Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2590 You Buy This Thing For Me ?

Chapter 2590 You Buy This Thing For Me ?

"Do you not want to spend time with me?" Ye Chen asked s.h.i.+ Lin, he wanted to know if s.h.i.+ Lin didn"t want to spend time with him.

"Of course I want to, I"ve been looking forward to this." s.h.i.+ Lin said to Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen that she wanted to have fun.

s.h.i.+ Lin had been waiting for this very well, he did not expect that this day would come so quickly

"then let"s go" Ye Chen said to s.h.i.+ Lin, he told s.h.i.+ Lin to go around this place.

"let"s go" s.h.i.+ Lin looked quite excited, she looked really excited when she was with Ye Chen.

Both of them started walking around this place, they enjoyed everything in this place.

They started buying food, a meal that the two of them could buy.

"Ummm, this is delicious" s.h.i.+ Lin enjoyed the food Ye Chen bought, the taste of the food Ye Chen gave was really very good.

"How do you like it?" Ye Chen asked s.h.i.+ Lin, he wanted to know if s.h.i.+ Lin liked the food he chose.

"This is very delicious" s.h.i.+ Lin told Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen that this tasted very good.

"Thank goodness you like it" Ye Chen was happy to hear that.

"Is there a game around this place?" Ye Chen asked s.h.i.+ Lin, he wanted to know if there was a game around this place.

This is different from Earth, there"s not much to do except buy food, weapons and also pills, there"s not much for them to do in this place, it makes it a bit difficult.

"Game, there shouldn"t be such a thing" s.h.i.+ Lin pointed out that there was no such thing around this place.

"Too bad" Ye Chen understood, this is as he expected, there is no such thing around this place.

Ye Chen thought of something, what can they do now.

"Hmmmm . ." Ye Chen saw something interesting, he felt that it might be liked by s.h.i.+ Lin.

"Come with me" Ye Chen said to s.h.i.+ Lin, he asked s.h.i.+ Lin to come with him, he wanted to show s.h.i.+ Lin something.

s.h.i.+ Lin wanted to know what Ye Chen would do, to be honest she was quite curious about what Ye Chen would do.

Ye Chen took s.h.i.+ Lin to a shop, a head jewelery shop.

"let"s see if there is anything good around this place" Ye Chen wanted to know if there was anything good, he would probably give jewelry to s.h.i.+ Lin.

" ? ? ?" s.h.i.+ Lin wanted to know what Ye Chen would do, she wanted to know what Ye Chen was trying to plan.

Ye Chen saw a flower hairpin blooming beautifully, this probably suited s.h.i.+ Lin.

Ye Chen just took it, he asked how much this thing cost.

"It"s not that expensive, it"s only around 10~20 Divine Rainbow Crystals."

"then I will take one" Ye Chen said to the seller, he took one for himself to give to s.h.i.+ Lin.

s.h.i.+ Lin had already begun to suspect what Ye Chen would do.

"are you going to give this to me" s.h.i.+ Lin asked Ye Chen.

s.h.i.+ Lin smiled beautifully, she seemed to be enjoying the moment.

"I will give this to Ziyi" Ye Chen told s.h.i.+ Lin, he will give this to Wu Ziyi.

s.h.i.+ Lin immediately pouted when she heard what Ye Chen said, she was not happy when Ye Chen said this.

s.h.i.+ Lin"s hopes were crushed, everything was not as s.h.i.+ Lin had imagined.

Ye Chen smiled when he saw the reaction shown by s.h.i.+ Lin, the reaction shown by s.h.i.+ Lin was very pleasing to Ye Chen.

s.h.i.+ Lin turned around, she seemed to be angry at Ye Chen, she was not happy with what Ye Chen was doing.

Ye Chen approached s.h.i.+ Lin, he started to help s.h.i.+ Lin use the flower jewelry he gave her.

"huh?" s.h.i.+ Lin was shocked when she saw what Ye Chen did, what Ye Chen did was quite a shock to s.h.i.+ Lin.

"You, didn"t you say you were going to give this to Ziyi?" s.h.i.+ Lin asked Ye Chen.

"I"m just kidding, I want to give this to you" Ye Chen said that he was just kidding, from the beginning he wanted to give this to s.h.i.+ Lin.

"You . ., you are terrible, I hate you" s.h.i.+ Lin hit Ye Chen, she hit Ye Chen"s chest repeatedly.

"Hehehehehe" Ye Chen chuckled, he chuckled when he saw s.h.i.+ Lin like that.

s.h.i.+ Lin was very happy, she felt very happy to receive a gift from Ye Chen.

"How do you think I look now?" s.h.i.+ Lin asked Ye Chen, she wanted to know how her current appearance was.

"Very good, you are very beautiful" Ye Chen told s.h.i.+ Lin, s.h.i.+ Lin is now very beautiful.

s.h.i.+ Lin blushed when she heard what Ye Chen said, she was too happy when she heard Ye Chen"s praise.

Ye Chen praised too much, it made s.h.i.+ Lin feel very embarra.s.sed, she actually blushed in the face of Ye Chen.

"d.a.m.n . . ., we failed to catch our prey" a familiar voice sounded in Ye Chen"s ear, Ye Chen was of course familiar with this voice.

"Isn"t that the previous people" Ye Chen said to s.h.i.+ Lin.

"You are absolutely right, those are all the people you have previously faced." s.h.i.+ Lin agreed, all of them were indeed the people they had previously faced.

"about what they will do" s.h.i.+ Lin asked Ye Chen, she was quite curious about what they would do.

"do we need to find out" Ye Chen said to s.h.i.+ Lin, they may need to find out about this problem.

"I agree with what you said, let"s go and find out" s.h.i.+ Lin agreed, she still wouldn"t be able to forget them because of the previous incident.

The two decide to go and follow a group of criminals who capture people to be slaves.

The two of them were brought to a suburb in the slum district, a place barely fit to live because there were too many dangerous people here.

"This is a terrible place, is there a place like this in this city?" Ye Chen asked s.h.i.+ Lin.

"This is the most rundown place in town, not many live in this place, this is the most suitable place for criminals" s.h.i.+ Lin said to Ye Chen.

"I believe that the poor will think of living in this place, this place is really unfit" Ye Chen said that this place is really uninhabitable, even the animal cages are still more humane than this place.

As s.h.i.+ Lin said, not many people lived in this place, only those with bad auras and criminals lived in this bad place.

There weren"t many living in this place, Ye Chen and s.h.i.+ Lin could easily move around in the darkness.

the group they followed finally arrived at a place, a rather large shabby house with windows and doors that were worn out and almost destroyed.

"So this is their residence" Ye Chen could see that this was their residence.

Ye Chen confirmed using his G.o.d Eyes, he saw that inside there were several cells used to confine monsters and humans, there were women, men and various kinds of rare creatures.

"I saw one mini dwarf inside" Ye Chen said to s.h.i.+ Lin.

"what, there is one" s.h.i.+ Lin asked in surprise.

"Of course" Ye Chen told that there was one inside, it looked ugly and was covered in wounds from being tortured.

"how is it?" s.h.i.+ Lin asked.

"Pretty bad" Ye Chen told the condition of the mini dwarf that he was looking at now, he could confirm that the condition was quite bad.

"What would you do?" s.h.i.+ Lin asked Ye Chen, she wanted to know what Ye Chen would do.

"I will save him" Ye Chen told that he would save him, he couldn"t let this matter go because Ye Chen was once in debt and was a fairly close acquaintance.

"I will help you" s.h.i.+ Lin said if she will help Ye Chen, she can help Ye Chen to solve this problem.

"then I beg for help" Ye Chen said to s.h.i.+ Lin, he will rely on s.h.i.+ Lin.

"Of course" s.h.i.+ Lin felt proud, she felt that Ye Chen depended on her.

"let"s go inside" Ye Chen said to s.h.i.+ Lin, he asked s.h.i.+ Lin to go inside with him.

s.h.i.+ Lin followed Ye Chen"s words, the two easily entered and easily arrived inside.

Since Ye Chen was so good at sneaking, they easily went inside and started looking around.

A slightly outer dungeon, it was large enough to contain a large number of people.

"How many are there?" s.h.i.+ Lin asked Ye Chen.

s.h.i.+ Lin asked how many in this place.

"About 500" Ye Chen said to s.h.i.+ Lin.

"total guardians are 30" Ye Chen told s.h.i.+ Lin.

"then let"s split up and start to disable them all" s.h.i.+ Lin said to Ye Chen.

"okay" Ye Chen agreed, they would be faster if they dispersed.

s.h.i.+ Lin"s strength was high enough, so there was no need to worry about anything.

They split up and started to stun the enemies, with Ye Chen"s ability, he managed to take down 15 enemies with ease, meanwhile s.h.i.+ Lin managed to take down 10 of them.

They move very quickly, in just a short time, they manage to defeat 80% of the enemies around them.

"Now there are five left, let"s finish this quickly" Ye Chen said that if there were five more, they should finish everything quickly.
