Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2630 s.h.i.+ Lin Is Agitated

Chapter 2630 s.h.i.+ Lin Is Agitated

Ye Chen covered s.h.i.+ Lin"s body, he took care of s.h.i.+ Lin as best he could, let her rest.

Ye Chen decided to cultivate the pure Yin Qi obtained from s.h.i.+ Lin, he wanted to increase the strength he had.

"I have to break through" Ye Chen had to break through, he could not be too relaxed in this matter.

Some time later, Ye Chen broke through, he broke through and started to go to the eighth level.

"breakthrough to the eighth level, breakthrough to the ninth level" Ye Chen broke through, he successfully rose to the ninth level.

"Very good, I finally got to this point, I will try even harder" Ye Chen decided to try even more and harder to be able to gain the strength to save his beautiful wife.

Ye Chen would continue to fight, he would not lose easily and get Shui Yixian back.

Ye Chen continued practicing during the night, he looked after s.h.i.+ Lin who was sleeping on the side.

s.h.i.+ Lin slept very peacefully, Ye Chen was unwilling to disturb her and decided to let her continue like that.

Morning was almost here, until now s.h.i.+ Lin still hadn"t woken up, it seemed like she was quite tired after doing that thing with Ye Chen, that was what kept her from waking up until now.

"emmm" s.h.i.+ Lin finally woke up, she finally opened her eyes and looked towards Ye Chen.

"What happened here ?" s.h.i.+ Lin asked, she was a little dizzy and still did not know what had happened here.

s.h.i.+ Lin didn"t really remember, probably because she was drunk and still a little dizzy.

"Looks like you slept well" Ye Chen said to s.h.i.+ Lin, he could see that s.h.i.+ Lin slept well.

"Eh, Ye Chen?" s.h.i.+ Lin saw that Ye Chen was beside her, she now knew where she was.

s.h.i.+ Lin could feel that her body felt more exposed, when she looked down, she found something that surprised her.

"Ahhh" s.h.i.+ Lin cried out, she did not expect that her clothes were not in place.

"What"s going on?" s.h.i.+ Lin didn"t understand what was going on here.

"Don"t you remember what happened last night?" Ye Chen asked s.h.i.+ Lin.

s.h.i.+ Lin started to remember what happened last night, after some time, she finally remembered what happened.

"Huh, I really did it" s.h.i.+ Lin did it, she did it with Ye Chen, she did that thing with Ye Chen and they really did that thing together.

s.h.i.+ Lin felt guilty to Wu Ziyi, somehow she could do that thing together with Ye Chen, she would probably make Wu Ziyi angry because she did it.

"Are you alright" Ye Chen asked s.h.i.+ Lin, it looked like she was not alright and needed Ye Chen.

"I"m fine" s.h.i.+ Lin told Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen that she was fine.

"I"m glad to hear that, you slept well last night" Ye Chen said to Wu Ziyi.

Ye Chen was so kind, he did his best to make s.h.i.+ Lin comfortable.

s.h.i.+ Lin felt a warmth from Ye Chen, she could feel the warmth from Ye Chen.

This was very and very good, s.h.i.+ Lin naturally liked the feeling Ye Chen gave her.

"I feel guilty" s.h.i.+ Lin apologized to Ye Chen, she felt guilty to Ye Chen.

"Why are you apologizing" Ye Chen asked s.h.i.+ Lin, he didn"t need to apologize.

"I made a mistake, so I apologize for everything that happened, so please forget what happened" s.h.i.+ Lin told Ye Chen.

s.h.i.+ Lin told Ye Chen to forget everything that happened.

"That"s impossible, I won"t be able to forget everything that happened, if I forget it, I"m not worthy of being a man" Ye Chen told s.h.i.+ Lin.I think you should take a look at

After all the things that happened, Ye Chen would not be able to forget what happened, he would not be able to forget what happened together with s.h.i.+ Lin.

"But . . ." s.h.i.+ Lin said to Ye Chen, she felt bad about Ye Chen and Wu Ziyi"s relations.h.i.+p.

"I feel bad about you and Ziyi, if she finds out about this, then it will be a big and complicated problem" s.h.i.+ Lin told Ye Chen, she told him that she felt bad about Wu Ziyi.

s.h.i.+ Lin was afraid that Wu Ziyi knew about this matter, what to do if Wu Ziyi knew about this matter.

"You calm down first" Ye Chen told s.h.i.+ Lin to calm down.????????.???

She was too panicked and Ye Chen had to make her feel calm.

"Everything will be fine" Ye Chen told her that everything would be fine, he was very confident that everything would be fine, nothing would happen to them.

"What about Ziyi ?" s.h.i.+ Lin asked Ye Chen.

s.h.i.+ Lin couldn"t calm down, she was still thinking about the matter about Wu Ziyi, she wouldn"t accept something like this, s.h.i.+ Lin was very sure about that matter.

"She will definitely accept, I will try to convince her" Ye Chen said to s.h.i.+ Lin, Ye Chen told her that he would make Wu Ziyi accept everything.

"Can you do that?" s.h.i.+ Lin asked Ye Chen if Ye Chen could do such a thing.

"Don"t look down on me" Ye Chen told s.h.i.+ Lin not to look down on him, he would do his best for this matter.

s.h.i.+ Lin felt a little calm, Ye Chen seemed to mean what he said, everything should be fine.

"Hurry up and get up" Ye Chen said to s.h.i.+ Lin, he told s.h.i.+ Lin to get up.

s.h.i.+ Lin tried to get up, when she got up, she had a little problem.

"It"s a little sore" s.h.i.+ Lin felt a little sore, it seemed like last night made her feel a little sore.

"Can you walk?" Ye Chen asked s.h.i.+ Lin.

"Everything is fine" s.h.i.+ Lin told him that everything was fine.

Ye Chen helped s.h.i.+ Lin, he helped s.h.i.+ Lin walk by using his arm.

"Thank you very much" s.h.i.+ Lin thanked Ye Chen, she was grateful to Ye Chen for helping her.

"It"s okay" Ye Chen told s.h.i.+ Lin, he told her that everything was fine.

He did this for s.h.i.+ Lin"s sake, this was so s.h.i.+ Lin wouldn"t have trouble walking.

s.h.i.+ Lin started to take a shower, she used the existing bathroom and cleaned herself up.

s.h.i.+ Lin did not expect that all this would happen, she could not imagine that she did it with Ye Chen.

"I did it, it was quite embarra.s.sing" s.h.i.+ Lin said to herself, she felt ashamed of what happened, she felt that what happened was quite embarra.s.sing for her.

"But I did it, there is no going back for me" s.h.i.+ Lin could not go back, there was no going back for her.

she had to face everything, she would not be able to return to her previous self.

"How do I explain this matter to Ziyi, will she be angry or not" s.h.i.+ Lin wanted to know what Wu Ziyi would do, will she be angry or not at s.h.i.+ Lin.

After knowing everything, normally she would be angry, maybe they would end up becoming enemies.

"I will take the worst that can happen" s.h.i.+ Lin could only take the worst that could happen, she had to do this because of her love for Ye Chen.

Some time later, s.h.i.+ Lin finally came out, she had already changed into better clothes and dressed up well and looked beautiful.

s.h.i.+ Lin felt better than before, it turned out that doing that with Ye Chen gave s.h.i.+ Lin an advantage.
