Jun Ye Can't Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 296

Xiao Chen had nothing to say to her as he lowered his head. She, who was raised up high, slowly lowered her head. She used her finger to dig into her handbag.

Xiao Yao looked at the majestic group of people behind her and sneered: "Esteemed madam, you should go back. This really isn"t a place you should be."

"Even if I was wrong, I would not give up on my choice. Brother, you might not be able to understand my feelings at that time, compared to him in this country, I chose him without hesitation. It"s not that I"m selfish, but I"m afraid that I won"t even have the chance to regret it anymore.

"As a soldier, there is no difference between a small family and everyone else. There is only a nation." Xiao Yao stood up and saluted again.

Xiao Chen stomped down heavily, but she still raised her head high and left the ward with her pride.

The corridor suddenly quieted down as a chilly wind blew over. Xiao Yao suddenly felt very cold, just like a person who was walking.

The lounge was completely silent. Xiao Jing tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. She gave up on forcing herself to sleep, put on her clothes, and went next door to check on her mother.

However, just as she walked out of the lounge, a person walked towards her.

It was a familiar face, she remembered. Wasn"t this the First Lady she saw so often on TV? She stood up quickly and saluted.

Xiao Chen sized up Xiao Jing from top to bottom and nodded, "You are Xiao Jing, right?"

Xiao Jing didn"t admit or deny it.

Xiao Chen sat in a chair to the side and patted the seat beside him, "Can you sit down and talk to me?"

Xiao Jing sat to the side, waiting for the Leader to speak.

Xiao Chen smiled, "Don"t worry, I am your aunt after all."

After hearing this, Xiao Jing was even more afraid to look at the girl.

"Do you hate your father a little more, or the Lady a little more?" Xiao Chen went straight to the point.

Xiao Jing didn"t reply as well. She didn"t know how to reply.

Xiao Chen smiled, "Am I being too direct?"

"Your words are ambiguous, these two choices are not good." Xiao Jing answered.

"Do you have any other choice?" Xiao Chen asked.

Xiao Jing was at a loss for words. She really didn"t have any other choice. Did she have to choose who she liked? The only choices she had in front of her were hatred and loathing.

Xiao Chen continued, "I also hate them quite a lot. Humans are like sages. I made a mistake, I don"t even have a home. You are even more pitiful than me, you did nothing wrong, you still don"t have a home."

"You"re wrong. I have a family. Even if father doesn"t like it and the Grand Matriarch doesn"t accept me, I still have a mother." Xiao Jing replied.

"Yeah, I forgot you had a mother"s love. It"s great." Xiao Chen placed his hands in front of his forehead; he could tell that she was very anxious.

"What"s the matter with you?" Xiao Jing lightly patted her trembling shoulder.

Xiao Chen covered his face with his hands and cried awkwardly, "Xiao Jing, do you understand me? You"re a woman too, do you understand me? In the face of life and death, in the face of righteousness, in front of the nation and your own selfishness, what would you choose? Is it your husband, or your father, or the country that may abandon you at any time? "

Xiao Jing was stunned. This choice was like a dead end. She had no other choice.

Xiao Chen knocked his head heavily against the wall, "What happened that year was like a nightmare that tormented me for over twenty years. If we were to do it again, I think I would choose to give up on this mission and come back. Perhaps I am a woman after all.

"Father wasn"t wrong. You weren"t wrong. The wrong thing to do is to fight."

Xiao Chen smiled as he said, "Yes, you are right. It is the fault of the war."

"You don"t have to blame yourself. On this question, no one can give you the perfect answer. When reality doesn"t suppress you, no one knows what you should choose in that situation."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, "What you said sounded quite good."

"Perhaps it is because I will choose your answer as well. No wonder the Grand Matriarch doesn"t like me. Perhaps she saw through my love affair with her son long ago." Xiao Jing lowered her head and hooked her fingers.

Xiao Chen held her hand and looked at the coc.o.o.n in her palm, "Perhaps you will do better than me. After all, you are already better than me at the moment. If you were to face that situation, I think that you would be able to complete your mission and come back immediately to help your lover."

"I might not encounter the situation you described. After all, the captain is more outstanding than me."

Xiao Chen covered his mouth as he smiled, "Are you saying your uncle-in-law is not powerful?"

Xiao Jing blushed, "No, it"s just that Captain is very powerful, so powerful that I don"t have to make a difficult choice."

Xiao Chen sighed lightly, "That"s right, how could he bear to have you make such a choice?"

"Crack!" The door was opened with a soft sound.

Shen Chengfeng heard the intermittent conversations, opening the door of the ward.

Xiao Jing looked back when she heard his voice. The moment her gaze made contact with his face, the tender affection in her eyes couldn"t be concealed.

Shen Chengfeng stepped forward, he recognized the ident.i.ty of the woman beside his wife, standing up and saluting.

Xiao Chen stood up, "General Shen, this should not be the first time we meet."

Shen Chengfeng remained as calm and collected as usual, "Yes, this should be the third time we meet."

"I didn"t think that we would meet again under such circ.u.mstances. Maybe we will meet again in the future."

Shen Chengfeng stood beside Xiao Jing and looked at the two who were happily chatting. This lady"s surname was also Xiao!

"You might not know of my other ident.i.ty. I"m Xiao Jing"s aunt and the younger sister of your future father-in-law." Xiao Chen took the initiative to explain.

Shen Chengfeng"s eyes flashed with a hint of shock, but it was quickly concealed by him, he said: "It is a pleasure to meet you."

"I was talking with you for a while, you seem to understand me. It"s getting late, I"m going back too. I think we"ll meet quite a lot in the future." Xiao Chen put on his coat and looked at the two of them, "I forgot to tell you. I wish you two a happy marriage."

Xiao Jing stood up and saluted.

"I always thought that your father only had two sons in his generation. So it turns out that you have an aunt." Shen Chengfeng took off his jacket and placed it on her shoulders, "Why aren"t you wearing more?"

"I originally thought that my father didn"t have any siblings. I didn"t expect him to have an aunt." Xiao Jing stood by the bedside. "Mom still hasn"t woken up?"

"The wound is a bit deep. The doctor used Valium to let her rest."

"Captain, do you think I should hate them?" Although Xiao Jing appeared very relaxed, her movements were a bit too stiff, as if she was trying to make herself feel relaxed.

Shen Chengfeng held her hand, "Whatever your wife says, it"s fine. If they make you angry, I will help you beat them up."

Xiao Jing looked at his side in astonishment. She couldn"t help but laugh. "He is your future father-in-law, yet you dare to hit him?"

"If you anger my wife, even if she is the country"s number one leader, I will still beat her up."

"Captain, you will spoil me to the point of being completely lawless."

"Even if you want to see a hole in the sky that day, I will take off my gloves to corrode it."

"Captain, are you treating me as the bane of beauties?"

Shen Chengfeng held onto her shoulder, with a hint of a ruffian"s tone, he said: "I was thinking that if I were to become an arrogant and foolish monarch, and everyone was in danger, would they not dare to challenge my bottom line."

Xiao Jing blushed as she looked around to make sure there weren"t any random people around. Then, she tiptoed to tiptoe and secretly kissed his lips. Afterwards, she lowered her head like a shy child who had just succeeded in cheating.

Shen Chengfeng gently lifted her lower jaw and kissed on her lips. A cool and refres.h.i.+ng feeling spread through her nose, causing others to silently linger around her.

"Cough, cough." The voice of a third person came from behind the two of them.

Xiao Jing reflexively pushed her captain away.

Xiao Yao"s face looked somewhat haggard. He covered his mouth and coughed, "I came to see your mother, is she awake yet?"

Xiao Jing saw a figure that was walking directly towards her, and suddenly resisted his approach.

Xiao Yao halted his steps. He could see the hatred in the child"s eyes. Yes, an unprecedented feeling. It used to be fear of his approach, but now it was resistance to it.

Xiao Jing took a step back. She purposely blocked the door, as if she didn"t want her father to enter.

Xiao Yao"s brows furrowed uncontrollably: "Little Jing doesn"t want me to go in and see your mother?"

"Didn"t the Grand Matriarch get sick as well? I"ll take care of Mother here. You can take care of the Grand Matriarch. " Xiao Jing said.

"Does Little Jing hate me?"

"You are the leader and also my father. Whether it is in the public or the private, I can"t have any disagreements with you. I can only respect you."

Xiao Yao raised his head and looked at the glaring incandescent lamp above him, "Child, I have not dealt with this matter properly. It is only right for you to be angry at me."

"You have more than one matter that you have not dealt with properly. Father, what matter do you have that you have settled properly?" You sent the Grand Lady away, but you let her vent her anger on me and my mother. I can protect myself, but what about my mother? She"s just an ordinary woman, how do you expect her to protect herself? "

"Yes, I was reckless."

"You respect the Grand Matriarch. Even if you bring my mother back to the Xiao family, what"s the use?" Again and again, you have been hurt and ignored. You have consumed all of the trust that we had in you. " Xiao Jing was so nervous that she was able to breathe out everything in one breath. There was a slight pain in her stomach and she couldn"t help leaning forward with one hand on her waist.

Shen Chengfeng held her in his arms and anxiously asked: What"s wrong? Is there something wrong with it? "

"My stomach hurts a little." Xiao Jing leaned on his shoulder and mumbled.

"Child, don"t be so excited, I"m not going in, I"m leaving now, don"t be so excited." Xiao Yao hurriedly took a few steps back, afraid that his approach would cause her to become overly emotional.

Xiao Jing closed her eyes, and her body involuntarily trembled, "Captain, I want to go in and see my mother."

"You go in, I"ll talk to your father." Shen Chengfeng saw her enter the room alone and shut the door.

Xiao Yao faced the wall, his face appearing as though he had aged more than ten years in a single night.

"There"s a little boy shopping in the supermarket," he said, putting what he wanted into the cart: I want the left hand, I want the right, I want the right, I"m indecisive, so I"m going to buy both. His mother, however, seriously gave up both of these things and told him in a serious tone: "A man of indecision will not get anything in the end." Shen Chengfeng seemed to be muttering to himself.

With one hand on the wall, Xiao Yao glanced at the figure on the floor and slowly clenched his hands into fists.

"Father-in-law, it"s not that you can"t choose, it"s just that you"re too selfish. You think about the beauty of both sides, but things happened in the opposite direction. At this point, you haven"t dealt with either of them well."

Yes, he really had not dealt with it well.

"Father-in-law, you really have to choose now." Shen Chengfeng stood a step away from him and said affirmatively, "You can leave, or you can stay here. This is your last choice."

Suddenly, Xiao Yao raised his head. Their eyes met in a fierce battle. Countless people from both sides had died, but the battle was still so intense that neither side was willing to back down.

Shen Chengfeng"s att.i.tude was firm, there was no room for discussion, he was just a protector.

Xiao Yao was in a dilemma, just like the little boy he wanted in the supermarket. He wavered and wavered.

"Dong, dong, dong." The sound of footsteps came from the end of the corridor.

Shen Chengfeng looked over, just in time, everyone from the Xiao family was there.

Xiao Zheng should have just completed his mission and was still wearing his camouflage clothes, so he rushed over quickly. Behind him was Xiao Ye, who was following closely behind.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong arrived a minute later.

The entire corridor seemed to be filled with smoke, pressuring everyone"s nerves.

Xiao Ye swallowed his saliva. Why did he feel that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between the two of them?

Xiao Yao had his back facing the children. He was not a successful father, but he was also a failed child.

As if he had seen through the essence of the matter, Xiao Ming opened his mouth and said, "I understand the whole matter. Father, Grandma is an elder, and indeed, I should respect her, but I do not agree with her.

"Big brother told me everything that happened, I also specifically went back to ask the servant at home to open up the surveillance record. At that time, grandma did indeed intentionally harm innocent people, father, we all respected grandma, but our respect shouldn"t be so blind." Xiao Hong said.

"I don"t understand the situation, but I do know that little mother is very human. She has always done what she should do and has never violated her own ident.i.ty, although saying these words is a little outrageous, but I truly feel that grandma"s time to live in the prime of her life, her thoughts, her unique ways of doing things are too frightening." Xiao Ye whispered.

He only knew that what he saw was the truth. He said, "The unity of a family requires a competent mistress, not the dictatorial Empress Dowager, I respect my grandmother, but I truly cannot forgive her for her actions. Right now, she is like a patient who is mentally ill, recklessly harming innocent people, and in the end, she can actually be released without guilt."

Xiao Yuan looked at the four children. Each of them had the word "serious" engraved on their faces. If they chose to leave now, it would not be a child that would be lost. Instead, it would be a home!

"Father, is this decision difficult?" Seeing that he did not say anything, Xiao Ming asked again.

Xiao Yao shook his head, "Not at all, not at all."

"Then what do you think we should do?" Xiao Ming asked again.

"Child, tell me what to do." Xiao Yao"s voice was somewhat hoa.r.s.e as he cut at his vocal cords like a saw. Every word of his carried a heaviness.

"If you really want to listen to my suggestion, then I"ll tell you. The Xiao family will hold their wedding ceremony in a month. This is the first wedding of our Xiao family. We all hope to get a family reunion and not end our lives together." Xiao Ming said.

Xiao Yao"s ten fingers curled, unnaturally appearing in a curved state. He actually couldn"t clench his fists anymore. He had inspected the four children one by one, and wherever his gaze pa.s.sed, four words were written there was no room for negotiation.

"I will send someone to send your grandma to the sanatorium. When she recovers, we will return to River City. From now on, we will live in River City for the rest of the year." Xiao Yao turned around and walked very slowly. His back was long because of the light, and the surrounding wind was very quiet, especially cold. He was like a lonely old man who had just pa.s.sed away, walking towards the end of his life.

The four of them stood in unison and saluted with their chests raised.

Inside the ward, when Old Madam Xiao heard the sound of the door opening, her mind twitched numbly.

He looked at the old man and said, "Mother, since young, you have always told me to be loyal to my country. The men of the Xiao family must die on the battlefield, and have no shame to the heavens or to the earth."

Old Madam Xiao struggled for a bit, but couldn"t say a single word. Her mouth twitched as it pulled back. She knew that the child was saying goodbye to her.

Xiao Yao picked up a clean towel and wiped her face, carefully wiping away her tears, "Mother, I sometimes envy father and third brother. At least, when they died, they raised their heads and puffed out their chests without a doubt. Even though our military achievements are ill.u.s.trious, we have let everyone down. "

"Oh, oh, oh." The old mistress struggled for a while, almost falling off her sickbed due to her excessive emotion.

In other words —

It"s the end of the month, the babes say as they walk, hha ha, I wonder how many more words I"ll get tomorrow.