Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 887 100 Years Summon

Chapter 887 100 Years Summon

887 100 Years Summon

w.a.n.g Wei took a moment to scan the entire world and paused briefly before nodding. Then, his voice once again rang throughout the world, entering every cultivator"s mind:

"In a hundred years, all factions, hidden or not, with a Void Shattering Realm and above must prepare to send a representative to see me."

Everyone was shocked after hearing this, and many people only had one thought: here we go. They did not forget that w.a.n.g Wei was a complete Era Son, so he must be planning something.

They did not expect he would be so aggressive and directly summoned all the Emperor Lineages, Supreme Land, Holy Land, and Law Factions. So, with these words, all these factions began to discuss their next step; they prepared for the eventual possibility of confronting this monster.

w.a.n.g Wei could guess what these people were thinking but did not care. After finis.h.i.+ng his declaration, he returned to the sect. He appeared on Tianwei Peak, and below him, all the disciples, elders, and even ancestors waited for him.

They immediately bowed before saying:

"Congratulations to the sect master for proving the Dao and escaping the shackles of time and death."

"Congratulations to the sect master for proving the Dao and escaping the shackles of time and death."

"Congratulations to the sect master for proving the Dao and escaping the shackles of time and death."

The voices echoed in the sect in a beautiful harmony. Throughout the sect, everybody saluted w.a.n.g Wei except for his family. A smile appeared on his face:

"At ease," he said, his soothing voice entering everybody"s mind. He raised his hand to summon an imprint s.h.i.+ning with the unique breath of an Immortal.

His hand condensed the power of Life and Death that he injects into the imprint. A body and soul was rapidly condensing, but w.a.n.g Wei was not in a hurry. Just like he did for Li Jun, he blessed this new body and soul with Good Fortune Flame, increasing their foundation and talent.

"Where am I?" asked a man, looking around with slightly squinted eyes.

"Ancestor Wucheng, it"s nice to see you again."

"Kid?" asked Wucheng as he observed w.a.n.g Wei. He seemed to have thought of something and looked at his surroundings. Then, he laughed boisterously:

"Hahaha, I knew you could do it."

Wucheng walked to w.a.n.g Wei and hugged. His behavior was inappropriate, given the situation and w.a.n.g Wei"s current status. However, Wucheng knew the kid was not someone who cared about such a thing, so he went for a hug.

w.a.n.g Wei reciprocated the hug with a weird smile on his face. With his mind, he could tell Wucheng was testing him with this hug, trying to ascertain whether he had changed, allowing his newly acquired power and strength to get to him.

"None of these old foxes are simple," he commented. It"s normal for some Emperors to become cold and indifferent to their family and loved ones after proving the Dao. Although such a case is rare for First Cla.s.s and above Emperors since their Dao Hearts are usually among the best, it still happens.

So, Wucheng–and probably many others–wanted to know whether such a thing would happen to him.

"Okay, this is not the time to be fussy," declared Wucheng, making w.a.n.g Wei"s mouth twitch. "We will have plenty of time to talk later."

As he watched his favorite ancestor fly away, he shook his head with a smile. Then, he waved his hand to summon his Grand Dao Source, controlled the power from inside, and enveloped everybody.

The mortal disciples and elders found their bodies glowing up before myriad effects manifested. Some elders who were old or had gray hair immediately became younger with a head full of black hair.

Some disciples" aura suddenly increased as they broke their current bottleneck and elevated their cultivation. Meanwhile, a few people discovered their mind was clearer than before; they could easily understand things they previously found difficult.

The mortals were not the only ones who benefitted. The Immortal Ancestors discovered a drastic increase in their Immortal Qi. Additionally, they had some sort of blessing that made cultivating and gathering Qi 20-30% faster.

The Inner Worlds of Dao Ancestors became more stable and had a greater affinity with the Grand Dao Source, thus increasing his skill.

"Such a skill and effortless manipulation of the Grand Dao Source. Is he really an Eternal Emperor?" asked Origin One.

"We already guess he"s not," said Sword One, who also benefited from this experience. However, her main benefit is from her body. w.a.n.g Wei"s Mini Grand Dao Baptism drastically increased her fleshly body, accelerating the speed she can walk in w.a.n.g Tian"s New Sword Path.

"This descendant is too excellent." Origin One did not know he would one day suffer from too much success. Although it"s a good thing that w.a.n.g Wei is this powerful, the help old people like himself can give him will be limited.

Sword One knew what his friend was feeling as she experienced it a long time ago. Her young lady was too talented, so she was essentially useless and could not help her after she became an Eternal Emperor. But, even the young lady was not as scary as the current w.a.n.g Wei.

"Anyway, it"s fine as long as we are not completely useless."

w.a.n.g Wei nodded in satisfaction with everything. Every faction wants to cultivate a great Emperor exactly for this reason–for benefits. So, he will ensure that his sect reaches an era of prosperity unlike anything it has ever seen.

He proceeded to sit down on the ground, closing his eyes. A few seconds later, Dao Rhyme emanated from his body, fusing with Tianwei Peak. Countless runes manifested before him, appearing as a strange language.

The Ancestors knew what was coming and ordered everybody to pay attention. They knew the real feast was about to happen. So, they all took their positions, observing closely.

Time pa.s.sed, and w.a.n.g Wei"s Dao Rhymes fused with every mountain of the sect. If not for the sect"s formation that was activated, they might have spread everywhere.

The runes that materialized before him were now in the trillions, showing a complex pattern. Finally, they fused into a book with the t.i.tle:

[Transcending Fate Sutra]

"33 years. Now, it"s finally completed," thought w.a.n.g Wei as he glanced at his Emperor Scripture. In this short time, he had two objectives: elevate his secondary Daos into the Grand Dao Source before condensing everything he learned into this book.

The Heaven Will only worked for his primary Dao. Luckily, he also had a deep understanding of his secondary Dao, so he only had to convert that comprehension into the Grand Dao Source, drastically reducing the time required.

"How was it?" asked w.a.n.g Wei, looking at the ancestors cultivating not far from him.

"The best I"ve seen," replied Origin One with a sigh. As the oldest of the group, he has experienced this scene ten times now. So, he was the best to judge the situation.

w.a.n.g Wei nodded as he looked at these people. He could detect the subtle aura change between all of them.

According to the sect"s custom, when the Emperor is creating their scripture, it"s the best time for these Immortal Cultivators. They can use this opportunity to drastically increase their strength by comprehending new techniques and spells and even creating unique cultivation techniques.

The Scripture Hall is so vast and full of unique techniques because of such moments. And because w.a.n.g Wei"s Fate Dao was so encompa.s.sing, it allowed for everybody to benefit.

According to Origin One, only Qiyuan and Miscelleanous"s scripture had such an advantage. Sadly, Qiyuam was the first Emperor of the sect, so there were not too many Immortal Cultivators back then. Meanwhile, Miscellaneous was not an Eternal Emperor.

w.a.n.g Wei"s scripture flew into the distance, returning to the secret realm where the sect held all the original versions of these Emperor Scriptures.

He activated the sect master"s token, summoning all the sect"s nine formations. He observed for a moment before activating his Array Grand Dao Source, forming a tenth formation connected to the rest.

"What do you think?" asked w.a.n.g Wei, directly addressing Miscellaneous One.

"Very powerful," he answered, looking at the aura of fate emanating from the formation. Then, he hesitated for a moment:

"However, there is room for improvement."

w.a.n.g Wei nodded as he was not surprised by this comment. His current Array Dao reached 8% Grand Dao Source, while Miscellaneous One inherited the founders"s Dao and should be around 40% or more.

"Find all the places that need improvement and give it to me. Furthermore, have someone in charge of the materials to stabilize the formation."

With these improvements, w.a.n.g Wei knew he could increase his comprehension of his Array Grand Dao Source, so he was more than happy there were many flaws.

"Very well," nodded Miscellaneous One.

"I will go see my family. Then, we will have a meeting to prepare for the meeting 60 years later."

"Sect Master, do we need to prepare for the Artifact?"

"No need. We will gather the best material from the entire Lower Dimension to cast the sect"s Emperor Artifact. So, it should take a while."

w.a.n.g Wei disappeared and returned to the w.a.n.g Clan"s mountain.