Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1091 - Seeing Glamorous Woman Changing Clothes

Chapter 1091 - Seeing Glamorous Woman Changing Clothes

"Miss, that"s all the information we managed to record, if you want to know, you can go yourself during the interview" the waitress suggested to the glamorous and dazzling woman.

"Alright, then let me interview this person alone, you prepare everything right now" the woman named Yan told the waitress to prepare everything.

"Okay, I"ll do it right away" the waitress nodded, he would immediately carry out the orders of this glamorous and dazzling woman.

"I can"t wait to see who you really are" the woman named Yan couldn"t wait to see who Ye Chen really was and what Ye Chen wanted.

Outside Ye Chen waited patiently himself waiting very patiently for the other partic.i.p.ants.

"It"s been a long time" Ye Chen felt quite bored waiting outside, he felt uncomfortable waiting outside.

"Master" while Ye Chen was waiting for another partic.i.p.ant, suddenly a woman came up to Ye Chen.

" what is it ?" Ye Chen asked what this woman wanted from him.

"Mr. Mask hero please come with me, your next test will begin" this woman told Ye Chen to follow her.

"Okay" Ye Chen didn"t waste any more time, he immediately went to the second test place.

It was also useless for Ye Chen to wait for people who didn"t even pa.s.s this first test.

This woman started to take Ye Chen to a place that was quite a distance away from the first test.

The further this woman took Ye Chen, Ye Chen felt that the area around Ye Chen was getting better and better.

"Where are you taking me?" Ye Chen asked where he was going to be taken.

"sir, the next test is an interview, someone will interview you" the female guide said to Ye Chen.

"Oh" Ye Chen now understands the second test he will face, it turns out that the second test is an interview, Ye Chen wants to know who will interview him.

The female guide finally brought Ye Chen to the front of a majestic-looking door.

"Sir, the person who will be interviewing is in there, please come in and meet her" the guide woman told Ye Chen to enter this room alone, inside there will be someone interviewing Ye Chen.

"Excuse me first" The female guide said goodbye to Ye Chen, her task of escorting Ye Chen was over, now she could return to her work.

Ye Chen only nodded when he saw the woman who had guided him away.

Ye Chen turned his attention back to the front, this door looks very luxurious, is this really an interview room?, Seeing the entrance that looks quite luxurious, Ye Chen started to wonder if this is a room for interviewing someone.

"I"d better go in." Ye Chen threw away all unnecessary thoughts, he went straight into the room.

When Ye Chen opened the door, Ye Chen saw an amazing sight, he saw that in this room there was a woman who looked glamorous and full of charm was changing her clothes.

" this . . .?" Ye Chen was quite surprised when he saw what was in front of his eyes, he saw a scene that he never expected when entering the room.

Ye Chen thought he would be greeted by intimidating gazes from people who were going to interview him, he didn"t expect that Ye Chen would actually see such a beautiful scene in front of his eyes.

The woman who was changing immediately looked at Ye Chen, the gazes of the two met each other.

This woman saw Ye Chen and Ye Chen looked straight at the woman who was currently half naked.

The beautiful woman didn"t have time to react, her mind was still quite chaotic when she saw Ye Chen suddenly enter her room.

The beautiful woman didn"t scream like most women peeked at by a man, she very calmly covered her body.

"Why don"t you knock on the door first?" The beautiful woman asked why Ye Chen didn"t knock on the door first before entering this place.

" that. . . , the woman who guided me said to come inside." Ye Chen very easily answered the question posed by the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Looks like it"s not your fault, then can you go out and close the door first, I want to change clothes" The glamorous and dazzling woman told Ye Chen to come out and close the door, she wanted to continue to change her clothes.

"Okay" Ye Chen nodded, he immediately went out and closed the door again.

Here Ye Chen tried to be mentally strong, so he tried not to be affected by the vision in front of her.

If this was the usual Ye Chen, surely Ye Chen would have enjoyed the free sight that was in front of his eyes right now, but because Ye Chen used a different ident.i.ty, then Ye Chen tried to be a sage who wasn"t affected by this kind of thing.

After Ye Chen left this place, the woman named Yan felt relieved, she started to let go of the hand she was using to cover her body.

This woman"s full name is Yan Fei, she is the one in charge of the Golden King auction house.

Yan Fei is a very skilled person when it comes to negotiating or trading with someone, she is very smart and can use her beauty and charm to pressure the other party to agree to her will.

This was what made Yan Fei able to become the person in charge of the Golden King auction house.

Yan Fei was quite famous among rich merchants or young n.o.bles, many men had spent a lot of their wealth just to see Yan Fei"s smile.

Yan Fei"s appearance could be described as beautiful, she had a fairly well developed body capital, although in that regard, Li Jingyi was still much better than Yan Fei.

"Is this person still a man, he is not even affected after seeing me in this appearance" Yan Fei started to wonder if Ye Chen was a man or not.

Yan Fei was quite confident in her beauty and charm, she was one of the recognized flowers in this empire, so normal men would definitely not be able to resist her charm.

After all, Yan Fei was half-naked just now, normal men would definitely feel excited when they saw Yan Fei"s appearance.

Unfortunately Yan Fei didn"t see that from Ye Chen, Ye Chen looked normal when he saw Yan Fei at half naked.

"I want to know who this man is" Yan Fei is getting more and more curious about Ye Chen, she really wants to know about Ye Chen, she wants to know a man who is not affected by her charms.

"I will try this man"s ability." Yan Fei threw away the clothes in her hands, Yan Fei took a much better set of clothes than before.

Yan Fei"s goal is clear, Yan Fei intends to test whether Ye Chen can withstand her charm.

So far, no man has been able to withstand her charms, therefore Yan Fei will not allow anyone to resist her charms.

Very quickly, Yan Fei changed into her clothes, after which Yan Fei sat on her chair.

"Now you may enter" Yan Fei said to Ye Chen to go inside.

Ye Chen who was outside immediately went inside, when Ye Chen went inside Ye Chen found that Yan Fei had already changed his clothes into quite good clothes, this made Yan Fei"s beauty s.h.i.+ne even more clearly.