Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 537 Dao Child"s Provocation

Chapter 537 Dao Child"s Provocation

w.a.n.g Wei looked up and down at this person, and his mouth almost twitched. He sensed a unique aura from this Ye Tuzhi: it was the aura of an Outlaw.

He instantly this person cultivated an Outlaw Dao, but he had not pa.s.sed his trial yet.

"So, am I his trial?" thought w.a.n.g Wei. He quickly divined the secrets of heaven. He was not necessarily Ye Tuizhi"s trial, but someone in this trial was. So, it could be him or any of the other Heaven Chosen.

However, Considering everyone"s displayed strength and potential could be him or Chu Luo. Many thoughts flashed across w.a.n.g Wei"s mind as he pondered whether to confront Ye Tuizhi or just hide; he did not want to be Heavenly Dao"s p.a.w.n.

As for his reputation of running away from a battle, he did not care about such a thing. After all, the trial"s rules only implied it was forbidden to run away; there were no rules that expressly prohibited such an act.

While these two t.i.tans were about to clash, the situation on Xu s.h.i.+"s side suddenly changed. Someone else appeared before her, most likely intending to challenge her too.

"s.h.i.+ Qian, don"t you feel any shame targeting me after depleting my stamina?" Xu s.h.i.+ said.

"You should understand that this trial"s rules are the same as the Heaven Will Battle: anything goes. Plus, are you exhausted?"

"Where is your pride as an Immortal Child?"

"Pride? Can I eat it? Can it make me stronger?"

Xu s.h.i.+ squinted her eyes, looking at this so openly shameless woman. Many thoughts flashed across her mind as she a.n.a.lyzed the situation. Then, without hesitation, she took her token and threw it to s.h.i.+ Qian, an act that surprised her.

This was a calculated move on Xu s.h.i.+"s part. The sixth-seeded place was unique as too many vied for this position. Although she had confidence in herself, she did not want to reveal too much of her strength before she saw how the other parts of the compet.i.tion took place.

Of course, Xu s.h.i.+ would not give up this trial: the Deceiving Heaven Longevity Art was too valuable for her. She did not want this technique to contribute to another Insurgent Technique in the Academy.

Her true goal was to use this technique to deceive Heaven that her husband had pa.s.sed the Outlaw Trial and revived him using this method. If not, at least deceive Heavens that he failed his trial but survived.

Xu s.h.i.+ did not know whether this technique could accomplish something like this. However, this was her first chance at reviving him, so she wanted to try no matter what.

So, she gave s.h.i.+ Qian one last look before returning to her mansion and activating the arrays. No matter what, she would retake the token, possibly one of an even higher place.

Xu s.h.i.+"s actions surprised s.h.i.+ Qian along with many people. However, after a brief a.n.a.lysis, many people realized this was a genius move. At this point in the trial, all the seeded tokens are nothing but hot potatoes.

Other compet.i.tors can attack seeded players, but even they can only defend their position. So, as of now, they have a weaker hand.

s.h.i.+ Qian looked at the token in her hand, her eyes s.h.i.+ning brightly. Like Xu s.h.i.+, she did not want the final scripture because of its implications for her factions or family. She wanted to see if she could deceive Heavens that she was a Dao Child that could control their Dao Source Seed or even an Emperor Child.

Typically, such heaven defying method should not be possible. The enormous gap between mortals and immortals would make it impossible for a mortal–no matter how talented–to deceive Heavens that he was an Immortal Child or another blessed one. True Heavenly Dao has always been very strict regarding things such as this.

However, as one of the Three Blessed Beings, she believed she had a chance at succeeding. And once she does, she is guaranteed to prove the Dao and become a Great Emperor.

After thinking about all of these, s.h.i.+ Qian looked at her surrounding, waiting to see if anyone would challenge her. However, no one did so as they focused on the confrontation between w.a.n.g Wei and Ye Tuizhi.

In this brief distraction, w.a.n.g Wei had already made a decision regarding this battle. He received a hint that the quickest way to gather the resources needed for this final incarnation was through this Young Master Ye. So, he could not resist the temptation.

Nevertheless, he also needed to be cautious.

He looked at the killing intent emanating from Ye Tuizhi, and w.a.n.g Wei cracked his neck. It"s been a while since he let loose, and he had the chance now–especially since the trial"s s.p.a.ce was strengthened to withstand all their powers.

Otherwise, Xu s.h.i.+"s previous battle would have created devastating destruction to the surrounding.

"I genuinely hate it when I see confident humans like you. Thinking how powerful most of your kind is in other worlds makes me sick."

w.a.n.g Wei calmly looked at him. Typically, he would try to understand his opponent"s mindset, history, or background. But, this time, he did not care.

"I don"t like how you look at me," said w.a.n.g Wei. "So, let"s begin with your eyes."

Before Ye Tuizhi could react, w.a.n.g Wei appeared in front of him with speed beyond his reaction and time. Then, he ripped his eyeb.a.l.l.s from their sockets.

Young Master screamed out loud as he felt pain unlike he had ever experienced in his thousand years of life. How could he resist? After all, w.a.n.g Wei had not used his Pain Innate Talent for a long time despite continuing to train this ability, so he can magnify the pain of all his attacks by factors of millions, if not more.

As w.a.n.g Wei watched the eyeb.a.l.l.s regenerate, he grabbed Ye Tuizhi by the head and flew to the sky like he was holding a helpless chicken. In his flying paths, hundred of blue stars appeared.

w.a.n.g Wei used the Star Essence in his Acupoints and mixed them with the Chaos Flame inside his Heart to create these Chaos Stars. As he ran Ye Tuizhi through the first one, the tiger demon screamed as the Chaos Flame burned every atom of his flesh, not even sparing his soul.

But it was not the end. w.a.n.g Wei held him with a firm grip, preventing him from moving an inch before running him through close to a hundred stars.

"Enough!" roared Ye Tuizhi, creating a shockwave that pushed w.a.n.g Wei away. At the same time, a Yin Breath emanated from his body as the blue star became encased in black ice.

Ye Tuizhi looked at his opponent, fury oozing from every pore in his body; the aura he released slightly bent the s.p.a.ce around him. At this point, he only had half of his body left while the other half had already turned into ashes.

Young Master Ye opened his mouth to instantly swallowed five of the Chaos Stars before w.a.n.g Wei placed them away. Then, in an instant, his body regenerated.

[G.o.d of Death"s Judgement]

A phantom of an enormous man with red skin, a long beard, and wearing a traditional black robe and a judge"s cap with the two characters of "king" and "death." The phantom took out a book and a brush, looked deeply at w.a.n.g Wei before flipping to a page, and wrote his name.

"A Bloodline Divine Ability?" thought w.a.n.g Wei as he sensed this technique came from Ye Tuizhi"s body instead of something cast or used through Law Comprehension.

A white light descended from the sky and enveloped w.a.n.g Wei. However, to everyone"s surprise, nothing else happened.

"Trying to judge my sins based on Karma? Shouldn"t you know better after what happened during the dinner?" said w.a.n.g Wei as he shook his head. He waved his hand to manifest an enormous hand that ripped the book and brush from this phantom"s hand.

Then, the hand wrote a name in the book. Ye Tuizhi"s face became ugly after seeing this and quickly deactivated his bloodline ability. Unfortunately, it was slightly too late, so he suffered backlash by vomiting a mouthful of blood, and his complexion became paler.

w.a.n.g Wei once again appeared before him and kicked him straight in his face, sending him cras.h.i.+ng to the ground.

"I must say, you truly have one of these faces that people simply want to stomp on."

Everything became eerily quiet for a moment before loud waves of laughter echoed throughout the city. The people watching–especially the humans–could not help laughing after hearing this.

None of them liked how these demons from the Demon Supremacy World treated humans, and they were weary of their ideologies of suppressing and eradicating humans.

So, it brought them great joy to see Ye Tuizhi mistreated like this.

"Screw all of you," roared Young Master Ye as his overwhelming hatred suppressed the unsurmountable pain he currently felt.

An ugly creature suddenly appeared behind him. It was only a head with red eyes and wrinkles resembling scales. The creature then opened its mouth wider than a python trying to swallow an elephant, displaying all its fangs: there were thousands of them, making people wonder if they all fit inside.

"Taotie," was the name that appeared on everybody"s mind.