Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2331 Dong Suo And Dong Nimin

Chapter 2331 Dong Suo And Dong Nimin

Ziu Rixa finished her song, and she still couldn"t influence Ye Chen and Lin Rouxi.

"clap .. . ." everyone applauded at Ziu Rixa.

Ye Chen and Lin Rouxi also did the same, they followed their surroundings so as not to raise any suspicions.

"So annoying" Ziu Rixa was annoyed, she didn"t like what Ye Chen and Lin Rouxi were doing.

"Miss Rixa, that was very good earlier, you did something that amazed everyone" a young man came and said to Ziu Rixa.

Ziu Rixa smiled at the young man who had just arrived, he seemed to know who this young man was.

This young man was one of the young masters out of the Dong, he was a rather arrogant man, his wealth made him what he is today.

"thank you young master Dong" Ziu Rixa thanked the man in front of her, she was offended by young master Dong"s words.

Young master Dong is Dong Suo, his name is a bit strange but he is a man who is quite arrogant and full of strong ambition to make the world his own.

Dong Suo drew closer towards Ziu Rixa, he hugged Ziu Rixa who was in front of him.

Ziu Rixa couldn"t help but smile when Dong Suo did this, she had no choice but to do what Dong Suo wanted.

Dong Suo was very happy when he saw Ziu Rixa so obedient, it seemed that his power made Ziu Rixa obedient and do what he wanted.

Dong Suo isn"t actually that handsome, he just has a lot of money so he can easily get what he wants without much effort.

"Everyone, welcome to this party, I hope you enjoy it, there will be lots of entertainment that you won"t be able to see in this world" Dong Suo said confidently, he told everyone that this party would be the most exciting party ever. great in this world and they will never be forgotten.

"Clap. . ." Everyone applauded, they couldn"t wait to see how this party would turn out for Dong Suo.

"This kid is quite arrogant." Lin Rouxi looked at Dong Suo, she could see that Dong Suo had arrogant characteristics.

"It seems that this family is very rich, they even dare to say that." Ye Chen saw that the Dong family was quite rich, it was obvious that they dared to say that.

"They probably haven"t seen this world, so it"s not strange that they are like that." Lin Rouxi saw that the Dong family had not seen this world, so it wasn"t strange that they were like that.

"no need to think about it, we better just enjoy it, it"s really good, free meal is the best thing" Ye Chen said to Lin Rouxi.

"It"s you" Lin Rouxi smiled, she could probably have fun with Ye Chen and didn"t need to care too much about her surroundings.

"You guys come too" a woman with the age of 35++ years came, she approached the group of aunt Sui Xi.

"You finally came." Sui Xi said to the woman who had just appeared.

The woman who appeared was Dong Suo"s mother and also the mistress of this house, her name was Dong Nimin, she changed her name to Dong as well.

This woman wore quite a lot of high-value jewelry and also very luxurious-looking dresses, everyone here especially women could tell that this was very expensive and probably needed a lot of people.

Dong Nimin shows off what he has, he shows everyone in this place that he has a lot of money in his body and is a rich man.

Even all the women here felt inferior when they saw Dong Nimin"s appearance, they all probably couldn"t be compared, even Sui Xi also felt the same way when he saw how Dong Nimin looked.

"You have a nice dress, how much is this" the women in this place asked, they all wanted to know how much money was spent on buying this thing.

"I spent over 5 Purple Profound Crystals to buy this" Dong Nimin told her how much her clothes cost.

Just a note, 1 Purple Profound Crystal was equal to 20 million dollars in today"s world, so 5 Purple Profound Crystals was equal to 100 million dollars.

"What?" Everyone was of course shocked when they heard this, they couldn"t believe that Dong Nimin spent 5 Purple Profound Crystals to buy clothes, it was clearly an absolute waste.

"Husband, isn"t the Purple Profound Crystal an easy thing to find?" Lin Rouxi asked Ye Chen.

"In the G.o.d Realm it"s a commodity item used for transactions, but on earth it"s a rare item" Ye Chen said to Lin Rouxi.

"Oh so that"s it" Lin Rouxi understood, she understood what Ye Chen said.

"How, you guys must be surprised" Dong Nimin said arrogantly, everyone must be surprised by this.

"You are really rich, spending so much money just to buy clothes" all the women around said and praised Dong Nimin.

Dong Nimin looks very satisfied, she managed to make everyone praise her and show that she is a great woman.

"But you are still far away from Sui Xi"s daughter." These women had already compared Dong Nimin"s looks, even though she was wearing fine and luxurious clothes, she still couldn"t match Lin Rouxi"s beauty.

Even if they were quite as distant as heaven and earth, they could barely be compared.

"What?" Dong Nimin looked displeased when she heard this, she wanted to know what kind of woman these people were talking about, just how beautiful the daughter Sui Xi had was.

Dong Nimin wanted to see it with her own eyes and confirm this matter properly.

"Just look" the women looked at Lin Rouxi, they pointed out that Lin Rouxi was far prettier than Dong Nimin.

Dong Nimin looked at Lin Rouxi, she saw that Lin Rouxi was a very beautiful woman and had a perfect face and body without any flaws.

"Impossible, how can a woman like this exist in this world" Dong Nimin couldn"t believe what she was seeing, how could a woman like this exist in the world, obviously this was an impossible thing to

"How is it, my daughter is beautiful" Sui Xi said proudly, she said that Lin Rouxi was very beautiful and could not be compared with Dong Nimin.

Dong Nimin gritted her teeth, she seemed dissatisfied with this, how could she be so easily beaten by a young lady like Lin Rouxi.

Sui Xi smiled, it seemed that this time she won this battle and showed that Lin Rouxi was very beautiful.

No one could win against Lin Rouxi in this place, not even Ziu Rixa was a match for Lin Rouxi either.

"Mother, what"s wrong?" Dong Suo came, he asked his mother, he wanted to know what his mother was doing.

"Nothing" Dong Nimin said in an annoyed tone.

The women around smiled when they saw what was happening, it was fun to see the angry Dong Nimin.

Dong Suo didn"t know what happened, what happened to make his mother angry like that.

"she may be beautiful, but my son"s girlfriend is also quite beautiful and is a famous star in the world today" because of losing, Dong Nimin decided to use Dong Suo as a s.h.i.+eld, she told everyone that Dong Suo has a girlfriend as beautiful as Ziu Rixa.

"He is very lucky because he has a beautiful woman who is super popular right now." Everyone feels that if Dong Suo is blessed, he is one of the luckiest men in the world.

Where can he hug a beauty like Ziu Rixa.

Ziu Rixa smiled when he heard this, she looked embarra.s.sed when she heard what Dong Nimin

"Suo, they are all mother"s friends, they are quite good aren"t they" Dong Nimin said to Dong Suo.

Dong Suo looked around, they were good, but they weren"t as good as Ziu Rixa who was on the side.

Dong Suo looked at Lin Rouxi, when he looked at Lin Rouxi, he saw that this was a real beauty.

"Who is this woman ?, why is she in this place" Dong Suo has never seen this beautiful woman, why is this beautiful woman in her place.

"I guess I have to get acquainted" Dong Suo has to get acquainted, he has to get acquainted with the beautiful woman in front of him.

Dong Suo immediately left Ziu Rixa beside him, he wanted to try to get to know Lin Rouxi.

Ziu Rixa was shocked by what happened, she didn"t expect that Dong Suo would head towards Lin Rouxi.

"This can"t be allowed" Ziu Rixa couldn"t allow this, she couldn"t possibly let her prey escape by Lin Rouxi.

"h.e.l.lo miss, do you have time" Dong Suo said to Lin Rouxi.

"I"m busy, go" Lin Rouxi immediately shooed away Dong Suo, she did this to everyone who tried to get close to her.

Dong Suo"s face turned black when he saw this, he didn"t expect that he would be rejected before even introducing his own name.

Many people were shocked when they heard this, they did not believe that Lin Rouxi would directly reject Dong Suo.

Ye Chen laughed when he saw this, it seemed that Dong Suo had just eaten some dirt and he was probably embarra.s.sed by his behavior.

Lin Rouxi didn"t really like to be disturbed, from earlier there were a lot of people like Dong Suo and Lin Rouxi rejected them, she could feel that they all wanted to do something bad.

"Miss, I haven"t even introduced my name to you yet" Dong Suo said to Lin Rouxi.

"So what ?, I don"t want to know about it" Lin Rouxi said to Dong Suo.