Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2017

2065 The great battle in the G.o.d Realm begins (3)

"Looks like I have to use that thing against him" Since there was no other choice, Sun Quan could only use that thing against Ye Chen.

Sun Quan took the Supreme Sun Star Spear, the Supreme Sun Star Spear was the weapon for the leader of the Eternal Sun Star Realm.

Only a weapon master from the Eternal Sun Star Realm could use the Supreme Sun Star Spear.

"That weapon is at the Celestial Tier realm." Ye Chen saw that the weapon that Sun Quan had just released was Celestial Tier.

"Supreme Sun Star Spear, it is a weapon from the Eternal Sun Star Realm, it seems to be the strongest weapon he has" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen, Chu Yuechan told that it was a very powerful weapon.

"Looks like he"s already desperate against me" Ye Chen saw that Sun Quan had started to give up his fight against Ye Chen.

"It"s because you are too strong." Chu Yuechan said that Ye Chen was too strong, this made Sun Quan unable to win against him.

"You didn"t take your weapon" Chu Yuechan asked Ye Chen, she wanted to know if Ye Chen would fight Sun Quan at full strength.

"That"s not necessary" Ye Chen told that he didn"t need to use that, he didn"t need to use a strong weapon against Sun Quan.

"I just need to use the Heavenly Silver Flame, to fight it." Ye Chen decided to use the Heavenly Silver Flame, he wanted to know the strength of the Heavenly Silver Flame, whether it was comparable to the power of Sun Quan.

"Heavenly Silver Flame?" Sun Quan saw that Ye Chen had the Heavenly Silver Flame, it was one of the strongest heavenly flames.

"I see, it seems that you have gained great power, Heavenly Silver Flame, I didn"t expect you to have such a thing" Sun Quan said to Ye Chen.

Heavenly Flames were quite rare. This was extremely rare in the G.o.d Realm, users of Heavenly Flames were few.

Nangong Xiang was one of them, she was one of the lucky ones to obtain the Heavenly Flame.

It"s a shame that Nangong Xiang can"t be controlled, if only she could be controlled, then that would be a very good thing.

"Even though you have Heavenly Flames, in reality the power of the sun in my body is comparable to that of Heavenly Flames, so don"t be arrogant," Sun Quan said to Ye Chen.

Sun Quan had a flame that was just as strong as Ye Chen"s, so it wasn"t strange that he underestimated the Heavenly Silver Flame.

"Let"s see, whether I will win or your sun power will be destroyed" Ye Chen said to Sun Quan, they will prove who will win.

"One Hundred Thousand Fire Swords" Ye Chen used One Hundred Thousand Fire Swords, himself used One Hundred Thousand Fire Swords against Sun Quan.

"Sun Flame" Sun Quan started to use his power, his body was enveloped in flames emitting heat.

This heat was able to match the might of the Heavenly Silver Flame.

Ye Chen wasn"t too surprised when he saw this, after all the Eternal Sun Star Realm had a long history, so it wasn"t strange that Sun Quan possessed a flame that could match the Heavenly Silver Flame.

Ye Chen took control of the Heavenly Silver Flame and started to attack Sun Quan.

Sun Quan raised the Supreme Sun Star Spear and started attacking Ye Chen.

"boom. . ." Ye Chen"s attack collided with the Supreme Sun Star Spear.

When the One Hundred Thousand Fire Swords collided with the Supreme Sun Star Spear, it created an enormous explosive force, this explosion could destroy a star very easily.

Luckily Ye Chen had set up a barrier, so the people around this place were protected, they were all safe from Sun Quan"s attack.

Sun Quan tried to destroy the One Hundred Thousand Fire Swords, when he smashed the One Hundred Thousand Fire Swords, the Supreme Sun Star Spear, which was in his hand shook several times.

"This is so hard." Sun Quan saw that the One Hundred Thousand Fire Swords were so hard, even Sun Quan"s weapons had trouble breaking them.

"you look troubled" Ye Chen said to Sun Quan, it seemed that Sun Quan looked troubled.

"nothing, let"s fight" Sun Quan tried to hide what happened to Ye Chen, he hid what happened from Ye Chen.

Honestly, Sun Quan didn"t like it when he was weak like this, he who had always been at the peak of the G.o.d Realm looked so weak when he faced Ye Chen.

"Then accept this" Ye Chen used One Hundred Thousand Fire Swords and attacked Sun Quan.

Sun Quan had a problem when he received an attack from Ye Chen, to be honest Ye Chen"s attack was very strong.

"d.a.m.n, why" Sun Quan persisted, he retreated and didn"t attack Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn"t give Sun Quan a chance, he attacked Sun Quan and brought down Sun Quan.

"You are too confident, as if you are the strongest in this world" Ye Chen said to Sun Quan.

Sun Quan got up, his body was injured and his Armor was damaged by Ye Chen"s attack.

"I haven"t met a strong opponent like this in a long time." Sun Quan had not met a strong opponent like Ye Chen in a long time, he honestly wanted to fight Ye Chen with his full strength.

Sun Quan put out even more power, to fight Ye Chen, Sun Quan needed more strength, he put out more and more strength.

Sun Quan"s body grew hotter and hotter, his body hotter than the hottest sun in the G.o.d Realm.

"It"s not strange that you are called the strongest, it seems you do have the ability" Ye Chen said to Sun Quan.

"Who are you really talking to, I am Sun Quan, the one who has stood among the rulers" said Sun Quan to Ye Chen.

"I will beat you" Sun Quan attacked Ye Chen, he shot Flare towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen stretched out one finger, he parried Sun Quan"s attack using only one finger.

"impossible. . ." Sun Quan was shocked again by Ye Chen, even though this was a perfect form, how could Ye Chen win so easily.

"Looks like you"re just saying nonsense" Ye Chen said to Sun Quan.

Ye Chen said that Sun Quan was just saying nonsense.

"d.a.m.n. . ." Sun Quan couldn"t stand Ye Chen, he used the Supreme Sun Star Spear and threw it towards Ye Chen.

Sun Quan strengthened the Supreme Sun Star Spear, he strengthened the Supreme Sun Star Spear with his own power.

The Supreme Sun Star Spear became hotter and emitted blazing hot flames.

"You will not win, this is one of the forces that can make a G.o.d die, you will be crushed when you accept this" Sun Quan said to Ye Chen.

"Let"s see." Ye Chen gathered One Hundred Thousand Fire Swords, One Hundred Thousand Fire Swords gathered together and became G.o.d Fire Sword.

This time the G.o.d Fire Sword was in its full form ten thousand swords gathered together and made an extremely powerful G.o.d Fire Sword.

Ye Chen controlled the G.o.d Fire Sword towards the Supreme Sun Star Spear.

Ye Chen intended to compare the power of the Supreme Sun Star Spear with the G.o.d Fire Sword.

"Boom. . ." The G.o.d Fire Sword slammed into the Supreme Sun Star Spear, once again the two great powers clashed and caused an enormous explosion.

This explosion is very bright, this proves that this explosion is very large.