Joy of Life

Chapter 858

It was deep in autumn and the wind had just begun to rise. The cold air whistled along the heavenly meridians from the north down to the south. It swept past the northern wastelands and pa.s.sed through countless unbroken li of the North Sea and large lakes, coming to the north of Cangzhou. Cangzhou was to the north of the Qing Kingdom, it was the city closest to Northern Qi. Looking purely at the geographical environment, it should be to the southeast of Shangjing City, however, because each year the icy wind came south, thus, it was even colder than Shangjing City here.

All around, the autumn trees had long lost all their leaves. The fields beneath the city had s.n.a.t.c.hed their only harvest at the end of summer and now it had become a stubble land that was also covered with a layer of frost. It looked very pitiful.

Snow had already fallen a number of times. Pa.s.sing over the fields of the Qing Kingdom, show still covered the distant mountains all around and it appeared very quiet. It was on this snowy plain that one could faintly see many black dots and Northern Qi military flags fluttering in the snow and wind.

A general on the Cangzhou city walls looked over with narrowed eyes. The scouts had long made their report. This time, the troops coming south from Northern Qi moved like a carpet over the ground, densely packed in uncountable numbers. They had probably gathered together the entire force of the Northern Qi army in the south.

The Northern Qi people were coming! The soldiers of Cangzhou City were not scared. Although the enemy was powerful, they still did not feel a glimmer of fear because in these twenty years, the two sides had engaged in countless battles but the Northern Qi people had never won the upper ground. Even during these years when Northern Qi"s famous general, Shang Shanhu, had been moved by the Northern Qi Emperor away from the northern border to the south, they were still unable to take a single step forward when faced with the Qing army"s strict defense.

The only thing that made the Cangzhou general feel slightly worried was the man called Shang Shanhu. After the Qing Emperor stopped personally leading troops 20 years ago, the only person in the world who could be regarded as a military G.o.d was probably General Shang Shanhu. This was an honor that he had won after years of b.l.o.o.d.y battle with the Man people in the north.

These years, the Northern Qi army"s morale and equipment have clearly been vastly inferior to that of the Qing Kingdom"s yet they still managed to maintain a balanced situation in the Cangzhou region. This was all because of the person named Shang Shanhu. This person commanded troops like a G.o.d, and was particularly good had dividing and conquering. Without truly using up all their strength, they had managed to keep two of the Qing Kingdom"s border armies on this side.

Every year there were small clashes and skirmishes but each side guarded their border tightly and there were no large military actions. In the opinion of the Qing Kingdom, they were just making preparations, acc.u.mulating grain and weapons as they waited for the Emperor to send out the final order to move out. The Emperor was still tidying up court politics so the vanguard army of the Qing Kingdom also waited. But unexpectedly, the Northern Qi people had come before they even attacked.

According to the precedent set by previous years, once it was autumn, both sides would stop their hara.s.sment and probing. General Shang Shanhu would be summoned back to Shangjing City to take his annual leave. How come he had suddenly come back from Shangjing City this year?

The earth slowly started to tremble. The trembling was not very loud and the noise was not very startling. The black lines on the snowy mountains in the distance gradually moved closer to Cangzhou. As the distance gradually reduced, the soldiers on the Cangzhou city walls could gradually see the countless dense black lines, a military formation like a rain cloud, diverging into individual military camps which separated into individual Northern Qi soldiers wearing armor, holding weapons, and with a solemn expression on their faces. The soldiers on the Cangzhou city gate even felt that they could clearly see the frost gathered on the Northern Qi soldiers" eyebrows as well as their pale hands holding the long spears.

A tense and oppressive atmosphere quickly spread across the Cangzhou city gate. Immediately after, the signaling officials holding signal flags ran back and forth in the dozen corner towers accompanied by the officers" low shouts.

The Cangzhou general put down the telescope specially made by the palace treasury and furrowed his brows deeply. Muttering to himself, he wondered, "What do these Northern Qi people want to do?"

The temperature on the city walls was very low. The words he spoke immediately became a cloud of fog and enveloped his face, just like the dense Northern Qi army far away outside Cangzhou City, it covered the true appearance of matters made many countless people feel confused.

The general slowly grasped the sword hilt by his waist and he narrowed his eyes at the intimidating Northern Qi people beneath the snowy mountains as if he wanted to see through to their true intent. Were they actually launching a large-scale attack on the south? The general did not believe this because he believed that the famous general, Shang Shanhu, would not be so muddle-headed. No matter how well the famous Northern Qi general could command troops, he could not mobilize so many troops to attack the Qing Kingdom in this late autumn and brutally cold weather. This was a way to seek out death.

Attack the city? The soldiers of the Qing Kingdom also did not believe it because even though the Northern Qi army that appeared outside Cangzhou City was intimidating and had about 40,000 people, this field army did not prepare sufficient city attacking weapons. What were they going to use to bring down Cangzhou City?

Cangzhou Cty had a full 20,000 elite soldiers ready to go!

"General, the Northern Qi has entered deep into our territory," an official reminded beside the general and his brows twitched a few times. It was very clear that he was somewhat angry about Cangzhou"s inaction. The Northern Camp watched as the Northern Qi army invaded their borders yet there was not the slightest reaction, such humiliation was one that the Qing Kingdom had not suffered for many years.

However, the Cangzhou general made no reaction. He knew that the conservative response these two days had already angered many proud Qing generals. But he knew he was up against Shang Shanhu, particularly with such an unforeseen large-scale Northern Qi army movement that had appeared as suddenly as snowflakes, it made him very cautious. He could not guess what the other party wanted to do.

The Northern Qi army split into three groups and broke through the boundary between the two countries as quickly as they could, invading into the territory controlled by the Qing Northern Camp. This was a large scale movement that Northern Qi had not performed in 20 years yet before all of this, there had been no whisper of this from either the Fourth Bureau of the Overwatch Council or the military"s own intelligence system.

Northern Qi"s one hundred thousand strong army forcefully entered their territory. Although they appeared intimidating and majestic, it was impossible for them to head directly south. Any military action always had its objective, so… what was the objective of Shang Shanhu"s shocking action this time?

There were 20,000 soldiers inside Cangzhou City while the powerful strength of the Northern Camp was scattered in four army camps with Cangzhou as the nucleus. In front of the city, there were 40,000 aggressive Northern Qi soldiers but entering with a split force deep into the Qing Kingdom territory, were they not worried that the Northern Camp would summon soldiers from all around and surround them?

At this time, it was deep into autumn, the cold was deep and the dew was heavy. Entering deep into enemy territory alone, there would be major problems with the Northern Qi"s logistics. As long as Cangzhou City sealed their city and drew Shang Shanhu to attack them, the Northern Camp"s various army camps could surround them. This way, what else could the 40,000 Northern Qi soldiers do other than retreat first?

They would not achieve anything yet they had mobilized so much military power and wasted so much grain and energy. Shang Shanshu… what exactly was he thinking?

The Cangzhou general"s brows were furrowed very tightly. Looking at the Northern Qi people who were preparing to set up camp far away from the city, he sank deep into thought, completely ignoring the general"s angry expressions…

It was already the fifth day. The biggest military action Northern Qi has taken in 20 years had, unexpectedly, been met with the Qing army"s most enduring reaction. Cangzhou City sealed itself and the various army camps of the Northern Camp only waited with strict defenses. They watched as the Northern Qi people stepped onto their land but did not make any strong reactions.

This was completely at odds with the Qing soldiers" pride and courage. It even made the Northern Qi troops silently advancing into Qing territory, constantly waiting to cross swords amidst blood and fire with the Qing army, feel that something was strange and unusual.

In a small city 60 li from the borders of both countries, the Northern Qi army"s base was set there. In a commandeered private residence, snow coal was burning in a fire basin. An internal red seeped out through the silvery outside of the coal and it filled the room with a warm sense of spring.

However, the high-ranking Northern Qi generals in the room were not warming themselves by the fire. They stood by a table and were worriedly looking at a southern military camp that had been spread across the table, occasionally, they slanted a glance at the man sitting in the large chair.

Shang Shanhu sat in the chair with his eyes slightly closed, it seemed that he was thinking deeply but it also seemed that he was deeply asleep. Suddenly, he slowly opened his eyes and asked, "It has been five days since the three groups have entered, have there been any movement from Cangzhou?"

The voice of the foremost Northern Qi general was not loud but it was very deep and resounding.

"Report, Commander. Cangzhou City remains sealed," a general replied respectfully. "According to your orders, the three groups of soldiers did not dare to enter too far except… the Cangzhou group."

"Who would have thought that our southern peers would be even better at enduring than in the past?" Shang Shanhu stood without expression and approached the table. He pointed at a spot on the map and said, "However, the Qing people are proud and arrogant and this is battle of power, with no way to use tricks. The Cangzhou general can hold out for two more days at most, it will be impossible for them to wait for the arrival of an edict from Jingdou. They must come out in battle… otherwise, it will not be able to offer an explanation to the Qing court."

"What if they continue to stay in the city and refuse to come out?" Shang Shanhu"s trusted aide asked with worry. "This time, we have committed our full strength. If the other side waits a few more days and the army camps of the Northern Camp sees through the illusion of the other two groups and directly surrounds us. If we mistime anything… we"ll likely suffer heavy casualties."

Not only were the generals of the Qing Kingdom"s Northern Camp unable to understand the Northern Qi army"s sudden large-scale movement this time, even these Northern Qi people did not understand why they had to suddenly send out troops right now and in such cold weather and with such great risks to enter deep into Qing territory. Although this did vent a lot of anger, as military personnel, what was needed was actual results rather than paying out thousands, even tens of thousands, of lives to take a stroll in front of the other"s city and show off their power.

Perhaps the only people who knew the true purpose of the expedition this time was the Emperor in the Royal Palace in Shangjing and the silently General Shang Shanhu here, but who in the world dared to ask them?

"Although we have been on the defensive these years, you should not think of the Qing army as overly scary." Shang Shanhu"s palm landed steadily on the map and he said, "The Qing Kingdom"s Northern Camp uses Cangzhou as their headquarter however, it has already been five days and the other four armies of the Northern Camp have not come to provide aid. On one hand, perhaps they have been caught by our two other armies. On the other hand, it also shows that the Northern Camp is missing a central mainstay at the moment."

A dull interest rose to Shang Shanhu"s face. "The Qing Kingdom"s equipment and military strength are both far superior to ours. If… Yan Xiaoyi was still alive, five days ago he would have ordered the other two areas to be given up and have Cangzhou surrounded, forcefully swallowing up our 40,000 people strong army. However, who dared to give this risky order in the present Northern Camp?"

"Yan Xiaoyi died and there was a Shi Fei. Although General Shi could not compare to Governor Yan, he was also a formidable character. Yet, the Qing Emperor did not trust him and moved him back to be the Commander of the Jingdou Garrison," Shang Shanhu said with a smile. "A few years ago, the Northern Camp partic.i.p.ated in the rebellion and so the Qing Emperor is fearful. Which of the Northern Camp generals at present are as valiant and threatening as they were under Yan Xiaoyi back in the day?"

"These years, the Qing Kingdom seemed to be gathering their strength in preparation for invading the Qi Kingdom but in reality, they are weakening themselves. Particularly in the Northern Camp… the Qing Emperor is an incredible man but the incredible people under his command have died by one died." Shang Shanhu sighed, seeming to feel rather tedious. "Since it is so, who can stop my one hundred thousand soldiers going in for a walk?"

"Standing guard is their best choice, their worse choice, and their only choice… however, that clever Cangzhou general probably can"t suppress the Northern Camp"s desire to counter-attack for too long."

"Thus, in two days."

After saying this, Shang Shanhu left the room, leaving behind the generals to look at each other. Outside, the wind and snow had begun to blow and fall. The snowflakes were not large, somewhat irritating in their smallness. Shang Shanhu narrowed his eyes and looked at the busy soldiers and logistic officials inside the city. A complicated expression rose to his face, he had thought of the Emperor in Shangjing City, thought of the last time the Emperor had urgently summoned him into the Palace and the order for him to led troops to help stabilize Dongyi City regardless of the price.

Their blade was pointed at the Northern Camp but it was to draw help from the border guards in Yanjing City and thus help to temporarily relieve the pressure on Dongyi City. A coldness flashed through Shang Shanhu"s eyes as he thought to himself that even if that powerful n.o.ble in the south was going to turn against the Qing Emperor, was it really worth it for Northern Qi to pay such a great price?

Regardless of whether it was worth it or not, Northern Qi had to pay a price for this military expedition in the end. Just as Shang Shanhu a.n.a.lyzed, once it reached the sixth day, the Qing army finally made a very valiant response. Two groups of elite Northern Camp soldiers moved toward Cangzhou City in a pincer-like movement while the other two camps came out in full and, riding through the falling snow, they charged toward the other two Northern Qi armies that had entered Qing territory initially.

In just one day, three fire beacons were lit. The wasteland in the north of the land immediately became a killing field. Riders charged, bows tw.a.n.ged, arrows flew through the sky, metal spears pierced through the wild, fresh blood flowed, fires burned, bodies lay in puddles of blood, and the sounds of killing surged into the dark clouds in the sky.

The land that had been silent for many years finally grew lively because of the Northern Qi army"s attack. A battlefield that had gathered hundreds and thousands of lives raised its curtains at this moment and the killing began in a clamor.

However, this curtain was quickly drawn by Shang Shanhu again.

The Cangzhou general, without a drop of blood on him, walked out of the city under the protection of his close attendants. He watched coldly as his subordinates cleaned up the battlefield, he looked at the arrows stuck deeply into the withered trees, and listened to the tragic cries of the injured that rang out periodically. The expression on his face did not change at all. As a man of the military, making war for the Emperor was a matter of course. However, there was always a smudge of coldness in his heart, nothing would wipe it away, not even the joy after a victory could lighten it.

The two supporting Northern Camp armies had marched quickly all night before finally arrive outside Cangzhou City and formed an encirclement with the local soldiers. However, before they even had a chance to rest for a moment, they found to their surprise that the Northern Qi army seemed to be showing signs of leaving.

The Qing army was formidable. How could they let enemies come into the territory, wander around, and just leave? An insufficiently prepared charge thus began. It was fortunate that the border soldiers of the Northern Camp fought every year. The Qing army"s strength was very powerful and so even such a hurried attack maintained a very powerful force of impact.

However, the Northern Qi elites trained single-handedly by Shang Shanhu were not slackers. After a large battle, the Northern Qi army had lost over a thousand soldiers yet their formation remained very perfect. With a difficult to imagine speed, they left the direct battle. Valiantly, they abandoned a few camps and did not give the Qing border soldiers any opportunity to chase after them.

This military campaign, no, it should be said that this mysterious battle thus ended. The Qing Kingdom had the advantage of location and their initial advantage so naturally, they won the victory but this victory did not obtain the predicted result.

The Northern Qi people ran too quickly.

Looking at the supply wagons and grains that had been destroyed, the Cangzhou general narrowed his eyes and felt a sliver of coldness. He finally understood why they never saw the Northern Qi"s city sieging weapons from the very start. Even if it was a trick, they should at least have one cloud ladder.

From the very beginning, they had planned to fight once then run. They had not brought any difficult to carry supply wagons, and the entire army entered the battlefield with light armor. No wonder, in the end, they left at first contact but did not break down and had run like rabbits.

Why did they run? The highest-ranking general in Cangzhou sank deep into thought again. He knew that he was not a match for Shang Shanhu but if he could truly understand Shang Shanhu"sthinking, then with some direction, they would not like they were now. Still feeling scared despite having won a victory.

On the second day, the other two battlefields sent astounding battle reports. Those two groups of Northern Qi elite troops did not enter deeply into Qing territory. While the Qing army outside Cangzhou City carried out a surrounding attack, the remaining force of the Northern Camp moved out at the same time and charged toward the enemy camp at the border… however, these two groups of Northern Qi elites ran even faster!

All of the Northern Camp generals became cautious. They didn"t know what that famous Northern Qi general was planning and so they forcefully restrained their subordinates and did not allow the Qing Iron Riders to take the opportunity of a counter-attack to enter into Northern Qi territory.

A piece of bad news came on the third day. The 40,000 Northern Qi elite troops that had escaped from outside Cangzhou City had, strangely, cut east when retreating toward Northern Qi territories and had entered Dongyi City"s Song Kingdom. They had taken over a city on the border of the Song Kingdom.

Apparently, the troops on the Song Kingdom city had not offered a shred of resistance and Dongyi City also made no reaction, they just allowed the 40,000 elite troops into the city.

This city seemed unremarkable and was close to being abandoned. In the past, no faction had noticed it. However, now that Shang Shanhu had led soldiers to be stationed there, there was now a large red spot on the maps. The Qing military looked at found, to their surprise, that this city just happened to be right between the territories Northern Camp and Yanjing City, like a fishbone, making all of the Qing military personnel very uncomfortable!

Was this Shang Shanhu"s true goal?

At the battle in Cangzhou, Northern Qi lost and the Qing Kingdom won, or so it seemed. However, was this strange and mysterious battle just going to end like this?

A dozen or so days pa.s.sed like this. The Fourth Bureau of the Overwatch Council and the military intelligence system sent intelligence reports to the various generals of the Northern Camp at the same time. After the Northern Qi"s one hundred thousand soldiers left the Qing territory, they did not fully retreat instead they set up camp where they were. Furthermore, deep within Northern Qi"s expansive territory, all kinds of supplements were being sent without end toward the south.

The wind and rain came again. This was clearly the sign of a decisive battle. In addition, there was the unremarkable city that Shang Shanhu had taken. The Qing military immediately went on their guard. They could not wait for orders from Jingdou to reach them. They had already begun to make preparations to meet the true battle.

Perhaps the battle will be next spring?

w.a.n.g Zhikun in Yanjing City had no choice but to withdraw his focus from Niutou Mountain and invest it into the 40,000 Northern Qi soldiers arrayed above his head. He furrowed his brows deeply and felt very angry. He would never have guessed that the variable that Fan Xian used would be to collude with Northern Qi!

Immediately after, orders arrived from Jingdou and were sent to the hands of the high-ranking generals in Yanjing City and the Northern Camp. No one knows what the Qing Emperor said exactly in the edict but after that edict, the military in the north of the Qing Kingdom began to rest and reorganize, began to hibernate, and began to calm.

And immediately following this, the Master of Dongyi City, Yun Zhilan, announced to the world his most powerful protestation and anger toward Northern Qi"s brazen invasion. He said clearly that Dongyi City must stand on the side of the Qing Kingdom"s mighty Emperor and carry out the most ferocious and destructive attack on all invaders.

The most terrifying 13 disciples of Dongyi City"s Sword Hut suddenly disappeared without a trace and no one knew where they went. Receiving this news, the guards around Shang Shanhu"s command tent in that city immediately tightened their defenses.

While the situation in the north of the mainland gradually grew chaotic, the Northern Qi Royal Palace was very quiet. Imperial Consort Li, favored by the Emperor, looked at the lazy Emperor on the couch. She bit her lip and quietly said, "You"ve saved Dongyi City for Fan Xian. You"ve paid such a great price, I can"t think of what he can use to repay you."

"Repay me?" The Northern Qi Emperor laughed coldly and gently rubbed her stomach. "That shameless b.a.s.t.a.r.d who was full of bad ideas but always considered himself a saint is probably cursing me in his manor for going to war too lightly."