Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 69

w.a.n.g Wei looked at the 90 zhang tower for a while with awe, then he entered without hesitation. The Battle Tower was one of the few places in the sect that did not require contribution points.

This rule was set in order to encourage disciples to train and hone their fighting skills. As the tower is divided into different difficulties, disciples are in fact rewarded with a certain amount of contribution points for pa.s.sing a certain level.

After entering the tower, w.a.n.g Wei found himself alone in a separate s.p.a.ce in a fighting arena, and there was someone else waiting for him. He could tell that this person had the same 9th Layer of Body Refining Realm as him.

He also knew that this person--who looked exactly like a person--was in fact a construct similar to puppets created by the Battle Tower.

w.a.n.g Wei just looked at his opponent for a moment, then he rushed over to him. In just an instant, he travelled the more than 20 meters between them and threw a single punch.

With just this one punch, w.a.n.g Wei gathered all his blood qi and more than 36,000 jin of force exploded in an instant, completely destroying the construct.

After winning this battle, w.a.n.g Wei heard a voice saying, "Congratulations for pa.s.sing the Yellow Difficulty Level, do you wish to proceed to the Profound Difficulty?"

w.a.n.g Wei nodded and then, the broken construct vanished from the ground, replaced by ten more.

Looking at these ten more Body Refining realm 9th-Layer constructs, w.a.n.g Wei began to get excited. He could tell that these opponents could work together like some sort of formation.

w.a.n.g Wei rushed to the person closest to him and threw out a powerful punch again. However, things didn"t go as easy as the first round.

Once the construct received w.a.n.g Wei"s punch, he managed to reduce most of the force by allowing it to travel to the ground through its body. Then, all ten of them rushed together to attack.

w.a.n.g Wei became excited after seeing this. He instantly entered his focus state and started to predict the movement of the construct and dodge their attack.

He was very fast and only a few shadows can be seen as he dodged the attack of the ten constructs. They came from everywhere, the front, back, in the air, and even from the ground. All 10 of them were in perfect harmony.

However, w.a.n.g Wei was not reconciled to remain pa.s.sive, so he attacked.

Swis.h.!.+ Swis.h.!.+

The sound of his fist traveling in the air could be heard as he repeatedly attacked. However, it was all useless. All the force of his attacks were redirected. Seeing that his attacks were not working, he changed tactics.

He gathered all of his strength and threw another punch. This time it was not directed at the constructs, but at the ground.

With more than 18,000 kg of force, the entire arena started shaking uncontrollably, including all the constructs. w.a.n.g Wei took advantage of the fact that they had lost their footing and rushed to one of them.

He punched him with all of his strength, however, unlike previously, he did not allow the construct to redirect the force to the ground.

The moment w.a.n.g Wei felt that his force was about to be redirected, he urged his blood qi to flow into his arm continuously like a river, thus forming another force to superpose on the previous one.

That way, his punch can have more than 72,000 jin (36,000kg) of force, completely overwhelming the construct with strength only.

With a bang, it shattered into thousands of pieces, unable to redirect the force of this punch. However, w.a.n.g Wei did not get off scot-free. The muscles in his arms were torn off, and the blood qi on his body got out of control for a few breaths.

After calming his blood qi, he started to use it to nourish his broken muscles. In just a few minutes, he had mostly healed.

w.a.n.g Wei was quite surprised by the outcome of this move that he made on the spot. However, the backlash was actually quite severe. He decided not to use this method easily, and maybe leave it as a trump card.

While he was healing himself, the arena had stopped shaking and the constructs had regained their footing, however, one of their companions was still destroyed.

w.a.n.g Wei looked at the remaining 9 constructs, and decided to end this fight quickly. With a swish wound, he rushed to the nearest construct who went on the offense by throwing a punch.

w.a.n.g Wei dodged the punch, then reached out his right hand to hold the head of the construct, following a cracking sound, he crushed it. Afterward, he threw the destroyed construct on the ground like trash and rushed to his next target.

He used all the muscles in his legs to increase his speed, leaving a shadow in his trail. Instantly traveling more than 30 meters in a second.

Instead of throwing a punch like usual, his hand opened and made a spear-like shape with his five fingers. He then mobilized his blood qi to strengthen his fingers and pierced the heart or core of the construct, ripping it out of its body.

Just after piercing this construct, another one had already attacked w.a.n.g Wei with a high kick to his head. He did not dodge, but used his strength to hold the leg of the construct. He lifted him up in the air, slammed it to the ground with tremendous force.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

w.a.n.g Wei treated the construct like a child"s playing doll and slammed it in the ground more than five times, effectively destroying it.

However, he did not stop. Instead, he rushed to the remaining construct and used the one in his hand as a weapon to destroy others. He used the construct in his hand as a hammer smas.h.i.+ng all the remaining constructs. With this savage method, he pa.s.sed the Profound difficulty level.

After the fight, w.a.n.g Wei stood there breathing heavy with a pale complexion; his blood qi had run out.

w.a.n.g Wei looked down at his hand and clenched it, he could feel that his strength was reduced to nothing but a 1000 jin without blood qi. He frowned and muttered, "My body is really weak."

Without blood qi, cultivators in the Bodyrefining realm are weakening exponentially. w.a.n.g Wei guessed that it might be the same with higher levels of cultivation.

"In the future, I should put more emphasis on the [Ancient Desolate Body Refining Scripture]. That way, if I encounter a situation where I could not use the qi in my body, I can still have sufficient battle strength," thought w.a.n.g Wei.

Afterward, he sat cross-leg, took a sip of Holy Spring Water from his s.p.a.ce ring to heal his torn muscle, then took a Blood Qi Recovering Pill.

Looking at the pill in his hand, w.a.n.g Wei suddenly realized that the origin path system created by his ancestor is somewhat similar to Martial Arts from his past life.

In the Body Refining and Divine Sea Realm, cultivators cannot directly use or absorb the spiritual qi of Heaven and Earth. They cannot even absorb spiritual qi from origin stone until they reach the Divine Altar Realm.

For example, now, in order for w.a.n.g Wei to replenish his blood qi, he has to take a pill. Even when cultivating, the yoga-like pose he does and the mantras were to allow him to pa.s.sively absorb spiritual qi from the environment.

w.a.n.g Wei guessed that the reason his ancestor designed it like this was to lower the threshold for cultivating this system. As long as someone has a "Leakless Body"--a body that can hold energy-- he or she can start cultivating the origin system.

And in the process, the person can step by step build an affinity with spiritual energy and be able to properly sense it and control it by the time they enter the Divine Altar Realm.

Although the origin system is not all encompa.s.sing like some Martial arts system that can be used by anyone who has a body--both weak or strong--it is more complete and more powerful in the later stages.

"No wonder the Myriad Emperor Plane is so powerful," thought w.a.n.g Wei. "With this Origin System, the number of cultivators in the world would be terrible. As they fight and kill each other for the Heaven Mandate, the whole world in general or the entire civilization will advance or strive through battle and conflict."

Suddenly w.a.n.g Wei realized the true nature of Great Emperors. An Emperor is actually like a Gu insect king. This world is like a giant cage raising poisonous Gus. All the cultivators fight and kill each other, and the winner (Gu King) can have leaders.h.i.+p over the others, can have ultimate power and freedom to leave the cage.

If you are not the final winner, all that awaits you is death. Whether it is at the hand of the Gu King, or at the hand of other Gu Insects, or worse, due to sickness and old age.

With the invention of the Origin system, the world has created a perfect method to properly train powerful cultivators.

w.a.n.g Wei guessed that the entire world might receive some sort of benefit or reward for training a Great Emperor. As for what it is, he cannot guess. Maybe one day, if he manages to sit on that throne, he will know the answer.

After resting for one hour, w.a.n.g Wei recovered both his injury and blood qi. As such, he entered the Earth difficulty in the Battle Tower.