Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Chapter 99.2 : Battle of The Underground Lake Tower I

Chapter 99.2 : Battle of The Underground Lake Tower I

What should I do, what kind of barricade would work more efficiently to stop those things? I couldn"t think of a better plan other than spamming mud walls. I did consider the option of making a slanted wall to drop them down below or a pitfall with skewers, but…. I think making thick and strong mud walls one at a time is a better option than trying out wacky plans. I mean, Randou-san would be the one casting the magic afterall.

「The wall is done! What should we do next!? 」

「Keep raising it up to this height and make another wall from here. A thicker wall will gain us more time.」


This tower was around four floors high, so the stairs weren"t that long. The only way out of this situation was to construct lines of defense in several places.

The stairs were built on the wall of the tower, spiraling up from inside the tower to the rooftop. The center part of the tower was empty, without even a railing for safety.

「Did Nonomiysan and Yos.h.i.+zaki-san destroy the railings? 」

「Wait a minute―― UORAAA! 」


Raising a cry unbefitting of girls, Nonomiysan and Yos.h.i.+zaki-san destroyed the feeble metal railings one after another. Their splendid kicks made their mini skirt flutter around and… Ah, I saw their panties… Black and red, huh?

「Let"s go, Momokawa.」

「It only takes one blow with an axe.」

「Take care of the railing over there! 」

The sound of "ORAORA" or "CLANKCLANK" resounded for a while and, in the blink of an eye, we took care of the railings as they served no function.

Left unchecked, they would only help those Jiras. I wouldn"t let even a morsel of an undesired factor threaten our safety. Best case scenario, the railing would give out, unable to support the weight of the Jiras.


「Eh, is the 2nd Rem about to reach her limit? 」

「GUGA~! 」

I could somehow sense that the 『Vile Mud Doll』 was swallowed by the waves of Jira when I saw Rem"s reaction.

They came at the worst moment, huh?


The Jira were flowing endlessly inside the tower from the destroyed wall. And, just as I expected, those fools were idiots who got skewered by earth spears as soon as they surged out from the destroyed mudwall. The earth lance trap was rendered ineffective after a fair bit of the Jiras got skewered by it.

We were looking at that situation from the top floor. The stairway was blocked with a mud wall.

「Uwaa, they came…」

「We have no place left to escape now. Do your best Randou-san―― GO!」

「Y-yeah――『Tera Sagita』! 」

「『Rotten Bog』! 」

After breaking through the mud wall at the entrance, the Jira swarming around the stairs got sniped by Randou-san. I also made full use of my 『Rotten Bog』 from the blood stains which I left in various places around the stairways beforehand. And, once again, those Jira were slaughtered by the stone bullets and acid mud.

The stairway was wide enough for two people walking side by side. It was pretty wide for a stairway, but one couldn"t simply escape from the terrain restriction. Naturally, the Jira were also advancing through the stairs in pairs. Randou-san"s sniping aimed for the front most group.



When she shot one down, the Jira right behind it tripped on its comrade"s corpse. Despite the domino effect of their tumbling, those things" fighting spirit never wavered in the slightest. They continued to climb, no matter how many times they fell.

But they wouldn"t be able to advance that easily since I"ve prepared several 『Rotten Bogs』 to welcome them.

「Black Hair Bind… Kuh, it"s hard to use it at this distance, huh…」

To make full use of my 『Rotten Bog』, I used my Black Hair Bind to get rid of the piling corpses in the swamp and throw them below. Thanks to the Juri-Mari combo destroying some of those rails I had an easier time removing those corpses.

Nevertheless, the distance and speed of the Jiras plunging into the swamp made it impossible to keep up the pace.

d.a.m.n it, even though we were supposed to have advantages in terms of terrain and abilities…. It was futile in the face of overwhelming numbers, huh.

「Watch out, Momokawa! 」

「Uwaaa!? 」

A sharp metallic sound resounded right in front of my eyes with a "Gakin".

I wasn"t able to see it, but it seems that Nonomiysan protected me with her spear from the weapon that was thrown by one of the Jira.


「It"s fine, Anzu. Fire! Leave your defense to me! 」

Those Jira started to aim for me and Randou-san, who kept on shooting them down from above. They used their weapons as projectiles. Some of their projectiles reached our level and one came too close to hitting me. Depending by chance, huh.



Catching the thrown weapons in mid air, Nonomiysan and Yos.h.i.+zaki-san threw them back to those Jiras. As expected of the ones with combat vocations. Their simple throw was packed with overwhelming power. Quite different from those Jira lacking control of their weapon, the weapons thrown by the Juri-Mari combo traveled like arrows, skewering their targets to death.

「Rem, pick up the weapon for these two.」

「GA! 」

Our share of problems had increased thanks to the other party"s usage of projectiles on us. The Juri-Mari combo"s full powered throw was strong enough to skewer two bodies at once as long as they used a pole-type weapon. The current Rem couldn"t exert such power yet, so she decided to support the Juri-Mari combo and decrease their workload.

The four of us fought back with our lives on the line. We had long since lost count of the number of Jiras we killed. Nevertheless, at this rate, we were fated to lose.

「Tch, why the h.e.l.l did these G.o.dd.a.m.n fish have to begin using their brains now….」

They might have begun to understand the structure of the stairs and my 『Rotten Bog』 tactics. Some of those Jira tried to get over the poisonous swamp by piggybacking on the other Jiras. Others threw ropes with something like a metal claw at the end and began to climb. Though their methods were rather primitive, they managed to climb up after some trial and error.


Those Jira finally arrived in front of our last defensive wall created by piling up mud walls. Randou-san didn"t snipe the Jiras below us anymore. Instead, she blasted away the Jiras who managed to arrive in front of the mud wall with 『Tera Blast』 to reduce their numbers.

I judged that I couldn"t afford to cast my curses at other places and used 『Redhair Twine』 to hara.s.s them too.



One after another, those Jira fell in front of the wall. Their corpses were just like money falling out of a quarter pusher in a casino. Just giving them a bit of a push was enough to make them fall from the stairs.

And yet, their number didn"t seem to diminish at all.   [ED: don"t do gambling kids! It"s mathematically impossible to beat the house]


Even I snapped at their shrewdness.

Those guys started using their own comrades" corpses to protect the ones demolis.h.i.+ng the wall. Not only using them as s.h.i.+elds, they quickly piled them right on the handrails position like sandbags.

「Momokawa! My blast can"t get through it! 」

「Tch, my spear can"t pierce it either! 」

「None of our axes or knives can get through those piles of corpses! 」

The scales that covered the Jira"s bodies were far tougher than human skin. It was just a makes.h.i.+ft meat wall and yet it was tough enough to seal the few offensive methods at our disposal.

F#ck, if only we had firepower that could blast them once and for all, like Tendou-kun"s dragon breath. Those f#cking Jira would have already become hist-……. Yeah, I guess asking for that kind of firepower is too much.

「Let"s go to the rooftop, Randou-san. Please built a wall after enclosing the entrance with spears. That place is our last line of defense.」

「R-Right away! 」

Turning around, Randou-san went towards the rooftop of the tower. I could see her leopard patterned panty covering her plump b.u.t.t. She didn"t even try to cover her mini skirt when she ran up the stairs―― Well, at least I"m lucky enough to be able to see that scenery in the midst of this predicament!



After that me, Nonomiysan, and Yos.h.i.+zaki-san reduced the number of Jira as much as possible until they were just about to break the mudwall. To be honest, I didn"t know whether we bought enough time for Randou-san.

「Inheriting meaningless trial. And unfortunate fate. Thou who does not chosen by fate, carve it with your own feet――『Black Blood』」

In the end, after I made a last『Rotten Bog』 with a drop of my blood in front of the stairway, I ran up to the rooftop.

This was our last line of defense.

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Read at original source : word excerpt . com