Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 554 - Ye Chen Vs Phantom Blade (3)

Chapter 554 - Ye Chen Vs Phantom Blade (3)

Ling Yin was currently watching the battle that Ye Chen and Phantom Blade were fighting from afar, she only hoped that Ye Chen could defeat the Phantom Blade soon.

"Ye Chen, Phantom Blade is a very terrifying figure, you have to beat him" from a distance Ling Yin told Ye Chen that the Phantom Blade was a very terrifying figure.

if Ye Chen releases the Phantom Blade, there will be more lives belonging to innocent people who are victims of the Phantom Blade.

Ye Chen of course really understands Ling Yin"s words , Phantom Blade is indeed a very terrifying figure, he really collects the souls of the dead to strengthen himself,

The more souls the Phantom Blade gets, the stronger the Phantom Blade will become and even stronger, this may also be the reason why the Phantom Blade wants to make a big war, he wants to use this war to increase the strength he has.

"Phantom Soul" Phantom Blade returned to control the souls around him to attack at Ye Chen.

This is a very difficult thing for Ye Chen, Ye Chen cannot repel Phantom Blade"s attack, the only way is to attack the soul that is aiming at him.

If Ye Chen did that then he would accidentally hurt the soul of this deceased person, Ye Chen couldn"t do that, he could only avoid all the attacks that were directed at him.

"Why are you just dodging, hurry and fight with me" Phantom Blade wanted Ye Chen to seriously fight with him.

Phantom Blade knows that Ye Chen can"t fight himself because of this soul of the dead he controls , this is the reason why Phantom Blade throws away the humanity he has, if he still has emotions like Ye Chen, he can"t possibly control the soul like he is now.

Ye Chen was really fed up with the Phantom Blade"s behavior, it looked like he had to end this battle immediately.

"You shameless, feel this." Ye Chen used Nine Shadow Step, in an instant he was behind the Phantom Blade.

"Breaking Meteor Blow" Ye Chen immediately used Breaking Meteor Blow to attack the Phantom Blade.

Phantom Blade Uses the soul around him to create a s.h.i.+eld to block Ye Chen"s attack.

Ye Chen"s attack did not hit the Phantom Blade, Ye Chen"s attack was blocked by the ghost"s soul around the Phantom Blade.

When Ye Chen attacked the ghost soul in front of him, a scream of pain was heard very loudly, this soul actually felt pain when it received the attack from Ye Chen.

Seeing this, Ye Chen immediately pulled himself back, the Phantom Blade was very cunning, he used the ghost soul around him to make a s.h.i.+eld that was difficult to penetrate.

If Ye Chen wanted to break through this s.h.i.+eld, inevitably Ye Chen had to injure the ghost souls around Phantom Blade.

This was a pretty difficult choice for Ye Chen, whether he should injure the ghost souls that were around the Phantom Blade or not.

"Don"t think about us, quickly kill this person" when Ye Chen was thinking, he suddenly heard a whisper from the ghost"s soul around the Phantom Blade.

These ghost souls wanted Ye Chen to immediately kill the Phantom Blade so that they could quickly escape the shackles that had tormented them all this time.

"Well if you want it, I"ll do it" because the souls around the Phantom Blade want Ye Chen to immediately kill the Phantom Blade, Ye Chen will do that.

Ye Chen immediately went up to the sky, above the sky Ye Chen gave off an aura that was very, very strong.

The sky that was previously dark was now darker than before, the aura emitted by Ye Chen affected this place.

Even Ling Yin who was in the distance was forced to retreat far enough when Ye Chen gave off an aura of this strong, Ling Yin was very far away, if he got too close to Ye Chen then he would be affected by the aura currently emitted by Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen is very strong, actually what level is Ye Chen"s right now." Ling Yin became very curious about what level Ye Chen had, how could Ye Chen bring out this kind of power.

The Phantom Blade that was near Ye Chen felt a tremendous amount of oppression, his body stiffened when he felt the pressure of Ye Chen"s aura.

From Ye Chen"s fingertips, a profound flame was the size of a marble, Ye Chen lifted this finger up.

The Flame that was previously small began to expand to an immense size, in a very short time the profound fire that was previously small like a marble has now become enormous like a mini version of the sun.

The light from this fire shone through the whole place, right now around this place was as bright as day.

The ground under Ye Chen started to shake and rose upwards, the sun that was on Ye Chen"s finger was affecting the gravity around this place.

The Phantom Blade under Ye Chen felt that he could melt by the heat from the mini version of the sun on Ye Chen"s finger.

"Phantom Blade, be ready to accept your defeat".

"Flame Supernova" Ye Chen threw a small sun towards the Phantom Blade.

Flame Supernova is a technique Ye Chen learned from Nangong Xiang, the difference is that Ye Chen here is not using the Heavenly Golden Flame like Nangong Xiang or the Heavenly Silver Flame that he has, he is currently only using ordinary profound flames of

Phantom Blade"s gooseb.u.mps when the Flame Supernova is aiming towards himself, the Phantom Blade was still the same as before, he was currently still unable to move freely.

The Phantom Blade had no choice but to repel the Flame Supernova"s attacks by using all the souls around him, tens of thousands of souls created a very thick barrier around the Phantom Blade.

The Flame Supernova hit the barrier created by the Phantom Blade, this barrier was easily penetrated by the Flame Supernova.

After breaking through the Phantom Blade"s barrier, the Flame Supernova immediately struck the Phantom Blade.

" Boooooooooooooommmmm. . . . "An extremely powerful explosion occurred, the power of the explosion was slightly stronger than the Atomic Bomb.

A big earthquake occurred after the explosion erupted, this earthquake was almost felt by 1/3 of the land in the world.

Ye Chen did not intentionally use his full strength when using Flame Supernova, he did not want the Phantom Blade to die that easily, he had promised Ling Yin to let Ling Yin kill the Phantom Blade using his own hands.

After the explosion disappeared, a large enough hole with a diameter of about 35 km was formed, around this hole now flattened with the ground, plants and rocks around here were swept away by the explosion just now.

Luckily this was still quite a distance from the residential areas, so it wasn"t the person who was the victim of the Flame Supernova that Ye Chen had just used.

Even though Ye Chen had enough to withstand the strength used, it was unexpected that the power used by Ye Chen would be this strong.

Ye Chen hopes that the Phantom Blade doesn"t die immediately when receiving this attack, if the Phantom Blade dies then Ye Chen can only apologize to Ling Yin.

"Ye Chen." Ling Yin reached Ye Chen"s side very quickly, she wanted to know whether Ye Chen had defeated the Phantom Blade or not.