Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Chapter 65: Rush

Chapter 65: Rush

“ –– Now then, guess it’s about time”

We were, fortunately, not attacked by any monsters during the break, so were able to at least get some rest. The color of fatigue hadn’t quite left our faces, and the girls with paralysis weren’t fully recovered either.

“Listen, everyone. Inside there might be a Rook spider. But, just like with the previous pit, we don’t know if we can transfer out from there. If it’s not a boss monster, we should avoid fighting”

“So then, we should first figure out if there’s a transfer circle and kill the spider if there is. If not, then just pa.s.s through, do I have that right?”

Towards Souma Sakura’s inquiry, cla.s.s rep agreed with a nod.

Although I wanted some monster cores, now was not the time. It’d be better to avoid a fight if we can. We aren’t in some RPG where the only way forward is to hack’n’slash every single monsters like an idiot.

“Well, guess I’ll take point”

“Yes, we leave it to you, Minami”

We’d have the thief go ahead and scour for the possible transfer point. Meanwhile, the rest of us will prioritize looking for the exit.

After confirming our strategy one last time, we descended into the spider pit.

The light elemental flying around Natsukawsan lit up the path inside the dark hole. It didn’t look much different from the earlier nest. Other than expecting that Yokomichi might be laying in wait here too, nothing much had changed.

“It’s quite s.p.a.cious here”

“Yeah, might just be the size of a forest dome”

It really was around the size of a domed baseball stadium. Souma Sakura’s elemental couldn’t illuminate the entire area.

Anyway, I couldn’t see the spider or any other insect monsters here....

“Ryouko-chan! I don’t see it here”

After searching for about 5 minutes, along with Natsukawsan’s pleasant voice came disappointing news.

“I understand, come back now, Minami”

“But Ryouko, We don’t see the exit either”

As Kenzaki-san said, the only problem we had now was that we couldn’t find the exit. We’ve circled around the whole dome only to realize that the only connection to the outside was the one we used to enter.

“… What do you think, dead end?”

“Might be above us”

This was a nest created by insects. That being the case, they would have no reason to create an exit near the ground. Whether it’s wall or ceiling, many insects can walk just about anywhere, ergo, they can make the exit anywhere as well.

“But then, we might not be able to get to it”

“Hmm, I think I can create a makes.h.i.+ft rope with my black hair binds”

And, just as I looked up to the dark ceiling in consideration –– our eyes met.

Eight crimson eyes glowing in the dark.

“It’s the Rook Spider, no...”

Eight more eyes pop in, then 18 more, then more. When I’d counted those, there were already more, 30, 40, 50, what the f.u.c.k.

Gleaming red eyes, countless as stars in the sky, blanketed the ceiling.

“Retreat! There’s too many!”

Takanas.h.i.+-san’s scream reverberated throughout the whole pit, and at the time, every G.o.dd.a.m.ned monster dropped down to attack.

The first one to land was, covered in a gray sh.e.l.l with 8 huge legs, it was the Rook Spiders.

“d.a.m.n, over there is!?”

We were blocked from our only way out by 2 Rook Spiders that landed in front of the exit, like intimidating castles, just as their names implied.

Not only that. They spewed copious amounts of webbing from their bulging abdomens, so much that it’d put Yokomichi’s display to shame, and that blocked the exit. The sticky, white, voluminous thread quickly closed off the exit, completely isolating us.

“They, actually set a trap… ”

We’d already f.u.c.ked up from the start. We’d somehow or other made it all the way here. Since we were weakened, we wanted to quickly reach safety and so, rushed. We all probably thought that we could push through in the end.

s.h.i.+t s.h.i.+t, it was me who’d actually ended up thinking of it like a game.

Just look at those numbers. There was no rule that said we’d only face a convenient amount of monsters that we could safely push through. Not anymore though. Dungeon just went, ‘f.u.c.k you guys, enjoy my special monster house b.i.t.c.hes!’

All those other times, we’d been merely been lucky.

“Wh, what do we do? At this rate...”

“We break through, no other choice! Mei-chan, get those spiders!”

I didn’t have time to lament on the stupidity that walked us into this monster house trap. It’s better to actually deal with the situation before we f.u.c.king die.

Even if it was already too late, I won’t just sit around waiting for my death.

“Mei-chan, Kenzaki-san! Stop the spiders! Souma, Cla.s.s rep, spell walls, stop the swarm of ants. Natsukawsan, you deal with the stray ants! Also, lend me your Red Knife! Takanas.h.i.+-san follow me, we’ll clear up the exit –– spread out Rotten Bog!”

Don’t know how much of that they’ll follow, but I rapid-fired orders anyway, while employing my own obstruction type curse magic.

Mei-chan had already rushed forward with a battle cry, fiercely swinging at the Spiders. An army of ants had began crawling from the ceiling across the walls to the floor right after the Spiders had landed. We had no luxury to strategize.

“Everyone, we need to escape from here, now! Do what you have to until Momok.a.w.kun clears the exit!”

“Alright, good luck, Momok.a.w.kun!”

After Cla.s.s Rep voiced agreement, starting with Souma Sakura, the other girls finally started moving. Natsukawsan was even nice enough to dash up to me with her ace-tier speed, hand over her knife, and dash back instantly.

“Kotarou-kun, go!”

Mei-chan slashed away like a veritable storm, and pushed the Rook Spiders away from the exit. Kenzaki-san also brandished her twin blades, one, a long sword, and the other, a flaming saber, and helped clear the way. Well, it’s now or never.

“Takanas.h.i.+-san, after me!”

“B-but I...”

“It isn’t safe here, it isn’t safe anywhere, just run girl!”

I grabbed onto the hesitant Takanas.h.i.+-san’s arm, and made a break for the exit. The distance was no more than 30 meters, but honestly, it’s a s.h.i.+t a.s.s crazy plan to run through the place where vanguard fighters and giant monsters were duking it out.

But still, I avoiding tripping over like an idiot, and somehow made it. Also, Takanas.h.i.+-san, she managed to follow after me, half crying.

“Haaa…. Haaa…. s.h.i.+t dammit, there’s way too much….”

When we’d finally arrived, what greeted us was absurd amount of webbing. If I were to charge in, I’d be a statue within thirty centimeters of penetration. Trying a knife on it would end up dulling said knife.

So to overcome this ordeal, we needed the Red Knife with its blade imbued with fire. Elemental weaponry FTW.

“With this –– Uaah, hot! HOT!?”

As I imagined, the webbing burned away easily under the Red Knife’s flames. However, some of these threads, still on fire, were dropping all around me. Quite dangerous. If I’m not careful, I’ll be burned.

“Momok.a.w.kun! Not done yet!? We’re can’t hold on much longer –– Eis Blast!”

d.a.m.nit, I know! With a quick look back, I could see the fight on their end was pretty intense as well. Rapid shooting spells everywhere to prevent the ants from getting past the barriers of ice and light. Their output was outstanding…. But the ants didn"t know fear, they were like death soldiers, madly rus.h.i.+ng forward to fulfill their duty. Our mages were already on the brink, even with Natsukawsan"s help.

Mei-chan and Kenzaki-san were also fighting the good fight. Of course, it wasn’t like there was a rule that they would fight one Rook Spider each. There wasn"t anything stopping the ants from b.u.t.ting in. Although they seem to be managing for now.

Naturally, those two wouldn’t be able to aggro all the ants, so it was inevitable that some made their way towards me and Takanas.h.i.+-sa––


The ants coming straight towards us caused Takanas.h.i.+-san to scream. Though, it wasn"t your ordinary scream. The sage’s very words contained power.

Sacred Tongue・Words of Rejection. With the Sage"s skill activating, the monsters stopped moving just as Takanas.h.i.+-san decreed.

The ants that were about to jump us suddenly froze in their tracks, their sharp fore-limbs still in the air, poised to attack. Since I could see a bit of twitching from the tips, perhaps they were resisting the words of power.

“Alright, Takanas.h.i.+-san, keep it up!”

“Aieeee! Kotori caann’t!”

Despite her denying it, the ants were still stationary.

It was totally worth it bringing Takanas.h.i.+-san with me. It’s such an awesome power. Using it like Souma Sakura does, as in, only for self-protection, was such a waste. In these situations, the least they could do is become human s.h.i.+elds.

“Okay, half way there…”

While everyone kept giving their all in battle, I continued burning away the spider thread seal. At this rate, we should manage to escape.

But, the dungeon just had to b.i.t.c.hslap us at the last moment.


It was a familiar sound of buzzing insects. An annoying noise they’d make as they rapidly flapped their wings. There was only one kind of insect that would make this despair inducing noise.

And we knew it all too well.

“Well f.u.c.k… Now the mantises show up ...”

Up above from the ceiling of the pit, came down the green knights with dual sickles. The Knight Mantes.


“d.a.m.n, reinforcements”

“UAAAA, h-how, are we, supposed to even!?”

There were 4 Knight Mantises in all. They went to each of the vanguards. Mei-chan and Kenzaki-san who were in their respective death matches with the Rook Spiders, and Natsukawsan who was holding off the ants.

We had 3 vanguards. Since each of them picked 1, that last one––

“A, ah, Aa...”

Rushed over to me and Takanas.h.i.+-san, the weakest members of the party.

“NOOO!? Get away, getawaygetawaygetaway!!”

Words of Rejection activated. The mantis froze just like the Ants...... W-wait, it wasn’t working. It’s sickles still moved, slowly, but still moved.

“No, NOO, No, please no… ”

Takanas.h.i.+-san was actually whining while she squeezed her hands together as if praying. Maybe this helped her activate her Words of Rejection to the limit?

Still, the mantis moved, even if slightly. Maybe, if it took just one more step, if it stepped within Takanas.h.i.+-san’s barrier of rejection… Its effects would crumble.

“s.h.i.+t, s.h.i.+ts.h.i.+t… Here of, all places… ”

Like h.e.l.l I’ll die.

“Like h.e.l.l I’ll die!”

I swung the red knife in a frenzy, I didn"t give a d.a.m.n about the burns. But the webbing wouldn’t burn along with the speed of my swings. It’s slow. No, it did get a bit faster, but it’d be too late before I finished.

f.u.c.k, it was all for nothing, too many monsters for us to handle. Any moment now, the sheer amount of ants may as well us.

Maybe, someone’s already died?

“d.a.m.n, d.a.m.n it all… ”

This sucks. I’m so scared. So scared that I can’t even look behind.

“Can’t die here… Can’t die here… ”

I’m worried about them. Especially Mei-chan. But my head was filled to the brim with fear of my own death, and I kept slas.h.i.+ng away in awkward movements.

The fear and pressure was driving me insane. My vision had gone white, I could pa.s.s out any moment. Even though I should be hearing the desperate cries of Takanas.h.i.+-san using her Words of Rejection right behind me, I wasn’t. I couldn’t see anything. I couldn’t, hear, anything.

But, for some reason, I did hear this:

“Save me, nii-san”

Souma Sakura. That b.i.t.c.h. Even until the last moment, she still kept being stupid.

I felt a deep resentment towards her, but right then,