Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 1108 Sealed

Chapter 1108 Sealed

1108 Sealed

Despite this wonderful strike, which, due to its speed, edged the boundary of art, the Void Mirror Emperor reacted; to be precise, he had prepared for such an eventuality. So, as the sword approached its destination, it experienced a few things.

The strike experienced another inversion, trying to slow it down; a second inversion, turning from a "strong" attack to a weak one; and a third inversion from a "cutting" attack to "restoring" the body. Additionally, the Void Mirror added a Reflection Technique on both bodies; if his previous method failed, it should reflect or bounce the spell to its original owner.

The sword sliced through these two clones like they were b.u.t.ter. All of the Void Mirror Emperor"s cautionary measures were useless as Ji Lanfang was simply too fast for any of them.

"Huh?" muttered Ji Lanfang. He saw the two bodies turn into before falling apart. "Both mirror clones?" He did not notice this subtle change, so he took this time to observe his surroundings.

"I"m inside another world? It should be a mirror dimension that looks exactly like the real world. So, that"s what he was secretly doing." Ji Lanfang did not hesitate and sliced through this dimension, revealing the Void Mirror Emperor"s presence. However, instead of feeling relieved, he frowned.

"Something is wrong."

Before he could a.n.a.lyze the situation, Void Mirror went on the offensive. A mirror construct began to materialize before him, and in less than a second, the construction turned into Ji Lanfang.

"Did he reflect me and create an image? That"s interesting," thought Ji Lanfang. Then, he watched as the void image rushed toward him, and Ji Lanfang attacked. Their sword strikes clashed, generating a terrifying force that created s.p.a.ce-time vortexes.

"So, he has some of my speed." Ji Lanfang swung his sword, and the clone disintegrated into particles. "As expected, he could not copy the power of nothingness in my arms."

Ji Lanfang looked at his opponent, ignoring his shocked expression. With one strike, he sliced through him, and this dimension, but Ji Lanfang found himself in the same spot with another Void Mirror Emperor.

"As expected, he placed me in an infinite layer of mirror dimensions," grunted Ji Lanfang. As soon as he appeared in this layer, the Void Mirror Emperor created another void image of Ji Lanfang, stabbing it this time around.

Ji Lanfang"s extreme senses as a swordsman activated, and he used an ultimate technique: [Backward Time Slash]. His movement was so fast that he broke the restriction of the s.p.a.ce-time continuum or the River of Time, traveling a few seconds ago to the period before the Void Image was constructed and the karmic thread connecting them was created.

As he destroyed the image and the Void Mirror Emperor, he observed and sensed everything around him. He even ignored the new Void Emperor Mirror that materialized before him.

[Above Nothingness Strike]

Ji Lanfang put his newly trained arms to use. He used his ultimate technique, a strike so fast that he achieved a level beyond nothingness; well, beyond the void, like w.a.n.g Wei, he would die if he ever achieved a state beyond Nothingness in his current cultivation realm.

With this attack, Ji Lanfang slashed through trillions of mirror dimension layers in less than an attosecond. He continued this attack for over ten seconds, destroying an incalculable amount of infinite dimensions. Sadly, the result was the same-he was stuck in this place. Ji Lanfang stopped, frowning as he observed around.

"Your efforts are useless," said the Void Emperor Mirror, who opened his robe and cut his chest to reveal his heart: it was transparent as if made of gla.s.s.

"A Void Beast heart," said Ji Lanfang.

"Not a simple Void Beast Heart, but one blessed in their headquarters," corrected Void Mirror. "They gave it to me just to seal you here and prevent your interference in this war."

"Do you think this is enough to stop me?"

"Maybe alone, it"s not. But with the Sage Blessing Qi, don"t expect to leave this place anytime soon."

Ji Lanfang had heard of the Sage Blessing Qi, a unique energy from the Source Qi s.p.a.ce known for its buff or a.s.sistance abilities. "No wonder w.a.n.g Wei wants to get his hands on the Commerce Hub; these guys are unreasonably rich."

Ji Lanfang looked around, looking for weaknesses and flaws in this prison. He once fought a swordsman in the Swordsmans.h.i.+p World whose Sword Dao was to find or create flaws in his opponent, and he became the victor by learning from his opponent. He found a spot and struck, destroying countless more layers; this method allowed him to eliminate more layers with one attack, but he was still stuck in this terrible place.

"What a pain," thought Ji Lanfang, trying different methods. "You"re not getting here," mocked the Void Mirror Emperor. In the end, Ji Lanfang decided to drink and wait; he had done his part by killing four Eternal Powerhouses and forcing one to be stuck with him. So, he was just going to wait until someone came to rescue him or w.a.n.g Wei returned to clean up this mess.

Star Beast World Community:

When the Four Layer Array disintegrated, the Demon Suppression Emperor was prepared. She wore white-fitting martial clothes with a black sash as a belt, short hair, no sleeves showing her muscular shoulders and biceps, and a bandage around her fist. Her clothes hung over her private area while leaving ample room for her well-toned or muscular legs; she was the definition of a muscle beauty.

As Hong Wa held her two swords, her aura was vast, fierce, n.o.ble, and wild. As a Human Emperor, she naturally exuded respect, and her swords naturally released a suppression and repellant against any demon race. Five people rushed to her - one Eternal, two pseudo-Eternals, and 2 Immortal Sovereigns. She frowned as she realized this battle would not be arduous.

As she observed these people while they did the same, a tear in the void appeared, alarming everyone. A woman with deep blue hair who can only be described as regal and majestic walked out.

"Blue Phoenix," uttered Hong Wa

"I"ll deal with her," said the Blue Phoenix Empress to the others.

"Advisor Deng Qiang ordered us to kill our enemies as swiftly as possible using our number advantages."

"Then, go find someone else more powerful to deal with; she"s my prey."

"Orders are orders."

"Do you want to fight?" asked Blue Phoenix.

"Who"s scared of you?" replied the Green Wood Emperor, a famous gambler from the Bountiful Harvest World, one of the famous Five Elements Worlds. The Green Wood Emperor did not choose his t.i.tle because he lost the right to name himself in a gamble, so he had to choose this stupid name. He had bet on this war, especially on killing a few Eternal Powerhouses.

From the information he gathered, the Demon Suppression Emperor was one of the weakest in this group, so she became his prey to ensure he won his bet.

"Fine, I"ll deal with you first." A cold flame enveloped Blue Phoenix, followed by a cold mist. Her aura locked into Green Wood, preparing to strike at any moment.

"d.a.m.n woman: don"t you understand the situation?" He realized this crazy woman was really about to fight him.

"Do you think I care? I"ll kill anyone who stops me from killing this woman."

Green Wood bit his teeth, and his eyes flashed with ruthless light. He looked at his followers or partners and said, "Let"s deal with her first before killing the Demon Suppression Emperor." The others immediately hesitated; they knew the consequences of attacking one of their own.

"Don"t worry; I"ll take the full responsibility," rea.s.sured Green Wood. So, the others looked at each other to communicate with their eyes and decide what to do. As they were about to make a choice, a voice rang in their mind: "Enough," said Deng Qiang. "Green Wood, go find another opponent and leave her to Blue Phoenix.

"But she was my opponent first."

"Do as I say."


"I dare you to finish these words?" sneered Deng Qiang. "Do I need to remind you how much you owe us? Before you repay it, remember, we own you."

Green Wood clenched his teeth, glaring at Blue Phoenix, who returned the favor with a haughty and sneering look. Ultimately, he sighed in resignation. As he was about to order his people to relocate, he heard a sound, and his body reacted: it was too late.

A sword attacked the group, piercing the head of one pseudo-Eternal and one Immortal Sovereign and injuring another pseudo-Eternal.

"You!" he roared, looking angrily at Hong Wa, who was extremely calm. Her attack was timed perfectly when these people"s guards and disregard towards her were at their lowest.

"b.i.t.c.h, I should not expect any less from you," yelled Blue Phoenix, as her body turned into ice or crystal, rus.h.i.+ng toward her opponent.

"All is fair in war," replied Hong Wa calmly. "You would have understood this had you lived my life."