Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 420: Dark Truth

Chapter 420: Dark Truth

"Is that your way to speak to your ruler?" said the shadowy figure.

"Ruler?" Replied Chen Tong with a sneer. "How delusional have you, parasites, become?

"At my peak, I could crush all seven of you with one hand, and now you"re talking about being my ruler. If you guys did not take advantage of the situation, none of you would even be qualified to speak to me or anyone else normally."

Cheng Tong truly despised these people. The Eternal Ascension World was one of the most powerful Chaos Worlds in this universe. They have cultivated the largest number of Paragons and the most powerful ones amongst all the Source Worlds. Their influences spread throughout Chaos.

However, ever since these 7 parasites took power, they have weakened the world to an unbearable point.

As soon as Chen Tong said these words, a that shadow"s figure; the leak was less than a few nanoseconds, and yet, a catastrophic result occurred.

Cracks started to appear all over the Endless Void; in just a moment, it appeared as if the entire lower dimension was about to be destroyed. And it would have if that shadow did not restraint his breath.

If he did not stop in time, all the Heaven Will Worlds along with their World Community full of millions of worlds would have instantly been annihilated. Luckily, the shadowy figure controlled his breath, before looking in a certain direction.

And with that single look, he fixed all the damage to the lower dimension and even strengthen its source slightly. He then looked at Chen Tong as if nothing happened, and said:

"I did not come here to argue with you."

"So, why did you come here?" asked Chen Tong, who was not surprised by this person"s strength.

"The Dark Truth has appeared in the Lower Dimension."

"What?" said Chen Tong as he stood up from his cultivating futon. "Where?"

"In the Extremity Sea."

Chen Tong looked in the northwest direction and his eyes seemed to ignore the concept of s.p.a.ce and time as he looked at the end of the Endless Void. He saw a gray fog calmly staying there.

However, Chen Tong only glanced at it for a moment and did not dare continue; fear flashed across his eyes along with intrigue.

"This is all you guys" fault," he yelled. "If you did not weaken our world to this point, how could the Dark Truth reach its claws here?"

"You know very well that this is not true," said the shadowy figure. "The Dark Truth has existed since the beginning of time and has spread to countless Chaos Worlds, no matter how powerful they were."

Chen Tong knew that this person was speaking the truth. The Dark Truth is considered one of the Taboos of the universe, and maybe the oldest one. Its existence has been traced to the beginning of the Chaos Universe, during the time that FiendG.o.ds reigned supreme and existed until the present.

It always manifested in the form of gray fog, and people have referred to it by many names with the most popular one being the Dark Truth; that"s because it is believed that the fog hides the ultimate truth of the universe, and that truth is not something that people can or will accept.

Existing across the entire Chaos is not the reason the Dark Truth is feared. The main reason is its unpredictability. In some world, the gray fog act as a disaster, wiping out countless almighty figures and even the entire world.Â

And it did not matter whether countless FienG.o.ds, Paragons, Dao Monarchs and Immortal Kings try to stop it, they will all be extinguished by the fog; no exception.

At the same time, some people can enter the fog and nothing would happen to them. They would just enter and leave. And some people would receive gifts from the fog.

It could be powerful weapons, an increase in talent, rare resources, and so on. Many almighty figures of Chaos were born after receiving gifts from the Dark Truth.

However, the unfortunate thing is that no one knows the criteria for receiving a negative, neutral, and positive reception. So, entering the fog is a gamble.

What made this fog even scarier is the fact that the Eye of Grand Dao seems to not have the ability to remove it. Many people have tried borrowing its power and their best result has always been to delay its spread or make it inactive for a while.

Because of this, there have been rumors that once the fog spread to every corner of Chaos, this would be the end of the universe. All lives would end, and even the Dao itself will not be spared.

After thinking about all these things, Chen Tong snorted coldly: "Even if what you said is true, do you think that it is a coincidence that the fog appeared at this moment?"

The shadowy figure paused for a moment, "We have come to make you an offer. Investigate the fog and the 8th seat in our council will be given to you."

Chen Tong sneered after hearing this. These people were asking him to risk his life for this so-called opportunity. After all, he did not know if he could survive the fog. He had learned the hard way when to be curious and when to mind his business,

Plus, their so-called 8th seat was something he could have acquired on his own if these parasites were not blocking his way.

"Go ask someone else," he replied.

"Why don"t you think about it long before answering."

Chen Tong looked at the shadow figure up and down, "You already asked other people and they refused? Well, only a fool would believe your words.

"Why don"t you try asking Old Man Nether? With his personality, he should be more than happy to take the risk–as long as the price is right?"

The shadow remained silent and did not answer. Chen Tong once again sneered after seeing this:

"I forgot that you, parasites, do not even dare to send a projection into the Myriad Emperor World."

The shadowy figure wanted to get mad once again but controlled himself. He knew that Chen Tong was correct. The Myriad Emperor World can be considered the most important of the Heaven Will World in the lower dimension.

They have cultivated countless First Cla.s.s Great Emperors that eventually became Paragons. Not to mention they have also cultivated the highest number of Eternal Emperors that eventually turned into Boundless Paragons.

The Golden Age of the Eternal Ascension World was created and led by these people. And at its peak, the Eternal Ascension World was the most powerful Source World–which are worlds in Chaos that can give birth to Great Emperor and Paragons.

However, something happened that made most of these individuals disappear, creating a power vacuum that led to the current political landscape.

Nevertheless, even though these people "disappeared or died," the current 7 rulers knew that this was just how things were on the surface. Eternal Emperors were already so hard to kill, not to mention Boundless Paragons; those were the true monsters amongst monsters.

Not to mention that one of them survived that catastrophe: Empress Wu. Although she was in a very weakened state and could not act arbitrarily on her own, her existence alone brought fear and restraint to the 7 of them.

Not to mention that there are rumors that some other people also survived but were hiding deeply for some reasons, recuperating their injuries and waiting for the right time to show up again.

So, they would never step foot in the Myriad Emperor World as there are too many secrets and untouchable people connected to it.

"If you change your mind, contact us." said the shadowy figure before leaving; it was truly frustrating to speak to these remnants of the Old Era. They have no awe or respect for those in power.

As soon as that person left, the sneering look on Chen Tong"s face was replaced by worry. He knew that the appearance of the Dark Truth was not good news for anyone.

Adding to what happened after the Ultimate Taboo showed up, all of these are a sign that something that will affect the entire Chaos Universe was about to take place.

"What is it that you old guys are planning? All of you must know something that I don"t. So, why don"t you all fill me in."

For the first time, Chen Tong regretted that he did not die in the events that surrounded the Ultimate Taboo. That way, he would know more and can better prepare for the future.

"The only good news is that the time of these 7 parasites is rapidly coming to an end, and they know it so they are trying to recruit other people on their side," muttered Chen Tong with a sneer.

"However, the other 2 will be a problem. How did they break the Limit and take the step on that boundary? Is this the benefit of the Ultimate Taboo? In that case, why didn"t Empress Wu also benefit and broke that Limit? Unless…"