Joy of Life

Chapter 562

Published at 20th of March 2019 06:56:31 PMChapter 562

On Jing Ge"s spear was Qin Heng"s b.l.o.o.d.y and dripping body . Jing Ge"s chest was flooded with the joy of revenge . He gave a shout while surrounded by tens of thousands of soldiers . He had finally avenged his family . After hiding in the darkness for so many years, he had finally avenged them .

Outside Jiaozhou, he had, for the first time, told Fan Xian about his past . Half a year later, Fan Xian had gently promised that he would give him a chance for revenge . Jing Ge didn"t know what power Sir Fan junior had to help him achieve his desire, but his wish had finally become reality .

Boundless joy and murderous intent made Jing Ge laugh . The wretched wound between his ears split open like a clown"s mouth . It opened larger than usual and looked unusually horrifying . It was also unusually mournful as tears slid down his face like rain .

The people who saw this sight felt a chill rise from the depths of their hearts . On the horse, the old Qin Master"s heart felt like it was being torn apart . His eyes darkened, but he valiantly sat up straight on his horse . He didn"t let anyone discover that he was close to being unable to endure the mental anguish .

The old Qin Master"s face was pale . is white hair flew wildly . Looking at his only son stabbed by the spear of that strange Black Knight, he didn"t say a single word .

At this time, a second event slowly changed the picture below the Palace walls like a hidden current . It was as if a master painter had recklessly scattered tens of thousands of red spots on an ink painting of mountains and autumn scenes . Immediately, countless wildflowers sprouted up in the mountains . The somber scene suddenly became a beautiful and bountiful harvest .

The main gate had been crashed open by the rebel army"s heavy carriages . The rebel soldiers were cheering loudly as they charged in . However, a large knife dropped down from the gate . It brought with it an icy light and a streak of blood . A number of heads fell to the ground .

The large knife moved again . In the icy light, the Great Prince rode out in full armor with an unstoppable aura like a G.o.d . Bounding out of the gate, he cut open a blood path .

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! The rebel soldiers in the vanguard had their limbs broken and heads sliced off . The Great Prince gave a great roar and, with the long knife in his hand, he led the 200 imperial soldiers behind him out in a sudden attack . Unexpected by everyone, the moment the gates were broken through, they stole the initiative and charged out to attack first . Thus began the true first attack by the people in the Royal Palace .

The thunder of hooves rang out . Although only a small path was cleared from the rocks and mud inside the Palace, it did not obstruct the speed of the Great Prince"s counterattack . The 200 soldiers rode out quickly, relying on the speed of their attack and first-rate riding skills . They were like a knife through tofu, opening up a large gap in the rebel army"s vanguard . No one could stand in the direction of the icy light . Those who dared all became bodies on the ground and dismembered limbs .

In just a moment, the imperial soldiers had charged forward almost 60 meters from the wide open gates . Like a stream of mercury, they could not be stopped .

The rebel soldiers increased their speed as they charged toward the broken gate . Dense, like a flock of locusts, they made one shiver in fear .

Although the 200 imperial soldiers were powerful, in front of such a powerful rebel army, they looked as slender as a silver thread .

The Great Prince was not afraid . Since he had put his trust in Fan Xian, he gave no thought to his life and death . He charged quickly and flipped his wrist . The large knife drew an arc through the air and chopped straight down to his right and forward . With a crisp crack, the short spear in a rebel officers hand split open .

The large knife chopped into the officer"s shoulder . The Great Prince furrowed his brows with a m.u.f.fled huff . Generating strength from his core, he dragged his arm . With a thud, the blade of the knife broke through the body and exited, immediately slicing the officer"s body into two .

The Great Prince bent his body forward and dodged a sharp spear that pa.s.sed by his face . The large knife in his hand dragged behind him and spun around his waist . Using the powerful strength of his arms, he hacked in a slant . The large knife whistled desolately through the air and forcefully sent the head of the rebel soldier to his left flying away .

With a gentle slapping sound, countless drops of blood splattered onto the Great Prince"s silver armor . The long knife in his hand was stained with thick blood . Following the imperial soldiers desperate surprise attack, there was a line of blood that looked unusually startling and beautiful .

The helmet pressed down on the Great Prince"s sword-like brows as a wildfire burned in his eyes . Brave and unstoppable, he led his troops forward, charging toward the rebel camp in the distance . Along the way, no one knew how many obstacles and killings there would be . Perhaps he would never arrive in front of Li Chengqian, but he still had to charge .

He was the Commander of Qing Kingdom"s Western Expedition Army . The only person among the royal family who had battlefield experience . Even though he didn"t understand Fan Xian"s intentions, since he had accepted this order, he would see it through to the end .

He was not a martial ace, but he was a brave general in an army . The attack and defense in the Jingdou battle did not demonstrate his skill in command on the wild battlegrounds . The Great Prince had never feared charging forward and breaking through enemy lines . The cavalry battles on the battlefield were completely different to a duel between aces . Courage was the most important thing . His he courage was without question . The heart he had already pledged was raised with a peak condition .

As the mixed child of Dongyi and the Southern Kingdom, in some ways he was not liked by the Emperor . However, he had great depths of emotion for this land .

A silent arrow flew toward him . He swatted it aside with the tip of his sword, but it forced his body to pause . A few wounds opened up on his body from the countless spears rebel soldiers stabbed in his direction from below his horse . Fortunately, the horse was moving quickly, so he didn"t fall into a trap . Instead, he slaughtered open a path and continued charging toward the rebel camp .

They were still very far away, but these 200 imperial soldiers gave one the feeling that they would arrive in front of the Crown Prince in the next instant .

Fan Xian stood on the black coffins and nervously watched everything that happened below . When the Great Prince charged out of the gates and into his field of vision, he immediately gave the order .

"Clear the road for His Highness!"

There were not many imperial soldiers or Overwatch Council officials left on the walls . Most of them were doing their best to defend against the rebel soldiers attempting to scale the walls with ladders . Relying on two hours of preparation early in the morning, there had yet to be one rebel soldier that managed to climb over the wall .

However, they had long been given military orders . Although they were secretly afraid in their hearts, they followed Fan Xian"s orders without hesitation . Leaving the area of the walls they were guarding, they quickly gathered in the middle to fire the few arrows left in their hands without any reluctance .

The arrows gathered together and fell like rain . They all landed on the path ahead of the Great Prince and group of imperial soldiers and on the head of rebel soldiers . They immediately did a great deal of damage . It also slightly reduced the obstacles in the path of the Great Prince"s attack .

However, the defenses in the other areas of the Royal Palace became weak . Without the defense of arrows, the rebel soldiers on the scaling ladders seemed like they had taken stimulants and were bravely climbing upward . It looked like they were about to surmount the Palace .

The imperial soldiers desperately pulled at their bowstrings, completely unable to feel the pain in their arms . Blood splattered out from the bowstrings . By order of Duke Fan, they were to use the bows and arrows in their hands to open a path for the prince, but what about the rebel soldiers scaling the walls? But, the prince was leading 200 of their brothers toward the rebel soldiers . If their firing slowed down slightly and the prince was injured, what then? Fear, unease, courage, and various other emotions rolled around in the hearts of the soldiers on the walls .

The rebel soldiers had already mounted the walls via the scaling ladders . Although not many people made it, the Qin family"s soldiers were all brave . After stabilizing their position with great difficulty, they began to expand their territory and open up the way for the rebel soldiers behind . However, 200 imperial soldiers had already charged out of the palace gate below . The rebel soldiers were unable to restrain them, so they entered through the broken gates and fought with the remaining defensive power left in the Palace .

It looked like the Royal Palace was about to fall at any moment, but the Great Prince was still charging and killing the rebels below the walls .

Two sets of buzzing sounds rang out . The two giant city guarding crossbows, which had been paused for a while, finally began to fire again . This time, the firing was not targeted at the heavy carriages used to break down the gate or the three-story carriage being transported over to surmount the walls . Under Fan Xian"s powerful request, the arrows landed among the rebel soldiers in front of the path the Great Prince was charging along .

The giant arrows landed and pierced through the bodies of countless rebel soldiers, sending up mists of blood . They pierced repeatedly through the stone pavements, while some bounced up again . The heavy weight and powerful striking force were enough to crush a few people to death .

The abrupt and powerful rain of arrows, and the mighty and terrifying crossbow, greatly aided the Great Prince"s attack . It opened a blood path right through the rebel soldiers . The Great Prince moved like a silver thread along this blood path, bravely charging toward the rebel camp .

The rebel army clearly had the advantage of numbers . Looking at the Great Prince"s handsome and heroic posture on his horse, one felt fear in their hearts without reason . The Qing army valued battle merit above all else . Everyone knew that during these years, it was the Great Prince who led the army to fight in the West with the Hu people without having tasted defeat even once . He had achieved great military merit and was a famous general in the army .

With a famous general leading the attack, the pressure it formed and the power of the attack were not something normal people who oppose .

Fan Xian looked at this impressive sight and took a deep breath . The two slow cycles moving through his body picked up speed . Slowly shedding the layer of Tianyi Dao zhenqi on the meridians in his body, it allowed the ruthless Tyrannical zhenqi to circulate powerfully through his body .

His eyes grew more and more bloodshot as the effect of the medicine reached its peak . He held tightly to the hook and chain in his hand, waiting for the sound of the last arrow .

Jing Ge was surrounded by the rebel soldiers who first arrived . The old Qin Master withdrew his gaze coldly and turned it toward the disturbance far away . He knew the Great Prince had led soldiers in a counterattack . He knew how wild and heroic the Great Prince"s battle style was . If the opposition had 3,000 riders at his command, perhaps the old Qin Master would temporarily avoid their blades . At this time, the rebel soldiers" victory was already decided . The gates in the wall had caved in . At such a key moment, it was clear the old Qin master would not retreat a single step .

This was a natural instinct formed from spending decades on a battlefield . However, seeing the Great Prince"s blood covered heroic pose, he thought of his only son"s tragic death . The old Qin Master suddenly felt that he was already old . He was so old that he was about to smell the scent of death . The pain he had long hidden deeply in his heart made him make a wrong decision after a moment a hesitation .

"This is the enemy"s last desperate counterattack, do not underestimate it," the old Qin Master coughed and said to his trusted general . "Take the Crown Prince to the rear of the camp . "

The Crown Prince glanced at the old Qin Master . He didn"t want to retreat . As the Crown Prince did not know anything about the military or wish to disturb the old Qin Master"s arrangement of the soldiers, he could only leave silently .

With the Great Prince"s last counterattack, he chose to be as immovable as a mountain . This was the best decision . However, personally witnessing his only son"s tragic end still made him a bit more on conservative . He had the family general lead the Crown Prince away from the Great Prince"s counterattack . Thus, he would have eight Qin family generals at his side .

Perhaps as a ninth-level ace, the old Qin Master didn"t care about much .

But, Fan Xian cared .

The ma.s.sive city guarding crossbow finally exhausted all of its arrows while the Imperial Army"s rain of arrows also became more spa.r.s.e . The imperial soldiers the Great Prince led were still unable to break into the rebel army"s camp after paying a terrible price .

Perhaps miracles could happen on the battlefield, but wanting to use 200 cavalry to carry out a successful counterattack was not called a miracle . It was called delusional . The Great Prince"s blood-soaked battle had already cleared out a long and b.l.o.o.d.y path . His valiant battlefield capabilities had scared countless rebel soldiers witless .

At this time, the Royal Palace was about to be taken, the Great Prince was surrounded, and the remaining Black Knights and Jing Ge were surrounded . The big picture was set . Even the sound of the last city guarding crossbow firing sounded different than the dozen arrows earlier . It shot out, making a tragic whimper .

After this final arrow was fired, the two city guarding crossbows fell silent . Everyone seemed to be able to clearly hear the sorrowful sound the arrow made . No one noticed this arrow"s path of flight was completely different from the trajectory of the arrows earlier, which had helped the Great Prince clear the road .

This arrow shot out slanted and swept over the heads of all the rebel soldiers and didn"t cause any harm . It only slowly burned through its energy in the air . After flying a very long distance, it finally landed heavily right in front of the rebel army camp .

Although the arrow had traveled far, such firing was not a threat . In the end, it fell like a piece of copper or useless metal onto the ground . It didn"t touch any rebel soldiers . It only gave them a fright .

With a thud, the arrow was like a knife a child played with . The lucky tip of the arrow pointed down and pierced through the mud between stone pavements to stand straight .

The people on and below the Palace walls all saw a sight that frightened them .

A person wearing black seemed to have appeared from the depths of the ground like a spirit . He was floating down from the walls along the trajectory the arrow had traveled in . The person flew quickly through the resistance-free air toward the foot of the palace .

From the top of the walls, they only used a moment of time before flying above the rebel troops .

The last arrow had a rope tied to its end . The black-clothed man used a hook and chain to slide down the rope, directly into the rebel army"s camp .

This sight shocked countless people into a daze . They were intimidated by the powerful killing intent and vigor in the air . Finally, someone came to their senses and saw the rope tied to the end of the arrow that had fallen heavily to the ground . In a loud and wild roar, he said, "Chop down the rope!"

A number of bright knives chopped down on the tightly stretched rope at the tail of the arrow .

The old Qin Master"s eyes were slightly cold as he looked at the black shadow charging toward him at a remarkable speed . The pain and anger at the bottom of his heart burst forth again, making his body shake . The Great Prince"s courageous attack and black-clothed man descending from the heavens couldn"t help but make him lose his focus . The tragic death of his only son earlier had made this powerful figure finally reveal a flaw .

Just as the old Qin Master"s heart trembled slightly, the corner of his eyes also lit up with a knife light . This knife light was not chopping down on the rope at the tail of the arrow . Rather, it was headed toward the old Qin Master"s body .

A crack exploded out of the rebel"s camp . Gong Dian, in full armor, jingled randomly because of the zhenqi coursing through his body . The powerful zhenqi made his facial hair grow . His hands gripped the straight knife in his hand tightly as it chopped toward the old Qin Master"s neck .

This one strike contained all of the power in Gong Dian"s entire body . The peak strength of an eighth-level exploded outward in one strike that had waited for years .

A glimmer of rage and disbelief flashed through the old Qin Master"s eyes . His face was flushed red as his hands firmly blocked Gong Dian"s rude and unreasonable strike .

Fresh blood dripped down between the old Qin Master"s finger and thumb . Faced with this sinister, the first elder of the Qing military, a superior ninth-level ace, still shook like when he saw Fan Xian descending from the sky .

It was only a slight shake . The flush on the old Qin Master"s face immediately became a pale white . He could no longer hold onto Gong Dian"s long knife .

Another person had struck at the same time as Gong Dian, a very important and powerful person .

Ye Zhong struck out heavily . It seemed to carry some of the wind and sand from Dingzhou"s desolate deserts, and the order of something in the spirit world . Determinedly and mercilessly, he tore through the body of a rebel general between him and the old Qin Master so that he could land his strike on the old Qin Master"s waist .

Ye Zhong and Gong Dian attacked the old Qin Master sneakily at the same time .

This scene happened too abruptly and craftily . It was too unbelievable . Even the old Qin Master did not understand what this meant . His close family generals had already escorted the Crown Prince to the side palace . The eight generals at his side did not react in time .

After this giant m.u.f.fled sound, dust rose up in the rebel camp . When the dust had settled slightly, the three warhorses below the three people were shaken by a powerful gust of zhenqi . Without even time for a mournful cry, they exploded and died .

The old Qin Master sprayed out a mouthful of fresh blood . A horrifying wound appeared at his waist . His withered hand, which had quickly stretched down, was already tightly closed around Ye Zhong"s wrist that held the sword .

Ye Zhong lowered his head . His brows were as steady as mountains . Without any reluctance, the zhenqi in his body surged out in powerful waves . Steadying his waist with a huff, he took one step forward and then another .

The old Qin Master"s body shook again . A gust of powerful strength exploded out from his old body . His left arm flicked out and held onto Gong Dian"s knife . The tip of his elbow had already crashed heavily into Gong Dian"s chest .

With a splutter, Gong Dian sprayed out a blood fog from his mouth . Ge used this spray of blood to roar and, disregarding his life, pushed forward with his entire body . Pressing down on the blade of the knife forced the old Qin Master"s left hand to go to his neck . He made a horrifying squeaking sound .

All of this happened in a short amount of time . Ye Zhong knew that he only had this one chance . Given his personality, which was as steady as a mountain, this was not an opportunity he would miss . He took a deep breath, expanded his chest, shook his left hand, and immediately became like a sheet of metal, leaving behind the old Qin Master"s unusually powerful control .

His left hand turned into a metal plate . With the power of a coffin-breaker technique, he struck heavily onto the old Qin Master"s chest, where there was already a wound flowing with blood .

Ye Zhong"s hand technique was the best in the world .

The powerful attack carried with it three top aces of the Qing military . On the stone pavements, footsteps retreated . The shattered ground, sending up puffs of dirt .

The rope behind the arrow had already chopped apart . Fan Xian, in black, fell down from mid-air, but he didn"t fall into the group of rebels . He tapped the tip of his foot against the helmet of a rebel soldier and charged straight into the rebel camp like a streak of smoke .

At the same time, Ye Zhong"s coffin-breaker technique landed viciously on the wound on the old Qin Master"s waist .

Fan Xian shrunk into a ball of black shadow and immediately opened up . With two metallic zings, his left hand drew the Wei Emperor"s sword bound to his back . His right hand pulled out the dagger he took back from Lady Ning from his boot . A sword in one hand and a dagger in the other, he became a streak of black smoke and swept over the heads of the eight Qin family generals in the rebel camp .

With a number of thuds, five generals died with their throats slit while three of the generals retreated with wounds on their chest .

Although it was only one meeting, Fan Xian had already demonstrated his greatest power since his rebirth .

Like a giant bird returning to the forest, he headed toward the three people killing each other like wild beasts .

Injured, the old Qin Master gave a wild howl and clenched his fingers inward until only an inch remained before landing it heavily on Ye Zhong"s left arm, shattering it . Ye Zhong did not care about this life and had completely disregarded his defenses . The foot below his body landed heavily on the ground and left behind a footprint . Moving his own body, he swiftly flew backward .

Ye Zhong gave a m.u.f.fled huff . His hands formed the coffin-closing form of the coffin breaker technique to lock down the old Qin Master"s right hand, which was overflowing with zhenqi and endlessly trembling .

Covered in blood, Gong Dian used one hand to hold onto the old man"s left arm and stuck his body to him . He used his body to put pressure on the two knives between the two people . Separated by the old man"s valiant palm, he pressed it down toward his neck .

The three of them twisted together and quickly retreated over 30 meters . With a boom, they crashed into the wall of a wooden building behind the square, shaking loose countless pieces of dust .

However, someone was even faster than them . Like a black bird, Fan Xian flashed through and appeared in front of the old Qin Master . The long sword in his hand flipped and pierced into the old Qin Master"s abdomen .

Blood sprayed out as the sword slid into his body . Fan Xian held his sword with his head down . He gave a m.u.f.fled huff and continued to press forward . The powerful forward momentum caused the body of the four warriors to break through the building"s second wall and third wall . It shook up countless pieces of dust, hiding this sinister, shameless, and b.l.o.o.d.y murder where it couldn"t be seen by tens of thousands of people .

The figures around the building flowed in a counter-clockwise direction . Fan Xian, Ye Zhong, and Gong Dian did not let go .

Although the three sinister knew the old Qin Master had received life-threatening injuries from the combined attacks of two ninth-level aces and one eighth level ace . No one could determine what kind of brilliance this elder of the Qing military would let out in the last moments of his life .

With a m.u.f.fled boom, this savage was finally stopped in front of the last wall . Ye Zhong continued to use the coffin-breaker technique to hang tightly onto the old Qin Master"s most powerful right hand, while Gong Dian continued to put pressure on the old man"s left arm .

Fan Xian maintained his half-crouched position with his sword out . Trembling, his hands held onto the blood-covered sword . There was only the hilt of the sword left outside the old Qin Master"s abdomen .

The old Qin Master"s white hair was disheveled . A terrifying light continued to flash in his eyes . Like an old lion about to die, he suddenly gave a rage-filled roar . His entire body began to tremble violently . A ninth-level warrior"s final counter-attack before death was foreshadowed by this kind of violent shaking .

However, a sword tip silently and suddenly extended out from the wooden wall behind him .

The tip of the sword only extended out 10 centimeters, but it just happened to pierce into the old Qin Master"s lower back, the third section of his tailbone . This mysterious strike was withdrawn immediately and disappeared with a trace . It was the most fatal blow .

With a gurgling sound, the heavily injured old Qin Master"s face was flushed a bright red . He sprayed out a mouthful of blood as his body weakly slid down along the wooden wall .. . . . On Jing Ges spear was Qin Hengs b.l.o.o.d.y and dripping body . Jing Ges chest was flooded with the joy of revenge . He gave a shout while surrounded by tens of thousands of soldiers . He had finally avenged his family . After hiding in the darkness for so many years, he had finally avenged them . Outside Jiaozhou, he had, for the first time, told Fan Xian about his past . Half a year later, Fan Xian had gently promised that he would give him a chance for revenge . Jing Ge didnt know what power Sir Fan junior had to help him achieve his desire, but his wish had finally become reality . Boundless joy and murderous intent made Jing Ge laugh . The wretched wound between his ears split open like a clowns mouth . It opened larger than usual and looked unusually horrifying . It was also unusually mournful as tears slid down his face like rain . The people who saw this sight felt a chill rise from the depths of their hearts . On the horse, the old Qin Masters heart felt like it was being torn apart . His eyes darkened, but he valiantly sat up straight on his horse . He didnt let anyone discover that he was close to being unable to endure the mental anguish . The old Qin Masters face was pale . is white hair flew wildly . Looking at his only son stabbed by the spear of that strange Black Knight, he didnt say a single word . At this time, a second event slowly changed the picture below the Palace walls like a hidden current . It was as if a master painter had recklessly scattered tens of thousands of red spots on an ink painting of mountains and autumn scenes . Immediately, countless wildflowers sprouted up in the mountains . The somber scene suddenly became a beautiful and bountiful harvest . The main gate had been crashed open by the rebel armys heavy carriages . The rebel soldiers were cheering loudly as they charged in . However, a large knife dropped down from the gate . It brought with it an icy light and a streak of blood . A number of heads fell to the ground . The large knife moved again . In the icy light, the Great Prince rode out in full armor with an unstoppable aura like a G.o.d . Bounding out of the gate, he cut open a blood path . Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! The rebel soldiers in the vanguard had their limbs broken and heads sliced off . The Great Prince gave a great roar and, with the long knife in his hand, he led the 200 imperial soldiers behind him out in a sudden attack . Unexpected by everyone, the moment the gates were broken through, they stole the initiative and charged out to attack first . Thus began the true first attack by the people in the Royal Palace . The thunder of hooves rang out . Although only a small path was cleared from the rocks and mud inside the Palace, it did not obstruct the speed of the Great Princes counterattack . The 200 soldiers rode out quickly, relying on the speed of their attack and first-rate riding skills . They were like a knife through tofu, opening up a large gap in the rebel armys vanguard . No one could stand in the direction of the icy light . Those who dared all became bodies on the ground and dismembered limbs In just a moment, the imperial soldiers had charged forward almost 60 meters from the wide open gates . Like a stream of mercury, they could not be stopped . The rebel soldiers increased their speed as they charged toward the broken gate . Dense, like a flock of locusts, they made one shiver in fear . Although the 200 imperial soldiers were powerful, in front of such a powerful rebel army, they looked as slender as a silver thread . The Great Prince was not afraid . Since he had put his trust in Fan Xian, he gave no thought to his life and death . He charged quickly and flipped his wrist . The large knife drew an arc through the air and chopped straight down to his right and forward . With a crisp crack, the short spear in a rebel officers hand split open . The large knife chopped into the officers shoulder . The Great Prince furrowed his brows with a m.u.f.fled huff . Generating strength from his core, he dragged his arm . With a thud, the blade of the knife broke through the body and exited, immediately slicing the officers body into two . The Great Prince bent his body forward and dodged a sharp spear that pa.s.sed by his face . The large knife in his hand dragged behind him and spun around his waist . Using the powerful strength of his arms, he hacked in a slant . The large knife whistled desolately through the air and forcefully sent the head of the rebel soldier to his left flying away . With a gentle slapping sound, countless drops of blood splattered onto the Great Princes silver armor . The long knife in his hand was stained with thick blood . Following the imperial soldiers desperate surprise attack, there was a line of blood that looked unusually startling and beautiful . The helmet pressed down on the Great Princes sword-like brows as a wildfire burned in his eyes . Brave and unstoppable, he led his troops forward, charging toward the rebel camp in the distance . Along the way, no one knew how many obstacles and killings there would be . Perhaps he would never arrive in front of Li Chengqian, but he still had to charge . He was the Commander of Qing Kingdoms Western Expedition Army . The only person among the royal family who had battlefield experience . Even though he didnt understand Fan Xians intentions, since he had accepted this order, he would see it through to the end . He was not a martial ace, but he was a brave general in an army . The attack and defense in the Jingdou battle did not demonstrate his skill in command on the wild battlegrounds . The Great Prince had never feared charging forward and breaking through enemy lines . The cavalry battles on the battlefield were completely different to a duel between aces . Courage was the most important thing . His he courage was without question . The heart he had already pledged was raised with a peak condition . As the mixed child of Dongyi and the Southern Kingdom, in some ways he was not liked by the Emperor . However, he had great depths of emotion for this land . . . A silent arrow flew toward him . He swatted it aside with the tip of his sword, but it forced his body to pause . A few wounds opened up on his body from the countless spears rebel soldiers stabbed in his direction from below his horse . Fortunately, the horse was moving quickly, so he didnt fall into a trap . Instead, he slaughtered open a path and continued charging toward the rebel camp . They were still very far away, but these 200 imperial soldiers gave one the feeling that they would arrive in front of the Crown Prince in the next instant . …. … Fan Xian stood on the black coffins and nervously watched everything that happened below . When the Great Prince charged out of the gates and into his field of vision, he immediately gave the order . Clear the road for His Highness! There were not many imperial soldiers or Overwatch Council officials left on the walls . Most of them were doing their best to defend against the rebel soldiers attempting to scale the walls with ladders . Relying on two hours of preparation early in the morning, there had yet to be one rebel soldier that managed to climb over the wall . However, they had long been given military orders . Although they were secretly afraid in their hearts, they followed Fan Xians orders without hesitation . Leaving the area of the walls they were guarding, they quickly gathered in the middle to fire the few arrows left in their hands without any reluctance . The arrows gathered together and fell like rain . They all landed on the path ahead of the Great Prince and group of imperial soldiers and on the head of rebel soldiers . They immediately did a great deal of damage . It also slightly reduced the obstacles in the path of the Great Princes attack . However, the defenses in the other areas of the Royal Palace became weak . Without the defense of arrows, the rebel soldiers on the scaling ladders seemed like they had taken stimulants and were bravely climbing upward . It looked like they were about to surmount the Palace . The imperial soldiers desperately pulled at their bowstrings, completely unable to feel the pain in their arms . Blood splattered out from the bowstrings . By order of Duke Fan, they were to use the bows and arrows in their hands to open a path for the prince, but what about the rebel soldiers scaling the walls? But, the prince was leading 200 of their brothers toward the rebel soldiers . If their firing slowed down slightly and the prince was injured, what then? Fear, unease, courage, and various other emotions rolled around in the hearts of the soldiers on the walls . The rebel soldiers had already mounted the walls via the scaling ladders . Although not many people made it, the Qin familys soldiers were all brave . After stabilizing their position with great difficulty, they began to expand their territory and open up the way for the rebel soldiers behind . However, 200 imperial soldiers had already charged out of the palace gate below . The rebel soldiers were unable to restrain them, so they entered through the broken gates and fought with the remaining defensive power left in the Palace . It looked like the Royal Palace was about to fall at any moment, but the Great Prince was still charging and killing the rebels below the walls . Two sets of buzzing sounds rang out . The two giant city guarding crossbows, which had been paused for a while, finally began to fire again . This time, the firing was not targeted at the heavy carriages used to break down the gate or the three-story carriage being transported over to surmount the walls . Under Fan Xians powerful request, the arrows landed among the rebel soldiers in front of the path the Great Prince was charging along . The giant arrows landed and pierced through the bodies of countless rebel soldiers, sending up mists of blood . They pierced repeatedly through the stone pavements, while some bounced up again . The heavy weight and powerful striking force were enough to crush a few people to death . The abrupt and powerful rain of arrows, and the mighty and terrifying crossbow, greatly aided the Great Princes attack . It opened a blood path right through the rebel soldiers . The Great Prince moved like a silver thread along this blood path, bravely charging toward the rebel camp . The rebel army clearly had the advantage of numbers . Looking at the Great Princes handsome and heroic posture on his horse, one felt fear in their hearts without reason . The Qing army valued battle merit above all else . Everyone knew that during these years, it was the Great Prince who led the army to fight in the West with the Hu people without having tasted defeat even once . He had achieved great military merit and was a famous general in the army . With a famous general leading the attack, the pressure it formed and the power of the attack were not something normal people who oppose . Fan Xian looked at this impressive sight and took a deep breath . The two slow cycles moving through his body picked up speed . Slowly shedding the layer of Tianyi Dao zhenqi on the meridians in his body, it allowed the ruthless Tyrannical zhenqi to circulate powerfully through his body . His eyes grew more and more bloodshot as the effect of the medicine reached its peak . He held tightly to the hook and chain in his hand, waiting for the sound of the last arrow . …. … Jing Ge was surrounded by the rebel soldiers who first arrived . The old Qin Master withdrew his gaze coldly and turned it toward the disturbance far away . He knew the Great Prince had led soldiers in a counterattack . He knew how wild and heroic the Great Princes battle style was . If the opposition had 3,000 riders at his command, perhaps the old Qin Master would temporarily avoid their blades . At this time, the rebel soldiers victory was already decided . The gates in the wall had caved in . At such a key moment, it was clear the old Qin master would not retreat a single step . . . This was a natural instinct formed from spending decades on a battlefield . However, seeing the Great Princes blood covered heroic pose, he thought of his only sons tragic death . The old Qin Master suddenly felt that he was already old . He was so old that he was about to smell the scent of death . The pain he had long hidden deeply in his heart made him make a wrong decision after a moment a hesitation . This is the enemys last desperate counterattack, do not underestimate it, the old Qin Master coughed and said to his trusted general . Take the Crown Prince to the rear of the camp . The Crown Prince glanced at the old Qin Master . He didnt want to retreat . As the Crown Prince did not know anything about the military or wish to disturb the old Qin Masters arrangement of the soldiers, he could only leave silently . With the Great Princes last counterattack, he chose to be as immovable as a mountain . This was the best decision . However, personally witnessing his only sons tragic end still made him a bit more on conservative . He had the family general lead the Crown Prince away from the Great Princes counterattack . Thus, he would have eight Qin family generals at his side . Perhaps as a ninth-level ace, the old Qin Master didnt care about much . …. … But, Fan Xian cared . The ma.s.sive city guarding crossbow finally exhausted all of its arrows while the Imperial Armys rain of arrows also became more spa.r.s.e . The imperial soldiers the Great Prince led were still unable to break into the rebel armys camp after paying a terrible price . Perhaps miracles could happen on the battlefield, but wanting to use 200 cavalry to carry out a successful counterattack was not called a miracle . It was called delusional . The Great Princes blood-soaked battle had already cleared out a long and b.l.o.o.d.y path . His valiant battlefield capabilities had scared countless rebel soldiers witless . At this time, the Royal Palace was about to be taken, the Great Prince was surrounded, and the remaining Black Knights and Jing Ge were surrounded . The big picture was set . Even the sound of the last city guarding crossbow firing sounded different than the dozen arrows earlier . It shot out, making a tragic whimper . After this final arrow was fired, the two city guarding crossbows fell silent . Everyone seemed to be able to clearly hear the sorrowful sound the arrow made . No one noticed this arrows path of flight was completely different from the trajectory of the arrows earlier, which had helped the Great Prince clear the road . This arrow shot out slanted and swept over the heads of all the rebel soldiers and didnt cause any harm . It only slowly burned through its energy in the air . After flying a very long distance, it finally landed heavily right in front of the rebel army camp . Although the arrow had traveled far, such firing was not a threat . In the end, it fell like a piece of copper or useless metal onto the ground . It didnt touch any rebel soldiers . It only gave them a fright . With a thud, the arrow was like a knife a child played with . The lucky tip of the arrow pointed down and pierced through the mud between stone pavements to stand straight . The people on and below the Palace walls all saw a sight that frightened them . A person wearing black seemed to have appeared from the depths of the ground like a spirit . He was floating down from the walls along the trajectory the arrow had traveled in . The person flew quickly through the resistance-free air toward the foot of the palace . From the top of the walls, they only used a moment of time before flying above the rebel troops . The last arrow had a rope tied to its end . The black-clothed man used a hook and chain to slide down the rope, directly into the rebel armys camp . …. … This sight shocked countless people into a daze . They were intimidated by the powerful killing intent and vigor in the air . Finally, someone came to their senses and saw the rope tied to the end of the arrow that had fallen heavily to the ground . In a loud and wild roar, he said, Chop down the rope! A number of bright knives chopped down on the tightly stretched rope at the tail of the arrow . The old Qin Masters eyes were slightly cold as he looked at the black shadow charging toward him at a remarkable speed . The pain and anger at the bottom of his heart burst forth again, making his body shake . The Great Princes courageous attack and black-clothed man descending from the heavens couldnt help but make him lose his focus . The tragic death of his only son earlier had made this powerful figure finally reveal a flaw . Just as the old Qin Masters heart trembled slightly, the corner of his eyes also lit up with a knife light . This knife light was not chopping down on the rope at the tail of the arrow . Rather, it was headed toward the old Qin Masters body . …. … A crack exploded out of the rebels camp . Gong Dian, in full armor, jingled randomly because of the zhenqi coursing through his body . The powerful zhenqi made his facial hair grow . His hands gripped the straight knife in his hand tightly as it chopped toward the old Qin Masters neck . This one strike contained all of the power in Gong Dians entire body . The peak strength of an eighth-level exploded outward in one strike that had waited for years . A glimmer of rage and disbelief flashed through the old Qin Masters eyes . His face was flushed red as his hands firmly blocked Gong Dians rude and unreasonable strike . Fresh blood dripped down between the old Qin Masters finger and thumb . Faced with this sinister, the first elder of the Qing military, a superior ninth-level ace, still shook like when he saw Fan Xian descending from the sky . It was only a slight shake . The flush on the old Qin Masters face immediately became a pale white . He could no longer hold onto Gong Dians long knife . Another person had struck at the same time as Gong Dian, a very important and powerful person . Ye Zhong struck out heavily . It seemed to carry some of the wind and sand from Dingzhous desolate deserts, and the order of something in the spirit world . Determinedly and mercilessly, he tore through the body of a rebel general between him and the old Qin Master so that he could land his strike on the old Qin Masters waist . Ye Zhong and Gong Dian attacked the old Qin Master sneakily at the same time . …. … This scene happened too abruptly and craftily . It was too unbelievable . Even the old Qin Master did not understand what this meant . His close family generals had already escorted the Crown Prince to the side palace . The eight generals at his side did not react in time . After this giant m.u.f.fled sound, dust rose up in the rebel camp . When the dust had settled slightly, the three warhorses below the three people were shaken by a powerful gust of zhenqi . Without even time for a mournful cry, they exploded and died . The old Qin Master sprayed out a mouthful of fresh blood . A horrifying wound appeared at his waist . His withered hand, which had quickly stretched down, was already tightly closed around Ye Zhongs wrist that held the sword . Ye Zhong lowered his head . His brows were as steady as mountains . Without any reluctance, the zhenqi in his body surged out in powerful waves . Steadying his waist with a huff, he took one step forward and then another . The old Qin Masters body shook again . A gust of powerful strength exploded out from his old body . His left arm flicked out and held onto Gong Dians knife . The tip of his elbow had already crashed heavily into Gong Dians chest . With a splutter, Gong Dian sprayed out a blood fog from his mouth . Ge used this spray of blood to roar and, disregarding his life, pushed forward with his entire body . Pressing down on the blade of the knife forced the old Qin Masters left hand to go to his neck . He made a horrifying squeaking sound . All of this happened in a short amount of time . Ye Zhong knew that he only had this one chance . Given his personality, which was as steady as a mountain, this was not an opportunity he would miss . He took a deep breath, expanded his chest, shook his left hand, and immediately became like a sheet of metal, leaving behind the old Qin Masters unusually powerful control . His left hand turned into a metal plate . With the power of a coffin-breaker technique, he struck heavily onto the old Qin Masters chest, where there was already a wound flowing with blood . Ye Zhongs hand technique was the best in the world . …. … The powerful attack carried with it three top aces of the Qing military . On the stone pavements, footsteps retreated . The shattered ground, sending up puffs of dirt . The rope behind the arrow had already chopped apart . Fan Xian, in black, fell down from mid-air, but he didnt fall into the group of rebels . He tapped the tip of his foot against the helmet of a rebel soldier and charged straight into the rebel camp like a streak of smoke . At the same time, Ye Zhongs coffin-breaker technique landed viciously on the wound on the old Qin Masters waist . Fan Xian shrunk into a ball of black shadow and immediately opened up . With two metallic zings, his left hand drew the Wei Emperors sword bound to his back . His right hand pulled out the dagger he took back from Lady Ning from his boot . A sword in one hand and a dagger in the other, he became a streak of black smoke and swept over the heads of the eight Qin family generals in the rebel camp . With a number of thuds, five generals died with their throats slit while three of the generals retreated with wounds on their chest . Although it was only one meeting, Fan Xian had already demonstrated his greatest power since his rebirth . Like a giant bird returning to the forest, he headed toward the three people killing each other like wild beasts . …. … Injured, the old Qin Master gave a wild howl and clenched his fingers inward until only an inch remained before landing it heavily on Ye Zhongs left arm, shattering it . Ye Zhong did not care about this life and had completely disregarded his defenses . The foot below his body landed heavily on the ground and left behind a footprint . Moving his own body, he swiftly flew backward . Ye Zhong gave a m.u.f.fled huff . His hands formed the coffin-closing form of the coffin breaker technique to lock down the old Qin Masters right hand, which was overflowing with zhenqi and endlessly trembling . Covered in blood, Gong Dian used one hand to hold onto the old mans left arm and stuck his body to him . He used his body to put pressure on the two knives between the two people . Separated by the old mans valiant palm, he pressed it down toward his neck . The three of them twisted together and quickly retreated over 30 meters . With a boom, they crashed into the wall of a wooden building behind the square, shaking loose countless pieces of dust . However, someone was even faster than them . Like a black bird, Fan Xian flashed through and appeared in front of the old Qin Master . The long sword in his hand flipped and pierced into the old Qin Masters abdomen . Blood sprayed out as the sword slid into his body . Fan Xian held his sword with his head down . He gave a m.u.f.fled huff and continued to press forward . The powerful forward momentum caused the body of the four warriors to break through the buildings second wall and third wall . It shook up countless pieces of dust, hiding this sinister, shameless, and b.l.o.o.d.y murder where it couldnt be seen by tens of thousands of people . The figures around the building flowed in a counter-clockwise direction . Fan Xian, Ye Zhong, and Gong Dian did not let go . Although the three sinister knew the old Qin Master had received life-threatening injuries from the combined attacks of two ninth-level aces and one eighth level ace . No one could determine what kind of brilliance this elder of the Qing military would let out in the last moments of his life . With a m.u.f.fled boom, this savage was finally stopped in front of the last wall . Ye Zhong continued to use the coffin-breaker technique to hang tightly onto the old Qin Masters most powerful right hand, while Gong Dian continued to put pressure on the old mans left arm . Fan Xian maintained his half-crouched position with his sword out . Trembling, his hands held onto the blood-covered sword . There was only the hilt of the sword left outside the old Qin Masters abdomen . The old Qin Masters white hair was disheveled . A terrifying light continued to flash in his eyes . Like an old lion about to die, he suddenly gave a rage-filled roar . His entire body began to tremble violently . A ninth-level warriors final counter-attack before death was foreshadowed by this kind of violent shaking . However, a sword tip silently and suddenly extended out from the wooden wall behind him . The tip of the sword only extended out 10 centimeters, but it just happened to pierce into the old Qin Masters lower back, the third section of his tailbone . This mysterious strike was withdrawn immediately and disappeared with a trace . It was the most fatal blow . With a gurgling sound, the heavily injured old Qin Masters face was flushed a bright red . He sprayed out a mouthful of blood as his body weakly slid down along the wooden wall .