Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 942 Battle of Eternals (II)

Chapter 942 Battle of Eternals (II)

942 Battle of Eternals (II)

Xu s.h.i.+"s swords should have returned He s.h.i.+yi to a state of chaos, similar to the universe"s beginning. However, this was not what happened. He used a technique to rebound the attack, almost injuring Xu s.h.i.+ with her own attack. Luckily, she had tremendous control over her Dao.

Taking advantage while they were in close proximity and the fact she was distracted dealing with his rebound. He s.h.i.+yi head-b.u.t.ted her. His head ama.s.sed infinite ma.s.s and density to the point it could even destroy conceptual beings like Eternal Great Emperors.


Xu s.h.i.+ exploded into trillions of pieces.

However, He s.h.i.+yi was not happy; instead, he frowned. He sensed the power of time.

"Time Remnants?" he a.n.a.lyzed. The person he killed is a past or future version of her or a projection from an alternative reality.

Xu s.h.i.+ appeared a few hundred meters away with a red thread connecting to He s.h.i.+yi in her hand. She then raised her hand, using it as a sharp weapon to cut off the thread.

"My karma thread?" He s.h.i.+yi"s face changed.

If he let her cut off the thread, many things could happen to him. For example, losing his memories, losing an important part of him, or even losing some of his strength.

[Threading On Infinity Step]

He s.h.i.+yi did not hesitate to use his most powerful battle technique, which allowed him to reach incomprehensible speed. He was so fast that he was stepping on the very concept of infinite speed itself.

So, before she could react, He s.h.i.+yi was beside her and gave her the meanest upper-cut punch in the world. Xu s.h.i.+ turned into a brilliant light that flew into the Heavens and crashed into the sun, her beautiful jaw obliterated.

"His Battle Grand Dao Source is extremely versatile," she thought. Battle Dao is a battle-oriented Dao and is capable of using Source Resonance and controlling multiple Daos. In conclusion, it"s a very terrifying Dao in the hands of the right person.

"Furthermore, I have been too reserved in our confrontation."

In this brief clash, she discovered she was always worried about He s.h.i.+yi removing the seal on the Spirit Genesis Sect and gaining access to the broken Empyrean Artifact.

These thoughts flashed in her mind in less than a nanosecond; then, she readjusted her state. She rushed toward him, but she was not alone. Xu s.h.i.+ dragged the entire sun with her, cras.h.i.+ng on He s.h.i.+yi and the continent.

"That b.i.t.c.h, is she crazy?" roared He s.h.i.+yi as he realized the consequences of such an act of madness. He rushed to the sky with the intention of stopping her.

Unfortunately, the situation turned for the worse.

Billions of suns appeared behind Xu s.h.i.+, and they were all real. She created time fractures with the sun as the basis, thus replicating it into billions of parts.

[Opening Heaven Slash]

He s.h.i.+yi slashed his halberd, recreating the aura and power of the world when it was first created when it was in a state of pure chaos. With the power of this attack, it should be easy to obliterate these billions of suns.

"Using the power of Chaos against me?" she sneered before pausing for a moment. "No, he should be smarter than this. In that case, this attack is a distraction."

A subtle power of time flashed in her eyes, and she saw the future. Her conjecture was correct; He s.h.i.+yi"s real attack was his battle spirit–the War G.o.d Spirit.

Xu s.h.i.+ controlled her [Myriad Dao Pot] to absorb the subtle chaos power emanating from her opponent"s slash. Immediately afterward, a creature with blue skin dressed in dark armor with two red horns appeared above He s.h.i.+yi"s head.

It roared like a savage and mindless machine, making the entire world tremble.

It looked at Xu s.h.i.+ and the billion suns with its dark gold eyes before punching them.

The punch seemed to be able to perfectly control all its power; its control was so superb that it allowed the creature to generate a hundred times its normal power.

Anyone who saw this punch would tell this creature created and tempered this attack after experiencing millions of battles; the entire creature gave the aura that it was bred for war and battle.

Unfortunately, Xu s.h.i.+ had long predicted this attack. She raised her hand to gather countless red threads.

[World Karma Seal]

She gathered the karma of the entire world before using it as a potent seal, drastically reducing the strength of that punch. The fact it was not completely sealed was a testament to how powerful that simple punch was.


The power released from that punch destroyed hundreds of millions of suns.

Unfortunately, the rest crashed on He s.h.i.+yi and the world. Normally, the sun is nothing for a being of He s.h.i.+yi"s level. Alas, Xu s.h.i.+ infused the power of chaos to their core, turning them into Chaos Suns with

unimaginable power. However, she did a great job hiding their aura to lure He s.h.i.+yi into a sense of complacency.

The world was in chaos after so many Chaos Suns dropped on it. The s.p.a.ce-time continuum was unstable, the laws of Heaven and Earth became chaotic, and trillions of lives died. The situation would have been worse had those other factions acted promptly and activated their faction"s Emperor Array.

At the center of the explosion, He s.h.i.+yi floated in the void. His armor was intact, but his face melted, leaving only part of his skull. However, he instantly regenerated his handsome face. Just like he failed to inject his Dao Will into Xu s.h.i.+"s body in that last attack, she did not succeed. As such, this kind of injury is nothing to an Eternal Emperor.

He s.h.i.+yi looked at the destruction around him, and a great anger rushed into his mind. As the most powerful sect in the world, the Spirit Genesis considered the Battle Spirit World their property. But now, some stranger came in and caused so much damage to their possessions.

"Calm down, calm down, and think about the positives," thought He s.h.i.+yi, exhaling deeply. "After fixing the mess she created, I should receive some merit from Heavenly Dao."

Although he convinced himself of this, he knew the loss of the sect was not as simple as seen. From this attack, they will lose the prestige gathered for countless generations, affecting their Qi Luck and destiny. As the strongest sect, how could they suffer such tremendous loss? How come they couldn"t even protect their world?

Many people will have this idea and begin to test the Spirit Genesis Sect. If things develop in the worst direction, some of their enemies will become bold and directly attack them.

He s.h.i.+yi finally calmed down, so he used his Divine Sense to send a secret message to some factions:

"Prepare to open the Void Battlefield." His voice was cold and full of killing intent, indicating a terrible fate would befall anyone who did not follow his order.

He looked at Xu s.h.i.+, his eyes red with anger and hatred. However, the reply he received was indifference and maybe even a little scorn. Xu s.h.i.+ did not feel bad about her actions. Being of their level have different levels of morality.

Furthermore, she understood that if she did not do this to the Battle Spirit World, they would have done it to the Myriad Emperor World. She read the history of the Martial Hegemony World and knew they were once invited by a foreign Taoist Faction, almost devastating their world. As such, she knew how cruel battles between different planes or worlds were. Xu s.h.i.+ even believed the sent to kill the Heavenly Emperor also received orders to cause as much chaos as possible.

As such, she will never show compa.s.sion regarding such a thing.

Battle Spirit World, a few minutes ago: "What is the situation?" asked Patriarch He.

"No one can leave or enter the sect because of the powerful seal."

"I know this, I"m asking what are we doing to deal with the situation?" His face was red, trying to hide the anger he was feeling.

Never in his wildest dream would he have thought someone had the b.a.l.l.s to attack their sect?

"All our Immortals and Insurgents are attacking simultaneously, but the seal is not budging," replied Elder Jia, stressed out beyond any level he has ever felt in his entire life.

"Even the Ancestors can"t do anything?"

"Sadly, no." Patriarch He grunted, he caressed his temple, trying to think of a quick solution.

Suddenly, he felt a wind around and looked up.


"We need to leave the formation as soon as possible."

"Did something happen to my son?" he hurriedly asked.

"Not yet. Because of the seal, my senses are blurry. However, I have a feeling the enemy"s plan is not so simple."

Patriarch He sighed in relief, "How do we deal with the situation? Without activating the Four Symbol Mirror, the only way I can think of is to use the Weapon Slaves.

However, is it worth it to use them now?"

"The artifact will take too long to activate, and the Weapon Slaves are a last resort. Our best option is to use one of the

Protecting Dao Talismans to open a hole in this seal so that I can leave and a.s.sist the patriarch."