Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 715 Lnnate Technique

Chapter 715 Lnnate Technique

"She"s doing fine. No, she"s doing better than fine," replied w.a.n.g Wei, and he was not exaggerating. Dong Lifen"s achievement even shocked him and could be described as legendary. If she came to the Myriad Emperor World, she could suppress all the members of the current generation–except for him and Di Tian.

w.a.n.g Wei would be considered a worthy adversary, a threat only second to Di Tian.

"However, she is also a little too stubborn and reckless," added w.a.n.g Wei, as he was not lying. Dong Lifen"s recent actions almost got her killed and destroyed her path. Luckily, he asked the sect to look out for her, so an Insurgent had to save her.

"Is she alright?" hurriedly asked Yu Suyi.

"Only injured, but she"s fine," replied w.a.n.g Wei. "If you want to see, I can send someone to guide you."

She hesitated for a moment, "Is this a good idea?" After not seeing her disciple for so long, she feared their affection for each other was no longer there. Although the bond between a master and disciples is often as strong as a parent and their child, this law was not absolute–especially since Dong Lifen seemed to have achieved so much without her guidance and help.

"I cannot comment whether your disciple"s heart has changed after garnering such power. However, you won"t know until you meet her again."

"Indeed. Some things must be faced directly," commented Yu Suyi, and w.a.n.g Wei agreed. So, he chatted for a few minutes before calling someone to send her to another World Community.

As he watched her departure, w.a.n.g Wei"s eyes squinted.

"Dong Lifen"s accomplishments are beyond my expectations. If I can convince her to become a sect member, we are guaranteed to have another Eternal Supreme after a few generations."

He then frowned. This idea sounds good on the surface, but it was not that easy to achieve. From his observation, Dong Lifen is a very ambitious and might not want to join any factions since she does not need to.

"Forget joining the sect, she might not even accept my offer to help me with that plan," thought w.a.n.g Wei with a frown, calculating different possibilities.

"It"s useless to force her, so I can only hope she"s willing to pay the karma she owes me."

After shaking his head, he went to see Li Jun, but the latter had already left, searching for the War Talisman. So, w.a.n.g Wei flew out of the sect and opened a portal to the Eastern Continent.

To be precise, he flew to the White Cloud Domain at the southern end of the continent. This domain was not controlled by any Emperor Lineages or even any Supreme Lineage. Instead, five Holy Lands controlled it, forming a power balance.

After arriving at his destination, w.a.n.g Wei began to search for information. Unfortunately, this place was too far away and barren for his Fate Shadow Guard to reach. Furthermore, although he was sure no one in this plat could threaten him, even in their dreams, he did not lose his caution.

He did a few divinations and got the information he wanted. However, since the purpose of his visits involved Heavenly Dao, he was still cautious despite their "good" relations.h.i.+p. After disguising himself, he went to the most popular in this place and listened to the information he wanted.

Then, he walked out of the inn and wrote a talisman in the air before sending it into the distance.

Suddenly, the void beside him fluctuated, and a sword pierced his heart. At least, it tried to. Unfortunately, the blade and the person behind could not move, stuck in the air like time had frozen.

w.a.n.g Wei calmly looked at the person who came; his eyes calmed as if he expected the person to come. A cultivator does not entirely lose the power of the Domain after entering the Supreme Realm. Instead, the Domain changed from an active ability to a pa.s.sive one. So, w.a.n.g Wei can naturally see and sense everything in the surrounding trillion kilometers.

"Someone from the Shadow Slayer Temple?" That"s the second time someone from the temple tried to him. After the first time, he eliminated most of their branches in the Central Continent while having his guard infiltrate the other branches. So, he knew he had a high price in his head, and as the final battle approached, the price drastically increased.

And he was not the only one. Any Heaven Chosen with some reputation has a high bounty in the Shadow Slayer Temple, the Death Order Palace, and other factions.

But, he never expected someone was stupid, no, brave enough to actually come to him. Furthermore, the person who came was a little Quaso-Emperor; w.a.n.g Wei would have understood if an Immortal Sovereign or Dao Ancestor decided to break the rules and kill him.

w.a.n.g Wei glanced at the, and with one look, he searched the latter"s soul, read his fate line, and searched through his karmic relations.h.i.+ps; he guessed this person must have something to rely on to come to him.

And he was right.

"An Innate Technique?" muttered w.a.n.g Wei as he learned this was lucky enough to find a rare innate technique, born from Heaven and Earth, called [Out of This World]. The first levels of this technique allowed a cultivator to hide their aura and breath perfectly. Then, they can blend with Heaven and Earth to hide. Finally, in the last stage, the cultivator"s body can enter a unique dimension, separating from Heaven and Earth to achieve the ultimate level of hiding. In that separated dimension, they can hide their breath, soul, luck, karma, and even fate.

Unfortunately, this could not cultivate this technique to this level since it requires comprehending s.p.a.ce-Time Laws. He only forcefully achieved the last level by exchanging s.p.a.ce-time resources from the Shadow Slayer Temple.

As for the reasons he wanted to w.a.n.g Wei? It was due to his younger sister. This young man doted on his sister after their parents sadly pa.s.sed away. After acquiring the innate technique, he became an to give her a better life.

Unfortunately, his protective nature for her was insatiable. As the grew more powerful and climbed the ladder of the Shadow Slayer Temple, he wanted more for his sister. He saw w.a.n.g Wei"s bounty and knew if he succeeded, his sister would have the resources of a Heaven Chosen from Emperor Lineage with 3-4 Great Emperors.

So, he took the risk.

w.a.n.g Wei was speechless after learning all of this. This guy"s technique was not even cultivated to perfection, but he still took the risk. And even if it was, and he could hide from his sense, his attack would not even break his skin.

"Anyway, an innate technique is a good find," he muttered. Since the Null Era, innate techniques have become rarer and rarer, to the point most cultivators in the modern era do not believe they exist.

"It"s quite the ingenious technique, and I can learn a thing or two from it. Plus, it"s perfect for the Fate Shadow Guard."

He looked at the, wondering what to do with him.

"Do you want to work with me?" asked w.a.n.g Wei. "With me as your boss, you don"t have to worry about resources for your sister or how to find powerful teachers for her."

This person"s talent was not bad, and his luck was remarkable. So, it might be worth it to become one of his subordinates. Additionally, having another p.a.w.n in the Shadow Slayer Temple is not bad.

The found himself capable of moving, and a great horror flashed in his mind; he understood how stupid of a decision he had made. He took a moment to calm down, processing w.a.n.g Wei"s words.

"What will happen to me if I don"t agree?"

"Of course, you"ll die," said w.a.n.g Wei with a smile.

The"s body trembled, "Zhang Jing has seen the master." He quickly agreed as he could not fathom what would happen to his sister if he died now. Plus, it"s good to have a backer like the Dao Opening Sect.

"Good choice," said w.a.n.g Wei before teleporting this to the Fate Shadow Guard with instruction to w.a.n.g Ju to incorporate him and his technique into the group.

"It"s a shame," muttered w.a.n.g Wei. He thought this guy was a protagonist template and his sister was a supreme genius. If so, the Dao Opening Sect would have another talent. Unfortunately, from what he saw, his sister"s talent was mediocre.

w.a.n.g Wei then looked toward one of the Shadow Slayer Temple"s branches and sneered. Wu Hong already told him she had placed a secret marker in the Dao Burial Ground. So, after proving the Dao, he can find these rats and eradicate them even if they run and hide.

w.a.n.g Wei left to find an inn to rest for the day. During this entire ordeal, no one in the street noticed him or the; it was like he was never there in the first place.

The next day, w.a.n.g Wei headed to the East Lotus Sect, one of the five Holy Lands that rule this domain.