Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 408: Protagonis

Chapter 408: Protagonis

w.a.n.g Wei"s eyes were closed as he was in deep meditation to heal his injuries. In the cracks on his Divine Sea, Altar, and Primordial Spirit, runes along with a pink flame could be seen.

He was using the same method Wu Hong used to seal his injuries and removed them. Additionally, he was also using the Origin Pill Flame Scripture to refine his injuries into pills.

Since the flame could be used to refine anything into medicinal material, this attempt did work as he was healing faster than antic.i.p.ated.

w.a.n.g Wei opened his eyes as he felt his breath more smooth and relaxing. He has to say that the Origin Pill Flame Scripture was one of the most unique scripture he had seen, on par with the Origin Path Scripture, Wu Hong"s Scripture, and the Ancient Desolate Scripture.

Most likely, Emperor Danyuan was not a simple person.

Once his daily cultivation was finished, w.a.n.g Wei took out a few books to read. These books belonged to the Heavenly Profound Continent. He knew that every world and its system has its advantages, so it was beneficial to him to learn from it.

And he did find a few spiritual materials whose ability intrigued him so he took a few. Additionally, he needed to understand this world to create some fortunate encounters for Zhou Shu and Chu Mo.

Some of the cultivation techniques that these people will use were created by w.a.n.g Wei based on this world"s Profound Path System.

While reading all these things, two things really caught w.a.n.g Wei"s attention. One of them was a secret technique called [Profound Flower Condensation].

After reading it, w.a.n.g Wei immediately realized that this was based on the theory of [Three Flowers Gather On A Crown]. The three flowers referred to the Spirit, Qi, and Essence, or the soul, vitality or energy inside the body, and the fleshly body.

The [Profound Flower Condensation] technique is a way to condense the Qi Flower inside the body using profound energy. The person who created this secret technique was a righteous path genius that only appeared once in ten thousand years.

Using it, he dealt a devastating blow to the demonic sects and almost annihilated them. Unfortunately, he suddenly disappeared, never to be seen again.

There are legends about him leaving the continent in pursuit of becoming a Great Emperor. However, w.a.n.g Wei believed that he was most likely secretly killed because his actions were not favorable to the Unspoken Sect"s plans.

Based on this secret technique, w.a.n.g Wei planned to develop a way to condense the Spirit and Essence Flowers, then modified the technique to fit his origin essence.

These Flowers could be considered very important to reach the pinnacle of the three treasures of Spirit, Qi, and Essence. With it, these things would not only be more powerful but also served as a way to establish a great foundation before comprehending the Law.

w.a.n.g Wei guessed that there may be some cultivation systems out there that utilized them and these systems should be quite powerful.

The other thing that caught his attention was a profession in this world called Divine Master. Although the name sounded quite impressive, it was just another version of Talisman Maker and Array Master combined; it even has some Weapon Refiners added to it.

In this world, the Dao of Talisman is not that developed, most likely because their cultivation system does not deal with the soul until the very later stages. Not just talisman, but the other professions as well.

Then came Divine Masters. They are people who can use runes to borrow the power of Heaven and Earth. By using their spiritual power to write runes in the air, they can control the fire, wind, thunder, and so on.

Additionally, they can also store these powers in jade or spiritual paper. One of the main reasons that Divine Masters are so n.o.ble in this world is because they are the only ones who can make s.p.a.ce Ring and Teleportation Array; the other professions cannot.

Unfortunately, an innate high level of spiritual power is needed to become a Divine Master, on top of talent for understanding and using runes. With this world"s system that does not focus on spiritual cultivation, the laws of Heaven and Earth do not really favor talents based on these criteria.

So, finding a person with high enough talent to become a Divine Master is very difficult. If it was not because of how vast this continent was, the number of people who had this talent could probably be counted on one hand.

If it was back on Earth, in the entire population of more than 7 billion, even one might not be found.

What intrigued w.a.n.g Wei about this profession was their use of runes to borrow the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth. In the Myriad Emperor World, generally, Talisman Makers have to reach the Divine Body Realm"s Heavenly Stage to be able to make instant talismans.

That"s because now they can use the power of Heaven and Earth. The same applies to Array Masters. However, the Divine Masters in this world can do it even without any cultivation.

As long as an apprentice has enough talent, they could set up a rune in the air instantly. Of course, their strength is nothing compared to Talisman Maker since they are using the Power of Heaven and Earth, while the latter is just borrowing the spiritual power between Heaven and Earth.

Nevertheless, their method intrigued w.a.n.g Wei as it would be very beneficial to the training of Talisman Makers in his sect, and eventually, the entire Myriad Emperor World once he proved the Dao.

The other thing that inspired him was the way that Divine Masters trained their disciples: through carving runes sculpture.

w.a.n.g Wei waved his hand and a plank of wood appeared in his hand along with a sculpting knife. He began to carve. He first started with himself, his parents, then Wu Hong.

As he looked at the small wooden figures in front of him, he nodded in satisfaction. With his control over his body, this sculpture could be considered a masterpiece; the pinnacle of what any mortals could achieve.

However, they did not have any souls, any intent. And this was on purpose.

Once that was done, w.a.n.g Wei began to sculpt all the people he has ever met in his life. This included Li Jun, Yan Liling, all the disciples and elders of the sect, and all the Heaven Chosens he interacted it.

And this was not just them, but all the people he has ever met in his life. With his memories where he could remember someone even he glanced at them through the side of his eyes, there were many people.

w.a.n.g Wei did not even let go of all the people in the Heavenly Abode World. Because of how vast the world was, he did not meet all of them but he did meet a great deal of them. Plus, he did not even forget all the animals or demon races as well.

With w.a.n.g Wei"s strength, it took him three days to sculpt all of these trillion people and more. However, these carvings still did not have any intent. Nevertheless, he pushed his sculpting beyond the scope of mortal through sheer repet.i.tiveness and practice.

Once he was done, he began to sculpt the sceneries he had seen. This includes mountains, forests, glaciers, volcanoes, and so on. This time focusing on non-living things. This process also took a while as he wanted to be very detailed, to the point of recreating every single gra.s.s he ever saw.

Just like before, these things only had shape but not the intent.

The next step was resculpting all the people he met again, this time, focusing on recreating their essence, their soul. This process requires him to focus deeply to remember these people while also using his spiritual power while sculpting.

The process was not as fast as possible because it took a greater toll on him when sculpting these people. Plus, he still had to be careful when not to overuse his spiritual power in his injured state.

However, as w.a.n.g Wei sculpted more people, his eyes become brighter–especially when he began to sculpt the people from the Heavenly Abode World and used the grieving souls inside his Sea of Consciousness as reference.

His understanding of Karma began to rapidly grow with each sculpture. Additionally, it became easier to block out the crying of these grievances that had begun to act out once again.

One day, while he was too focused on a sculpture, he suddenly felt something and raised his head; he was immediately startled when he saw someone standing next to him.

"Jeez, we have to have some rules that you cannot just appear out of nowhere like this."

"There were many signs of my appearance, you were just too focused to notice," replied Wu Hong with a smile. She took a good look at him before saying:

"You"re in terrible shape."

Meanwhile, in the Heavenly Profound Continent:

Zhou Shu was in a cave with misty lights surrounding him. A vast quant.i.ty of spiritual energy between Heaven and Earth. At some point, a cracking sound came out of his body and he opened his eyes.

"Finally breakthrough from the Profound King Realm to the Profound Sovereign Realm."

Without hesitation, he took out a book from his s.p.a.ce ring and read the t.i.tle: [How To Become A Protagonist: The Guide to Becoming A Son of Destiny].

Despite the long and strange t.i.tle, Zhou Shu knew that this was the most important fortunate encounter in his memories. It was his only chance at protecting himself and the people he loved in the current turbulent time and unknown future.