Kaettekite mo Fantasy!?

Chapter 9

──Agatsuma Eiji

This man had always, throughout his life, used other people. That is the sort of person his is.

He, who was born from such parents, has a given right to employ others. It is his privilege, and it is only natural that he does so.

Besides, he also has unparalleled talent.

His family lineage is excellent.

Unlike his parents, he chose the shorter route and joined the police department.
With his talents he charges through this profession with no trouble.

The first stain in his smooth-sailing career was, the parallel world announcement, three years later.

In those days, the j.a.panese Government introduced 『The Parallel Worlds Criminal Countermeasure Act』.

The J.S.D.F. and the police played the leading role in the detailed investigation that was conducted. (TLC: j.a.panese-Self-Defense-Force)

The announcement, of the fantasy like parallel world, was followed by public discord.

If that is the case, he had absolute confidence in himself.

And, he certainly had been chosen.

He is appointed as a temporary Commissioner in the M.P.D. (Metropolitan Police Department).

From the perspective of the M.P.D. he is what one would call an Observer.
Although as a Countermeasure Officer “he doesn’t” have the direct authority to resolve crimes, but his duty is very important and his findings have great influence.

His work ethic is excellent, but it didn’t bring him any glory or promotions.

For one to be selected into the Countermeasure upper echelon they must be acknowledged by everyone, as a person who has a flexible mindset.

At this point, Agatsuma Eiji disappeared as a potential candidate.

If that is true, why did management dispatch him? A possible reason is, they’re afraid of his father’s influences.

Such is the matter of business in any organization, there can only be one person at the top.

He had gained a bad reputation, among the Countermeasure upper echelon, but because of his family’s connections he couldn’t be demoted or excommunicated.
In name they nominated him for a promotion. He is appointed as a Countermeasure Officer and transferred him away.

Before he had noticed it was already too late.

And thus, his world status suddenly began to stagger.

In his current circ.u.mstance, even if he waggers all of his achievements, it is clear that the situation is dire.
He is completely unable to make a move, everyday, his orders are to maintain investigation.

His track record is good enough to be ranked among the top commissioners. But apparently him being a member of the Observers doesn’t mean much. For these past eight years, he has been reluctantly dealing with the matter, and his frustration had been building up.
However, he found it suspicious, how quickly, the returner boy detected him.

“There is something off about this person.”

It is unknown as to how the hiding-spots were exposed.

There was no legal permit obtained in his investigation. It was completely illegal. He had judged that his actions had merit. To start his investigation, he gave a false report to the Intelligence Division and he had obtained a counterfeit permit.

He is yet unaware of the wrath, he has incurred, from the boy’s partner.

A black car is driving through an upper-cla.s.s neighborhood.

The car, with a study four wheel frame, safely drove down the street in the night.

From the viewpoint of the typical privileged person, there is no issue with being chauffeured. However, he is particularly fussy about who is operating the vehicle.

As usual, however.

「Fu, an ordinary family dinner, huh.
Well, I shouldn’t expect to discover anything conclusive on the first day……」

A few hours had pa.s.sed since he heard the conversation from the earpiece in his right ear. It left him with a lingering sarcastic impression.

The conversations recorded are of the family’s daily preparations.

Regarding the subject of the boy’s behavior, it is labeled as ─ half modest and half embarra.s.sing ─

One would think she would be a little more emotionally distant, but she seems very calm.

Perhaps, does the boy prefer his step-mother and half brother?

Half of the reason why he, in merely 10 days, begun the illegal investigation was because of Rinko’s report. Her reason for protecting the son was just too unusual to comprehend. It surpa.s.sed all logic of being simply moral obligation.

The boy’s return, is equivalent to a time-slip and the family he had returned to had radically changed.
This level of understanding is far exceeding that of a 15 year old boy. It gave him an eerie feeling.

──I will definitely expose that b.a.s.t.a.r.d’s true character.
And then I will obtain an appropriate position.

As far as he is concerned, it is only (reasonable), because this is nothing more than a stepping stone for him.
Agatsuma thought to himself, he deserved a proper position. While grasping the steering wheel, he gloated to himself.

Just then, as the car is moving, something collided with the roof of the car.

It is suspicious, he certainly heard the noise caused by the impact. And above all, although it was only an instant, he saw “someone’s face”, perhaps?

Observing from the driver’s seat, on the frame of the car, no body imprint can be seen.

「………… did I imagine it?」

To verify, he exited the car and surveyed the surrounding area. But there was no one.

He shakes his head, and tries to forget the creepy hallucination.
After he had finished double checking, he got back into the driver’s seat and then he checked the rearview mirror.

「Ah, who is it!?」

Agatsuma immediately turned around to examine the backseats of the car.

However, he thought, he saw a “white mask” reflected in the rearview mirror.

He thought to himself, is there something wrong with my eyes.

『Za, za, zazazah, Today D.J. Hammer Jun’s secret mid-night message is going to begin!! 』

Upond hearing sounds coming for the radio, he screamed.
And then, halfway through, the car’s horn switched off and on.


……… sh-s.h.i.t, is this thing defective?
I’ll complain to that shop later!」

Somehow or another, the broken down car caused him to become tense and break out into a cold sweat.

And thus, he left the car behind and ran towards his house.
However, this entire time, the white mask is watching from the sidelines.

「What was that all about!」

He relaxes on the sofa. After all that has happened, seeing things and the car breaking down, he ponders about “what do next”.

It is said that to be successful one must choose their career over building a family. During his prime, instead starting a family, he chose to focus on his career. The silence of his home puts him at ease.

And thus, the distant noises that can be heard sounded eerie.

────drip, drop────


Agatsuma becomes startled by the sounds, of water dripping from the faucet, in the kitchen.

A large quant.i.ty of water rushes out, and he became soaked.

「Che, why. It’s the water service this time!
What in the world is going on!?」

He becomes confused; the faucet should’ve be closed. In his house, where no one else is around but him, he begins to curse.

Now that he is soaking wet, he goes to the dressing room and took off his clothes.

The machine is programmed, for each piece of clothing, to be given an optimized washing.

However, only for the wealthy.

「……… should I take a shower?」

After removing the wet clothes, his body felt unpleasant.

His body had worked up a sweat, and the fatigue had gotten to him. He wanted to lay down.

Even if technology advances, “old car troubles” are difficult to get rid of.
The bottom of the tub, that heats the hot water similar to a hot springs, is a real improvement. Although, the shower head hasn’t changed all that much.


In silence, as the water flows down, Agatsuma contemplates. And, he closes his eyes.

After learning of Galesto, a world with advance science and technology, society concluded that ghosts don’t exist. To someone like him, a sceptical human, the occults are nonsense.

「What, am I so afraid of? In the age of science, this is nonsense…… eh?」

He strengthens his resolve and opens his eyes. Everything is dyed (red), a childish voice is let out.

If there is a world with advance science, perhaps, the opposite also exist?
But that logic doesn’t arrive, because he has lost his composure.


Everything is covered in, red.

His body is bathed in, red.

「Hiyaa, wh-what blood!? Gyaaa, uwaa!! gyanaa!? 」

While in a shakened terror, he tries to exit the bathroom, but something grips his ankle.
As he falls, he reflexively looked at what tripped him. His face stiffens.

And there laid a, dried up mummified, human like creature.
A man’s face is sticking out of the bathtub. Agatsuma seized his leg, and tries to crawl away. The eyes filled with resentment glares at him.

「Hiyaa!? A, aah, ieeh, iyaaaa!!!」

Frantically, screaming like a woman, with great effort he desperately tries to crawl away.

With this, he thought, he could call for help. At this point, it had crossed the line, it more than a simple supernatural phenomenon.
Currently he wanted to escape this horror, however.


But it is only false hope, whatever is chasing him, has appeared.

Furthermore, in this bizarre phenomenon, the electricity goes out. An ashtray is also levitated.
Inside the house, a rapping sound could be heard. Gradually, a resentful voice is steadily drawing closer. (TL: rapping sounds are a.s.sociated with poltergeist)

「A, ahh……whyy, w-whyyyyyyy!?」

Poltergeist. That is what he thought.

Only that, a grown man in his own home, is shivering in horror.

『H, hyaaaaaha!』

Whether it belonged to: a young person or an old person, or either, a man or a woman, it is merely an intangible and hysterical laughter.

And so, usually vivid, peculiar voice (voice changer) is heard.

『Perhaps, this is enough, I see. 』

As the mysteries voice begins to speak, the paranormal phenomenon settles down.
The gla.s.s ashtray that had rose with Agatsuma, lands on his foot.

To protect his face, from the shattering gla.s.s, he covers his head with his arm. When he lowered his arm, he sees the figure of the white mask. He shouts in surprise.

「W-who are you!?」

He buffed as best as he could, although he is frightened stiff, he spoke in a loud voice.

This person, wearing the white mask, must be the one responsible for the paranormal phenomenon. He thought.

If this apparition claims itself to be a ghost, somehow, it would be unusually persuasive.
The actions of this string-puller was unforeseeable.

『………do you understand your predicament?』

The apparition, deceptively disclosing information without revealing anything.
It’s position and movement are similar to the poltergeist he encountered early.

「I-is, this your work!?
Where you the one, who caused all those weird phenomena!?」

『Did you finally realized it?
Based on your excellent reputation, I thought you would’ve noticed it early.』

The remark hurt Agatsuma’s pride, and he stood up.

「b.a.s.t.a.r.d, who are you!

It is too late to apologize; I will have the police thoroughly investigate and send you to jail!」

『Oh, scary, scary.

I can be very cute too, fufu.』

Agatsuma is a fool, is what the apparition thought. To make him regret this words, the apparition, it turned it’s gaze downward onto Agatsuma and make a scornful laugh. A truly unnatural laugher.

「tsk!!?? s.h.i.t, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!」

Despite the horror he felt, his anger overcame his feelings of fear.
Nevertheless, how pathetic, he’s covering his lower body with a sofa cushion.

Th-that, is enough out of you, intruder!

I don’t know how you snuck in here, but it is too late to escape!」

As a bluff Agatsuma plans on calling the Countermeasure Officers on standby.

And it it seems that one of those, security system, switch is nearby.

Fufuu, if you can, please go ahead and try.
If they do come, what will they see?』

The white mask wasn’t afraid nor was it panicking. Without being surprised it calmly sat on the sofa.

Upon see the contents of the doc.u.ment, he drops the cushion.

「What did you say………… where are you!?」

He tried to question, but his shaken voice barely held any authority.

A list of: Illegal searches and abuse of authority, and using threats to investigate. In addition, coercing subordinates.

Furthermore, if one continues reading the doc.u.ment, they would find it laughable.
He didn’t find it funny, because his neck is on the line.

「Ah, if this is leaked, it will be a scandal for my parents……」

From tax evasion to bribes, there is proof of all sorts of immoral controversial acts.

Unfortunately, there were some people who didn’t trust the modern day technology.

For that reason, after the parallel world announcement, it made the evidences all the more incriminating.

This time, one could say, things had backfired on him.

『To put it bluntly, this isn’ the first time I snuck in here.
That is only a copy; the original is in a safe place.』

He is at a lost for words.

He doesn’t know, the other party’s capability, therefore he determined it wasn’t a lie.

『By the way, about the information I have collected on your parents. I don’t have any ill will towards them, for now.
I had merely did so to suppress your parents influence, just in case they become a problem.』

This way I, Agatsuma, can’t disobey you……… what do you want?」

As to all that had happened, it was a roundabout way of doing things. With the information that had been collected, they could have just straightforwardly confronted him.

『It would have been faster to simple tell you. But I needed to introduce myself first. I am the existence that let “Shinichi Nakamura return here”.』

「It was you! Just, how much do you know!?」

『That doesn’t matter. I have “two” big request, understand. First, for the boy who has returned, you do not have permission to intrude in his life. You will stop interfering, understood.』

The wreckage of a mini camera and listening device are thrown onto the table.

『For someone like me, who is outside the law, I can reach places normal people can’t.

If it is only at the level of monitoring then there is no reason for me to retaliate.』

As it was pointed out,things may have gotten out of hand.

He had bugged the house of a member of the Countermeasure Task Force.

And thus, he had arrived at the inevitable, a command that conflicts with his integrity.

『This scandal will affect all of the Agatsuma family; it is already hopeless.
The ma.s.s media and the press, will be overjoyed, their a.s.sault will make your family disappear.』

In the worst case scenario, his family will be social ruined and they will all face imprisonment.
And for him to avoid all of this, he need only not meddle with a young boy.

「……… your request isn’t difficult, however, why are you so concern over that child’s wellbeing?
What is the meaning, of you to exposing yourself and protect that boy?」

In the first place, Agatsuma has no choice in the matter but to obey.
Pretraining to his threat, to contact the Countermeasure Officers Investigation Administration, he hasn’t notified them. There is an unmistakable feeling that Agatsuma has something against the boy.

『Fufuu, you rotten policeman, do you not understand your position?

Did I not mention two conditions? The first request is only a preface.
My true aim, is to destroy the organization that is targeting the boy.』

「Is your goal the System?」

『To verify, I will be troubled if the boy becomes conspicuous due to the action of a small fry. However. That is why I don’t need a lowly Countermeasure Officer intruding in “my territory” and ruining my plans. 』

The person who is monitoring “Shinichi Nakamura” is a nuisance to the white mask.
Based on his observation of the white mask, Agatsuma shrugs his shoulders ─ deemed that it was hopeless ─ and gave up.

『Your organization’s information management is still sloppy and unreliable.
The information that the boy, who had disappeared 6 years ago, had returned, along with his All – D Rank, had been leaked and is known to unrelated non-public officers. Whatever you want to called the people who work behind the scenes.』

「What!? How troublesome……」

This unpleasant conversation, Agatsuma found it inexcusable.

The Countermeasure Task Force’s role is to maintain public order. Is the plan to not conform or compromise with them but rather, is it to destroy them?

How long has this, behind the scene and hidden from view, information technology struggle been going on?
This is literally, about life and death, the b.l.o.o.d.y conflict that happens behind close doors.

「What you are trying to say is, the people currently targeting Shinichi Nakamura are a hindrance. And that you don’t want to make things public. Therefore, you’re law-abidingly stopping the Countermeasure Task Force, correct?」

『If you remain calm, someone as talented as you should be able to understand.
Would you like me to withdrawn those rude comment I made early?』

Despite still being talked down on, the compliment did not unset Agatsuma.
It is disappointing that he didn’t noticed the sarcasm.

「Fu, it is only natural. However, is it true, are you really not that boy’s comrade.」

『I can testify. The impossible time difference.

For that I know, the ambiguous kindness, I discarded it.』

「…… certainly.

There are many people who have theorised that, the mysterious, Galesto is an drifting dimension.」

After the public announcement, Galesto’s advance technology was made available to the public.

In addition, from the parallel world, the people of earth could not comprehend the ‘deadweight’ label that was placed on certain people.
And now, it wouldn’t be strange for people to ‘turn the other way’ on illegal investigations concerning those deadweight.

『Beside, the person is question is an ‘All – D’, there is no need for me to concern myself with his home.』

A ‘D’ has no power to put up a resistance that is the reality shown.

Other people will agree that it was a matter of “not finding a place to belong in the family”.

A scheming person had appeared.

『Furthermore, today is rather lucky, there are only 15 people trailing me, previously the other 6 have started to move separately. Have the chain of commands switched?』

「……… you had already determined the number of people I had watching from the shadows. May I say, you don’t seem to be someone who makes a move over a cheap sense of justice, correct?」

The unpleasant feeling is gone; he is relieved by the fact that his neck isn’t on the line.

Today, he decide to not become an enemy of the person with the infiltration technique, and he gave away data on the Intelligence Division.

『I will try to investigate this person myself.

We cannot precede lawfully this time. Instead, use the old fashion method, feed them information.』

「Is it alright to use false evidence?」

The new file that was taken out is examined.
Agatsuma had handed over an extensive detailed report, that he had previously planned to submit, of the organization’s illegal activities.

『I see, that makes sense. However, don’t forget the boy’s file.

It would be unfair to let a child receive unjust treatment. Also, I will feel guilt.』

「…… those sure aren’t the words of someone who teased and threatened me, not too long ago.」

『Fufu, my horror show was well received.
But, was it not you, who underestimated my abilities?』

With a click of it’s tongue, it performs a demonstrate.
For the sake of not underestimating the negotiation and to avoid him backing out, everything was put in the palms of its hands. It is not a pleasant feeling at all.

『No need to make such a face. This will be a give-and-take relationship.

I will show you how to get a promotion and a higher position in the Countermeasure Task Force.』

The Mask boasted about a reasonable transaction to Agatsuma.
Agatsuma has a bitter expression after hearing about the Mask’s business deal.

「That’s fine. However, allow me safeguard Shinichi Nakamura by keeping him under my minimal surveillance.」

『Oh my, aren’t you the dedicated government official. Has your generously suddenly returned?
Well, I guess it can’t be helped. You have my permission.』

Upon the end of the transaction, the Mask stood up ─ I dare say ─ this person was tall.
Agatsuma was playing the role of a policeman, but whether to say there was something more to his reason is questionable.

「…… was I that much of an obstacle that I needed to be dealt with?」

『Fu, fu, quite a scary thing you have said Commissioner.』

The Mask turned its head and gazed at him. It gave a hysterical laughter that would cause shivers down one’s spine.
Agatsuma felt a sharp pain in his chest; he regretted asking that question.

『Did I not mention before, I’m not a such a bad person.

Have you ever meet a criminal such as myself, before?
I don’t want to see a child getting entangled with murder.』

It had become understood. After the masked person had finished its talk about little children, it vanished before his eyes.

He laid there, on the floor of the living room, panting heavily.

「I-it……… can’t be, this just…… won’t, go away by itself……」

As if he had escaped from a horror show, Agatsuma arms and legs were shaking. He had forgotten about being naked, and curled up in a little ball.

The Mask quietly returns to Shinichi Nakamura’s room.
After coming to her senses “she” ascends to Shinichi’s shoulders and nestled against his cheek.

「How was it, what are the results?」

「It was rather delicious.

I wonder why? Somehow that stupid performance was successful.」

To not awaken the family, the two of them are quietly chatting in the Farandia language.
When the boy had gotten tired of talking, he ascends to his bed and they sit horizontal across from one another.

「Perhaps, this may be random chit-chat, but compared to the others, I’m still nervous around Rinko-san.」

「You will not be able to understand that person without getting close to them.
From now on, try putting more effort into getting along.」

「……… effort……… is important; I think so too.」

She had been troubled by Shinichi’s lack of effort. Her desire for him to belong had turned into excessive pity.

Straightforward threats alone may not have been enough to keep his family out of harm’s way.

Pertaining to the desired goal everything relied on ─ Agatsuma’s reasoning ─
Although, that matter had already been determined based on, the fact of, the information leak.

From the beginning, Shinichi did not trust the entirety of the Countermeasure Task Force, except for Rinko.

That is why, he had used his separate hand, the masquerade’s ability, to listen and learn about them.

Fortunately, with the a.s.sistance of his partner and with help from magic, he was able to make a body double.

And thus this time they were lucky.

But, compared to the earlier stage, where they were stuck, the results are beyond expectation.

「At first I was surprised when I heard the contents of the conversation.
I thought all was lost, both limbs and my will went numb.」

She was under the impression that her Lord had disliked hearing, this type of news, about Agatsuma.

Not only did he try to conceal his mismanagement, by pressuring it onto his low position colleagues, his investigation methods were coercive.

There is no mercy for villains; she is aware of that fact, but this time she was lenient.

「It certainly could had been a disaster, however.
The best part was when I was threatening him; I felt a pain in my stomach the whole time.」 (TL: my guess the cause was laughter)

Strangely enough, Agatsuma’s “cheap sense of justice” made him quite stubborn.

Since the situation had deteriorated, she had to devise another plan.
This time the problem would not have been resolved with only Agatsuma Eiji’s removal.

Shinichi information had become public. On top of his unexplained mysterious time-lag, for a person labeled as useless to suddenly return, it will draw attention. There is the possibly that other people will also try to monitor・investigation him.

And, what if they start to question the false reports Rinko has been submitting.
There is also the possibility of Agatsuma’s replacement being a cunning b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

It’s best not consider a person who doesn’t do their job. Simply, it is unknown; there are just too many odds to bet on. Anyways, a person who is hungry for a social position is convenient.

By using magic and the Mask’s abilities to display the horror show, having taken this extra step, Agatsuma will be too afraid to take revenge. He will have no choice but to go along with their plans.

If anything happens down the line, they have plenty of blackmail material in reserve. The blackmail material will be published to the world if anything were to happen to Shinichi’s family.

「Well, to protect them (・・・・・・・) should I not (・・・・・・・) go to great lengths.
I came to understand it a little while ago, however, I may have already known when I had first returned to this world.」


And thus Shinichi decided to protect his family: in a place where he held no status, neither a place to belong, nor anything at all.

More or less all the a.s.sociated parties, he has come across, are people of high social influence; whom are more than capable of defending themselves.

Possibly, “for such people” without a frightening companion things would fail.
However, this matter is different.

His father is an office employee in an average trading company.
The father’s social position is that of an ordinary civilian; there is no way he could defend against villains.

Rinko knows self-defense and she is a member of the Countermeasure Task Force.
Based on their morals, there is no telling how far the organization will stoop. They could even take a family member hostage.

Shinji is an infant with no power to put up a resistance.

Whether it was fortune or misfortune,

His mother, the woman whom is taking care of his little sister and younger brother, are they not being watched? Do they need to be rescued also?

「This ever so, increasingly different, parallel world is becoming more difficult to come to terms with.」

「That was a very pessimistic way of thinking.」

The reason the villains have not attacked his family yet is because they believe, the D – Rank , Shinichi is a weakling.

In addition, there is the “unknown” factor, the government’s unlawful System. They could most likely disregard appearances and take Shinichi into custody.
At that moment Shinichi shook his head; he didn’t want to consider it.

「Somehow, I need to stay anonymous. With this information I have no choice but to shutdown the System.」

「…… then, how does tomorrow sound?」

「Well then, in the morning lure them out; when it’s night crush them.」

However, only in the lawful aspect of annihilation.

「……… I don’t mind but…..」

She was hesitant to speak up about the plans they made beforehand.
Her behavior changed in a roundabout way. She averted her line of sight.

「What is it, even in……. Farandia. The things we must do have not changed…..」

Her role is to draw the attention of the scoundrels, those who are a menace to others, as his decoy.

Although, this time the aim was different, is what she thought.

It couldn’t be helped; Shinichi lowers his shoulders in dejection.

And thus one week pa.s.sed, Agatsuma the Countermeasure Officer had made amazing results.
Shinichi’s turn never came. Due to the white mask actions as the decoy (bait) and it’s information collection (cross-examination), out of habit (・・・), thus it was finished.

In regards to the person in question, “now that I have returned, what am I doing” it has turned into that sort of mood.

「Aha, I just want to live normally……..」

(TL: I wonder what will happen in the next chapter…….)