Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 552 Xu s.h.i.+"s Challenge [Gift Bonus Chapter]

Chapter 552 Xu s.h.i.+"s Challenge [Gift Bonus Chapter]

(Thank you to DanghisKhan for the gift)


Jingwu Hua did not hesitate as she challenged the fourth-seeded player: s.h.i.+ Qian. She paid the challenge price, and the two flew into the sky to battle.

Jingwu Hua did not waste any time as she went on the offensive. A bright red flame appeared on her body, twisting the surrounding s.p.a.ce with the sheer temperature.

[Golden Crow Flame]

The flame on her body turned into a humongous crow before flying to her opponent.

[Pillars of Purification]

s.h.i.+ Qian waved her hand to manifest three ma.s.sive pillars of golden lights, descending on the flame crow. Unfortunately, the crow easily burned the pillar and their purification ability before rus.h.i.+ng toward her.

"Extreme Yang?" thought s.h.i.+ Qian before creating golden light cages around the flame to slowly weakened the crow until it disappeared.

[Nine Yang Suns]

Jingwu Hua created nine suns made of Extreme Yang Flame before dropping them on her opponent.

s.h.i.+ Qian frowned for a moment as she rapidly calculated her next step of action. A pair of white wings suddenly appeared behind her back. Then, she flew with unrivaled speed to evade the nine suns, who felt on the city"s formation.

Jingwu Hua also grew a pair of wings, but hers were crow wings. She flew toward her opponent a hundred times faster than light speed. Regrettably, s.h.i.+ Qian cultivated the Dao of Light, a Dao with a natural speed advantage.

s.h.i.+ Qian did not clash head-on with his opponent. She knew her fleshly body would not be on par with a Degraded Demon like the Three-Leg Golden Crow.

Additionally, her main tactic of fighting is using long-distance spells. So, she used her speed advantage to kiting her opponent. She would create Light Spears, Light Swords, and numerous other weapons to attack Jingwu Hua, who only used the flame on her body to burn these attacks.

After trying for a while to catch her opponent without success, Jingwu Hua used another approach. She used her Yang Law to boost her speed.

Everything between Heaven and Earth can be divided into yin and yang: Speed and Slow, for example. Speed is Yang, while slowness is Yin. So, through the Laws of Yang, Jingwu Hua controlled the concept of speed to boost her speed.

In an instant, she appeared before s.h.i.+ Qian and punched her.


The Immortal Child descended from the sky and landed on the ground, destroying countless houses. Half her body was burned to crisps before she could remove the Yang Flame on her.

[Pure Body]

A golden light appeared on the burn side to make her body pure, and a pure body cannot have any injuries. Jingwu Hua was not about to let her opponent heal, so she created a ma.s.sive pillar of flame that descended from the sky to finish the job.

However, when the attack landed, s.h.i.+ Qian turned into motes of golden lights before appearing in the sky. However, she now looked completely different.

She now had nine beautiful white wings on her back and had a full-body armor made entirely of light. She now had a holy and n.o.ble aura emanating from her, an aura that would force the weak-willed to bow down and wors.h.i.+p her.

"The Light Race Transformation," Jingwu Hua muttered.

[Karma Judgement]

s.h.i.+ Qian pressed her hand down, and a golden beam descended on Jingwu Hua. The latter released a flame barrier, but the light ignored her defense and went straight to her Primordial Spirit.

Jingwu Hua screamed as she felt a burning sensation directly in her soul. All the negative sins or Karma in her life had turned into a flame of judgment.

She quickly converted her Yang Power into light as a form of defense. After all, darkness is Yin, while light is Yang. Her action slightly reduced the attack"s power, but it was not enough.

So, Jingwu Hua activated some power from her bloodline to hide her karmic sins.

"You can hide your Karmic Sins, but what about your ancestors?" said s.h.i.+ Qian, who waved her hand.

[Judgment of the Ancestor"s Sins]

With the motion of her hand, Jingwu Hua instantly inherited all the sins her ancestors committed. Previously, her Karma could be considered neutral, but now it was ma.s.sively negative.

As a result, the golden light"s potency drastically increased; she knew she only had a short time before her opponent purified her soul and killed her.

"Do I have to use that method?" thought Jingwu Hua amidst her excruciating pain. Her father left a Dao Bone taken from his ribs to her. He refined the bone with the best Emperor materials he could find and left it in the Golden Crow Clan for his daughter.

After waking up, Jingwu Hua had some trouble with the current patriarch of the clan since the latter wanted to take the bone for his family. Luckily, she was powerful, and her father ensured no one else could take it for themselves.

After absorbing the rib, Jingwu Hua"s talent and bloodline sublimated; she felt she had the talent and strength of some Dao Child.

"It"s better if I do not activate the bone now and leave it for the Heaven Will Battle."

She understood her decision meant she had little chance of winning the inheritance without the bone. However, considering that her Emperor Path was at stake, she chose the path that guaranteed a brighter future.

As for the inheritance, she could stay to learn about her opponents–especially w.a.n.g Wei, who appeared to be her most significant threat.

"I forfeit," Jingwu Hua said, to s.h.i.+ Qian"s surprise. Then, she stopped her attack before sighing in relief. She looked at Mu Lei in the distance but did not challenge him. She flew to the ground and waited.

"Did you discover anything?" Li Jun asked.

"Yes. Her bones seemed special, but I can"t read any more information."

The next challenger was Xu s.h.i.+. She flew toward someone, but someone else stopped her midway.

"You again. Haven"t you learned from your previous defeat?"

"I"ve recently improved drastically, and I want to rechallenge you," replied Khutulun.

"I don"t want to waste time on you."

"One attack; I just need one attack to defeat you."

"Fine. I"ll play with you again."

Khutulun then went on the offensive.

[Shadow of the Past]

Nothing happened after Khutulun attacked; she only flicked her hand. However, shortly afterward, blood dripped down Xu s.h.i.+"s eyes, nose, and ears.

"She used shadow to attack my past self, which is quite weak; a perfect application of Shadow Laws to enter the domain of time. If not for my control of Time Law and the recent increase in my fleshly body, I would have lost. How could she become so powerful?"

"Is that it?" Xu s.h.i.+ asked calmly as her injury instantly healed. Khutulun sighed; she had used a lot of lifespans to cast that technique, but it still failed.

"So, Feng Heng got to the barbarian siblings?" He could sense the Buddhist power secretly contained in her body. Maybe most people will not recognize that power since it has been eradicated from the Endless Void for too long; he knew it very well since he had some in his Chakra.

Immediately, w.a.n.g Wei began to sense the other partic.i.p.ants and discovered a few people with Buddhist Power inside their bodies. There were people from Ji Lanfang"s Immortal Ascension World, Ye Dafu"s Primordial Demon World, and a few others.

Feng Heng seemed to choose the lesser genius of this compet.i.tion, using the fact many of them had their pride and confidence shaken by the recent result to lure these people into Buddhism.

"Maybe I should also start spreading Buddhism and repaying the Karma for the Future Buddha Scroll."

There are three Karmic Debts that are constantly weighing on him. The first one is from his sect; he is not concerned with that one since it is from his people.

The second one is from the Future Buddha Scroll. He guessed some powerful ent.i.ty gave him that book to create Karma with him, so the sooner he paid it off, the better for him.

Finally, it is the debt from Di Tian"s wife.

After seeing her opponent admit defeat, Xu s.h.i.+ flew toward her chosen challenger: Chu Luo.

"Do you want to challenge me?" he asked.

"Yes. According to the rules, I"m not a seeded player and can challenge anyone I want."

Chu Luo frowned, "You should understand I am not in the same league as you."

"These other tests meant nothing: only strength matters."

Xu s.h.i.+ did not believe her words, but she could not pa.s.s on the opportunity to get this inheritance; her husband"s revival relied on it. No matter what, she must at least try.

"Fin," said Chu Luo as he flew into the sky, and she followed him. Xu s.h.i.+ did not waste time and went on the offensive.

[World Domain]

Lin Fan had cultivated many Laws to the Law Manifestation Stage; he did not become a Saint because he had many others to comprehend. However, she inherited a few of his laws, so she had become a True Person quite some time ago.

Chu Luo calmly looked at the surroundings.

"Laws of Destruction, Time, Karma, and Life and Death. Great Laws."

He waved his hand to manifest a sword that beamed with the power of annihilation. The sword rushed out of his hand.


Xu s.h.i.+"s World Domain cracked; she could not resist even one attack. If not for the opponent"s mercy, she would have died. She bowed to thank him before flying away; she had to heal her world quickly. Otherwise, her cultivation will fall into the realm.

"Was that the Dao of Annihilation?" asked Li Jun though Divine Sense.

"No quite. His true Dao is…."