Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2329 Friend Of Aunt Sui Xi

Chapter 2329 Friend Of Aunt Sui Xi

"Oh yes, I have prepared clothes for you" Sui Xi came back again, she told Lin Rouxi, she had prepared clothes for Lin Rouxi.

"I know . ." Lin Rouxi already knew, Sui Xi no longer needed to tell her.

"Ahh. . ., sorry" Sui Xi left, she left Ye Chen and Lin Rouxi behind.

Ye Chen smiled looking at Lin Rouxi, it was really nice to see Lin Rouxi embarra.s.sed like this.

"I will change clothes first" Lin Rouxi said to Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen that she was going to change clothes.

"I will wait for you" Ye Chen said to Lin Rouxi, he will wait for Lin Rouxi.

"You better get ready too" Lin Rouxi told Ye Chen to get ready.

"Okay, I understand" Ye Chen understands, he will immediately prepare to leave together with Lin Rouxi.

"very good" Lin Rouxi was very satisfied with the answer given by Ye Chen, she went and started to change clothes.

Ye Chen also had to prepare, he immediately started to change clothes and put on a suit. Fortunately, the old suit still fits, so there is no need to buy a new one.

Ye Chen only needed a few minutes to prepare himself, meanwhile Lin Rouxi seemed to need more time to prepare herself.

Ye Chen waited for Lin Rouxi, it seemed that it would not be fast.

"women, they always take a long time when they dress up" Ye Chen sighed, he was used to this matter, so he was no longer surprised when he saw Lin Rouxi who had not come down.

"Isn"t she doing this for you, you should be more patient" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

Lin Rouxi did this for Ye Chen, Ye Chen should be happy that Lin Rouxi was willing to do

"I know that" Ye Chen also knew that, he knew that Lin Rouxi did all this for him.

25 minutes pa.s.sed, Ye Chen sat on the sofa waiting tiredly.

"Tap . ., tap . ., tap . ., tap . .," Ye Chen heard a sound of footsteps, he knew that this must belong to Lin Rouxi.

"Finally" Ye Chen was overjoyed, after waiting for a long time, Lin Rouxi finally came down too.

Lin Rouxi dismounted, she was currently wearing a light blue dress that looked beautiful and matched her slender and well-developed body.

"Ohhhh . . ." Ye Chen was excited when he saw Lin Rouxi, she was very beautiful in the blue light gown.

"how, suitable or not?" Lin Rouxi asked Ye Chen, she wanted to know if this matched her.

"It suits you very well" Ye Chen said that it suits Lin Rouxi very well, Lin Rouxi looked very beautiful when she wore that dress.

"Thank you very much" Lin Rouxi was very happy with Ye Chen"s compliment.

"You look really cool too" Lin Rouxi said to Ye Chen, she said that Ye Chen looked really cool too.

"Then let"s go" Ye Chen said to Lin Rouxi, he invited Lin Rouxi to go right now.

"Come on" Lin Rouxi understood, she stretched out her hand towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen received Lin Rouxi"s hand and directly held Lin Rouxi"s soft hand.

The two held hands and headed straight to the party, they followed the directions from the map they got from the invitation.

Ye Chen and Lin Rouxi flew over, they only needed a few seconds to arrive at the party venue.

Where the party is held in a Mansion far from the city with a very large garden and everyone can do whatever they want.

"it seems that this is a rich man"s house" Ye Chen said to Lin Rouxi.

"if I"m not mistaken, my mother"s friend married out Dong family, it"s one of the rich families that has just risen, they hold businesses under construction so they can easily earn wealth" Lin Rouxi explained to Ye Chen.

"Oh, I see. . ., let"s go down, it seems that everyone is having fun." Ye Chen said to Lin Rouxi.

Ye Chen took Lin Rouxi down, the two of them entered from the front door.

When Ye Chen and Lin Rouxi entered, the guards were immediately shocked. They didn"t know whether Ye Chen and Lin Rouxi were important guests or not, both of them were too conspicuous with their extraordinary aura.

"show me your invitations please" the guard told Ye Chen and Lin Rouxi to show their invitations.

"here it is" Ye Chen gave them their invitation, by showing the invitation, they were invited to come inside.

"is our aura too strong, it seems they are afraid of us" Lin Rouxi said to Ye Chen, the guards seemed to be afraid of Ye Chen and Lin Rouxi.

"no way, we have already suppressed our strength" Ye Chen said to Lin Rouxi.

Ye Chen and Lin Rouxi had already suppressed the strength they had, no one should find them and no one would be aware of the strength they possessed.

Since they lived on earth, Ye Chen and Lin Rouxi had to limit their strength, otherwise there was no way they could destroy a city if they made a mistake.

"then why?" Lin Rouxi was still confused as to why the guards lowered their heads.

"Maybe they don"t dare to look at you, obviously you are a beauty and they won"t dare to look at you" Ye Chen said while looking at Lin Rouxi.

"You praise me too much" Lin Rouxi smiled at Ye Chen, Ye Chen praised herself too much.

Ye Chen and Lin Rouxi went inside, inside there were already many people with strong backgrounds who had come.

"There are a lot of people with strong backgrounds, they seem to be important people on earth today." Lin Rouxi swept her eyes around, she could see that everyone was important people.

"are they important people, I think they are ordinary" Ye Chen said to Lin Rouxi, there was nothing special about them.

"You might be right" Lin Rouxi said to Ye Chen, what Ye Chen said might be the truth.

"dear teacher there is good food, let"s go there" Ye Chen said to Lin Rouxi.

Ye Chen saw that there were some delicious food, so he invited Lin Rouxi to go to that place.

"ehhh . ." Lin Rouxi was dragged by Ye Chen, she was dragged by Ye Chen table to a table full of food.

"You, don"t tell me you came here just to eat," Lin Rouxi said helplessly.

"As expected, it seems you already know my purpose in coming to this place, as long as there is free food, then there"s no harm in eating it all" Ye Chen said to Lin Rouxi.

Lin Rouxi was helpless, it seemed she could only join Ye Chen and start enjoying the party.

The party was held very well, there was loud music and there were many guest stars who showed their strength, from martial arts and other performances.

Lin Rouxi took a gla.s.s of drinking, she looked around this place, it seemed that there were a lot of people looking at Lin Rouxi and it was not very comfortable for Lin Rouxi.

"I don"t like parties" Lin Rouxi doesn"t really like parties, there are too many people here which makes Lin Rouxi uncomfortable.

"what"s wrong" Ye Chen asked Lin Rouxi, he wanted to know what Lin Rouxi was doing, It seemed that Lin Rouxi looked uncomfortable.

"no, I"m fine" Lin Rouxi said to Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen that she was fine.

"Let"s eat, don"t you want, the food here is not bad, so there"s no need to hold back" Ye Chen said to Lin Rouxi.

"You, you don"t know how to hold yourself back" Lin Rouxi was helpless when she saw Ye Chen, Ye Chen really couldn"t hold himself.

In contrast to Lin Rouxi who still maintained a graceful demeanor, Ye Chen seemed to not care about those around him and acted as usual without caring about outsiders" opinions.

"Rouxi, are you here?" Sui Xi came with a few women, they seemed to be mature women.

"Mother . . ." Lin Rouxi of course greeted her mother, she saw that her mother was already with her friends.

"So beautiful, is this your daughter, she is really too beautiful, what used to be this beautiful" Sui Xi"s friends were shocked when they saw Lin Rouxi, to all of them Lin Rouxi was too beautiful and looked like a

"Of course, you don"t know how good my daughter is," said Sui Xi confidently.

Lin Rouxi was very proud, she showed off that Lin Rouxi was very strong.

"Then this handsome man, is he a boyfriend?" asked the women to Sui Xi.

"Of course, he is my daughter"s partner, aren"t they a very great combination," said Sui Xi.

"Mother, don"t say those things." Lin Rouxi was very embarra.s.sed, she was very embarra.s.sed when she heard what Sui Xi said.

"No need to be ashamed to admit it, isn"t that blessed by you," said Sui Xi to Lin Rouxi.

Lin Rouxi turned her head away, she looked embarra.s.sed when she heard this.

"where do you work ?" the women around asked Ye Chen, they wanted to know where Ye Chen worked.

"no work, just adventuring" Ye Chen said to the women around.

"Is it a treasure seeker? It seems that this is the most popular profession nowadays" Due to the condition of the earth, the profession of searching for treasure has become something that is quite popular here.

"like that" Ye Chen didn"t want to explain further, maybe it would be too troublesome.

"Where do you live now?" these women asked Ye Chen again, they seemed to be interrogating Ye Chen.

"Golden Eagle District" Ye Chen gave the answer they wanted, he told them that he was currently living in the Golden Eagle District.

"that"s very good" everyone was surprised when Ye Chen lived in the Golden Eagle District, it seemed that Ye Chen was quite capable.

"it can"t be compared, just look at this place, this place is much wider than my house" Ye Chen said to the women around.