Jun Ye Can't Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 215

The cold wind blew mournfully, causing the blood to congeal on the ground.

"Lin Qi!"

Xiao Jing almost cried out.

Shen Chengfeng held her down, intending to charge forward regardless of everything, hiding her in the weeds. Through the gaps in the weeds, he looked at the camera that was turning 180 degrees.

Xiao Jing covered her mouth with both hands, looking at her motionless comrade. Due to her excitement, the veins on her forehead popped out.

Shen Chengfeng covered his mouth and signaled her to remain calm. He leaned against her ear and whispered, "He"s still alive."

Xiao Jing solemnly nodded her head. She noticed the area where Lin Qi"s heart slightly rose and fell. His weak breathing proved that he was still alive.

Yes, he was still holding his breath.

Shen Chengfeng pointed at the tall wooden box that was two bodies away from them, "Move carefully, pay attention to the camera."

"Yes, captain"

Xiao Jing tried her best to crawl towards the box.

The sunlight broke through the thick layer of clouds, like thousands of gentle rays of light with a bit of warmth sprinkling down.

A light breeze blew by, and the smell of blood in the air could be smelled clearly.

Lin Qi weakly opened his eyes, as if he was ten thousand years away. He saw a familiar figure.

Under the sunlight, his entire body was s.h.i.+ning with a golden light, enveloping him like a ray of light. It was especially warm, especially real.

The corner of Lin Qi"s mouth slightly rose, as if he saw happiness approaching. He turned his head, and almost every time he moved, his body would come to resist. The pain was like a flash flood in that instant, causing his entire body to spasm uncontrollably.

The camera above her head rotated once again, and Xiao Jing quickly stopped moving. She looked through the gaps in the gra.s.s at the man who started bleeding again, both hands tightly grabbing onto the gra.s.s beneath her.

Lin Qi looked up in pain and couldn"t help but roar, "Ah!"

Xiao Jing stared at the group of people as if her eyes were about to split open. Her fingers sank into the soil, gravel rubbed against her flesh. She clenched her teeth, and controlled the uncontrollable rage within her body.

Lin Qi originally thought it was an illusion, but he seemed to have seen a pair of eyes silently staring at him without blinking. It was very similar to the pair of large, watery eyes he had seen for the first time, perhaps it was because his eyes were especially bright and clean, so he installed his entire world.

Xiao Jing felt his gaze and subconsciously blinked her eyes.

Lin Qi shook his head, shaking his head without leaving a trace, "No, no."

His voice was so low that one could not hear it, not even making a sound.

Xiao Jing clearly heard what he said. He didn"t want his teammates to risk their lives to save him, right?

"Clang! Clang! Clang!" A sharp sound came out from the building, and a group of people stood side by side.

The man in the lead raised his hand and waved it in the air.

Lin Qi, who was hanging in the air, was slowly put down.

The corner of the man"s mouth rose a little, with a strong sense of provocation, he said, "I"ll give you one last chance. Tell your comrade, and I"ll give you a quick death."

As soon as Lin Qi landed, his body violently trembled. He almost couldn"t stand properly anymore, and he fell down on the ground. He sneered and didn"t say anything.

The man angrily pressed his weapon against Lin Qi"s forehead, baring his teeth as he repeated, "You asked for it."

Lin Qi raised his head indifferently, his eyes coldly staring at the man who was only a step away from him.

The man originally thought that the person before him was spent of all energy after suffering such heavy injuries. Not only did he not resist, he didn"t even have the strength to catch his breath.

Lin Qi held his breath and fiercely threw himself over, biting the man"s arm.


The man didn"t expect him to suddenly take a bite. Pain seeped out from beneath his skin. He kicked Lin Qi aside and without hesitation, fired a shot.

The bullet landed on Lin Qi"s calves, but instead of being angry, he laughed instead. He spat out a mouthful of blood and laid exhausted on the ground.

Xiao Jing noticed that a group of people were surrounding Lin Qi. Everyone was holding an AK in their hands. Judging from their posture, they should be preparing to shoot.

She looked at the captain in panic and made a gesture, "Captain, what should we do?"

Shen Chengfeng replied, "You stay where you are."

Xiao Jing"s expression turned cold. "I"ll go with you."

Shen Chengfeng shook his head and shook her hand, "Receive it."

The smell of blood in the air gradually became stronger. Sunlight glinted off the windows, and the view from afar was somewhat dazzling.


The man who had retreated behind the crowd smiled mockingly as he raised his right hand high in the air, ready to give his final order at any moment.

But before he could finish his words, a sudden punch smashed into his temple. The man"s body shook uncontrollably. Just as he was about to react, the weapon in his hand had already disappeared. In the next moment, the bullet pierced through his forehead.

"Bang, bang, bang."

The people surrounding Lin Qi immediately reacted. As expected, gunshots rang continuously.

Shen Chengfeng dodged very quickly. After shooting at the leader, he leaped forward and entered through the gaps between the wooden boxes. He hid behind the boxes and bullets shot through the wood and onto the walls.

Xiao Jing understood the captain"s concerns and without further consideration, she jumped out of the gra.s.s. She held a sharp blade in her hand, and just as everyone was trying to surround and attack Shen Chengfeng, her blade flashed and cut off the neck of a 1.9m man who was at the end of the crowd.

Blood crazily gushed out from the man"s neck. Before the man could even cry out in pain, he collapsed on his back.

Xiao Jing quickly s.n.a.t.c.hed away the AK in his hand, and continuously fired without any hesitation.

The bullets were like exploding fireworks as they brilliantly rained down on everyone present.


Shen Chengfeng shouted.

Xiao Jing"s body subconsciously laid down, a bullet coincidentally flew past her head and landed on the wall.

Shen Chengfeng aimed at the surrounding enemies and pressed his finger on the trigger, "Bang!"

The man who had just entered the battlefield was. .h.i.t by the inertia of the bullet and fell onto the wall. Blood gushed out from his chest and he died on the spot.

Xiao Jing rolled twice, dragging Lin Qi who couldn"t move, and forcefully dragged him behind the cover.

The large wooden box blocked everyone"s firing range. The sounds of bullets being shot around crazily rang out. Xiao Jing lightly patted Lin Qi"s pale face, her eyebrows tightly knitted together.

Lin Qi coughed violently, his throat tight, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. He dreamily looked at the figure in front of him that was approaching and disappearing, and his fingers trembled as he grasped her hand.

Xiao Jing nodded. "It"s alright, we"ll bring you back."

"Cough, cough, cough."

Lin Qi shook his head. "Let"s go, let"s go quickly."

Xiao Jing held onto her weapon tightly, aiming at the aiming lens, and fired at all the enemies who were getting ready to close in.

Lin Qi"s eyes reddened, and his voice was hoa.r.s.e. He repeated, "Leave quickly, no, leave quickly."

"We are comrades-in-arms."

Xiao Jing"s index finger was pressed down, and the magazine was empty. She angrily threw down the AK in her hand, carefully moving her position.

Shen Chengfeng noticed her movements and without any hesitation, he placed the weapon in his hand on the ground before throwing it in front of her.

Xiao Jing"s pupils contracted. In this kind of situation, she was unable to force herself to question him. She hurriedly picked up the Main Tank the Team Leader threw over, searching for the best place to shoot.

Shen Chengfeng looked at her and ordered, "Take Lin Qi away."

Xiao Jing paused for a moment, then carried the dying Lin Qi on her shoulders, and cautiously walked towards the dog hole dug by the captain.

Lin Qi"s voice was intermittent, but he stubbornly said, "Don"t worry about me, let"s go."

"We are comrades-in-arms."

Xiao Jing sensed the danger and instinctively laid down on the ground.

A flaming grenade landed three to four meters away from them.


In the blink of an eye, a mushroom cloud started to burn vigorously.

"Xiao Jing!"

Shen Chengfeng turned around abruptly and all that was left was a huge crater in the direction they had just left.

With his chest tightened, Shen Chengfeng did not hesitate to turn around and run.

"Cough, cough, cough."

Xiao Jing felt that her body was very heavy, as if something was pressing down on her. Something viscous moistened her clothes. She opened her eyes. Her vision was somewhat blurred.

"I"m very happy that I can see you again."

Lin Qi"s voice came from her eardrums.

Xiao Jing was choked by the smoke until tears flowed. She looked at Lin Qi who was lying on her body. Blood was dripping down from his four limbs. When it landed on her skin, it was still warm.

Lin Qi looked at her and smiled like usual, honest and honest, "Xiao Jing, I really like you. I want to like you like a man towards a woman. I know, I know you don"t like me, but … but what should I do?

"I still like you."

Xiao Jing supported him, carefully moving his arm. The corners of her eyes turned sour, and waves of piercing pain came over.

Lin Qi opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood flowed out. He wiped it away without a care, and continued to laugh as brightly as when they first met. He smiled: "I thought, thought you didn"t care about me anymore, I thought you died just like that. Xiao Jing, don"t distance yourself from me, okay?"

"Can you not leave me as you did, as you once did?" "No," I said. "… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …"

"Lin Qi —"

"I really, really want to treat you well, like big brother, I will give you the best, perhaps, perhaps I have unconsciously changed, but … but I just want to treat you better, better, better than the leader, better."

His voice gradually disappeared, as if he had used up all his energy. In the end, he could no longer hear what he was saying.

Xiao Jing trembled as she held onto his face, her fingertips trembling. After losing her precision, she said, "Lin Qi, Lin Qi, don"t, don"t."

"Xiao Jing."

Shen Chengfeng hugged her and fell onto the ground.

A violent explosion rang out a few meters in front of the two.

Xiao Jing grabbed Shen Chengfeng"s shoulder and stuck it in her throat. She said each word with great difficulty, "Captain, Lin, Lin Qi —"

Shen Chengfeng nodded, "I know, take him away."

Lin Qi grabbed Shen Chengfeng"s hand and his consciousness drifted away. He could no longer see clearly whether the person in front of him was the captain or not. He said, "Don"t worry about me. Captain, let"s go, let"s go."

"Lin Qi, you are my soldier. Regardless of life or death, I will bring you home."

Shen Chengfeng grabbed the weapon on the ground and barged into the hail of bullets. He shouted to the two men behind him, "Let"s go!"

Xiao Jing carried Lin Qi on her back. She glanced at the captain, who did not hide after exposing her. She clenched her teeth and carried Lin Qi away.

Lin Qi leaned against his neck and said in a weak voice, "Xiao Jing, give up on me. Don"t forget our responsibility, I can"t live it anymore. You still want to live well, Captain still want to live well, everyone needs to live well."

"Lin Qi, no one will abandon their comrades. Even if you die now, I will bring your corpse back with me. This is the Fallen Leaves Root, I cannot let our hero stay alone in his homeland."

He smiled and said, "I left a letter for you. I thought it was just me writing it randomly, but I didn"t expect the words to come true. Xiao Jing, perhaps this is heaven"s will."

Xiao Jing suddenly felt Lin Qi, who was behind her, move.

Lin Qi didn"t know where he got his strength from, but as if his light had returned, he s.n.a.t.c.hed away the weapon in Xiao Jing"s hand and rushed into the battlefield without looking back.

Shen Chengfeng pulled the trigger forcefully and the magazine was empty. He leaped and hid behind the crumbling box.

"Bang, bang, bang."

Lin Qi lifted the tank in his hands and, like a king returning, fired at him regardless of whether he lived or died. He was so crazy that he didn"t care about the consequences until the magazine was empty.

"Dong, dong, dong."

The grenade bounced.

He picked it up without hesitation and used the body of a mortal to pounce over.


The moment before the explosion, he turned his head and looked at the figure that was closely following him. In his haziness, his smile contained that simple and honest smile.

"Thank you, for coming to my heart."


The smoke dispersed into the air, and a burst of flames overflowed into the heavens.

The accident happened too fast, and the whole factory was on fire.

"Lin Qi."

Xiao Jing"s feet froze. Smelling the stench of blood in the air, her body suddenly became so heavy that she could not even lift a single step.

"Let"s go."

Shen Chengfeng grabbed her arm and rolled forward.

The kerosene oil exploded and the whole processing plant was engulfed in flames.


Xiao Jing sat paralyzed on the ground, looking at the emergency fire truck. Her mind was muddled.

What are they doing here?

Save Lin Qi and Jiang Xin.

What happened in the end?

Not even ashes.

Xiao Jing covered her face with her hands, crying like a child who had been robbed of all her treasures.

Shen Chengfeng was standing behind her. Blood trickled down from his fingertips and dripped onto the gra.s.s. He did not get near her or retreat as he stared at her.


Xiao Jing said in a hoa.r.s.e voice.

"Yes, I"m here."

After being choked by the smoke, his voice was hoa.r.s.e and hoa.r.s.e.

Xiao Jing turned around, only to see that Little Flower"s face was still ashen. She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, stood up, and walked in front of him. She looked at the blood on his arm and silently tore at the corner of his s.h.i.+rt.

Shen Chengfeng shook his head, "There"s no need."

Xiao Jing, on the other hand, continued to bandage his wounds. The moment her clothes came in contact with his blood, they were corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shen Chengfeng held her head and hugged her tightly, "There"s no need."

Xiao Jing closed her eyes, tightly grabbing onto the corner of his clothes, her voice sounded a little awkward, "I realized I"m nothing, I"m not a soldier, I"m not a man, I"m not a man."

"Xiao Jing, this is a battlefield. No one can guarantee that we will be able to safely leave every mission. Lin Qi sacrificed himself gloriously, and left with glory."

"Captain, we can take him back."

"Maybe he wants to stay here and leave like a soldier, instead of dragging down his comrades. He"s a hero, do you understand?"

Xiao Jing nodded heavily, "Yes, captain."

"In the future, we will face many situations like this. Xiao Jing, if I stand at Lin Qi"s position in the future —"

Xiao Jing covered his mouth and stubbornly shook her head. "No, no, no."

"You have to remember, weigh your own strength, and don"t make unnecessary sacrifices. Although giving up is very difficult, you have no choice."


"War is cruel, cruel to the point that we are cold-blooded."

Shen Chengfeng gently wiped off the ashes on her face, held her hand and turned around to walk through the alley.

The crowd of onlookers gradually gathered, their eyes maliciously staring at the backs of the two people as they left. Finally, they also disappeared into the crowd.

"Dong, dong, dong."

The sound of underground water came from outside the wall.

Cheng Chen was sitting on the floor. After confirming that the group leader had just sent a message to gather here, he leaned against the wall without moving.

After Jin Shan finished his bread, he took a sip of water and leaned against the rock wall. The entire s.p.a.ce was so quiet that it made people feel guilty.

Jiang Xin"s eyes reddened. His body was injured, but he couldn"t care about his own injuries. He stood up angrily from the ground and said, "I want to avenge Lin Qi. We can"t just go back like this."

Cheng Chen grabbed his arm and said with a serious expression, "How can I take revenge?"

Rus.h.i.+ng into the nest of the scorpions? "

"Yes, even if I die, I"ll drag a few of them along with me."

"Jiang Xin, we"re angry, but we also have to obey orders."

Jiang Xin slammed his fist against the wall, his eyes bloodshot. "I won"t let this group of people go so easily. In my lifetime, I, Jiang Xin, will definitely squash this scorpion to death."

Cheng Chen patted him on the shoulder and said sourly, "We will come back. We will all come back."

"Next time, I will completely turn them into a dead scorpion."

Overstatement -

And — more, and — more.

Xiao Man felt very bad when she wrote this chapter. She felt a little sorry for Lin Qi.