Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 710 Dao Protector & Dao Heart

Chapter 710 Dao Protector & Dao Heart

"Sect Master, you"re here," said Yan Chen as he walked out of the cottage. "Come in."

w.a.n.g Wei walked inside the cottage, which was ordinary, with nothing but a mat for cultivation: there were no paintings on the wall, no tea table, and the room was barely enough to fit two people.

"The embodiment of simple and ordinary," thought w.a.n.g We as he knew some cultivators used this method of abandoning luxury and comfort to temper their minds.

"I"m sorry, but I was not expecting guests," said Yan Chen before waving his hand to expand the internal s.p.a.ce of the cottage. Furthermore, a table manifested before him with a tea set and a sitting mat for w.a.n.g Wei.

"It"s fine," replied w.a.n.g Wei and sipping his tea. "How have you been doing?"

"I am okay," Yan Chen replied, looking at the sect master with mixed emotions. He was happy and proud as he was once the Dao Protector of such a Heaven-defying genius. He felt a sense of accomplishment as he watched as the latter rose step-by-step and left a legend that will forever be remembered throughout history. There is no better feeling in his old age than watching the younger generation surpa.s.s the previous one.

He felt hopeful because he knew of the future this young man would one day create. Finally, he felt sad as his role was too short; w.a.n.g Wei grew too fast, making his role as Dao Protector useless. A part of Yan Chen always thought he was inadequate in his role.

w.a.n.g Wei could detect all of Yan Chen"s emotions. No matter how fast he grew up and surpa.s.sed the need for Yan Chen"s protection, the latter was still his Dao Protector. He took an oath on his life to die before he allowed anything to happen to w.a.n.g Wei.

"I came here to ask you if you are interested in the position of Fate One."

Yan Chen paused his sipping, taking a moment to process this news. Then, he shook his head, "No need. I"m happy with just being an Immortal Venerable."

He did not have his own Dao, so Yan Chen knew he could not become a Dao Ancestor and access the Grand Dao Source–unless the Sword Empress let him borrow her Grand Dao Source. So, he was content with just being an Immortal Venerable."

"Don"t waste your time and resources on me," continued Yan Chen. "From what I know about you, you should already have a candidate in mind." Not anyone can acquire the Fate One position. Although talent and such might not matter much, temperament and ideals are a must. Great Emperors will often choose people devoted to the sect and willing to spend the rest of their lives protecting their foundation.

If not chosen correctly, the situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty will repeat itself.

"I understand," replied w.a.n.g Wei. "However, as my Dao Protector, you are destined to become an Insurgent."

"Sect master–"

"You don"t have to say anything," countered w.a.n.g Wei. "I know your worry, so I"m here to help you. Don"t resist."

w.a.n.g Wei pointed his finger at Yan Chen"s forehead, and his Divine Sense infiltrated the latter"s Sea of Consciousness. Yan Chen did not hesitate or resist, showing his trust.

w.a.n.g Wei found Yan Chen"s Primordial Spirit and began his work. He purified it as a way to increase Yan Chen"s comprehension. The process was painful, but the old Dao Protector could bear such a level.

Since w.a.n.g Wei was the one doing the purification, it was a major success. But it was not over. He took five strings of Innate Qi from his Qi Flower Talent and used them to nourish Yan Chen"s soul. He used Soul Laws to change the latter"s innate origin or his natural-born comprehension talent.

The process lasted a few hours before finis.h.i.+ng.

"Last step," said w.a.n.g Wei before accessing Yan Chen"s Law Tree. He gently crushed the Dao Fruit without affecting the Sea of Consciousness and the Primordial Spirit; he ensured no backlash.

Yan Chen"s aura drastically dropped as he reverted to the Saint Realm. However, he was happy. He belonged to the second cla.s.s of True Monarch, the people who do not have their own Dao but also do not entirely follow the Ways of their Ancestors.

Although his cla.s.s was better than those who followed the predecessor without a hint of innovation, his path was still incomplete and a dead end. He could not enter the Quasi-Emperor Realm and fuse with his Dharma Body.

But now, with his increased talent, he can comprehend his own Dao and create a scripture. He can enter the Quasi Emperor Realm and even bear the Heaven Will after sealing himself.

Of course, Yan Chen did not have the Heart of an Emperor, so he was okay with using the opportunity presented to him in this generation to achieve immortality.

"Thank you, sect master," said Yan Chen, prepared to give the deepest bow he could muster. Unfortunately, w.a.n.g Wei"s power prevented him.

"Despite being the sect master, you are still my elders." w.a.n.g Wei has no problem receiving bows from the older generation, but some people are different. Yan Chen accompanied him since the beginning of his cultivation journey and held a special meaning in his heart.

"A new era is coming, and you should have a place in it." After saying these words, he left Yan Chen alone, feeling the latter was in a hurry to cultivate. He walked a few meters to another hunt where his grandfather was.

"Not out yet?" muttered w.a.n.g Wei before preparing to leave. But he suddenly received a Divine Sense message from his grandfather he would be coming out soon. So, he waited for three days.

"Hahaha, my lovely grandson. How have you been?" said w.a.n.g Chang after walking out of the hut. He walked in front of w.a.n.g Wei and started pinching his face and arms. "Powerful Blood Qi and Yang Energy. I see you"re as healthy as I remember."

w.a.n.g Wei"s eye twitched, "I should be asking how you"re doing."

He observed the old man and could feel the difference. Most of the hidden depressing aura he tried to hide was now gone. Instead, he was more majestic and overbearing–just like an Overlord.

"Although not completely healed, I am so much better." During his retreat, he used the Samsara Array to relive his Heaven Will Battle over and over, trying different approaches and choices. Finally, w.a.n.g Chang realized he lost the battle, not because of his lack of strength but because his opponent had a better strategic mind. Furthermore, he was also a little careless and left his guard down.

After having this enlightenment, he no longer blamed himself for the defeat and healed most of the cracks in his Dao Heart. And the only reason it was not completely healed was that a stubborn part of him wanted a chance to have a head-on battle with Emperor Nine Suns.

w.a.n.g Chang knew his Dao Heart would be completed no matter the result of the battle. If he wins, he will make up for the regret in his heart. If he lost, he would accept the opponent was worthy of becoming the final winner.

"Oh, can you tell me your exact situation?" asked w.a.n.g Wei.

"Think of it this way: the previous me could only be a Pseudo Emperor. But now, I could use Third Cla.s.s power."

w.a.n.g Wei understood what he meant. Dao Heart is vital for Tier 10. Some people with a destroyed Dao Heart cannot bear the Heaven Will and would die if they absorb it. People with crack Dao Heart can only become Pseudo Emperors with power on par with Dan Ancestors, if not less.

Finally, if a person has some flaws, they can become different of Emperors based on their talents. However, they would only be able to use Third Cla.s.s 5% power.

So, the current w.a.n.g Chang would become a First Cla.s.s or Pseudo Eternal Emperor, but with his flawed Dao Heart, he would only be able to use Third Cla.s.s Strength.

And this rule also applies to normal Emperors like w.a.n.g Wei. If one day, a flaw or cracks appeared on his Dao Heart, it did not matter if he was an Eternal Supreme: his strength would drastically drop.

"That"s excellent news," said w.a.n.g Wei as he knew his plan for his grandfather would work. As long as the old man has a chance to fight on equal ground with Emperor Nine Suns, his Dao Heart will be fixed, and he can reincarnate.

"No, he doesn"t even have to go through all that trouble. He can just prove the Dao in the upper dimension."

However, he was conflicted by this idea. He did not want his parents to ascend until he dealt with the parasites. Sending his grandfather into the upper dimension was already too risky.

"Boy, what are you thinking about that suddenly made you frown so deeply?"

"Don"t worry about it."

"Alright. Anyway, you"re a grown man with a wife and responsibility; you don"t need my help, and I don"t think I will be useful. However, remember, your family will be your greatest ally. We will always support you unconditionally, no matter what you do or how far you travel in the cultivation journey."

"I will."

"Alright, let"s go. I"ve been craving one of your dishes and the weird drinks you created for that Beach Party."