Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 444: Forbidden Land

Chapter 444: Forbidden Land

On his return trip, w.a.n.g Wei did not rush home, instead, he took a Void Boat to slowly return. He wanted to take this quiet moment to think to himself.

This so-called trial was more difficult than he could imagine. If it was as the old beggar stated, logically speaking, everyone that he ever met could be turned against him.

Just thinking about this fact would probably make most people paranoid but not him. His state of mind allowed him to remain calm and think about things logically.

He did not think that whether it was his friends or family would turn on him, however, he will still be on the lookout just in case. After all, there are things like Soul Controlling in this world.

Who knows what could happen.

Then, w.a.n.g Wei"s mind began to function rapidly, using all the 10 billion different spirit particles to think, gather information and come up with different ideas.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

"Could it be one of the reasons that Di Tian placed those Karmic Sins on me was because of the trial? He should have known that I was an Outlaw, so it is not too far-fetched.

"The question is what was his end goal? I don"t believe that he could not antic.i.p.ate me removing that Karma, so there must be something that I"m missing.

"Could the Karma increase the difficulty of the trial? Or is it something else?"

w.a.n.g Wei could not come up with an answer, but he decided to label this information as important and keep watch for it. Since this trial involved a Great Emperor-level being calculating him, he theorized that he might need wisdom or intelligence to pa.s.s it.

However, his strength should also not fall decrease.

It took w.a.n.g Wei more than 5 hours to return home, and by that time, he had a preliminary plan on what to do next. Once he got home, he told his family about what he learned.

"Some sort of tribulation?" thought Wu Hong. "In that case, I might be able to help."

She remembered the Disaster Emperor. He was born with a strange physique that attracted disasters or tribulations toward him all his life. Because of this, no matter where he went, something terrible would happen to him.

One time, he was walking out of a forest and a meteor just dropped on top of him. To deal with this issue, he created an artifact that would block all kinds of tribulation from Heaven and Earth.

"If I remember correctly, he left an inheritance before leaving. Maybe, that artifact is inside."

After hearing her explanation, w.a.n.g Wei was relieved as she left to get it. As for his family, there was little they could do in the situation except for offering him emotional support and giving him all the resources he wanted.

w.a.n.g Wei appreciated that and gave the formation that the old beggar gave him to do something for him. Then, he went to do other things to prepare for this trial.

He first went to check on Di Tian"s Sleepers.

After he first discovered them, he did a thorough check and even send someone to do the same in the Yu Clan. And after their battle, he once again checked because of what he said.

And w.a.n.g Wei did find a few ones that previously escaped his ability. And now that he was more powerful and had a greater understanding of Karma, he once again check.

After his guest that Di Tian might be scheming against him with Karmic Virtues, he did not want to take any chances. This time, his search was proven to be futile, making him both relieved and disappointed.

Once that was done, w.a.n.g Wei focused on his next step of action. Although he knew about the trial, he did not know in what shape it would take, nor how he would pa.s.s. And that was a problem.

So, he went to the Secret Archive to read about the life of the Great Emperors that were Outlaws. Unfortunately, these things were not detailed enough for him to gather any information.

However, he did notice that all of them suffered some tragedy sometime during their cultivation journey. This could be the result of the trial or just simply the way the life of powerful people were.

While walking out of the Secret Archive, w.a.n.g Wei had a pondering look on his face.

"In the end, I still have to rely on divination."

He then looked up in the sky to notice that it was night, and a few days had pa.s.sed.

"Why is she not back yet?" he muttered before shaking his head to continue with his plan.

After returning to his mountain, he took out a golden orb: this was the merit he received after going on a rampage in the Western Continent. He killed so many devils that the amount received was quite noticeable.

"Something tells me that this will not be enough."

w.a.n.g Wei proceeded to divine a way for him to survive or at least a hint. Unfortunately, nothing was discovered. He then tried using the merit he has to boost the effect of the divination, and as he expected, this was not nearly enough.

Without pause, he went to get a few herbs before entering his Alchemy Room. He took out a few formation eyes to place inside the room before placing the spiritual he needed in the middle.

Then, he began to refine them into pills. The odd thing is that during the entire process, w.a.n.g Wei did not use a cauldron not even once. The formation he placed inside generated the flame needed to remove the impurities inside the herbs along with the other process.

He even used the formations to engrave the divine runes for this pill.

What w.a.n.g Wei was doing was the theory he came up with when he infiltrated the Origin Pill Dao Sect. Through formation, borrow the purest form of the Power of Heaven and Earth to refine Pseudo-Innate Pills.

Once he was done, the pill flew to the sky to undergo baptism by the Law and survived Pill Tribulation. And immediately afterward, as w.a.n.g Wei expected, this new method was acknowledged by Heaven and Earth and lowered merit to him, and it was a purple one of the highest caliber.

In the past thousand years, the Origin Pill Dao Sect has been spreading the method of Pseudo Innate Pill. Through that method, some Alchemists can refine pills that are way better than Perfect Quality, thus, a new consensus was made to create a quality of pill above perfection, the Ultimate Quality.

This act has brought a lot of merit and luck to that sect. Unfortunately for them, their pseudo-monopoly was broken when the Dao Opening Sect released the news that they also created a new and better method to refine Ultimate Pills.

Fortunately, this method required some understanding of Arrays, making it more difficult to use than the previous one. Nevertheless, the people of the Origin Pill Dao Sect knew that the endless benefit of that invention was over–or at the very least, drastically reduced.

Inside his cultivation room, w.a.n.g Wei put away the Acuipint Opening Pill before doing his divination. With the sacrifice of merit, he did receive some information this time, however, he was not happy.

The result of his divination was once again very simple: Forbidden Land.

With how much merit was used, this was the only answer he got. Not to mention how dangerous the result was. Could anyone just walk into these places? After sighing to himself, he began to prepare.

No matter what, this was his only chance or clue for survival.

There were 6 Forbidden Lands: the Western Pure Bliss Land, the Blood Earth, the Nether h.e.l.l, the Dao Burial Ground, the Swallowing Zone, and the Chrono Chaos Realm.

w.a.n.g Wei immediately removed three of them from places that could help him: the Nether h.e.l.l, the Swallowing Zone, and the Chrono Chaos Realm.

Wu Hong told him to never step foot close to the Nether h.e.l.l until he becomes an Eternal Emperor, and even then, he should be very careful. As for the other two, they were notorious even amongst the Forbidden Lands for being dead ground.

When it comes to the others, cultivators can enter and even acquire some fortunate encounters; that goes even for the Dao Burial Ground. However, those two were different.

The Swallowing Zone–as the name implied–was a place with a terrifying swallowing power. Anyone or anything that entered that place will have their flesh and blood, soul, and energy swallowed.

According to records, there was nothing inside. No matter, no energy, and no Laws; they were all swallowed. As for the Chrono Chaos Realm, it was a place full of chaotic time energy.

Anyone who stepped foot inside would either be instantly aged before dying or de-aged until they return to being a fetus and disappear from the world.

"I truly want to know the secrets of these places," muttered w.a.n.g Wei before leaving. He first went back to the Blood Earth in the Northern Continent.

In front of the entrance, he calculated whether he was going to have good fortune or not. The result was neutral, so he left. He then went to the Western Continent to the entrance of the Western Pure Bliss Land to do the same.

And to his surprise, his calculation indicated that great fortune awaited him after entering this place. With this result, he guessed that his divination was referring to this Forbidden Land.

He did not immediately go in, instead, he returned home to check more information about it. However, right before going into the Secret Archive, he received a message that shook him to his core.

It was from Wu Hong and she told him that she was trapped.