Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 542 The Revolution (I)

Chapter 542 The Revolution (I)

w.a.n.g Wei closed his eyes to access the soul network. He made the category for his search human and inaccessible ones.

The demon race made up 60% of this world"s population, humans comprised 30%, and the remaining 10% consisted of demonic beasts, essentially animals that have absorbed a lot of spiritual energy but are of low intelligence.

After a period of cultivation, the demonic beasts can evolve into low-level demon races with impure bloodlines. If you count the number of these low-level demon races as demonic beasts, they will then make up 40% of the demon race"s population.

After searching for the information he needed, w.a.n.g Wei found five places where a large number of humans habited, but his Soul Network could not pull people"s souls. He knew there must be some Immortal-Level Powerhouses or Formations in these places.

He divined which of these five places would ensure his plan"s highest success before teleporting inside. It was a city occupied by demons, but that was only on the surface. He could detect that humans controlled the demons in this place, making it look like it still belonged to them.

Furthermore, there was an entrance to a Small World in this city. After a brief search, he discovered a person who could enter and leave the secret realm at will. w.a.n.g Wei did not follow him. Instead, he summoned that person"s soul to his Soul Realm, the name he gave that s.p.a.ce in the Soul Network.

He showed that person his strength and mysterious abilities before telling him to contact his leader. Not long afterward, the poor middle-aged man rushed into the Secret Realm to report.

Not long afterward, a Dao Ancestor wearing a green robe came out to meet w.a.n.g Wei"s projection in a secret house in the city.

"Your excellency, I am Daoist Green Heart. How may I refer to you?"

"The name"s Chu Mo," replied w.a.n.g Wei, that had masked his appearance.

"Lord Chu Mo, are you from another Heaven Will World?" asked Daoist Geen Heart, who became more respectful when he realized he could not detect any information from the person in front of him.

"What makes you say that?"

"This is not the first time some foreign plane has aided our resistance. Otherwise, I doubt we would last so long."

"Well, you are correct. The Demon Supremacy World has enmity with us, so they must be destroyed."

Daoist Green Heart smiled but did not take these words seriously. The previous people only provided some resources and helped them destroy a few insignificant demon tribes before leaving. So, he is prepared for the same outcome.

He would be satisfied as long these new people were not stingy with their resources.

w.a.n.g Wei frowned after seeing the latter"s situation. "It seems you do not expect much. In that case, how about I tell you the first stage of my plan? Then, you can decide whether you want to partic.i.p.ate?"

"Oh, what will happen if I don"t want to partic.i.p.ate?"

"I will go to the other bases."

"And if they are not willing to partic.i.p.ate?"

"I"ll raise my own force."

"It seems your Excellency is determined. Alright, please tell me your plan."

"Before we can start, please sign this Dao Contract, swearing you will not reveal any information about our discussion."

Daoist Green Heart frowned as he looked at the contract. The Dao Contract in his hand, was the highest level, capable of even binding a Great Emperor. However, after reading it, he sighed in relief.

The contract only stated that he could not reveal any information regarding their discussion and also not betray the human race. Truth be told, Daoist Green Heart admired this foreigner"s caution.

So, after checking if there were any hidden clauses, he signed with his Soul. Then, w.a.n.g Wei told him about the first phase of his plan.

"C-Can we really succeed?"

"Of course."

"The better question is, are you really willing to use such precious resources?"

"Why not? The return would more than enough make up for it," replied w.a.n.g Wei.

Daoist Green Heart quickly calmed down before processing the information.

"How do we split the rewards?"

"8-2, 8 for me."

"Isn"t that too much–especially since you"re not risking anything?"

"You should understand that freedom has no actual price. Do you want the human race to be livestock for generations?"

Daoist Green Heart sighed heavily, "You"re right. I"ll go talk to the other bases. I"ll convince them."

"Remember to have them sign the contract before revealing the plan. If any of them is adamant in his refusal: quickly take him down."

"Do you suspect there are traitors amongst us? Impossible."

"Don"t be naive. In this cruel world, it would be odd if some people did not sell their kind for survival."

Green Heart knew this, but he did not want to accept this. After sighing again, he left. Three days later, he returned with three other middle-aged men wearing distinctive colors of robes. However, they did not look happy.

"So, who was the traitor?" asked w.a.n.g Wei.

"That does not matter," replied Daoist Red Heart. "Is your plan really going to work?"

"As long as you guys are willing to place your lives in the line."

"We are not afraid of dying. We are only afraid of a meaningless death; afraid of leaving the human race in a worse position than it already is."

"As long as you keep that conviction, everything will be fine," said w.a.n.g Wei.

"Alright, where do we begin?" asked Daoist Yellow Heart.

"This is a list of the demon tribe we must destroy as rapidly as possible," said w.a.n.g Wei as he handed them a list–which obviously included the h.e.l.l Tiger Tribe.

"I still think this plan is too far-fetched," said Daoist Blue Heart.

"What"s your worry?" asked w.a.n.g Wei.

"These demon tribes have between 20 to 30 Great Emperors as their foundation. How on earth are we going to destroy them?"

w.a.n.g Wei looked at him, and he could tell he was not the only one with reservation.

"You guys know of Great Roc Emperor?"

"Of course, he is the d.a.m.n demon who started all our misery."

As the first Eternal Emperor of this world, he had a lasting impact–even to this day.

"The Great Roc Emperor created the demon race"s era of dominance, but his policies doomed them for failure as well," w.a.n.g Wei said calmly.

"What do you mean?"

"Many tribes have more than 10, 20, and even 30 Great Emperors. However, this is not the result of their strength. The Great Roc Emperor made a secret agreement between the tribes that in each generation, they could select a tribe for the Heaven Will to be handed to."

"What? How is that possible?" yelled Daoist Red Heart.

"This is what happens when a world"s Heavenly Dao is not as strict on controlling the laws and regulations," added w.a.n.g Wei.

"But, how does that help us with our plan?" asked Blue Heart.

"Most of the Emperors these demon tribes have are only Third and Second Cla.s.s, with a lot of them even being Pseudo-Emperors."


w.a.n.g Wei looked at the confusion on these people"s faces and secretly shook his head. It is of great significance for cultivators to have widened horizons.

"Great Emperors who do not have the Dao Heart or proper foundation to bear the Heaven Wills. How did you guys become Dao Ancestors without even knowing such a thing?"

The four looked at each other in embarra.s.sment.

"All the records of our human race are destroyed: this includes our history, culture, origin, and even our speaking tongue," said Daoist Green Heart, lamenting that he was currently speaking the demon language.

"But, you should have lived long enough to learn this. Or, at the very least, learn from the Great Emperor who created you."

"The thing is, a Great Emperor did not create us. We inherited our powers from an Inheritance Dao Seed."

"These things can inherit Immortal-level power?" w.a.n.g Wei decided to ask Ancestor Wucheng if they had this technology. If not, it would be great to bring it back to the sect.

"Back to the topic. Because of how weak the Emperors of most demon tribes are, they do not have any Insurgents. So, with the talisman I gave you, you should be able to destroy them effortlessly."

"Alright, when do we attack?" asked Red Heart.

"Three days from now. So, gather all the people needed."

"Why not sooner?"

"We need a new and more secure base."

h.e.l.l Tiger Tribe Territory, inside a Secret Realm:

"How is Zhi"er doing?" asked a beautiful woman, looking at a body in a green pool.

"The tribe has used an Emperor Pill to recreate his Foundation. Regrettably, there is nothing we can do about the Dao Source Seed."

"d.a.m.n it. How could he waste such a precious thing?"

"It does not really matter. As long as he can defeat his opponent in the upcoming compet.i.tion, according to the rules, the other tribes would have to hand the Heaven Will to him."

"It"s not like they have not gone back on their words before. With the seed, he could deter them from acting rashly."

The middle-aged man–Ye Tuizhi"s father–shrugged his shoulder. He also thought his son was stupid to waste the seed, but it was gone, and there was nothing he could do now.

"What about the person who did that to him? Are we going to let him go like that?"

"The other person is from the most powerful sect in the Myriad Emperor World. So, unless we can get support from the entire Alliance for an invasion, it would be suicide to fight them alone."

"So, he"s just going to get away with hurting our son?"

"*Sigh* The only way for him to get his revenge is to prove the Dao and hope the other party fails. Otherwise, this is out of our hands."

The woman"s face became ugly to look at after hearing this. Just as he was about to complain, the entire secret realm trembled.

"What"s going on?"

The two rushed outside to see the sun s.h.i.+ning on them. The h.e.l.l Tiger"s Bloodline was Yin in nature, so their tribe"s main headquarters was deep underground, where Yin energy was concentrated. So, it was odd to see the sun.

However, this was not even the odd part of the situation. All 27 of the tribe"s Emperor Formations and Arrays manifested to protect the tribe from an enormous hand that descended from the Heavens.

Ye Tuizhi"s father squinted his eyes after seeing the person controlling the enormous hand.

"Daoist Red Heart from the Human Resistance? How could they be so powerful?"

He could tell the previous attack reached the level of First Cla.s.s Emperor. Suddenly, he remembered the cold, indifferent grey eyes that almost ruined his son"s life.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The enormous hand slammed a few times before breaking all the information. Then, the hand killed all the h.e.l.l Tiger Demon tribes–mortals and Immortals alike.

Daoist Red Heart proceeded to take all the sect"s resources–including the Emperor Artifacts, secret realms, and the bodies of the demons–and returned to the base.

Across the Demon Supremacy World, many Emperor Tribes were destroyed in just a few minutes before anyone else could react. Using the talisman, which contained the power of the Dao Opening Sect"s Insurgents, the Dao Ancestors of the Human Resistance acted swiftly before retreating.

Furthermore, w.a.n.g Wei gave many humans True Monarchs talismans which contained his power, tasking them to destroy the non-Emperor or Immortal Tribes.

And with his strength that can slaughter Quasi-Emperor as if they were nothing but ants, these humans went on a rampage. And unlike the Dao Monarchs, these humans were chosen as Death Soldiers, so they did not need to retreat, only kill until they died.

So, in just one day, these humans managed to kill 5% of the demon race"s population; they killed 5% of the entire universe"s population.

w.a.n.g Wei was slightly surprised by this news; the madness of these humans, fueled by their hatred, genuinely shocked him.

Inside the Resistance"s new base:

w.a.n.g Wei had just finished absorbing the lifespan of a Dao Ancestor. Unlike the Dao Child, he can absorb nine cycles of 1 Yuan Epoch, for a total of 9 Yuan Epochs. After that, the dead body of the Dao Ancestor would disintegrate.

As he looked at the lifespan on his hand, he smiled. After absorbing Ye Tuizhi"s life span, he had an idea for all his eight incarnations to live the limit of mortal–1 Yuan Epoch–and spent all that time comprehending the Law.

Then, he would fuse with them.

Once he succeeded, he might exceed Di Tian"s Golden Law Tree.


For those of you not in my Discord, there is additional information in the previous chapter that I forgot to add yesterday.