul, he did not immediately begin the process of instilling his emotions and so on. He never wanted an ordinary Primordial Spirit.

Instead, he used a secret technique he created to divide his soul into small interconnected particles, or spirit particles. This process required a great deal of control, luckily, he was now quite proficient in this area.

Once that was done, w.a.n.g Wei began to visualize the cells in his body. The Grandmaster Level in the [Force Controlling Skill] taught him how to control his cell. Although he has not reached this level, he can still visualize his cells.

Next, w.a.n.g Wei began to fuse his spirit particles with his cells.

This idea came to him after reading the cultivation system of the ancient clans. Because that system focused more on developing the fleshly body, it does not have a Primordial Spirit but something that has the same effect called True Spirit.

The True Spirit is also a sublimation of the soul, however, it is not housed in the Sea of Consciousness but fused with the fleshly body. w.a.n.g Wei wanted a soul that has both the effect of a Primordial Spirit and the True Spirit.

This process was harder than w.a.n.g Wei antic.i.p.ated. If it was not the constant incense to nourish his mind and elevated his comprehension and control, he did not know how long it would take, or whether he would succeed.

Once the process was done, w.a.n.g Wei had 1.269 trillion spirit particles fused with a cell inside his body. Then, he began to instill his emotions, ideas, goals, and philosophies into the particles.

Using them, he began to a.s.semble the particles together to form his Primordial Spirit. And he did not just create one that looked like a human as everybody was supposed to.

He built his base completely on his body. From cells to tissues, to organs, to organs systems. He replicated his entire body to form his Primordial Spirit.

Once that was done, the fusion of his Primordial Spirit and his body was completed. Then, something he did not expect occurred. All the materials that he absorbed when cultivating the Ancient Desolate Body Scripture exuded Dao Rhymes that began to nourish w.a.n.g Wei"s Primordial Spirit.

The Innate Qi contained in his body did wonder to his Primordial Spirit, making it stronger, more malleable, more durable, and may even have some other benefits that he has to discover himself. He was especially satisfied with the defense granted to him by this baptism; he probably no longer needed a Soul Protecting Artifact--although he will still use one.

After all, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Once the baptism was finished, w.a.n.g Wei immediately knew the benefit of this. The advantage of his [True Primordial Spirit]--as he called it--is that as long as one of the spirit particles is intact, he can revive himself with the right amount of resources.

Or if it is destroyed, as long as his body is intact, since they are connected, he can recreate his Primordial Spirit. In order words, to kill w.a.n.g Wei, you have to destroy instantly destroy his fleshly body and Primordial Spirit.

For as long as part remained, with enough resources, he can be brought back to life. And when he entered the Drop Blood Rebirth Realm after finis.h.i.+ng tempering his blood, he will become even more difficult to kill.

However, there is still a problem. Once his body is completely destroyed beyond repair and has to regrow one, all his accomplishments in body refining will be gone.

Now, he does not have to face this issue. Since his True Primordial Spirit has been baptized by the materials that forged his body, once his fleshly body is regrown from his soul, it would instantly reach its peak before destruction.

Of course, as a result, the resources required to revive him become even more precious. Luckily, he is considered a second-generation rich young master.

As he looked at his new Primordial Spirit, w.a.n.g Wei nodded in satisfaction. However, the process was not finished. The final step is to fuse the Power of Heaven and Earth learned in the Heaven Stage of the Divine Body Realm to the Primordial Spirit.

Since the Power of Heaven and Earth is a precursor to the Power of Law, this process is needed to use the Primordial Spirit to understand the law in the future.

His Power of Heaven and Earth granted him a 270-fold increase, so fusing it with his Primordial Spirit was quite rewarding. Once he was done, w.a.n.g Wei felt the world become brighter, clearer.

He could now see things that he never could before.

"Is this the Primordial Spirit Realm?" he muttered with a smile.