Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 784 - Zhang Zhiyun Confessed Her Feelings

Chapter 784 - Zhang Zhiyun Confessed Her Feelings

"Husband, I want you" Xue Suyin started calling Ye Chen as husband, Xue Suyin started acting spoiled towards Ye Chen.

"Dear wife, what do you want from me?" Ye Chen asked Xue Suyin, Ye Chen currently pretended that he didn"t know what Xue Suyin meant.

Ye Chen actually knew what wanted Xue Suyin, it"s just that Ye Chen wanted to tease Xue Suyin a little.

"Hate, why are you playing with me, you must already know what I mean?" Xue Suyin complained to Ye Chen who was trying to tease her.

"Come on, if you don"t say it, how can I know" Ye Chen said that he wouldn"t know if Xue Suyin didn"t tell himself.

"Husband, I want you to move now, it"s really uncomfortable and itchy inside." Xue Suyin couldn"t help but say obscene words like this to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen became excited when he heard Xue Suyin"s words, he started pumping back inside Xue Suyin"s honey cave.

The fight between Ye Chen and Xue Suyin was resumed, different from the previous battle, this time Xue Suyin was more seductive and enchanting than before, this was because Xue Suyin no longer had bad intentions towards Ye Chen, Xue Suyin"s mind just wanted to please. Ye Chen alone.

Ye Chen could feel a much more pleasant feeling than before, it seems that after gaining Xue Suyin"s soul and body, Xue Suyin started to serve herself better than before.

The two of them continued their dual cultivation sessions, both of them seemed to be enjoying this very much.

Time quickly pa.s.sed, it had been nearly 8 hours since Ye Chen and Xue Suyin had a Dual Cultivation session.

Xue Suyin felt a little tired from Ye Chen"s extremely powerful ability.

If Xue Suyin"s position was replaced by a normal woman, the woman who was in Xue Suyin"s position would have fainted earlier.

"Husband, I want to rest for a while." Xue Suyin finally tried to ask for a short break, she couldn"t stand it anymore like this.

Ye Chen was really abnormal, this man"s strength seemed endless, plus Ye Chen"s very strong and large weapon made Xue Suyin feel very exhausted by the pleasant feeling given by Ye Chen"s weapon.

"Wife just a little longer, I"m not satisfied" Ye Chen said that he wanted to do this any longer.

Xue Suyin"s honey cave is too comfortable, Ye Chen is getting addicted to the taste of Cave honey Xue Suyin.

Xue Suyin became helpless when she saw this, she did not expect that Ye Chen would not let herself go, if this continued, Xue Suyin might be killed by Ye Chen"s large weapon.

The problem here is that Xue Suyin has a little trouble rejecting Ye Chen, she feels bad about rejecting Ye Chen.

Xue Suyin had no choice but to endure it for a while.

8 hours pa.s.sed again, Xue Suyin already looked very tired when fighting with Ye Chen.

Xue Suyin could not believe that Ye Chen"s libido was still very strong, Xue Suyin this time met someone who could completely defeat herself like Ye Chen.

If this continued, Xue Suyin feared that she would not be able to stand normally for a long time.

16 hours is a very long time, from the beginning until now Xue Suyin has never been to rest.

After Ye Chen erupted, Ye Chen recovered very quickly, this made Xue Suyin feel utterly helpless.

"Bang.. . " When Xue Suyin was in trouble, suddenly someone opened the entrance to this room.

The people who had opened this door were Zhang s.h.i.+yun and Nanhua Caiyi, Zhang s.h.i.+yun and Nanhua Caiyi standing in front of the entrance of Xue Suyin"s room.

Without saying anything Zhang s.h.i.+yun and Nanhua Caiyi closed the door again, the two of them immediately walked over to Xue Suyin"s bed.

Before climbing into bed Zhang s.h.i.+yun and Nanhua Caiyi took off their clothes, the two of them were now naked right in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn"t know what Zhang s.h.i.+yun and Nanhua Caiyi wanted in a situation like this.

Zhang s.h.i.+yun and Nanhua Caiyi immediately climbed onto the bed and then ensnared Ye Chen on both sides.

"Ye Chen I love you, want you" Zhang s.h.i.+yun suddenly whispered that she liked Ye Chen, it"s been a long time since Zhang s.h.i.+yun wanted to be with Ye Chen, unfortunately it was always delayed because of unwanted things.

From the start Zhang s.h.i.+yun already liked Ye Chen, unfortunately she did not dare to admit her own feelings, but today when she saw Ye Chen together with Xue Suyin, Zhang s.h.i.+yun felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

Previously, Zhang s.h.i.+yun felt worried and lost when she saw that Ye Chen would be controlled by Xue Suyin, this made her know that she actually liked Ye Chen.

If not, how would she feel worried and very lost when she saw Ye Chen would be overpowered by Xue Suyin.

"Huh?" Ye Chen was surprised by confession Zhang s.h.i.+yun"s very sudden, it was unexpected that the Queen ruler of this kunlun Holy Land would express her feelings to himself.

Even though Ye Chen had thought of enough ways to make Zhang s.h.i.+yun fall in love with him, it was unexpected that Zhang s.h.i.+yun would express her feelings like this.

"Master, Queen Zhang is not lying, before when you would be overpowered by Mistress, she was very worried, she even forced to come in and help you" Nanhua Caiyi whispered in Ye Chen ear, herself told Ye Chen what happened before.

Previously when Ye Chen was fighting Xue Suyin, Zhang s.h.i.+yun looked very worried, Zhang s.h.i.+yun even wanted to come in and help Ye Chen from Xue Suyin.

Hearing this, Ye Chen looked at Zhang s.h.i.+yun, it seemed this woman had sincerity towards him.

Ye Chen let go of Xue Suyin, he went to take Zhang s.h.i.+yun"s body beside him.

Xue Suyin felt relieved when she found out that Ye Chen had let go of herself, finally Xue Suyin could rest too.

Xue Suyin really didn"t have the strength anymore, she was already very tired, even Xue Suyin had a hard time moving her fingers after fighting Ye Chen for the whole 16 hours.

"s.h.i.+yun, is what you said real, do you really like me?" Ye Chen asked Zhang s.h.i.+yun if what she just said was the truth or just a joke.

"I tell you honestly, I like you" Zhang s.h.i.+yun showed the determination she had to Ye Chen, Zhang s.h.i.+yun told Ye Chen that she liked him.

Ye Chen felt happy hearing this, never expected a Queen like Zhang s.h.i.+yun would like him.

"s.h.i.+yun, I also like you, don"t you mind being with me?, You know I already have enough women so.. . "Before Ye Chen could finish his words, Zhang s.h.i.+yun"s finger was on Ye Chen"s lips to stop Ye Chen from speaking any more.

"Ye Chen I love you, I don"t care if you have a lot of women, as long as you can accept me as it is that"s enough for me." Zhang s.h.i.+yun knew her position, she was no longer pure, she could no longer be compared to a pure and virgin woman owned by Ye Chen.

"Don"t talk like that, I don"t see a woman just from that aspect alone, as long as you can love me, I can accept you for who you are." Ye Chen tried to comfort Zhang s.h.i.+yun from saying that.

After having many women, Ye Chen gaze about a woman is very different , he did not see a woman from the past, now is now the past is the past, as long as Zhang s.h.i.+yun is loyal and does not betray Ye Chen, Ye Chen can accept all the shortcomings of Zhang s.h.i.+yun.

Ye Chen is still the same as before, he doesn"t like women who betray him, that"s why until now Ye Chen still can"t accept Yu Ting even though Yu Ting has become a beautiful woman and is very seductive.

It doesn"t matter if Yu Ting has the appearance of a G.o.ddess, Ye Chen still won"t want to be with her, Ye Chen"s stance is clear, he can"t accept Yu Ting at any time.

"Thank you very much." Zhang s.h.i.+yun almost cried when she heard this, she was happy to know that Ye Chen could accept her.

Ye Chen can accept women like Xue Suyin and Nanhua Caiyi, why Ye Chen can"t accept a beautiful, s.e.xy, seductive and kind woman like Zhang s.h.i.+yun, Ye Chen can"t possibly reject a beauty like Zhang s.h.i.+yun.

"Thank you very much." Zhang s.h.i.+yun thanked Ye Chen, it seemed that her choice to confess her feelings to Ye Chen was not wrong.

Ye Chen started to touch Zhang s.h.i.+yun"s body, he started to touch Zhang s.h.i.+yun"s double peak and Zhang s.h.i.+yun"s private garden.

Zhang s.h.i.+yun"s double peak might be huge, but this could not be compared to Xue Suyin"s absurd size.

When Ye Chen explored Zhang s.h.i.+yun"s garden, he found that Zhang s.h.i.+yun was already very watery, it looked like a spring.

Zhang s.h.i.+yun had seen what Ye Chen and Xue Suyin were doing for a long time, so it wasn"t strange that Zhang s.h.i.+yun was already very wet.

Just looking at Ye Chen and Xue Suyin made Zhang s.h.i.+yun excited.

"You are so wet here, you are so perverted" Ye Chen whispered in Zhang s.h.i.+yun"s ear, himself telling Zhang s.h.i.+yun that she was a perverted girl.

"Ye Chen, please don"t say that, it"s a normal reaction." Zhang s.h.i.+yun was a little embarra.s.sed when she said this, for the first time Zhang s.h.i.+yun showed Ye Chen an embarra.s.sed face.

Ye Chen smiled when he heard this "s.h.i.+yun don"t call me Ye Chen, from now on you can call me husband, we have officially become a couple" Ye Chen whispered to Zhang s.h.i.+yun to call himself husband.

Zhang s.h.i.+yun did not expect that Ye Chen would tell herself to call himself that way.

"husband" Zhang s.h.i.+yun"s strengthened her resolve, she began to call Ye Chen as husband.