Joy of Life

Chapter 887

As he sat high upon his Dragon Throne, watching his ministers" performance below, an imperceptible smile formed on the Emperor"s lips. He waved a hand to allow Xin Qiwu to withdraw, and spoke gently. "Gentlemen, do you all believe that Xin Qiwu is the most suitable man for the task?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The gathered ministers bowed, their words elongated, using their whole breath to show respect.

Qin Heng, the attaché of the Bureau of Military Affairs who had suggested Fan Xian as envoy to Northern Qi, looked at the Emperor a little oddly before quickly returning his gaze. Now that all the ministers deemed Fan Xian an inappropriate choice for envoy, he reckoned that His Majesty could change his mind.

"Ministers, I do not agree with your views."

The hall was suddenly silent. Only the Emperor"s gentle voice reverberated through the palace. "It is said that one cannot make use of jade without cutting it. Gentlemen, I preresume you still remember Fan Xian"s grac