Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Chapter 102.1 : Tendou vs Yokomichi

Chapter 102.1 : Tendou vs Yokomichi

Yokomichi was enraged.

「YOu f☆ckING b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, sTILL bringING THE school caste INTO this PLace! Suit yoURSelf then, tEmPLAte DQNmobs like YOU f☆cking s.h.i.+TS were faTED to be trAMPLed upon BY ME! THE MC Of THIS WORLD! AND I WILL DO IT NOW, IT"S REVENGE TIMEEEEE!!! I"LL START FROM YOU, RANDOOUUU, I"M GOING TO TEAR APART THOSE USELESS GIANT t.i.tS OF YOURS!!!」

Yokomichi"s arrow-like tongue stretched out as he screamed like a mad man. That THING wasn"t human. Like from a frog, the tongue stretched out fast and approached Anzu who was hiding behind the tower.

The tip of the tongue enlarged to the size of a fist and numerous spikes grew from it. Then, slippery yellow liquid started being secreted but it was not Yokomichi"s saliva, it was paralysis venom. It would instantly affect the target with just a touch.

Maybe more than the effect of the venom itself, the figure of Yokomichi licking with his grotesque tongue would cause more psychological damage to humans.

The frog-like monster tongue that dealt physical, mental, and poison damage shot for Randou――

「I"m your opponent, don"t forget that.」

Ryuichi"s right hand seized the tip of the tongue which had traveled like a fired arrow.


Yokomichi barely managed to save his tongue which was almost crushed by Ryuichi thanks to the slimy liquid on its surface. In some ways, this event was just like a replay of when he was almost done in by Futaba Meiko.


「Tsk, now you"ve dirtied my hand. I guess I can"t fight with my bare hands.」

Ryuichi waved his hand lightly to get rid of the liquid on the tip of his fingers. Before anyone knew, there was already something like a black membrane covering his right hand.

「HAAaah? WHat the f☆ck? That GAUntlet is cheATIng!」

「Who cares, this guy just came out a while ago, I guess this is also part of me.」

Inheritance Skill

『King"s Armor』 :Create armor suitable for the king.

Ryuichi understood immediately that it was the armor version of his 『King"s Sword』. If he had to point out a difference, compared to 『King"s Sword』 which reflects its material, 『King"s Armor』took on the appearance of a black metallic armor from the very beginning.

In addition, unless he made sure to let this skill grow, it wouldn"t grow to the point of covering his whole body. He had learnt this skill during the time when Kotarou taught Anzu the way to use her power. While having nothing to do and lying around in the middle of the plaza, he just suddenly acquired the skill.

There is no particular trigger for gaining new Inheritance skills, but… This armor was really powerful. And though he could only make it grow from his right hand to his right elbow right now, it was strong enough to the point where he could smash through the hard carapace of the giant alligator, the boss of this area.

「Tch, DOn"T JUsT USe YoUr ArMOR You WIMPy b.a.s.t.a.r.d! 」

「Oh, nice idea, I don"t want to dirty my hand by fighting you barehanded after all.」

This was the first time in his life that Ryuichi was pitted against an opponent with an extremely nauseating appearance. Though he wasn"t a clean freak, it was like how no one would be willing to touch a toilet bowl after someone just finished s.h.i.+tting on it.

The current Yokomichi was just that DISGUSTING to the point that even those dirty Goma were far cleaner than him.


Yokomichi berated others with seemingly reasonable words while forgetting what kind of trash he himself was, having been even more enraged by Ryuichi"s provocation. Maybe because he was finally going for the kill, he grabbed hold of the hilt of the great sword strapped on his back.

Bending forward with posture extremely close to that of a pig, Yokomichi then dashed forward with tremendous speed beyond prediction.

It was true that his flabby legs were short, but those flabby legs suddenly swelled up even further and then a huge, genuine boar hoof appeared from the bottom of his soles. Though he seemed to be wearing indoor shoes, the rubber shoe soles were already long since lost.


Yokomichi rushed at tremendous speed along with loud exploding sounds as he stepped hard on the ground. The way his almost perfectly round body sped up was just like a cannonball.

Ryuichi"s eyes twitched upon seeing this human cannonball called Yokomichi.

「HAHhA, So YoU ReAllY Don"T WAnT To HIT ME WheN I ApProACH!!」

Suddenly, Ryuichi"s right hand that was covered by the jet-black gauntlet set ablaze. Forming a fist-sized fireball on top of his right palm, he then threw it lightly as if throwing a stack of papers, but the fireball"s speed was just like a fast ball thrown at 200 km/hr.


Yokomichi met with the fireball and immediately started wailing..

「HoT-It"S HOt d.a.m.n IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiT!」

「The heck, aren"t you a lively one.」

Even though one would normally die if their body was set ablaze like that, Yokomichi just rolled around on the ground and screamed, as if it was just part of a play.

And then, when the fire was completely extinguished, he looked just like charcoal.

「It"S F☆CkINg HoT YOu F☆CkINg Idiot! I WoULD haVE DieD If Not For My FiRe ReSistANce!」

Yokomichi screamed as he threw away his gakuran that was already burnt black. The already tattered gakuran finally ended its role due to the intense flame, but what appeared underneath wasn"t Yokomichi"s flabby body, it was fur with gradation of yellow, orange, and red.

「I never knew that you wore such splendid fur below your gakuran. Or not, it"s not clothing huh, it"s part of your body isn"t it?」

Though the fur was similar to the fur of the red dog that could breathe fire, Yokomichi wasn"t just clad in those fur, IT grew from his body.

It"s neither magic nor a warrior skill. So if there was anything close to Yokomichi, it would be Kotarou"s clay doll, Rem whose appearance reflects her materials.

「BuFu, BuHeHeHEhE…. beHOLD, The StronGEST SkiLL GiVEN To ME, A PoWeR To s.n.a.t.c.h, The PoWeR of A DEMoN THAT was EATEn By ME, 『Skill Eater』! 」

「s.n.a.t.c.hing the power of a demon eaten by you, urgh… It feels like I"ve heard of that power before.」

「F4CkINg YEAh, ThIS IS THe teMPLAte ExCluSIVE POweR of ProTAgONIsT, B-U-T! I am ThE ONly One IN THe WORld WHo GOt THis POWAAAAA! I, wILl BEcOMe A HaREm KinG wiTH thIS StrONgeST CHEAAaaaT!」

「Yeah yeah, come at me already then, strongest harem king in the world-san.」

Their squabble hasn"t ended yet. Rather, the real fight was starting now.

Yokomichi had shown that he could endure fire magic. It seems that there was no other way but to defeat him in close combat. Ryuichi didn"t want to dirty himself if possible, but it felt like there was finally a chance for a good fight with that thing in front of him.


Yokomichi stood and made a “Banzai” pose while shouting those words. A conspicuous sound came from the fur on his back, like something was breaking out from inside.

Protruding from his back by tearing apart his fur and drawing a small amount of blood, were two arms.

The right arm had steel-like carapace. It was the arm of Armor Bear with huge knife-like claws lining up together on its hand.

The left arm was a thin arm, emerald in colour. But the section starting from the elbow was that of a scythe, it was the arm of Mantis Knight.

If before he still resembled a human, Yokomichi, who had grown a Mantis Knight arm and an  Armor Bear arm from his back that was covered in fur, was closer to a monster now.

「Ooh, it surprisingly looks good on you. Isn"t this even better compared to your appearance when you sleep in the cla.s.sroom?」


Dissing Yokomichi"s behaviour during cla.s.s apparently made him even more enraged. Both of his legs pumped up and he leaped towards Ryuichi with tremendous force.

The current Yokomichi could just brute force through another fireball, thus Ryuichi didn"t throw one like before.

「DIeEEEEEE――『High Slash』!!!! 」

After his extreme dash, Yokomichi did a high jump and the great sword which he held in both arms fired off his finis.h.i.+ng move from an upper stance. Even if the sword he used was a blunt one, with his power and speed, the blow was enough to split a human right in half.

「――Come forth, 『King"s Sword』! 」

Against Yokomichi"s finis.h.i.+ng move, 『High Slash』, Ryuichi took out a deep crimson great sword that shone with a gold colour from the void.

The moment their swords collided, countless sparks scattered.

Grasping the King"s Sword that had conquered the Firedrake Ryuichi did not move a step. Yokomichi who had performed a two-handed swing however flinched, in contrast to Ryuichi who had only swung his sword lightly with his right hand

「You"re heavy, porky.」

「GuH, Don"T GeT F4CkING c.o.c.ky JuSt BECAuSE YoU StOPPeD My ATTACK WItH One HAnd! 」

Naturally, Yokomichi was shaken upon seeing the skill that he had fired with his full power being neutralized with just one hand.

But, the current Yokomichi wasn"t a swordsman who relied on a single sword. Because now swordplay and martial arts were just fractions of Yokomichi"s power. With the two additional arms on his back, Yokomichi had surpa.s.sed the limitations of the human body.

Ryuichi did well in stopping the sword attack. But the Armor Bear claw and Mantis Knight scythe came down next.

「Woopsies, as expected of a four armed fata.s.s, your power sure is something else.」

Grasping his King"s Sword with both hands, Ryuichi skillfully parried or dodged the combined a.s.sault of Yokomichi"s four arms.

The King"s Sword had a wider, bigger and far heavier blade than Yokomichi"s great sword, but Ryuichi could still wield such a ma.s.sive weapon easily.

「Tch, TAkE ThIS! 」

「If you just  continue to only have four arms and your current speed, you can continue dreaming of landing a hit on me.」

Ryuichi had easily parried the storm of attacks made by Yokomichi"s greatsword, claw and scythe.

Yokomichi had also made the full use of his abilities. Whether Mantis arm or Bear arm, he could move those as freely as if they were his own arms. Even his swordplay with the greatsword had quite the sharpness in its movements. The combination of those powers could easily slice through Ryuichi"s flesh and bones if Yokomichi landed a hit, yet that did not happen once.


「Oioioi, your power will fall behind if you just focus on speed you know.」

Yokomichi"s power was a threat. But, it also wasn"t something to be feared.

If one was to ask the reason, Yokomichi"s attacks were just too simple. In the end, they were just bold moves that raised one"s power with designated motions. Seeing through Yokomich"s attack pattern was just too easy for Ryuichi.

When he was up against someone like this fata.s.s, Ryuichi once again realized the depth of the strength of Souma Yuuto who had learnt proper swordsmans.h.i.+p.

「HaaA?? Oi, I"m goNna hIt yoU for sure tHis tIme!! 」

「Well, your attacks might not even be enough to cut my after image. 」

Yokomichi was attacking like a raging storm with his scythe, claws, and sword, but Ryuichi kept parrying the attacks with ease.

Yokomichi"s terrifying power counterbalanced with his inhuman look. But, he had zero skills. When he attacked, he neither did feints nor tricks to cover up his true intentions. Thus, there was no way Ryuichi could not dodge such simple attacks.

「I see, this is all you got huh――」

At that time, Ryuichi who had solely focused on dodging and defending against all attacks that came to him, finally swung his sword.

TN : Bi-Monthly Till Catching up With Seigensou

(~".")~To Be Continue In The Next Release Xp~(‘."~)

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