Jun Ye Can't Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 494


Xiao Jing felt something pressing down on her body, heavily pressing down on her four limbs. She wanted to wake up, but found that she could not open her eyes no matter what.

She was breathing rapidly, like a stranded fish that couldn"t breathe any oxygen.

"Whew." In her dream, she woke up covered in sweat.

The same monotonous paleness, the same unsettling silence, the whole room was terrifyingly empty.

Xiao Jing tried to sit up from the bed. After a few consecutive days of high fever and unconsciousness, she had long been exhausted from the fever. She couldn"t even do simple movements when she stood up.

"Are you awake?" Qin Ran was originally drowsy as she sat on the sofa, but when she heard the noise, she suddenly woke up. She immediately ran to the bedside and gently caressed the child"s pale white face.

Xiao Jing"s mouth was dry, until there were many cracks. She stared blankly at her mother who was coming over, her eyes seemed to have lost color long ago, turning black and white.

Qin Ran shook her slightly cold hand, "Child, does the wound still hurt?"

Xiao Jing did not reply, but stared blankly at his mother.

Qin Ran could not help but frown, she tried to use a little bit of strength to hold her hand, "Child, can you hear what mother is saying?"

Xiao Jing stared at her without blinking, as though he had understood what she was saying, and did not understand at all. Just like that, he surveyed the entire world with his two eyes wide open, as though he did not understand what she was saying.

It was as if a hole was dug into Qin Ran"s heart, and it hurt so much that tears streamed down her face. She bit her lips, and emphasized a little, "Child, can you talk to mother? Can we just say one sentence? "

Xiao Jing blinked, a very hot thing rolling down from the corner of her eyes, it was so hot that she could not help but spasm a little.

Qin Ran wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes, "Don"t cry, don"t cry."

"Knock, knock, knock." The door creaked.

Qin Ran wiped away his tears and turned to look at the figure that pushed open the door.

Xiao Yu stood at the doorway, and when he saw the sober Xiao Jing, he stopped in his tracks, to the point where he felt like he wanted to run away.

Qin Ran coincidentally blocked the child"s line of sight and helped her tuck in the blanket, "I"ll go and bring you some millet porridge."

Xiao Jing still did not respond, he was like a zombie without a soul.

Qin Ran closed the door and shook his head helplessly, "I"m awake, but I"m not saying anything."

Xiao Yu wanted to say something but hesitated. He did not bring any good news, and he was even a little afraid of entering this ward. He was afraid that Xiao Jing would eagerly await his news.

Qin Ran held the tissue in his hand tightly and asked the child the most important question, "Is there still no news at all?"

Xiao Yu shook his head, "There"s no news."

"No news at all?" Qin Ran asked again with uncertainty.

"Even if it"s just a little bit of information, there"s no news at all."

Qin Ran fell down onto the chair, "Cheng Feng is so powerful, why is there no news about him?"

This is also the time I"m most worried about. It"s not like such an accident didn"t happen before, but in at most three days, he will definitely find a way to send this message back to the country. But now, it"s like a stone sinking into the ocean.

"Life or death?" Qin Ran could not help but emphasize these four words, "Impossible, this cannot be the case."

"Last night, the xx countries went on a rampage again. This time, the scale was even more serious than last time. In the panic of almost everyone, the enemy forces killed everyone they saw. Currently, the number of casualties in xx countries has reached ten thousand."

"Kill him as soon as he sees him?" Qin Ran did not dare to imagine the terrifying nature of that battlefield.

"We don"t dare to enter the war zone rashly. Firstly, we have too many enemies, and secondly, it is easy for us to cause international trouble by entering the war zone with weapons. We have to do it in secret, so our progress might be slower."

"What about the child? What if he was seriously injured? It"s already been a few days, what should we do if we drag this on? " Qin Ran stood up in a daze, "I don"t even dare to look at my child right now. I"m afraid that she would use that kind of hopeful eyes to wait for my answer, but I can only give her an answer that isn"t the answer. I"m afraid that she might not be able to hold it in any longer and collapse her disappointment."

Xiao Yu kept silent. Wasn"t he also wandering around the entrance with this kind of fear?

The Old Lady Shen took the cooked millet porridge and entered the sickroom.

At first, she thought that the child had not woken up. When she pushed open the door, she saw a figure with two eyes wide open on the sickbed, but without any expression. She quickly walked over.

"Hungry?" The Old Lady Shen sat on the side of the bed and gently lifted the few strands of hair on her forehead.

Xiao Jing still did not move, he didn"t even give a reply.

Old Lady Shen was in so much pain that she started twitching. She slowed down her tone and asked, "Xiao Jing, do you want to eat something?"

Xiao Jing did not reply.

Old Lady Shen opened the cup and took out half a bowl of rice porridge to blow on the steam. She scooped a spoonful and handed it to her, "Can you eat something?"

Xiao Jing closed his eyes, he was probably tired again, and fell into a deep sleep.

Old Lady Shen put down her hands, "Grandmother knows you"re suffering, but we can"t torture ourselves like this ah child. You just gave birth to a child, and if this goes on, Cheng Feng won"t be able to come back, and you"ll be done for."

Xiao Jing suddenly opened her eyes, the name was like an incantation, the moment she said it, she would be able to call back all of her consciousness.

Old Lady Shen immediately shut his mouth and scooped up a spoonful of rice porridge.

Xiao Jing closed his eyes again.

Old Lady Shen sighed.

The room was quiet again.

Yan Jun paced back and forth at the door, and upon seeing the figure that came out, he strode forward, "Did you still not eat anything?"

Old Lady Shen shook his head, "If this goes on, there will be trouble sooner or later."

Yan Jun looked at the room to the side, "Should I send the fourth child over, maybe her mood will be a little better after seeing the child?"

"This method is also possible."

"Wah ¡­" "Wow ¡­" The child"s crying echoed powerfully in the room.

Xiao Jing woke up from his stupor and stared fixedly at the little fellow who was lying beside him.

Shen Si Fen was probably hungry, and cried his heart out.

"Alright, alright. Grandma will mix some milk powder for you. Drink it now. Drink it now." Yan Jun pushed open the door and took the sterilized milk bottle out.

Xiao Jing laid on the bed and looked at the child. The child seemed to be tired from crying, as he turned his head and looked at his mother, confused.

"Ah, ah!" The little guy extended his arm and lightly touched Xiao Jing"s forehead.

Xiao Jing didn"t know where she got the strength from and sat up on the bed. Her four limbs were no longer listening to her brain, so she acted on her own and picked up the ice cold millet porridge beside her and drank it mouthful after mouthful. There was a voice in her heart that seemed to numb her rationality, as she continued to encourage her to eat, eat a little more, eat a little more, and eat until she was completely finished.

"Whap." Shen San Fen slapped Shen Si Fen"s face, a merciless slap, made him unable to even cry.

Xiao Jing stopped eating and fell to the side of the bed, vomiting out everything he had just eaten in one breath.

"What"s wrong?" Yan Jun was shocked the moment he entered the room again.

Xiao Jing put down the porridge bowl in his hand, spitting tears and snot all over her face.

Yan Jun patted her back, "Even if you"re hungry, you can"t eat like this. You haven"t eaten anything for a few days, so you have to eat slowly, bit by bit.

Xiao Jing lay on the side of the bed, on the verge of collapse. She was mentally exhausted and physically exhausted.

Yan Jun helped her wipe her face, "I"ll get my family to stew some rice porridge, it"s already cold."

Xiao Jing laid back on the bed and looked at the ceiling absentmindedly.

Only now did Yan Jun notice the other little figure by the bedside. When she saw the child, her heart tightened, "Little Treasure is awake?"

Shen San Fen seemed to not have calmed down yet, he raised his fist and slapped down again.

This time, Shen Si Fen was woken up, and started to cry unrestrainedly.

Shen San Fen was ready to slap him again.

Yan Jun quickly grabbed onto his little hand, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Little Treasure can"t hit little brother, little brother is still young, you can"t hit him like this."

Shen San Fen pouted and gave up on the idea of beating up his little brother. He ran to the other side of the sickbed and used his little hands to lightly pull at the corner of his mother"s clothes.

Xiao Jing felt the child"s weak strength and looked down at him, landing on his body.

Shen San Fen hugged her arm, "Mother, hug."

Yan Jun held the bottle and was about to feed the child, but just as he was about to pick up the tiny body and put the bottle in his mouth, a voice came out in his head:

Beat him up, beat him up, hang that disobedient little guy up and beat him up.

Yan Jun put down the child, and walked to Shen San Fen"s side with empty eyes.

Shen San Fen stared unblinkingly at the child lying on the side of the bed.

"Sizzle sizzle."

Yan Jun was stunned, she was confused why did she suddenly come here? Wasn"t she going to feed the baby powdered milk?

She scratched her head in confusion and then walked back to the little guy"s side. She picked up the child and stuffed the milk bottle that was suitable for the temperature into his mouth.

Shen Si Fen drank two mouthfuls, then looked in the direction of Shen San Fen at a slanted angle, as he spat out milk bubbles.

As night fell, the horizon was dyed with a layer of red frost. It was as beautiful as the color of blood.

The area where the fire had spread was a complete mess.

Last night, the second war broke out here. Originally, Qiao Bu Ye was bombarding a residential building, but suddenly, a lot of XX National Army appeared around him. The two sides were fighting like fire and water.

The collapsed bas.e.m.e.nt was even dimmer, so much so that not even a single ray of light could be seen inside.

The middle-aged woman carried her child in her arms as she endured the tremors again and again as if a tank was pressing down on her head. The fear of death seemed to hover above everyone"s head, ready to descend at any moment.

After a night, it was quiet.

Occasionally, there would be one or two people walking through the ruins, seemingly counting the number of casualties.

The people in the bas.e.m.e.nt did not dare to leave. They did not know if the people walking outside were friends or foes.

Finally, at dusk, everyone left.

"Mom, I"m scared." Meifeng hugged the middle-aged woman tightly as her frail and weak body trembled unnoticeably.

"How do we get out?" A weak female voice came from the corner.

"Uncle, why isn"t brother back yet?" Marka clung to the wall.

Shen Cheng Feng used the wall to support himself as he stood up, the sealed s.p.a.ce was slowly losing oxygen, if he still continued to hide here, it was possible that they would suffocate to death before the sun rose tomorrow morning.

"Uncle, I want big brother." Ma Ka cried in despair.

Shen Cheng Feng held the little girl"s hand, "Follow Uncle, Uncle will bring you out."

Ma Ka followed closely behind Shen Cheng Feng. She could not see her surroundings, it was very, very dark.

Not a single one of the four or five remaining people followed them. It was as if they had given up all hope and were waiting for their deaths.

Meifeng broke free from the middle-aged woman"s embrace. "Mom, let"s follow Uncle."

The middle-aged woman shook her head, "It"s useless. This bas.e.m.e.nt was specially built by your father to avoid the war. With our flesh and blood, how could we possibly leave?"

Shen Cheng Feng could not see the woman"s direction clearly, and could only rely on the direction of her voice to say: "If you trust me, follow me, I can bring you out."

The beautiful phoenix followed him stubbornly. The middle-aged woman could do nothing about it as she continued forward.

Shen Cheng Feng placed his hands on the wall, the thick wall was probably made of around four to five layers of bricks, which was why it was able to stand so firmly despite the sound of explosions.

"Cough, cough." The middle-aged woman covered her mouth. Smoke and dust filled the air, as if something had collapsed.

Shen Cheng Feng coughed from covering his mouth, all the wounds on his body had completely opened up, his body was uncontrollably trembling, blood was dripping all over his body and his hands were already trembling.

"Uncle, what"s wrong?" Marka was the closest to him, her hand seeming to be stained with some kind of liquid. She touched it, sticky and thick.

"It"s fine. It"ll be fine very soon." Shen Cheng Feng dug a hole in the wall and a weak light flooded in through it.

"What"s going on?" The middle-aged woman stared in disbelief at the hole that was split open at her.

Shen Cheng Feng bent his waist and walked out of the cave, "Follow me."

Marka followed quietly behind him. The light became brighter and brighter. Finally, the huge rock above their heads was broken open and the sunset"s red glow completely entered everyone"s line of sight.

"We"re out. Mom, we"re out." Meifeng excitedly jumped down from the ruins.

Shen Cheng Feng sat on the ground powerlessly as his consciousness was a little unfocused. He shook his head, it had been a long time since he was in such a sorry state.

Marka was squatting on the ground, her large eyes bloodshot. In the end, she couldn"t bear the weight of the heavy burden as she spat out drops after drops of her blood that had long since dried up.

Shen Cheng Feng followed her line of sight and saw a small hand extending from the crack in the brick wall. The small hand was clenched into a fist as if it was hiding something.

Marka wiped the tears off her face and used her thin hands to gently pry open the stone that was pressing down on the boy. "Big brother, big brother."

Her voice was weak and powerless. Carrying the despair of wanting to live on with the most terrifying memory in this world, yet being unable to do so, she carefully removed all the stones.

She wiped her dirty brother"s face with a trembling hand that was full of gashes from the stone.

Shen Cheng Feng panted as he walked unsteadily in front of the child.

The boy"s head had been blown off by a bullet, and the wound was as big as a fist. He subconsciously tried to cover the little girl"s eyes. "Don"t look."

The little girl gently pulled his hand away, "When Mom and Dad died, Big Brother told me not to look, but I still secretly looked. What a big hole."

Shen Cheng Feng hugged her frail body, "Stop looking."

"Are you saying that Maka is disobedient? If Maka is a little more obedient, then brother won"t come out. Are you saying that Maka is disobedient?"

"You"re still young, so you don"t understand. You don"t understand these things." Shen Cheng Feng pressed down on her head and let her turn around.

"Let"s go, a car is coming." The middle-aged woman ran over from the rubble with her back bent over.

"Big brother, big brother." Marka took the boy by the arm and tried to drag him out.

"Uncle, take him away." Shen Cheng Feng carried the child, "Follow me."

She wiped the tears from her eyes and trotted away from the ruins.

Qiao Buye jumped down from the jeep and looked at the pool of blood on the ground. Clearly, there was a corpse lying there. There was still someone alive. He took out his gun and wiped it with a smile that was not a smile.

"Sir, there"s someone about fifty meters ahead." A soldier reported the situation.

"Not a single survivor. Kill them all."

"Yes, sir."

The three cars set off at the same time. They drove away from the ruins in a grandiose manner.

Shen Cheng Feng heard the sounds of cars getting closer and closer behind him, he looked around, other than a few empty houses, there was nothing else around him.

The situation was on the verge of breaking out.

Shen Cheng Feng placed the little boy"s body behind a wall, gasped for breath, and said, "Ma Ka, obediently hide here, no matter what you see later, don"t come out, understand?"

Ma Ka solemnly nodded her head. "Ma Ka is very obedient."

Shen Cheng Feng put down the child and ran out by himself.

"Halt." A jeep appeared in front of Shen Cheng Feng and aimed its muzzle at his frail body.

Another jeep pulled up. "officer ordered that no one be left alive."

With that, everyone raised their guns and prepared to shoot at any moment.

Shen Cheng Feng thought that with his own speed and their reactions, he had a 50% chance of escaping their encirclement.

"Shoot." A person ordered.

"Bang, bang, bang." Bullets that covered the sky came cras.h.i.+ng down.

However, the man who was in their encirclement just now had disappeared.

Shen Cheng Feng"s palm covered the door of the car as he suddenly pa.s.sed through the iron door and grabbed the man"s throat.

Before the man could even react, his head tilted to the side, and he immediately announced his death.

The other sniper in the car, spotting the trail, turned his gun and prepared to fire.

Shen Cheng Feng used the man"s body as a cover and pulled on his spear forcefully.

The man instantly lost his balance and instinctively fell forward.

Shen Cheng Feng"s other fist landed on the man"s face, causing him to be stunned for a moment. He seized the opportunity to twist his spear, and pulled the trigger in the opposite direction.

BOOM! The bullet pierced the man"s body and he fell heavily from the jeep.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. No one could see how he moved or how he took over a car.

When everyone came back to their senses, a car was already speeding in their direction.

BOOM! As the front of the car collided with the front of the car, the other driver recovered from his shock and prepared for the next round of attacks.

Shen Cheng Feng picked up the Chaser from the car and without a moment of consideration, the cannonball perfectly flew away from the muzzle and landed on the jeep that had just reacted from the very last position.

With a hong sound, the cannonball exploded. The brilliant flames collided with the red clouds on the horizon, making the scene even more soul-stirring.

Shen Cheng Feng had originally planned to turn back and bring the child along, but just as he turned around, a loud noise came over.

Joabe heard the explosion and personally galloped over with his troops.

Shen Cheng Feng glanced at the child hiding behind the wall from the corner of his eyes. Since he was forced to, he had no choice but to give up carrying her. He stepped on the accelerator and the jeep drove out of the alley.

She covered her mouth with her hands, trying not to make any noise. Through the small crack, she could see the car looking at her and her uncle sitting in it. But before her, her uncle had driven away and left her alone in this empty place.

"Uncle." she whispered.

"Maka, come with me." The beautiful phoenix pulled the little girl"s arm.

"Uncle told me not to go out. He"ll come back and pick me up."

"This place is dangerous, stop talking. Come with me." The middle-aged woman picked up her child.

"Mama, Maka, Maka." Meifeng pointed at the child squatting on the ground.

The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth and finally gave up on bringing the child along.

She hugged her knees as she squatted on the ground and muttered to herself, "Uncle said that I can"t go out, I can"t go out, I can"t go out."

"There is also a little girl here." The corners of Joab"s lips curled up in ridicule. He looked at the little boy lying beside the little girl, and the smile on his face became even wider.

Marka fell to the ground in fright, her small body falling back.

"Send a few cars to catch up with the jeep."

Ma Ka curled up in a corner in fear. She helplessly shook her head.

Qiao Bu Ye jumped down from the wall and wielded his spear as he lifted the little girl up.

"Let me go, let me go, brother, brother!"

"Is he your brother?"

Ma Ka"s eyes reddened from crying. "Let go of me."

"I"m telling you, I killed your brother, so you will be killed by me as well. Remember this, if you see me in your next life, you must take a detour."

Marka stared at the man in front of her without moving.

Shen Cheng Feng lured away the rest of the people, then ran back after abandoning his carriage. Behind the empty wall, there was only the little boy"s corpse, and no trace of the little girl"s whereabouts.

He looked around, not caring about the wounds on his body as he climbed up the high wall. There was no sign of life in the empty s.p.a.ce.

"Uncle, uncle." The girl"s hopeful cry echoed in his mind.

Shen Cheng Feng jumped down from the wall. His heavy body was already exhausted, and every step he took, left a shallow bloodstain.

"Are you looking for this girl?" A charming male voice sounded out from behind Shen Cheng Feng.

Men holding guns suddenly appeared on the wall that was only half a meter tall after the explosion. A man with a victorious smile stood in front of the group of men.

"I didn"t think you were still alive."

"Uncle, uncle." Ma Ka violently struggled.

Shen Cheng Feng stared at the little girl who was crying and clenched his fists, "Is this what you call fairness?"

"I have already killed her parents and brother. Didn"t your Hua Nation often say that if you cut the gra.s.s, you would not remove the roots. For the sake of what I call peace, I must kill all the disobedient ones, including her. " Joab placed the child on the ground.

The moment the little girl was freed, she ran towards Shen Cheng Feng without looking back, "Uncle, uncle."

"No." Shen Cheng Feng took out all of his remaining strength and wanted to carry the child back.

BOOM! The bullet pierced her thin body, leaving a fist-sized wound on her tiny body.

The little girl lowered her head and droplets of blood fell onto the ground.

Shen Cheng Feng"s body stiffened. It was as if a thousand kilograms of iron had been poured into his legs, making it difficult for him to even take a single step.

The little girl, however, stubbornly took two steps forward. With antic.i.p.ation for the beginning of her life, she strove very hard to take two steps towards the light.


Shen Cheng Feng hugged her body that had fallen down, and carefully wiped off the blood on her face.

"I feel suddenly sorry for her. I really should have let her live, after all, it"s more fun to see her live like a dog than die simply like this."

"Is it interesting?" Shen Cheng Feng raised his head, and looked maliciously at the man who was uncontrollably smiling under the red frost of the setting sun.

"Interesting. Teasing your prey like a dog is the right way to be proud of your victory." The man raised his right hand high in the air, ready to fire at any moment.

However, Shen Cheng Feng still stared straight into the man"s eyes, as if she was not afraid of his threats at all.

Qiao Buye was slightly shocked. This kind of gaze actually caused some ripples to appear in his calm mind. What kind of gaze was that? The sense of vision of a hawk soaring in the sky, fiercely eyeing its prey.

"Shoot! Shoot! Quickly shoot!" Chopu Ye heavily swung down his right hand.

The bullets were like a storm. Under such intense attacks, no matter how strong the opponent was, they would be turned into a hornet"s nest in the blink of an eye.

Shen Cheng Feng held the child in his embrace, but when the bullet landed on his body, it instantly melted.

"What"s going on?" When Qiao Bu Ye saw this, his mind went cold. He picked up the Chasing Cannon and was prepared to blast this person into a pile of meat paste once again.

BOOM! The sh.e.l.l went straight at him.

Shen Cheng Feng placed Ma Ka on the ground. "Uncle promised to bring you two siblings home. Get a good night"s sleep.

Qiao Bu Ye saw the cannonball land on Shen Cheng Feng"s body. According to his estimate, at this moment in time, this person would definitely not have a trace of his corpse, and would definitely not have a trace of his corpse.

But reality?

He actually saw him walk over with the expected artillery sh.e.l.l that should have exploded a long time ago. He was like a bloodthirsty King of h.e.l.l, releasing all of the evil spirits with a vicious aura around him.

"Retreat, retreat!" He felt that he might have overlooked something.

Shen Cheng Feng threw the cannonball back at him.

BOOM! The artillery sh.e.l.l exploded in the middle of the crowd and instantly spread into a shower of sparks. The soldiers who were unable to disperse in time lay on the ground, wailing in pain.

He took one of the a.s.sault rifles and, without hesitation, aimed at it.

"Bang, bang, bang."

The bullets were like raindrops as they landed on Shen Cheng Feng"s body, leaving not a single trace behind.

Joab got into the car and was about to drive away when the car caught fire and the door jerked.

Shen Cheng Feng corroded the entire carriage, his sharp eyes landing on the man who was lying on the ground and unable to move. He asked, "Is it still interesting now?"

Qiao Buye was gasping for breath. He seemed to be choking, not being able to say a single word.

Shen Cheng Feng pinched his throat, his fingertips slowly suppressing his strength, "How about I play a game with you now?"

However, as soon as he came into contact with his skin, blood and flesh immediately began to flow from his fingertips. What sort of feeling was that? As if he had stabbed his hand into sulfuric acid, the burning sensation caused him to hurriedly withdraw his hand.

Shen Cheng Feng grabbed his neck, watched as his consciousness gradually faded, and at the last moment of life and death, he suddenly let go of his hand.

"Cough, cough, cough." Qiao Bu Ye started to cough violently, but before he could even catch his breath, the other party had already grabbed him by the neck.

This time, Shen Cheng Feng used even more strength, and almost strangled this person.

"Wu, wu, wu." He struggled, trying very hard to breathe the oxygen.

Shen Cheng Feng leaned into his ear, "The despair of wanting to live but unable to do so, is it interesting?"

"You ¡­"

Shen Cheng Feng released his hand.

The lack of oxygen had already caused his eyes to wander.

Shen Cheng Feng once again grabbed his neck, "h.e.l.l is empty, it"s time to let you in."

The surrounding soldiers all moved backwards, at a loss of what to do. What did they just see?

His superior was missing?

That"s right, under the contact of that man, it had completely disappeared, as if it had vanished into thin air?

No, no, no, it had been corroded to the point that not even the dregs were left.

"Ah, ah." Everyone dispersed in a frenzy, afraid that they would be stared at by the opponent once again.

Shen Cheng Feng squatted on the ground and looked at the lines on his palm. Then he closed his eyes and fell powerlessly onto the ground, the dust had stained his face and he looked at the little girl who was not far away with her eyes closed. A puddle of blood had already started to spread under her, like a flower on the other side of the river.

He was very tired, very tired, so tired that he couldn"t even open his eyes.

The night had completely quieted down.

In the hospital, in the ward, the humidifier was spraying water.

"Wow ¡­" Xiao Xi opened his mouth to cry, to let the adults know that he was hungry again. However, before he could cry, he slapped his own face.

Xiao Xi was a little sad. He seemed to have been easily beaten up by his own heartless brother.

Shen San Fen slapped his face, instantly stopping his crying. He shushed, "Mommy, sleep, don"t cry."

Shen Si Fen innocently blinked his eyes, and pouted his small mouth.

Shen San Fen raised his hand, preparing to slap it again.

Shen Si Fen shut his mouth obediently, and could only shake his head.

Seeing that he was restless, Shen San Fen could no longer hold back and dragged him out of bed.

Shen Si Fen"s eyes widened. He wanted to cry, but he was afraid that his brother would slap him again.

Shen San Fen stuffed the little fellow that was moving around under the bed, then climbed onto the bed and laid in his mother"s embrace while cupping his body.

Xiao Jing had long since woken up from her crying and was about to open her eyes to listen to her brother"s booing.

Little San was very tired, as if he couldn"t muster up any energy. Lying in his mother"s arms, he fell asleep quietly.

Xiao Jing opened his eyes and looked at the child"s slightly pale face and gently pinched it.

Little San muttered, "Mom won"t cry, Mom will hug you, Mom wants the baby, Mom won"t leave."

Xiao Jing kissed him on his forehead, her eyes slightly red.

"Wow, wow, wow." Shen Si Fen laid underneath the bed. He tried to make a sound to let the adults know that the baby was killed by his brother.

Xiao Jing stood up from the bed, lifted off the bed sheet and looked towards the pitiful little fellow who was hidden underneath the bed. She reached out her hands to carry him out.

Perhaps because she hadn"t eaten properly for a few days, she felt that she was almost unable to carry this five kilogram child.

Shen Si Fen laid obediently in her mother"s embrace, her small hands touching her face.

It was the first time Xiao Jing seriously looked at this child. With his white skin, thin and frail body, watery eyes, and thin lips, he was yet another mini version of officer.

"Ding ling ling ¡­." A cold wind blew in from the open window. It seemed to have a familiar smell to it.

Xiao Jing raised his head and looked in front of him.

Shen Si Fen suddenly struggled.

Xiao Jing placed the child on the bed and ran to the door.

"Ding Ling Ling." A voice echoed in the deserted corridor.

"officer?" Xiao Jing stretched out his hand, looking at the man in close proximity.

Shen Cheng Feng held her chilly little hand, and when their gazes met, he gently pursed his lips and smiled, "Follow me."

Xiao Jing followed him down the corridor and down the fire escape.

The cold wind was blowing in the courtyard, and a withered yellow leaf was spinning and landing on the tip of her hair.

Shen Cheng Feng helped her pick out the dried up leaves, and a trace of love appeared on his face.

"Are you back?" she asked carefully.

"Silly girl, aren"t I right beside you?" Shen Cheng Feng half squatted down, and looked up at her eyebrows, "Did you cry?"

Xiao Jing stubbornly shook his head, "I didn"t cry. I am a soldier, how can I be as pretentious as an ordinary girl?"

"Then why is the tip of my nose red and my eyes red?" Shen Cheng Feng caressed her face lightly, "Are you eating obediently?"

"Yes." Xiao Jing nodded with certainty.

"Is that so?" Shen Cheng Feng moved closer to her.

Xiao Jing evaded somewhat guiltily, "I just didn"t eat anything tonight."

Shen Cheng Feng hugged her, "How can you be so disobedient? You look like this, how can I dare to leave you in the future?"

Xiao Jing leaned into his embrace, "Don"t leave, okay?"

"Alright, I promise you, I won"t leave." Shen Cheng Feng blurted out.

Xiao Jing stared fixedly at his eyes. His eyes were very black, just like the dark sky where no light could be seen, so black that even he himself would not be able to see if he was seen by.

"Xiao Jing?" Xiao Yu suddenly shouted, "Why did you run down?"

Xiao Jing turned his head when he heard her.

Xiao Yu immediately took off his clothes and placed it on her shoulder, "Why did you come down here alone? Why are you wearing so little? "

Xiao Jing was surprised, "Big brother, did you not see officer? He said he was back, by my side. "

Xiao Yu was startled, the surrounding cold wind became even colder. Other than Xiao Jing, who was alone, he did not see anyone else.

Xiao Jing turned around, but it was completely empty behind her. She took a step forward in astonishment, "Where"s officer? He was right by my side just now. Just before you called out to me, he was still hugging me. He hugged me.

Xiao Yu grabbed her arm, and said solemnly, "Xiao Jing, listen to me, I didn"t see Shen Cheng Feng, I only saw you standing here alone."

Xiao Jing shook his head, "No, that"s not it. officer is really here, he even asked me if I had eaten, and promised me that he wouldn"t leave me. He won"t lie to me, he really won"t lie to me."

Xiao Yu held her trembling body tightly in his embrace, "Be obedient, he"s not here. He"s really not here."

Xiao Jing slowly lost his strength, and just like that, he hung on Xiao Yu"s shoulder, his tears blurred his eyes, "Why did he lie to me again? How could he lie to me again? "

"I will come back. I promise you, I will definitely find him for you."

"Brother, did officer lose me?"