Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 398: The Truth II

Chapter 398: The Truth II

With his Divine Sense, w.a.n.g Wei could see how terrible of a shape he was in right now. For one, his Ancient Desolate G.o.d Transformation was long canceled, as he was unable to sustain it after dying a few dozen times.

  His luscious gray hair that was once full of life was now gray-white as if it had witnessed many things.

His handsome and youthful face was long gone, replaced by that of an old man full of wrinkles and a few age spots. The aura surrounding him had a slight hint of decay, showing that his call to the next life was rapidly approaching.

The only thing that showed that this was a young man was his eyes that still shone brightly with life and vigor; there was no turbidness of an experienced old man. His eyes contained wisdom but not one born out of the vicissitude of life, but through knowledge.

As w.a.n.g Wei looked at his body, he knew that he did not have much time left. The reason he was in such a sorry state was that at some point, he had to use his life span to regenerate himself.

The previous him who had more than 500,000 years of life span had now a little over 600 years left, meaning that he was now an old man in his twilight years.

On top of all that, he found small cracks inside his Primordial Spirt, his Divine Sea, and Divine Altar. He knew that this was a result of his foundation on the verge of collapsing.

"Alright, it"s time for the last play," he thought.  A black thunder suddenly came out of his body to surround and protect him like a sphere. This was the Divine Punishment Thunder sealed inside his body by Wu Hong to continuously temper his body.

By now, he could still barely control it for his use.

After seeing the black thunder, Di Tian still had a calm look on his face. A small gem appeared in the middle of his forehead, then, black thunder came from it and surround him as well.

Then, he rushed toward his adversary, this time, intending to destroy him once and for all. Meanwhile, w.a.n.g Wei was not that surprised after seeing this. The reason that he had access to Divine Punishment Thunder was that he entered the Duyi Realm and had the plan to store this lightning for his own use.

Since Di Tian had also entered the Duyi Realm, it meant that he also survived the same punishment as him. As for the idea of using this thunder for himself, w.a.n.g Wei did not think that in all the long history of the Myriad Emperor World, he would be the only one who have such an idea.

So, he immediately used another technique. After sacrificing another hundred years of his life span without hesitation, he summoned the River of Fate once again to surround him like a coc.o.o.n, acting as another layer of protection.

This technique called [Fate Protection] was inspired by the one Su Ya used during her fight with Lin Fan. It allowed w.a.n.g Wei to solicit the protection of all the people or things that are under the control of fate, which is essentially everything.

Before now, he could only connect to the River of Fate to use this spell but now, he could use the entire river. So, now, from past to present, all the living individuals that ever existed in the Heavenly Abode World began to protect w.a.n.g Wei.

All the G.o.ds and Supreme G.o.ds that were ever existed, all the mortals and animals, all the races, the forests, mountains, and rivers: everything was protecting w.a.n.g Wei.

Yet, with all of this, adding the Divine Punishment Thunder could only buy him a few seconds under a bloodl.u.s.t Di Tian. Luckily, the few seconds were all he needed.

w.a.n.g Wei closed his eyes as he began to once again review his experience in the Nine PaG.o.da Trials. Until this moment, he did not notice how much of an impact these trials had on his cultivation path.

It was responsible for his always calm demeanor in dangerous situations, it instilled in him humility so that he never truly let his victory or advantages over his opponent get to his head.

Because of the trial, he knew to never give up no matter how dire the situation, he knew not to let power get over his head, not to take defeat personally, and to do whatever was necessary to survive because only the last man standing is the true victor.

Not to mention how it tempered his will, his Dao Heart, and his pain tolerance.

Thinking about this, w.a.n.g Wei focused on his last confrontation with the Wrath of Heaven. In that last battle, he was nothing but a mortal, and yet, he still managed to injure such an all-powerful being.

The reason for that? By simply relying on his Will.

w.a.n.g Wei focused on that attack he used to injure that hand. He tried to feel that very same state to understand it, and eventually replicate it. As he felt deep under that state, he realized something.

That powerful Will that he manifested in that confrontation did come from his two years of constantly fighting the Wrath of Heaven without stopping. No, it came from his time on Earth, to be precise, after his death when he was swallowed by the s.p.a.ce crack.

After he was swallowed by that crack, he relied on the blue spots scatted in the void-like s.p.a.ce. w.a.n.g Wei had always thought that he only spent a little time in that s.p.a.ce before he found that white light and reincarnated.

But he was wrong.

He spent countless Yuan Epochs traveling in that desolate s.p.a.ce trying to reach one blue spot after another. And one Yuan Epoch is equal to 1.269 trillion years. 

So, a mortal with no cultivation, with his soul on the verge of collapse, spending so much time alone in this dark and empty s.p.a.ce. 99.9999 percent of people would die of loneliness or take their own life to end the suffering.

As for the rest, they would simply give up midway.

However, w.a.n.g Wei endured that loneliness that seemed to stretch for an eternity. Whether it was his desire to survive, his stubbornness, or simply not knowing the concept of giving up, he held on for eons.

This resulted in him cultivating a powerful Will, unlike anything that has ever existed in the cultivating world. However, after going through Reincarnation, his soul was too powerful, so he had to sacrifice a lot of it in the process.

Additionally, with his new soul, plus the new baby body that he was inheriting, he had to seal his Will to protect his body as it was too weak to bear.

And during the last PaG.o.da Trial, he brought some of it out. And right now, he was doing the same. 

w.a.n.g Wei opened his eyes and sighed in disappointment. By now, Di Tian had already torn apart his defense and was standing in front of him. Without hesitation, he punched forward.

A supreme Will that could defy the odds, that neglected the very concept of logic itself emanated from that punch; it was supreme, almighty, and unstoppable.

For the first time since this fight, Di Tian"s face became very serious as he felt the power of that punch. He mobilized all the power in his body including his nine Divine Seas and nine Primordial Spirits, to bless his body with the Power of Heaven and Earth.


Di Tian was sent a dozen kilometers away, with half of his body completely annihilated; he looked like a mutilated corpse floating in the void. Meanwhile, w.a.n.g Wei sighed after seeing this.

In the process of tapping into that powerful Will, he failed, or at the very least, did not completely succeed otherwise there would be nothing left of Di Tian after that attack.

The reason for that was simple. His body could not accommodate such power. w.a.n.g Wei guessed that even if he was in peak shape, he could still not bring out all the power of his will.

In fact, even if he reached the peak of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, he might not succeed. Otherwise, the consequence is that he would simply be disintegrated into particles and die.


w.a.n.g Wei heard this sound and quickly checked his body. As expected, his Divine Sea had even more cracks along with his Primordial Spirit. His body became even thinner than any mummy making him look like a very terrifying demon.

His life span only had a little over 200 years left.

Meanwhile, Di Tian used the same tactic as w.a.n.g Wei. He opened his mouth to bit the tip of his tongue and spit out a drop of very pure blood. Then, a new body was instantly regenerated from that drop.

As for his previous damaged body, he placed it inside his s.p.a.ce ring.

"This attack reached the level of 8 reincarnations. Although it seems very circ.u.mstantial, this shows the terrifying talent of this w.a.n.g Wei. He must be killed."

Then, Di Tian rushed toward w.a.n.g Wei at a speed hundred thousand times the speed of light and slapped him with all his strength.

(AN: I promise that the next chapter is truly the end of this battle.)