Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Chapter 11: Futaba Meiko part.2

Chapter 11: Futaba Meiko part.2

Futaba Meiko and Kisaragi Ryouko smoothly progressed through the dungeon.

Every monster appearing along the way made for easy fodder against Ryouko’s ice magic. The dog-like mid-sized monsters ate her ‘Ice Sagitta’, the fang rats and insect type small-sized ones were blown away by ‘Ice Blast’.

Meiko had to only follow along behind her. Not a chance to make use of her vocation of ‘Knight’. It was a safe and happy stroll in the dungeon.

And several hours after the fang rat incident, the two of them finally arrived at the dungeon’s only known safe s.p.a.ce, a fairy square.

“Looks like using these powers a lot can get you new ones. Look, Futaba-san—‘Ice s.h.i.+eld’”

While on their break, Ryouko tests out her newly gained skill. In front of where she held out her hand, suddenly from nothing, a ma.s.s of ice, nay, a s.h.i.+eld of ice manifested. At around 180 cm5’11” high, the ice, sprung forth from the ground, would protect the caster’s whole body from frontal attacks.

Blurting out “Waao—” as if she’d seen a splendid magic trick, Meiko listened to Ryouko’s explanation with her eyes bedazzled.

“Like the name says, it’s a defence magic. If possible, I’d like not to receive attacks where I’d be forced to use it though.”

Her battles with monsters using magic were, so far, flawless victories. Yet Ryouko did not grow pretentious, and seemed to be calmly a.n.a.lysing their situation.

Nevertheless, she was not someone exempt of danger. Indeed, danger is always sudden, hidden around the corner waiting its chance.

“—! This is bad, Futaba-san, get back!”

Ryouko’s voice, tinged with impatience, echoed throughout the dome packed in verdure.

The 2 girls, finis.h.i.+ng their break at the fairy square in under an hour, again delved into the dungeon, and soon enough, arrived at a great circular area sizing at more than 3 times that of a gymnasium. Like the room where the fang rats appeared en ma.s.se, it was a place overflowing with arbre, giving the impression of a small forest. Looking above, there seemed to be what looked like steel arches which gave the area the shape of a dome, so rather than a forest, it could be seen as more of a botanical garden. Moreover, the rectangular panels devices that released white light were partially destroyed, making it seem more like a dark, deserted building.

In that place, Ryouko and Meiko were suddenly under attack.

From the shadows and trees, multiple forms emerged. These forms seemed human at first glance, but their stature, about a head or so shorter, and their permanently hunched posture, made you see them more like monkeys.

To summarize, these are humanoid monsters that dwelled in the dungeon. They actively attacked people and preyed on their meat, a detestable existence even to this world.

They are called ‘Goma’.

This information itself was procured from the magic circle just a few moments prior when checking it at the fairy square. Still, equating the written information with these ugly, obsidian beings in front of them was impossible for even the quick-witted Ryouko.

Still, her having defended successfully with her newly acquired ‘Ice s.h.i.+eld’ was indeed deserving of praise. Slas.h.i.+ng attacks from the knives they wielded, arrows from beyond the thicket, they were all blocked by the bulky s.h.i.+eld of ice.

Meanwhile, Futaba Meiko was in a daze, Ryouko used two shots of ‘Ice Sagitta’ to finish off the goma holding a knife and axe, at which point, the former finally let out a cry from fear.