Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2432 Wait, Where Did You Get That ?

Chapter 2432 Wait, Where Did You Get That ?

"Just having fun, I"m a bit bored" Lu Hanna said to Shen Niang.

Lu Hanna just wanted to have fun, she was quite happy when she was with Ye Chen.

"So that"s your goal" Shen Niang seemed to have started to understand Lu Hanna"s goal.

"You two look so foreign, andplus again you guys are very strong" Lu Hanna asked Shen Niang and Xu Leiya, she could feel that both of them were very strong.

"you don"t need to know" Shen Niang told Lu Hanna to shut up and not ask more.

"she really is a real Succubus" Ye Chen approached Lu Hanna, if seen more clearly he was indeed similar to the Succubus that Ye Chen knew.

This is probably Ye Chen"s first time meeting a real one, what Ye Chen usually meets are people who study Succubus abilities and they are far from Lu Hanna.

"what"s wrong?, are you interested in me" Lu Hanna said to Ye Chen.

"Not bad" Ye Chen said to Lu Hanna, he told her that he was quite interested in Lu Hanna.

"Are you going to take me?" Lu Hanna said to Ye Chen, she wrapped her arms around Ye Chen"s neck.

Lu Hanna"s innate nature kept coming out, she couldn"t stand being with Ye Chen, it was Lu Hanna"s nature.

"no, you stay here" Ye Chen said to Lu Hanna.

This woman was still such a pain, dealing with her would be extremely troublesome.

Lu Hanna pouted as she listened to what is said by Ye Chen, she came back rejected by Ye Chen.

"why are you refusing again, this is annoying" even with absolute innate charm that could ensnare the opposite s.e.x, Lu Hanna was still unable to charm Ye Chen.

Ye Chen only smiled when he saw Lu Hanna who looked cute when annoyed.

Ye Chen almost couldn"t stand Lu Hanna"s power of temptation. If only Shen Niang didn"t come, maybe Ye Chen would have done it with Lu Hanna.

"I have a lot of things I want to ask you." Ye Chen wanted to ask Lu Hanna a lot of things.

He felt that Lu Hanna could answer everything that Ye Chen wanted to know.

"empress, something bad happened in the palace, please come back soon" a voice transmission came in Lu Hanna"s ear, she knew that something bad was going on.

Voice transmission would only be used if the situation got out of control, something must have happened for the most powerful subordinate to send this.

"I wanted to answer your question, but I have a bit of a problem right now, so excuse me for a moment" Lu Hanna said to Ye Chen.

Lu Hanna immediately returned to her place, something sudden happened to Lu Hanna.

"What"s wrong with it?" Xu Leiya saw Lu Hanna who was leaving this place.

"looks like something happened to her" Shen Niang could only confirm that something happened at Lu Hanna"s place.

"Aren"t you going to help, it seems something happened" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

"she doesn"t look like she"s having any trouble, I think she"s had enough of her own troubles for now" Ye Chen said to Chu Yuechan.

"fine, if that"s what you want" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

"what are you guys doing in this place" Ye Chen asked Shen Niang and Xu Leiya, why are they in this place.

"we came for you, who told you to go alone" Shen Niang said to Ye Chen.

Shen Niang looked irritated when she said this to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at Shen Niang"s face, it seemed that she was angry because she was left by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen has to be careful in choosing words, lest Shen Niang greets her.

"That"s because I was in a hurry, I thought you were busy." Ye Chen said to Shen Niang.

"I"m not busy" Shen Niang said that she was not busy.

"then where are you going this survivor" Ye Chen asked Shen Niang.

"That"s a secret" Shen Niang said to Ye Chen, she didn"t want to tell what she had been doing all this time.

"Ehhh. . .?, she is a little different from usual" Ye Chen saw that Shen Niang was a little different from before, her expression and emotions, she looked more lively from previously.

Shen Niang smiled at Ye Chen, it seemed she enjoyed Ye Chen"s reaction.

"So how, have you got that person" Shen Niang said to Ye Chen.

"didn"t find it, but I found something good here" Ye Chen said that he found something good.

Ye Chen took out the Infinity power stone, he showed Shen Niang.

"Wait where did you get that?" Shen Niang said to Ye Chen, Shen Niang looked shocked when she saw the Infinity power stone.

"What is that, what an amazing power" Xu Leiya didn"t know what was in Ye Chen"s hand, she only knew that it emitted something very strong, this was very strong, it exceeded Xu Leiya"s expectations, she had never felt something as powerful as this.

"I got it by accident" Ye Chen said to Shen Niang.

Ye Chen got the Infinity power stone by accident while tracking Mo Xi"s whereabouts.

"So that"s how it is, even though the Infinity power stone was sealed by several cultivator strong immortals and they kept the safety of that place by sacrificing their lives, even I and others didn"t know the whereabouts of that place, I didn"t think that there would still be one left in this world" Shen Niang was of course surprised by the Infinity power stone in Ye Chen"s hand.

"If that thing found by an irresponsible person, then it will be a terrible disaster." The Infinity power stone is a bomb, if that found by irresponsible people, then it can destroy quite a lot of places and lives.

"I already got it, the problem is someone is trying to take it from me, that person also has the power of an immortal Slayer".

"Immortal Slayer, such a person is very rare, who can raise an Immortal Slayer" Shen Niang thought for a while.

Ye Chen"s words were very clear, Immortal Slayer was a formidable foe, it was quite difficult to defeat them, even Chu Yuechan who had high strength was injured by Immortal Slayer.

"I think that thing will be safe with you, with your strength, you should be able to protect it." Shen Niang was about to entrust the Infinity power stone to Ye Chen.

"I will take good care of it" Ye Chen will do the best he can do to protect the Infinity power stone, he will ensure that the Infinity power stone does not fall into the hands of the wrong person.

"Then I will go, Leiya you are with Ye Chen, I have something to confirm in a moment." Shen Niang said to Xu Leiya.

"I understand" Xu Leiya nodded, she will be together with Ye Chen.

"I"ll go first, I don"t know when I"ll be back, but I"ll make sure to come back soon" Shen Niang said to Ye Chen.

Shen Niang left, she dashed away from Ye Chen and Xu Leiya.

"she is so fast, no one can catch up to that speed" Xu Leiya had to admit Shen Niang"s speed.

"follow me for a while, let"s go somewhere" Ye Chen said to Xu Leiya.

"Where to . . . .?" Xu Leiya asked Ye Chen, she wanted to know where Ye Chen was taking herself.

"come with me already" Ye Chen said to Xu Leiya.

Xu Leiya obeyed Ye Chen, she followed behind Ye Chen"s body, the two of them went somewhere.

Ye Chen wanted to confirm the strength in this region, he was curious who was in control of this place.