Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2556 Weapons Experiment

Chapter 2556 Weapons Experiment

"May I see everything in this place?" Ye Chen asked the old man, himself wondering if he could see everything in this place.

"You may do it, this is not a cultivation technique hall, as long as you are capable of learning it, you are free to use it" he said to Ye Chen.

"Is that so" Ye Chen understood, he could use everything in this place, that"s why Ye Chen probably didn"t need to hold back in studying it.

Ye Chen entered, he immediately left and started to study everything in this place.

By using his abilities, he managed to learn everything quickly.

"This is great, there are so many new things" Ye Chen said to Chu Yuechan.

Ye Chen likes it, he probably already understands some interesting things, he got a few copies to make a top Tier weapon .

"good, you got what you were looking for" Chu Yuechan looked happy when she saw Ye Chen got what she was looking for.

"I"ve got what I was looking for, time to make weapons" Ye Chen said to Chu Yuechan.

After getting what he was looking for, Ye Chen left this place, he had learned what he needed right.

Ye Chen came out, himself came out of this place and looked for a temporary residence in the Sect .

Ye Chen realized that he would live in this place, so he had to find a place to live.

Since this was the Equipment Sect , sleeping area and workshop all in one place, it would be easier for them to work.

There were a lot of empty rooms, Ye Chen just had to find a good and suitable place.

"it seems like a good place" Ye Chen found a place to stay, he will stay in this place for the time being.

Ye Chen came in, it was very dusty inside, it could be seen that this place had not been used for a long time, so there was a lot of dust.

"good, let"s clean up this place first" Ye Chen decided to clean up this place first, after that he would get to work.

Ye Chen used strength to clean this place, with a little touch that Ye Chen did, he was able to make this place clean.

"done, it"s taking longer than I thought" it takes time, Ye Chen needs time to clean up this place.

After cleaning up this place, Ye Chen lit a fire and prepared to make weapons.

Ye Chen started to smelt metal, he smelted pure black orihalc.u.m , to melt something hard like pure black orihalc.u.m , Ye Chen used more strength.

"master, why don"t you use the room inside the fairy gate, you rarely use it" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

"Inside the Fairy Gate is too easy, I will practice outside here for a while." Ye Chen felt that he could do everything inside the Fairy Gate, one day it would be a problem.

That"s why Ye Chen decided to train outside, it was to develop his abilities so he could adapt better.

"Is that so, I didn"t know you would think like that." Chu Yuechan nodded, it seemed that she already understood what Ye Chen wanted.

Chu Yuechan already knows Ye Chen"s goal, this is the right time to support Ye Chen, she will support Ye Chen and do her best.

After smelting the iron, Ye Chen started to make weapons, he used a powerful hammer and started to shape them.

"Clang. . ., Clang. . ., Clang. . ., Clang. . ." The sound Ye Chen made was extremely loud, he had actually used all of his strength to make a weapon.

"more stronger, more stronger" Ye Chen repeated this process many times, he confirmed that it was pure black Orichalc.u.m becomes solid and won"t break easily in battle.

This process took a very long time, Ye Chen needed at least 1 hour to complete his weapon.

"one sword made" Ye Chen tried it, he wanted to know how strong the weapon he made was.

Ye Chen swung with all his might, he tested the power of the self-made sword.

"not bad, this sword is very good" Ye Chen saw that the sword he made was very good, he was satisfied with what he made.

"Ein" Ye Chen called Ein, he told Ein to test his weapon.

"What is it?" Ein appeared, she immediately stood beside Ye Chen, please test this weapon for me" Ye Chen said to Zhang Ein, he told her to test the weapon he made.

Zhang Ein did as Ye Chen said, she started to test the weapon Ye Chen made.

"Clank . . ." when Zhang Ein tested it, she accidentally broke it, it seems that the strength of Zhang Ein is so strong that it can be easily broken.

"sorry, it broke" Zhang Ein said to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was speechless when he saw Zhang Ein"s strength, it was clear that Zhang Ein"s strength was beyond reason.

"It"s okay, it looks like it"s still weak, I"ll work harder to be able to make a good one" Ye Chen said to Zhang Ein

"Um" Zhang Ein said that he would support Ye Chen.

Ye Chen returned to making weapons, this time he would make something that Zhang Ein would not destroy.

Ye Chen worked day and night, he failed several times in his experiments, the weapons he made had many flaws and weaknesses, that made him less sharp and less powerful.

"it"s really bad, it"s tiring" Ye Chen probably needs to rest, he has been working hard for a few days, he should probably rest for a while.

"Here is your food" Zhang Ein said to Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen to eat the food she made.

"thank you very much, this helped me" Ye Chen thanked, for the past few days, Zhang Ein provided for Ye Chen"s needs, Ye Chen was greatly helped by what Zhang Ein did.

"Ein" Ye Chen asked Zhang Ein.

"What ?" Zhang Ein answered Ye Chen, she did the work and poured tea for Ye Chen.

"what do you do when you are away from me" Ye Chen was curious, he wanted to know what Zhang Ein did when she was not with Ye Chen.

"If I wasn"t with you, I might be helping the work of people in need."

"don"t you feel the ha.s.sle" Ye Chen asked Zhang Ein, he wanted to know if Zhang Ein didn"t bother.

"of course not, I enjoy my work, I feel more alive when doing this work" Zhang Ein said to Ye Chen.

Zhang Ein enjoyed her work, she enjoyed every job without complaining.

In fact, Zhang Ein would get bored if she didn"t do anything, thus she chose to work to spare her time.

"Is that so, it might be a good decision, you are very useful, I"m sure that people think the same way" Ye Chen said.

Zhang Ein was surprised by what Ye Chen said, to be honest this was the first time anyone had spoken to her like that.

This of course made Zhang Ein surprised, she was surprised by what Ye Chen said.

"thank you very much, I am very happy" Zhang Ein said to Ye Chen, she was happy that she decided to serve Ye Chen..

Zhang Ein was in a good mood, she made more food for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen accepted everything, it was impossible for him to refuse everything that was given by Zhang Ein.

Ye Chen felt that he was very spoiled by Zhang Ein, it made Ye Chen fall asleep.

It"s a very pleasant experience, Ye Chen likes Zhang Ein"s work.
