Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2512 Training In A Remote Forest

Chapter 2512 Training In A Remote Forest

It had been a few days since Ye Chen had arrived here, he had spent the time he had in a forest that was dense and full of monsters.

Ye Chen decided to train in this place first, he wanted to increase his strength in a quiet place.

"Bam . ." Ye Chen hit the monster in front of him, he hit the Magical Beast in front of him using his full power, he barely held back when holding back the monster in front of him.

The Magical Beast in front of Ye Chen naturally wouldn"t be able to withstand Ye Chen"s attack.

"Accept it" Ye Chen smashed the monster in front of him.

"It seems your strength is starting to increase rapidly" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen that his strength was increasing very fast.

"I"m still at the second stage, it"s still quite slow" Ye Chen said to Chu Yuechan.

To be honest, Ye Chen wasn"t satisfied with his own development, he didn"t accept slow improvement.

"I think it"s already good, don"t bite what you can"t swallow" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

"I understand that" Ye Chen understood what Chu Yuechan meant, he understood that he shouldn"t push himself too hard.

"But this place is full of quite strong monsters" Ye Chen said to Chu Yuechan.

The monsters in this place were quite strong, shouldn"t a person at the second tier like Ye Chen be able to survive in this place.

The forest that Ye Chen used to live in was quite a dangerous forest, even someone at the middle level of the Immortal Rebirth Realm would have a hard time surviving alone in a place like this.

"You should be thankful that you have such a strong heritage as well as sufficient artifacts, the monsters here won"t be able to harm you" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen had an extremely good foundation, so the strength he possessed was higher than those at the same level as him.

"Too bad I didn"t find the Sage G.o.d"s final inheritance" Ye Chen said helplessly.

"I told you that when the final inheritance was in this Realm, the Supreme G.o.d Realm was enormous, searching for it was truly hundreds of times if not thousands of times more difficult than in the G.o.d Realm," Chu Yuechan said.

Searching for the Sage G.o.d"s final legacy would be the most difficult thing, because it was in a super vast place that was even hundreds of times wider than the G.o.d Realm.

"really very troublesome" Ye Chen felt troubled by this matter.

"You don"t need to think about that matter too much, now you just need to focus on getting stronger, keep that in mind" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

"I always remember that, I use it as a motivation to be much stronger than now.

Ye Chen took this as a motivation to become stronger and better compared to the past.

"Then let"s fight again and increase your strength, there are monsters not far from this place" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen that there are monsters not far from where they are now.

"Okay, I will hunt them and get their bodies." Ye Chen will hunt and get items from the bodies of the monsters he defeated, they will be useful and can also be sold.

"Roars . . ." A snake-shaped magical beast headed towards Ye Chen, a magical beast that had a large body and also sharp fangs

Its body is made of hard rock and also solid.

"is it a stone snake, big enough" Ye Chen said to Chu Yuechan.

"That monster"s name is a stone fang snake" Chu Yuechan explained to Ye Chen.

"It has a very strong defense because its body is made of stone, it also has strong fangs and can split its opponent" said Chu Yuechan.

"It seems that he is a worthy opponent for me." Ye Chen felt that the enemy in front of him was an opponent worthy of Ye Chen"s full strength.

Ye Chen drew closer and intended to attack the stone fang snake

The stone fang snake was aware of Ye Chen"s arrival, it directly attacked Ye Chen using its strong fangs.

The monster opened its jaws wide enough to attack Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was fighting head on, he was using everything he had to fight head on.

"Boom" an explosion occurred when the two forces met.

"Pretty tough" Ye Chen saw that the enemy"s defense was strong enough, it was able to withstand Ye Chen"s direct attack.

The stone fang snake roared towards Ye Chen, it roared and wanted to kill Ye Chen.

the stone fang snake was agile, it was capable of moving using an unbelievably fast speed.

The stone fang snake chased after Ye Chen, it was able to fly and move at full speed.

"what a troublesome snake" Ye Chen was troubled when he saw the stone fanged snake attack back.

The attack was quite strong and knocked Ye Chen"s body away.

Ye Chen was blown away by the outer tail, apart from the powerful fangs, the snake monster had another weapon.

It was put to good use fighting against Ye Chen.

Ye Chen retreated a few meters back, the attack just now was well resisted by Ye Chen.

"reasonable . . ." Ye Chen decided to advance, he attacked using Breaking Meteor Blow coupled with Heavenly Silver Flame.

"take this" Ye Chen shouted, he attacked and hit the Rock Fang Snake that was in front of him.

ƥαṇdα- ηθνε|·ƈθm "Boom. . ." The stone fang snakes turned into rubble and scattered everywhere.

"My attack power is pretty good" Ye Chen saw that his attack power had become much stronger compared to before.

The training that he had made himself sufficient, he would continue to hone his strength to great heights.

"Roars. . ." a loud sound rang out, there were countless Magical Beasts approaching towards Ye Chen, they closed in and started to attack Ye Chen.

"Good, go ahead and fight me" Ye Chen started to fight, he used his strength and started to fight with all the magical beasts around.

A huge battle ensued, Ye Chen fought hundreds of monsters that were much stronger than himself, Ye Chen defeated them with his bare hands, he only needed to use his bare hands to fight and attack them all.

"come ugly monster" Ye Chen went berserk and defeated them all.

Here the positions of monsters and prey were reversed, the monsters that were supposed to be preying on Ye Chen fled after seeing Ye Chen"s strength.

"Ehhh. ., they fled." Ye Chen didn"t expect that the monsters he fought would flee.

"Fufufufu, they look terrified of you" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

For them Ye Chen might be more terrifying and terrifying than the monster itself.

"Very disappointing" Ye Chen was disappointed by what happened, even though he expected more from magical beasts.

"Then it"s time to take a look at the items we got." Ye Chen was excited as he searched for valuables amidst the piles of magical beast corpses.

There must be one or two valuable items that Ye Chen can get and one magical beast.

a magical beast core would be an item that could be sold easily, it could also be used to make pills, while others might be difficult to use.

"Ahhhhh . . ." Ye Chen was gathering things when he heard a voice from hundreds of miles away from where he was right now.

Ye Chen"s hearing was good, so he knew that someone was shouting hundreds of miles from where he was now.