Jun Ye Can't Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 323

The following scene made everyone who pa.s.sed by the hospital see an unprecedented joke.

A group of uniformed soldiers and female soldiers were engaged in a free-for-all between men and women in front of the hospital gate. They were engaged in a variety of battles, using all sorts of skills and tricks in an attempt to kill the other party.

When Old Madam Shen rushed to the hospital, she heard the ruckus in front of the hospital. There were some urgent matters which she did not pay much attention to.

In front of the operation room, the Xiao family and the Shen family were almost all gathered there. The originally empty corridor was suddenly crowded to the point that not even a drop of water could trickle through.

This was not the first time that Yan Jun had seen the glittering red light. She asked anxiously, "How long have you been inside?"

Xiao Yao hurried over and gasped for breath, "Still not out yet?"

"Little Jing must have been inside for almost two hours. Her mother is accompanying her." Yan Mo stood at the very back of the crowd and spoke calmly.

"Where is Shen Chengfeng?" Shen glanced around, but he really couldn"t see that guy.

"Ol "Three has been at Ol" Two"s inst.i.tute for the past two days. Have you forgotten?" Yan Jun asked in a timely manner.

Shen Tian was enlightened. "Has anyone notified him?"

"Ding." The elevator opened up, and Shen Chengfeng almost ran over with his hands and feet on the ground.

Yan Jun grabbed onto his body that was about to break into the house and said, "We can"t go in yet."

"She needs me." Shen Chengfeng ignored everything and pushed open the doors to the operation room.

Yan Jun wanted to stop him, but Shen Tian stretched out his hand and said, "Let him in. Little Jing really needs his company at this time."

"Of course I know that the child needs him, but at least he should change into a clean set of clothes."

The sound of chaotic footsteps came from the corridor again. Old Madam Shen walked briskly over. "Are you still not out?"

Yan Jun stood up and explained, "The doctor said that the child is too light and can try to have a good birth. If the child cannot be operated on again, it will be worth it."

"Isn"t this deliberately making the child suffer twice?" Old Mistress Shen clasped her hands together and asked, "Then can you let it go?"

"I"m still looking at the situation, so I should be able to go with the flow."

In the delivery room, the sound of coa.r.s.e breathing could be heard. From time to time, a nurse would run out anxiously while carrying something in her hands.

Shen Chengfeng pushed the door open and saw the woman being supported carefully by two people walking on both sides of the door. She seemed to be in pain, as though every step she took was like a knife being pushed against the top, causing her body to fall continuously.

"Little Jing." His throat tightened as he rushed forward and took her in his arms.

Xiao Jing smelled a familiar scent and saw a figure approaching. Upon closer inspection, she realized that it was him.

Shen Chengfeng held onto her groin and tried his best to hold onto most of her body, "Is it painful?"

Xiao Qing shook her head, and a calm expression appeared on her pale face. However, it was quickly covered up by the pain. The child was falling, and his stomach felt as though a rock had been stuffed into it.

"The doctor said he wanted to walk a bit more." It was a type of pain that could not be described with words. It was as if swords, spears, swords, and halberds were unceasingly delaying her body, but she was unable to stop the pain from spreading out. Her bones were forced apart and her body was soaked in water.

Her grandmother always said that before a woman gave birth, she would never know if she married a human or a ghost. She looked lovingly at the child, then looked at Shen Chengfeng. Luckily, she was blessed.

Shen Chengfeng really wanted to carry her, but he forced himself to carry her, step by step, very slowly.

Xiao Jing could no longer bear it and knelt down. She gritted her teeth and resisted the pain that was so overwhelming that it felt like she could topple mountains and overturn seas.

Shen Chengfeng looked at the medical staff on both sides, "Isn"t there pain?"

"It"s Colonel Xiao who doesn"t allow pain." The dean explained.

Shen Chengfeng did not understand, "Why not?"

"This is anesthetic, captain. I"m a soldier, I can"t rely on anesthetic."

"You"re just a woman now, a woman waiting to give birth. No pain. " Shen Chengfeng ordered.

The dean strode forward and checked Xiao Jing"s condition before nodding. "It"s not too late for that now."

Xiao Jing laid back down on the bed and held Shen Chengfeng"s hand tightly. She smiled and said, "Captain, these are just psychological effects."

"It"s okay, it won"t hurt much longer." Shen Chengfeng wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"Your hand — —" Xiao Jing noticed that his gloves were completely undamaged.

Shen Chengfeng nodded his head, "I have enough time to wait for the experiment to succeed. Don"t worry, let"s take it slowly."

Xiao Jing nodded affirmatively.

Shen Chengfeng noticed that she was a little sleepy, maybe because of the sleeping effect of the Painless Potion, she unconsciously closed her eyes.

"It depends on a person"s endurance. Usually, a pregnant woman can endure four hours of anesthetic, and at that time, basically all the orifices of the palace will be opened, making it easier to complete the delivery. Some pregnant women only have one or two hours." It depends on a person"s endurance; a normal pregnant woman can endure four hours of anesthetic, and at that time, basically all the orifices of the palace will be opened. The dean spoke truthfully.

Shen Chengfeng frowned, her ability to resist drugs was stronger than others, she would need 5 hours to wake up, she only needed 2 hours.

"So if it doesn"t, I suggest the operation." The dean handed in his surgical opinions.

Shen Chengfeng had signed countless life and death contracts, and had even written his agreement when he was abandoned. He did not even bat an eyelid, but now he was watching every word, afraid that he would miss out on any of the risks during the operation.

She said, "Among these, the most dangerous is the amniotic fluid embolism. If it happens, the maternal mortality rate will be between 70% and 80%, which is currently the highest surgical risk for maternal mortality. If you go back to the womb, there will be a similar risk of placenta retention or premature removal, and once that happens, the mother will have ma.s.sive bleeding after childbirth. At that time, surgery is also necessary, and even the uterus will be removed."

"Please don"t say any more." Shen Chengfeng closed the surgical paper, suddenly he was afraid of the answer.

The dean continued, "Rest a.s.sured that this is a very small matter. Generally speaking, most mothers and their children will be safe."

"I"m counting on you." In the end, Shen Chengfeng still signed his name. The handwriting was neat and tidy, just like a child entering the academy for the first time, diligently writing down his name in the most beautiful manner.

While she was in a daze, Xiao Jing felt that someone was caressing her face. She tried very hard to open her eyes, but she felt that her body was very light as if she was floating in the air.

She slowly opened her eyes. She saw the endless blue sky and white clouds in front of her. She saw two naked children jumping up and down in the clouds, rolling around from time to time. Then, they crawled towards her with innocent smiles.

The gentle sunlight shone on her body. She hugged the child forcefully, and it was as if the child turned into fragments of shadow and completely disappeared.

"Dong, dong, dong." The sound of wheels hovered between his ears.

Xiao Jing closed her eyes and opened them again. The incandescent light on the ceiling entered her eyes. She looked to the side, and saw that it was the team leader who had been holding her hand all this time.

Shen Chengfeng saw that she had woken up, he bent down and said softly, "Now go to the delivery room, you can use more strength."

Xiao Jing was slightly confused as she felt the strong smell of disinfectant wafting towards her.

A familiar pain once swept over her, and she involuntarily tightened her grip on her hand. Unable to hold it in any longer, she blurted out, "Ah!"

Shen Chengfeng carried her to the bed and the cold liquid slid down her belly. The doctor was doing the last test to make sure the baby was in the pot.

Outside the operation room, the group of people did not know what to do, nor did they want to sit outside. When the leaders of the capital heard the news, they rushed to the hospital one after another.

Xiao Yao was not in the mood to inquire about everyone"s congratulations. Instead, he was fully focused on the red light. Did it really live or die? It"s been almost four hours.

Shen Yi had walked around the operating room more than a hundred times in a single day. He was even more nervous than when his wife was giving birth to her children. After all, they were two children.

"Alright, stop turning around. You"re about to make me faint." Old Mistress Shen opened her eyes and looked at the group of people who had lost their minds, "Have you prepared everything?" Is the press release ready? "There"s also the Sweet "n" Sour Cake and stuff like that. If even the guests arrive in a moment and need to send red packets or something like that, are you all ready?"

"Mother, don"t worry. I have already prepared these things. There are also a lot of reporters outside. I have prepared all of them." Yan Jun said.

"That"s good. It"s about time." Old Mistress Shen stood up, and the next moment, the door to the operation room opened.

Everyone looked over when they heard the noise.

Tired, Qin Ran walked out from the delivery room. When she saw everyone"s hopeful gazes, she hurriedly stood up, recovering the situation inside, "We"ve already entered the delivery room. We"ll be out in about half an hour."

In the delivery room, the strong smell of blood began to cover the smell of the disinfectant.

Xiao Jing straightened her body and was forced back to lie down from the intense pain. She gritted her teeth and tried very hard to catch her breath.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The first child lay down on the cleaning table with a long cry and a great deal of pain.

"Wow, wow, wow." The child"s childish wails lingered in the delivery room. Although it wasn"t a full month old, its body condition was similar to a full year old"s. The only difference was that it was a bit lighter.

"2200 grams, 44 cm tall, boy." The pediatrician handled the child"s umbilical cord.

Xiao Jing was originally slightly out of breath, and before her tensed nerves could completely relax, another pain struck her.

Shen Chengfeng held her hand tightly and said anxiously, "There"s still one more thing, I"ll be fine soon, I"m really fine now."

Xiao Jing"s entire body was powerless. She gritted her teeth in an attempt to muster up her strength, but she only struggled for a moment before falling back, completely exhausted.

Shen Chengfeng kissed her forehead and said gently, "It"s almost done, can we hold on a little longer Little Jing?"

"If I want to kiss him in the future, will the captain refuse again?" Xiao Jing looked at him with a wronged expression.

Shen Chengfeng solemnly shook his head, "I will definitely kiss you."

"What if I want a hug?"

"I"ll definitely give it to you."

"What if I want to bathe in shame with you?"

"I"ll take off my clothes and show you."

Xiao Jing couldn"t help but raise her head and laugh. "Captain, you said that you can"t not count."

"I am a soldier, a soldier who keeps his word."

Xiao Jing hugged his arm and buried her head into the crook of it. "I won"t have another baby anymore."

"Alright, it won"t happen, it really won"t happen." Shen Chengfeng could feel her body slightly trembling, and following that, the pain intensified.

Xiao Jing was in a lot of pain. Once again, her body was torn apart. She felt something fall off her body. She gritted her teeth and exerted some force.

"Wow, wow, wow." The baby"s cry echoed in the delivery room again.

Holding the child in his arms, the pediatrics director carefully checked the situation, "2000 grams, 44 centimeters tall, girl."

Xiao Jing was a bit exhausted. Her vision was blurry, and she didn"t even have time to see a child before she fell asleep.

Shen Chengyi, who was waiting in the operating room next door, jumped up when he heard the child"s crying, "He"s born, he"s born."

Two female researchers entered the delivery room, carefully cleaned and disinfected them before collecting the umbilical cord blood.

The dean heaved a sigh of relief. "We can announce the good news to the leaders now."

The door of the operation room slowly opened. A beam of light shot down from the top of the head. Everyone heard the sound and subconsciously looked over.

She said, "Congratulations to the madame, the marshal, and the general. Colonel Xiao Jing has safely given birth to two children, one boy and one girl, both very healthy and somewhat light. We will send them to the neonatal department for observation for a period of time now."

"What about my daughter?" Qin Ran ran forward anxiously.

"Colonel Xiao Jing has already been sent to the ward. You can see her when you go upstairs." The dean said.

The Shen family is overjoyed, the Xiao family is overjoyed, quickly announce the release of the news, we can"t hide the news, in the end, you men don"t need to go upstairs and disturb little Jingjing, go check on the children, and leave little Jingjing to us women to take care of her. Old Mistress Shen headed straight for the elevator, with many military officers congratulating her along the way.

Shen Yi couldn"t wait any longer and ran to the Neonatal Department.

Xiao Yao also didn"t want to be outdone, so he hurried over as if he was going to be the first person to see his child.

However, when they arrived at the newborn floor at the same time, one of them was already lying on the gla.s.s window.

Shen Chengyi looked left and right, feeling that these two children didn"t look too good, especially their wrinkled foreheads. The more he looked, the more he felt like they might have gotten the wrong age.

"What kind of expression is that?" Shen Tian saw Shen Chengyi"s frown and was shocked, could something be wrong with the child?

In front of the neonatal department, the two children were placed into a thermos. Their small hands were clenched into fists. They would occasionally wave and then obediently put them down.

It was probably because he was hungry, his eyelids twitched, and then he opened his eyes a little. With just a glance, he started to scream.

"Hahaha." Shen One laughed loudly, "Look, he is indeed my grandson. This sound is very wild."

"That"s because I, Xiao Yao, am his grandson; naturally, I cannot be inferior to him." Both of Xiao Yao"s hands were pressed against the window. If it weren"t for this small barrier, he would have already jumped in.

The younger sister also opened her eyes wide when she heard her brother"s hubbub. Her eyes were especially bright, and they were very deep as if they were embedded with a black pearl. She was so beautiful that it was hard for people to move their eyes away.

The little girl"s face didn"t look like a newborn baby"s without any color. Some of her cheeks were red, while others looked like a weak baby who was born prematurely. That crying sound was enough to shock a newborn baby on the first floor.

"Wow, wow, wow." As soon as his brother and sister started crying, all the newborns on the whole floor started to cry as well. The loud crying caused the whole floor to shake.

"What"s going on?" Soon after, Xiao Ming, who was rus.h.i.+ng over, heard the baby"s wails and hurriedly ran over.

"Probably hungry." After the medical staff finished adding the milk powder, she gently lifted her brother"s small head.

Instinctively, his brother stopped crying.

Seeing that no one else agreed, she stopped crying quietly. Her eyes were a little dazed. The baby"s eyes were colorless and even whiter. She shook her head left and right, then obediently closed her eyes again.

There"s a joy called crying, and the whole world laughs.

As night fell, the same joyous news was announced by the Secretary-General of the Shen family: The fourth generation great-grandchildren of the Shen family, Shen Tong, have been born!

Of course, you can ignore the name.

This is great news that we are celebrating all in the world, we are very grateful to be able to share this news with everyone at this time. On behalf of Old Madam Shen, I shall publicize this news, our Third Young Master Shen Chengfeng, Third Young Madam Xiao Jing will have a new Young Master and a new daughter at around 7 o"clock this evening.

Outside the hospital, the various leaders were arriving one after another. In just a short period of time, the entire road in front of the hospital had fallen into a state of paralysis.

In the ward, the heating was on full blast as the medical staff prepared all the necessary supplies.

Xiao Jing woke up from her stupor and looked at the white sky that filled the sickroom. She still hadn"t woken up from her exhaustion.

"How is your body? Would you like some water? " Shen Chengfeng stepped forward, lowering his tone.

Xiao Jing shook her head. She instinctively touched her stomach; it was empty, flat, and gone.

Shen Chengfeng took her hand and said, "The babies are in the neonatal department now, they will be here in two days."

Only then did Xiao Jing remember that she was already finished. She suddenly felt that her mouth was dry and her voice was visibly hoa.r.s.e from the pain. "I want to drink some water."

Shen Chengfeng helped her sit up and poured her a cup of warm water, "Drink slowly."

Xiao Jing looked at him with a serious expression and tightly clenched his hand. She was a little confused, "Captain, what method did you use?"

"An unspoken method."

Xiao Jing thought for a moment. "Was the person who appeared last night you?"

"Do you think it"s me?"

Xiao Jing nodded and then shook her head. If it was the captain, she wouldn"t have come out to see him, unless he had something that was hard to say.

Shen Chengfeng rubbed her head, "I just had a child and my body isn"t fully recovered yet. Don"t waste time thinking about such things and lie down to rest for a while."

Xiao Jing laid down and sat up again. "Has your second brother been here before?"

Shen Chengfeng knew what she was implying, "You don"t have to worry, the blood has already been taken away."

Xiao Jing lay back down, relieved as if a burden had been lifted off her shoulders, and sat up again. "The children were so many times ahead of schedule. Are there any problems with that?"

Shen Chengfeng carried her and held her back, pressing her shoulders with both of his hands, he said seriously and seriously, "Don"t worry, the babies are all healthy, there are no problems for you to worry about."

Xiao Jing wanted to ask something more, but she saw the captain point a finger at her mouth and press it down.

Shen Chengfeng gently brushed her eyebrows, "Sleep for a while longer, I will wake you up to eat something later."

Xiao Jing listened to him and closed her eyes before opening them again. When she saw that the captain was staring at her, she quickly closed her eyes.

In front of the hospital gate, three men and two women looked at each other.

Cheng Chen was the first to jump up, "It"s born?"

Jiang Xin was the second to jump up. "Really?"

Mu Xi was the third to jump up, "He really is born."

"We"ve all heard the news. You don"t have to repeat it." Xiao Man glared at the three of them that had repeated themselves three times.

Cheng Chen found it hard to express his excitement, "Should we go up and congratulate them?"

Jiang Xin stopped him, "Now that all the big bosses are here to interview us, it"s better for us little soldiers to not get involved."

"No matter what, he"s still a comrade. Let"s not take a look after coming here. After returning to camp, they asked us what baby looks like. How do I answer that?" Did we not even go up to the building to tell the truth? " Cheng Chen asked again.

"We can simulate Eighteen and the team leader and give a rough picture of the baby. Hmm, two eyes, a mouth, two hands, two feet." Mu Xi suggested.

Jiang Xin nodded. "I think so too. Children look the same anyway."

"Needless to say." Xu Jing said again.

Xiao Man learned from his mistake this time and covered her mouth with his hand as he laughed. "Hahaha, I think I can say the same."

Xu Jing pulled her hand away and said seriously, "No one asked."


"Idiot." Xu Jing pointed at the three people in front of them.

Xiao Man understood what he meant, "no one asks a fool!"

The north wind blew and snow flew everywhere. The leaders who were walking in front of the hospital saw a group of men and women fighting with each other.

In other words —

Ha hha, it"s really happening. Quickly scatter the flowers and vote, hha hha, it"s not easy at all.

Remember the plan? Three hundred votes, three hundred votes, oh, come on, Xiao Man has a script, she"s just waiting for you guys to get a piece of cake.